PMID: 10026154

Cotten JF, Welsh MJ
Cystic fibrosis-associated mutations at arginine 347 alter the pore architecture of CFTR. Evidence for disruption of a salt bridge.
J Biol Chem. 1999 Feb 26;274(9):5429-35., 1999-02-26 [PubMed]
No. Mutations Sentence Comment
1 ABCC7 p.Arg347Cys
ABCC7 p.Arg347Cys 10026154:1:122
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ABCC7 p.Arg347His
ABCC7 p.Arg347His 10026154:1:122
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ABCC7 p.Arg347Glu
ABCC7 p.Arg347Glu 10026154:1:122
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ABCC7 p.Arg347Asp
ABCC7 p.Arg347Asp 10026154:1:122
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To better understand the function of Arg-347 and to learn how mutations at this site disrupt channel activity, we mutated Arg-347 to Asp, Cys, Glu, His, Leu, or Lys and examined single-channel function. Login to comment
2 ABCC7 p.Arg347Lys
ABCC7 p.Arg347Lys 10026154:2:39
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ABCC7 p.Arg347Lys
ABCC7 p.Arg347Lys 10026154:2:40
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Every Arg347 mutation examined, except R347K, had a destabilizing effect on the pore, causing the channel to flutter between two conductance states. Login to comment
5 ABCC7 p.Arg347Glu
ABCC7 p.Arg347Glu 10026154:5:107
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ABCC7 p.Arg347Asp
ABCC7 p.Arg347Asp 10026154:5:116
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To test this, we mutated anionic residues (Asp-924, Asp-993, and Glu-1104) to Arg in the context of either R347E or R347D mutations. Login to comment
6 ABCC7 p.Arg347Asp
ABCC7 p.Arg347Asp 10026154:6:47
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ABCC7 p.Asp924Arg
ABCC7 p.Asp924Arg 10026154:6:19
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Interestingly, the D924R mutation complemented R347D, yielding a channel that behaved like wild-type CFTR. Login to comment
12 ABCC7 p.Arg347Pro
ABCC7 p.Arg347Pro 10026154:12:107
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ABCC7 p.Arg347Pro
ABCC7 p.Arg347Pro 10026154:12:254
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ABCC7 p.Arg347Cys
ABCC7 p.Arg347Cys 10026154:12:82
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ABCC7 p.Arg347His
ABCC7 p.Arg347His 10026154:12:89
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ABCC7 p.Arg347Leu
ABCC7 p.Arg347Leu 10026154:12:96
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At least four CF-associated mutations have been identified at position 347 in M6: R347C, R347H, R347L, and R347P, suggesting that Arg-347 is important for CFTR structure and function (13-15).2 Early studies by Sheppard et al. (7) showed that mutation of Arg-347 to proline significantly decreased single-channel conductance with little effect on CFTR trafficking to the plasma membrane. Login to comment
14 ABCC7 p.Arg347His
ABCC7 p.Arg347His 10026154:14:27
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ABCC7 p.Arg347His
ABCC7 p.Arg347His 10026154:14:51
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Interestingly, mutation of Arg-347 to a histidine (R347H) produced a channel that displayed pH-dependent conductance and anomalous mole-fraction behavior (8). Login to comment
18 ABCC7 p.Arg347His
ABCC7 p.Arg347His 10026154:18:191
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For example, mutation of this site could lead to a change in MSD conformation and loss of an anion-binding site(s) elsewhere; protonation of His-347 might then rescue the conformation of the R347H mutant. Login to comment
24 ABCC7 p.Arg347Cys
ABCC7 p.Arg347Cys 10026154:24:108
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ABCC7 p.Arg347Glu
ABCC7 p.Arg347Glu 10026154:24:108
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ABCC7 p.Arg347Asp
ABCC7 p.Arg347Asp 10026154:24:108
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ABCC7 p.Arg347Lys
ABCC7 p.Arg347Lys 10026154:24:108
