ABCC7 p.Arg553Gln

ClinVar: c.1657C>T , p.Arg553* D , Pathogenic
c.1657C>G , p.Arg553Gly ? , not provided
c.1658G>A , p.Arg553Gln D , Pathogenic
CF databases: c.1657C>T , p.Arg553* D , CF-causing
c.1657C>G , p.Arg553Gly (CFTR1) ? , This mutation was found identified by DGGE and direct sequencing. This nucleotide change was observe in a French CF chromosome.
c.1658G>A , p.Arg553Gln (CFTR1) ? , The amino acid change was found in a German CF patient on the maternal [delta]F508 CF chromosome associated with the haplotype 1-2-1-1-1-2 in J3.11(Msp) - KM.19 (Pst) - XV-2c - metH(Msp) - metH (Taq) - metD(taq). The paternal CF chromosome carries the 553X Stop mutation. So far, the R553Q mutation was not found on a small number of normal and of CF [delta]F508 or non-[delta]F508 chromosomes. Since this mutation occurs in the region of sequence identity with other membrane-associated proteins or transport systems that may contain glutamine instead of a basic amino acid at this position, we assume that this mutation may be neither a polymorphism nor may cayse disease but rather modulates the function of the [delta]F508 CFTR gene product.
Predicted by SNAP2: A: D (95%), C: D (95%), D: D (95%), E: D (95%), F: D (95%), G: D (95%), H: D (95%), I: D (95%), K: D (85%), L: D (95%), M: D (95%), N: D (95%), P: D (95%), Q: D (59%), S: D (95%), T: D (95%), V: D (95%), W: D (95%), Y: D (95%),
Predicted by PROVEAN: A: D, C: D, D: D, E: N, F: D, G: D, H: D, I: D, K: N, L: D, M: D, N: D, P: D, Q: N, S: D, T: D, V: D, W: D, Y: D,

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