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To better understand the role of Arg-347 in CFTR structure and function, we examined the effect of mutating Arg-347 to cysteine, aspartic acid, glutamic acid, lysine, and leucine on CFTR conductance. Login to comment
25 ABCC7 p.Arg347Cys
ABCC7 p.Arg347Cys 10026154:25:121
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ABCC7 p.Arg347His
ABCC7 p.Arg347His 10026154:25:62
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ABCC7 p.Arg347Glu
ABCC7 p.Arg347Glu 10026154:25:135
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ABCC7 p.Arg347Asp
ABCC7 p.Arg347Asp 10026154:25:128
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ABCC7 p.Arg347Lys
ABCC7 p.Arg347Lys 10026154:25:146
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ABCC7 p.Arg347Leu
ABCC7 p.Arg347Leu 10026154:25:166
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We examined the cytosolic pH (pHc)-dependent behavior of CFTR-R347H and that of the other residue 347 mutants both with (R347C, R347D, R347E, and R347K) and without (R347L) a pHc-titratable residue. Login to comment
26 ABCC7 p.Arg347His
ABCC7 p.Arg347His 10026154:26:24
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The conductance of CFTR-R347H is pHc-dependent. Login to comment
37 ABCC7 p.Arg347His
ABCC7 p.Arg347His 10026154:37:304
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9, Issue of February 26, pp. 5429-5435, 1999 (c) 1999 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc. Printed in U.S.A. This paper is available on line at tion may exist in one of two states, either protonated or deprotonated, we tested the hypothesis that CFTR-R347H may display two pHc-dependent conductance states, which it did. Login to comment
40 ABCC7 p.Arg347His
ABCC7 p.Arg347His 10026154:40:20
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ABCC7 p.Arg347Lys
ABCC7 p.Arg347Lys 10026154:40:69
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Moreover, like CFTR-R347H, all the other residue 347 mutants, except R347K, displayed two pHc-dependent conductance states over a similar pHc range. Login to comment
69 ABCC7 p.Arg347His
ABCC7 p.Arg347His 10026154:69:78
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RESULTS pHc-dependent Conductance of Residue 347 Mutants-To determine whether R347H exhibits two discrete conductance states, we studied single channels in excised, inside-out patches. Login to comment
74 ABCC7 p.Arg347His
ABCC7 p.Arg347His 10026154:74:5
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from R347H displaying two pHc-dependent conductance states, OL and OB. Login to comment
75 ABCC7 p.Arg347Lys
ABCC7 p.Arg347Lys 10026154:75:60
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Unexpectedly, all the other variants at residue 347, except R347K, showed two pHc-dependent conductance states over a similar pH range. Login to comment
76 ABCC7 p.Arg347Leu
ABCC7 p.Arg347Leu 10026154:76:5
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Even R347L, which does not have a titratable side chain, displayed this behavior (Fig. 1). Login to comment
77 ABCC7 p.Arg347Lys
ABCC7 p.Arg347Lys 10026154:77:33
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ABCC7 p.Arg347Lys
ABCC7 p.Arg347Lys 10026154:77:49
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The conservative substitution of Arg-347 by Lys (R347K) showed only a single conductance state and no pHc dependence. Login to comment
82 ABCC7 p.Arg347Lys
ABCC7 p.Arg347Lys 10026154:82:102
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The all-points histograms (Fig. 1) illustrate qualitatively that as pHc increased, each mutant except R347K spent an increased fraction of time in OL and a correspondingly decreased fraction of time in OB. Login to comment
84 ABCC7 p.Arg347Lys
ABCC7 p.Arg347Lys 10026154:84:19
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Wild-type CFTR and R347K possess only one predominant conductance state over the pHc range 5.5-7.3 (Fig. 1, data not shown, and Ref. 8). Login to comment
86 ABCC7 p.Arg347Cys
ABCC7 p.Arg347Cys 10026154:86:224
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ABCC7 p.Arg347His
ABCC7 p.Arg347His 10026154:86:144
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ABCC7 p.Arg347Glu
ABCC7 p.Arg347Glu 10026154:86:134
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ABCC7 p.Arg347Asp
ABCC7 p.Arg347Asp 10026154:86:235
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ABCC7 p.Arg347Leu
ABCC7 p.Arg347Leu 10026154:86:217
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Visual inspection suggested that the lifetimes of OL and OB states were also influenced by the nature of the residue at position 347: R347E and R347H tended to have longer dwell times in the OL and OB states, whereas R347L, R347C, and R347D tended to display shorter dwell times. Login to comment
89 ABCC7 p.Arg347Asp
ABCC7 p.Arg347Asp 10026154:89:4
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For R347D, the lifetime in the OB state was so short that a discrete OB was not apparent on the all-points histogram; instead, as pHc decreased, a shoulder developed on the OL state distribution in the all-points histogram (Fig. 1). Login to comment
90 ABCC7 p.Arg347Leu
ABCC7 p.Arg347Leu 10026154:90:6
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Since R347L displayed two pHc-dependent conductance states and since leucine is aliphatic and non-ionizable, the pHc dependence of residue 347 mutants cannot be attributed simply to protonation of residue 347. Login to comment
91 ABCC7 p.Arg347His
ABCC7 p.Arg347His 10026154:91:293
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ABCC7 p.Arg347Glu
ABCC7 p.Arg347Glu 10026154:91:303
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ABCC7 p.Arg347Lys
ABCC7 p.Arg347Lys 10026154:91:321
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Single-channel Conductance of Residue 347 Mutants-To determine whether the residue at position 347 affects single-channel conductance and not merely the conductance state of the channel, we examined the I-V relationship and slope conductance of the mutants with slower pHc-dependent kinetics, R347H and R347E, as well as R347K. Login to comment
94 ABCC7 p.Arg347His
ABCC7 p.Arg347His 10026154:94:98
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ABCC7 p.Arg347Glu
ABCC7 p.Arg347Glu 10026154:94:88
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ABCC7 p.Arg347Lys
ABCC7 p.Arg347Lys 10026154:94:61
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The single-channel conductance at pHc 6.0 of wild-type CFTR, R347K, and the OB state of R347E and R347H were all very similar (in pS): 7.7 Ϯ 0.4, 8.3 Ϯ 0.6, 7.4 Ϯ 0.4, and 6.9 Ϯ 0.2, respectively (n ϭ 3 for each). Login to comment
95 ABCC7 p.Arg347His
ABCC7 p.Arg347His 10026154:95:61
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ABCC7 p.Arg347Glu
ABCC7 p.Arg347Glu 10026154:95:51
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The single-channel conductance of the OL states of R347E and R347H at pHc 6.0 were also very similar (in pS): 1.5 Ϯ 0.1 and 1.6 Ϯ 0.1, respectively (n ϭ 3 and 4 for each). Login to comment
102 ABCC7 p.Arg347Glu
ABCC7 p.Arg347Glu 10026154:102:183
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The first explanation seems unlikely because the reciprocal lifetime of the OL state which represents the "on" rate for the proton is very slow (e.g. it is 6 ϫ 107 M -1 s-1 for R347E). Login to comment
107 ABCC7 p.Arg347His
ABCC7 p.Arg347His 10026154:107:129
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ABCC7 p.Arg347Glu
ABCC7 p.Arg347Glu 10026154:107:119
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Dwell-time Analysis of OL and OB States-We performed a dwell-time analysis of the lifetimes of the OL and OB states of R347E and R347H to enable more quantitative comparisons between them and to better understand their pHc dependence. Login to comment
113 ABCC7 p.Arg347Cys
ABCC7 p.Arg347Cys 10026154:113:144
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ABCC7 p.Arg347His
ABCC7 p.Arg347His 10026154:113:76
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ABCC7 p.Arg347Glu
ABCC7 p.Arg347Glu 10026154:113:66
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ABCC7 p.Arg347Asp
ABCC7 p.Arg347Asp 10026154:113:137
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ABCC7 p.Arg347Leu
ABCC7 p.Arg347Leu 10026154:113:155
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The observable pK (0 mV) for the equilibrium between OL and OB of R347E and R347H were 6.4 and 6.3, respectively. The faster kinetics of R347D, R347C, and R347L made dwell-time analysis for these mutants less reliable. Login to comment
117 ABCC7 p.Arg347Cys
ABCC7 p.Arg347Cys 10026154:117:19
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ABCC7 p.Arg347Asp
ABCC7 p.Arg347Asp 10026154:117:26
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ABCC7 p.Arg347Leu
ABCC7 p.Arg347Leu 10026154:117:37
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Fig. 3B shows that R347C, R347D, and R347L did not reach a peak variance over the range of pHc studied, suggesting that their apparent pK is less than 5.0-5.5. Login to comment
119 ABCC7 p.Arg347His
ABCC7 p.Arg347His 10026154:119:63
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ABCC7 p.Arg347Glu
ABCC7 p.Arg347Glu 10026154:119:37
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ABCC7 p.Arg347Asp
ABCC7 p.Arg347Asp 10026154:119:96
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ABCC7 p.Arg347Lys
ABCC7 p.Arg347Lys 10026154:119:89
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ABCC7 p.Asp924Arg
ABCC7 p.Asp924Arg 10026154:119:102
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Single-channel I-V relationships for R347E (OL and OB states), R347H (OL and OB states), R347K, R347D/D924R, and wild-type CFTR at pHc 6.0. n ϭ 2-4 at each data point. Login to comment
122 ABCC7 p.Arg347Glu
ABCC7 p.Arg347Glu 10026154:122:56
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ABCC7 p.Arg347Glu
ABCC7 p.Arg347Glu 10026154:122:174
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As a control for the variance analysis, we examined the R347E mutant on which we had also done dwell-time analysis (Fig. 3A); as expected, Fig. 3B shows that the variance of R347E goes through a maximum between pHc 6.5 and 5.5. Login to comment
124 ABCC7 p.Arg347Glu
ABCC7 p.Arg347Glu 10026154:124:60
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Fig. 4A shows qualitatively that both conductance states of R347E were voltage-dependent. Login to comment
125 ABCC7 p.Arg347His
ABCC7 p.Arg347His 10026154:125:80
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ABCC7 p.Arg347Glu
ABCC7 p.Arg347Glu 10026154:125:70
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Fig. 4B shows quantitatively that at pHc 6.0 the OL and OB states for R347E and R347H were both influenced by the transmembrane voltage. Login to comment
128 ABCC7 p.Arg347His
ABCC7 p.Arg347His 10026154:128:163
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ABCC7 p.Arg347Glu
ABCC7 p.Arg347Glu 10026154:128:153
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The degree of voltage dependence was similar for both mutants despite the charge differences at residue 347 and yielded a ␪z of 0.25 and 0.21 for R347E and R347H, respectively. The voltage dependence was asymmetrically disposed between the rate of entry into the OB state and the rate of exit from OB (Fig. 4B). Login to comment
130 ABCC7 p.Arg347His
ABCC7 p.Arg347His 10026154:130:276
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ABCC7 p.Arg347Glu
ABCC7 p.Arg347Glu 10026154:130:209
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The rate of exit from the OB state (␶B -1 ) was more voltage-dependent than the rate of exit from the OL state (␶L -1 ) for both mutants (␦ ϭ 0.8 versus 1 - ␦ ϭ 0.2 for R347E and ␦ ϭ 0.7 versus 1 - ␦ ϭ 0.3 for R347H). Login to comment
134 ABCC7 p.Arg347His
ABCC7 p.Arg347His 10026154:134:84
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ABCC7 p.Arg347Glu
ABCC7 p.Arg347Glu 10026154:134:74
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A, dwell-time analysis in the OL and OB conductance states versus pHc for R347E and R347H. Login to comment
136 ABCC7 p.Arg347Cys
ABCC7 p.Arg347Cys 10026154:136:40
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ABCC7 p.Arg347Glu
ABCC7 p.Arg347Glu 10026154:136:65
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ABCC7 p.Arg347Asp
ABCC7 p.Arg347Asp 10026154:136:47
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ABCC7 p.Arg347Leu
ABCC7 p.Arg347Leu 10026154:136:54
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B, open-channel current variance of the R347C, R347D, R347L, and R347E mutants versus pHc. Login to comment
142 ABCC7 p.Arg347Glu
ABCC7 p.Arg347Glu 10026154:142:70
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A, current records from excised, inside-out membrane patch containing R347E channel. Login to comment
144 ABCC7 p.Arg347His
ABCC7 p.Arg347His 10026154:144:130
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ABCC7 p.Arg347Glu
ABCC7 p.Arg347Glu 10026154:144:104
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B, dwell times (pHc 6.0) in the OL state (closed symbols) or OB state (open symbols) versus voltage for R347E (left, circles) and R347H (right, squares). Login to comment
147 ABCC7 p.Arg347His
ABCC7 p.Arg347His 10026154:147:72
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ABCC7 p.Arg347Glu
ABCC7 p.Arg347Glu 10026154:147:62
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arises from charge movement through a voltage field and since R347E and R347H displayed similar voltage dependences and carry different charges at position 347, residue 347 is not likely moving through a transmembrane potential during interchange between OL and OB states. Login to comment
148 ABCC7 p.Arg347Asp
ABCC7 p.Arg347Asp 10026154:148:17
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ABCC7 p.Asp924Arg
ABCC7 p.Asp924Arg 10026154:148:44
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The Phenotype of R347D Is Suppressed by the D924R Mutation-The data suggest that Arg-347 and Lys-347 may stabilize the structure of the pore; in their absence, the channel "flickers" between two conductance states. Login to comment
153 ABCC7 p.Arg347Glu
ABCC7 p.Arg347Glu 10026154:153:90
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ABCC7 p.Arg347Asp
ABCC7 p.Arg347Asp 10026154:153:99
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To identify the Arg-347 interaction partner, we replaced Arg-347 with an anionic residue (R347E or R347D) and introduced an arginine residue in the place of candidate partners in a salt bridge. Login to comment
154 ABCC7 p.Arg347Glu
ABCC7 p.Arg347Glu 10026154:154:101
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ABCC7 p.Arg347Asp
ABCC7 p.Arg347Asp 10026154:154:71
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ABCC7 p.Arg347Asp
ABCC7 p.Arg347Asp 10026154:154:84
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ABCC7 p.Asp924Arg
ABCC7 p.Asp924Arg 10026154:154:77
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ABCC7 p.Asp993Arg
ABCC7 p.Asp993Arg 10026154:154:90
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ABCC7 p.Glu1104Arg
ABCC7 p.Glu1104Arg 10026154:154:107
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We studied the conductance properties of the following double mutants: R347D/D924R, R347D/D993R, and R347E/E1104R. Login to comment
155 ABCC7 p.Arg347Glu
ABCC7 p.Arg347Glu 10026154:155:20
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ABCC7 p.Arg347Asp
ABCC7 p.Arg347Asp 10026154:155:4
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ABCC7 p.Asp993Arg
ABCC7 p.Asp993Arg 10026154:155:10
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ABCC7 p.Glu1104Arg
ABCC7 p.Glu1104Arg 10026154:155:26
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The R347D/D993R and R347E/E1104R mutants each had two conductance states with pHc-dependent behavior (Fig. 5). Login to comment
156 ABCC7 p.Arg347Asp
ABCC7 p.Arg347Asp 10026154:156:4
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ABCC7 p.Asp993Arg
ABCC7 p.Asp993Arg 10026154:156:10
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For R347D/D993R the increased entry into the OB state was apparent as a shoulder on the amplitude histogram at pHc 5.5. Login to comment
157 ABCC7 p.Arg347Glu
ABCC7 p.Arg347Glu 10026154:157:33
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ABCC7 p.Arg347Asp
ABCC7 p.Arg347Asp 10026154:157:17
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ABCC7 p.Asp993Arg
ABCC7 p.Asp993Arg 10026154:157:23
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ABCC7 p.Glu1104Arg
ABCC7 p.Glu1104Arg 10026154:157:39
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Accordingly, for R347D/D993R and R347E/E1104R the current variance in the open state increased with decreasing pHc (Fig. 5B). Login to comment
158 ABCC7 p.Arg347Glu
ABCC7 p.Arg347Glu 10026154:158:88
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ABCC7 p.Arg347Glu
ABCC7 p.Arg347Glu 10026154:158:139
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ABCC7 p.Arg347Asp
ABCC7 p.Arg347Asp 10026154:158:72
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ABCC7 p.Arg347Asp
ABCC7 p.Arg347Asp 10026154:158:129
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ABCC7 p.Asp993Arg
ABCC7 p.Asp993Arg 10026154:158:78
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ABCC7 p.Glu1104Arg
ABCC7 p.Glu1104Arg 10026154:158:94
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Qualitatively, the lifetimes of the OL and OB conductance states in the R347D/D993R and R347E/E1104R were similar to that of the R347D and R347E mutants, respectively. The amplitude of the OL state was larger for both of these double mutants as compared with the single mutants (Figs. Login to comment
160 ABCC7 p.Arg347Glu
ABCC7 p.Arg347Glu 10026154:160:74
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ABCC7 p.Glu1104Arg
ABCC7 p.Glu1104Arg 10026154:160:157
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We also observed an infrequent, additional small conductance state in the R347E/E1104 mutant (see amplitude histogram in Fig. 5A); this is likely due to the E1104R mutation itself. Login to comment
161 ABCC7 p.Arg347Asp
ABCC7 p.Arg347Asp 10026154:161:45
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ABCC7 p.Arg347Asp
ABCC7 p.Arg347Asp 10026154:161:119
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ABCC7 p.Asp924Arg
ABCC7 p.Asp924Arg 10026154:161:51
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In contrast to the other double mutants, the R347D/D924R mutant did not display the pHc-dependent flicker found in the R347D single mutant (Fig. 5, A and B), and there was no effect of pH on open-channel variance (Fig. 5B). Login to comment
163 ABCC7 p.Arg347Asp
ABCC7 p.Arg347Asp 10026154:163:91
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ABCC7 p.Asp924Arg
ABCC7 p.Asp924Arg 10026154:163:28
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These data suggest that the D924R mutation compensates for or rescues the phenotype of the R347D mutation. Login to comment
164 ABCC7 p.Asp924Arg
ABCC7 p.Asp924Arg 10026154:164:30
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This result predicts that the D924R mutation alone (with Arg at position 347) would generate an unstable channel with at least two open conductance states. Login to comment
165 ABCC7 p.Asp924Arg
ABCC7 p.Asp924Arg 10026154:165:22
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Fig. 6 shows that the D924R single mutant displayed multiple (ϳ3) conductance states that appeared to be pHc-independent. Login to comment
171 ABCC7 p.Arg347His
ABCC7 p.Arg347His 10026154:171:55
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ABCC7 p.Arg347Glu
ABCC7 p.Arg347Glu 10026154:171:65
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Additionally, the single-channel slope conductances of R347H and R347E were the same in both OB and OL states. Login to comment
177 ABCC7 p.Arg347Lys
ABCC7 p.Arg347Lys 10026154:177:56
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The OB and OL Conductance States-All the mutants except R347K showed two pH-dependent conductance states. Login to comment
179 ABCC7 p.Arg347Glu
ABCC7 p.Arg347Glu 10026154:179:88
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ABCC7 p.Arg347Asp
ABCC7 p.Arg347Asp 10026154:179:102
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ABCC7 p.Arg347Asp
ABCC7 p.Arg347Asp 10026154:179:119
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ABCC7 p.Asp924Arg
ABCC7 p.Asp924Arg 10026154:179:108
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ABCC7 p.Asp993Arg
ABCC7 p.Asp993Arg 10026154:179:125
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ABCC7 p.Glu1104Arg
ABCC7 p.Glu1104Arg 10026154:179:94
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A, single-channel current tracings from excised, inside-out membrane patches containing R347E/E1104R, R347D/D924R, and R347D/D993R. Login to comment
181 ABCC7 p.Arg347Glu
ABCC7 p.Arg347Glu 10026154:181:23
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ABCC7 p.Arg347Asp
ABCC7 p.Arg347Asp 10026154:181:37
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ABCC7 p.Arg347Asp
ABCC7 p.Arg347Asp 10026154:181:54
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ABCC7 p.Asp924Arg
ABCC7 p.Asp924Arg 10026154:181:43
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ABCC7 p.Asp993Arg
ABCC7 p.Asp993Arg 10026154:181:60
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ABCC7 p.Glu1104Arg
ABCC7 p.Glu1104Arg 10026154:181:29
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B, current variance of R347E/E1104R, R347D/D924R, and R347D/D993R at the indicated pHc was collected as in Fig. 3. Login to comment
199 ABCC7 p.Arg347Asp
ABCC7 p.Arg347Asp 10026154:199:170
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ABCC7 p.Asp924Arg
ABCC7 p.Asp924Arg 10026154:199:98
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Second, and more importantly, we found that a second-site complementary mutation at position 924 (D924R) largely eliminated the pHc-dependent flickering phenotype of the R347D mutation and restored current amplitude to near wild-type values. Login to comment
202 ABCC7 p.Asp924Arg
ABCC7 p.Asp924Arg 10026154:202:32
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As predicted, we found that the D924R mutant displayed erratic flickery, pHc-independent behavior. Login to comment
204 ABCC7 p.Asp924Arg
ABCC7 p.Asp924Arg 10026154:204:24
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The pHc independence of D924R is also consistent with the hypothesis that Asp-924 is the site of protonation in the residue 347 mutants. Login to comment
207 ABCC7 p.Arg347Asp
ABCC7 p.Arg347Asp 10026154:207:15
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ABCC7 p.Asp924Arg
ABCC7 p.Asp924Arg 10026154:207:21
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The studies of R347D/D924R are consistent with a salt bridge between Arg-347 and Asp-924 and thus an interaction between M6 and M8. Login to comment
209 ABCC7 p.Asp993Arg
ABCC7 p.Asp993Arg 10026154:209:34
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ABCC7 p.Glu1104Arg
ABCC7 p.Glu1104Arg 10026154:209:44
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Consistent with this, mutation of D993R and E1104R in MSD2 increased the relative amplitude of the OL conductance state in the context of Arg-347 mutations. Login to comment
210 ABCC7 p.Arg347Pro
ABCC7 p.Arg347Pro 10026154:210:93
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ABCC7 p.Arg347Cys
ABCC7 p.Arg347Cys 10026154:210:68
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ABCC7 p.Arg347His
ABCC7 p.Arg347His 10026154:210:75
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ABCC7 p.Arg347Leu
ABCC7 p.Arg347Leu 10026154:210:82
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The Arg-347 residue is targeted by several CF-associated mutations, R347C, R347H, R347L, and R347P (13-15).2 Our data suggest that CF-associated as well as other mutations at residue 347 affect CFTR similarly. Login to comment