PMID: 9305845

Winter MC, Welsh MJ
Stimulation of CFTR activity by its phosphorylated R domain.
Nature. 1997 Sep 18;389(6648):294-6., [PubMed]
No. Mutations Sentence Comment
124 ABCC7 p.Ser660Ala
ABCC7 p.Ser660Ala 9305845:124:122
status: NEW
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ABCC7 p.Ser660Ala
ABCC7 p.Ser660Ala 9305845:124:219
status: NEW
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Here we test this by adding an R-domain peptide to a CFTR variant in which much of the R domain had been deleted (CFTR-DR/S660A): in contrast to predictions, we found that adding an unphosphorylated R domain to CFTR-DR/S660A did not inhibit activity, whereas a phosphorylated R-domain peptide stimulated activity. Login to comment
125 ABCC7 p.Ser660Ala
ABCC7 p.Ser660Ala 9305845:125:122
status: NEW
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ABCC7 p.Ser660Ala
ABCC7 p.Ser660Ala 9305845:125:219
status: NEW
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ABCC7 p.Ser660Ala
ABCC7 p.Ser660Ala 9305845:125:434
status: NEW
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To investigate how phosphorylation controls activity, we studied channel gating and found that phosphorylation of the R domain increases the rate of channel opening by enhancing the sensitivity to ATP. Our results indicate that CFTR is regulated by a new mechanism in which phosphorylation of one domain stimulates the interaction of ATP with another domain, thereby increasing activity. We previously studied a CFTR variant, CFTR-DR/S660A, in which much of the R domain (residues 708-835) was deleted and the phosphorylation site was removed at Ser 660 by mutation to alanine4 . Login to comment
126 ABCC7 p.Ser660Ala
ABCC7 p.Ser660Ala 9305845:126:434
status: NEW
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To investigate how phosphorylation controls activity, we studied channel gating and found that phosphorylation of the R domain increases the rate of channel opening by enhancing the sensitivity to ATP. Our results indicate that CFTR is regulated by a new mechanism in which phosphorylation of one domain stimulates the interaction of ATP with another domain, thereby increasing activity. We previously studied a CFTR variant, CFTR-DR/S660A, in which much of the R domain (residues 708-835) was deleted and the phosphorylation site was removed at Ser 660 by mutation to alanine4 . Login to comment
128 ABCC7 p.Ser660Ala
ABCC7 p.Ser660Ala 9305845:128:49
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This model predicts that the activity of CFTR-DR/S660A should be similar to that of phosphorylated wild-type CFTR. Login to comment
129 ABCC7 p.Ser660Ala
ABCC7 p.Ser660Ala 9305845:129:49
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ABCC7 p.Ser660Ala
ABCC7 p.Ser660Ala 9305845:129:68
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However, when we examined the single-channel properties of CFTR-DR/ S660A, we found that Po was 0:13 Ϯ 0:01 (1 mM ATP, n ¼ 7), much lower than that of phosphorylated wild-type CFTR (Po ¼ 0:46 Ϯ 0:02; 1 mM ATP, n ¼ 17, P Ͻ 0:001). Login to comment
130 ABCC7 p.Ser660Ala
ABCC7 p.Ser660Ala 9305845:130:68
status: NEW
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However, when we examined the single-channel properties of CFTR-DR/ S660A, we found that Po was 0:13 6 0:01 (1 mM ATP, n &#bc; 7), much lower than that of phosphorylated wild-type CFTR (Po &#bc; 0:46 6 0:02; 1 mM ATP, n &#bc; 17, P , 0:001). Login to comment
131 ABCC7 p.Ser660Ala
ABCC7 p.Ser660Ala 9305845:131:40
status: NEW
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ABCC7 p.Ser660Ala
ABCC7 p.Ser660Ala 9305845:131:277
status: NEW
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But deletion of the R domain in CFTR-DR/S660A could still have additional nonspecific effects on channel structure which might reduce activity. We considered, therefore, that the phosphorylated R domain might stimulate the channel and that the defective functioning of CFTR-DR/S660A is due to its lacking a phosphorylated R domain. Login to comment
132 ABCC7 p.Ser660Ala
ABCC7 p.Ser660Ala 9305845:132:40
status: NEW
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ABCC7 p.Ser660Ala
ABCC7 p.Ser660Ala 9305845:132:155
status: NEW
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ABCC7 p.Ser660Ala
ABCC7 p.Ser660Ala 9305845:132:277
status: NEW
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To test this idea, we added a recombinant R domain (R1, residues 645-834, similar to a peptide reported previously10 ) to the cytosolic surface of CFTR-DR/S660A and measured activity by using the excised, inside-out patch-clamp technique. Login to comment
133 ABCC7 p.Ser660Ala
ABCC7 p.Ser660Ala 9305845:133:155
status: NEW
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To test this idea, we added a recombinant R domain (R1, residues 645-834, similar to a peptide reported previously10 ) to the cytosolic surface of CFTR-DR/S660A and measured activity by using the excised, inside-out patch-clamp technique. Login to comment
136 ABCC7 p.Ser660Ala
ABCC7 p.Ser660Ala 9305845:136:88
status: NEW
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Additional evidence that the effect of phosphorylation was on R1 rather than on CFTR-DR/S660A came from our finding that addition of phosphorylated R1 in the presence of protein-kinase-inhibitor peptide under conditions that block the effect of PKA11 gave similar results (43:2 Ϯ 3:4% increase; n ¼ 3). Login to comment
137 ABCC7 p.Ser660Ala
ABCC7 p.Ser660Ala 9305845:137:88
status: NEW
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Additional evidence that the effect of phosphorylation was on R1 rather than on CFTR-DR/S660A came from our finding that addition of phosphorylated R1 in the presence of protein-kinase-inhibitor peptide under conditions that block the effect of PKA11 gave similar results (43:2 6 3:4% increase; n &#bc; 3). Login to comment
141 ABCC7 p.Ser660Ala
ABCC7 p.Ser660Ala 9305845:141:59
status: NEW
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Our results also suggest that the low Po found for CFTR-DR/S660A results at least in part from a lack of stimulation by a phosphorylated R domain, rather than from nonspecific structural changes. Login to comment
142 ABCC7 p.Ser660Ala
ABCC7 p.Ser660Ala 9305845:142:52
status: NEW
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ABCC7 p.Ser660Ala
ABCC7 p.Ser660Ala 9305845:142:247
status: NEW
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The fact that R1 did not increase the Po of CFTR-DR/S660A to wild-type CFTR values may be because the endogenous R domain is constrained in the correct orientation by the site of interaction; the interaction of exogenously applied R1 with CFTR-DR/S660A is probably less efficient. Login to comment
143 ABCC7 p.Ser660Ala
ABCC7 p.Ser660Ala 9305845:143:265
status: NEW
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ABCC7 p.Ser660Ala
ABCC7 p.Ser660Ala 9305845:143:266
status: NEW
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ABCC7 p.Ser660Ala
ABCC7 p.Ser660Ala 9305845:143:376
status: NEW
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ABCC7 p.Ser660Ala
ABCC7 p.Ser660Ala 9305845:143:383
status: NEW
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Our results contrast with a report that addition of an in vitro translation mixture containing a different unphosphorylated R domain (residues letters to nature 294 NATURE |VOL 389 |18 SEPTEMBER 1997 a -20 -10 0 I(pA) 5 min R1 PKA b-30 -20 -10 0 5 min R1 ∆R/S660A Wild type 0 10 20 30 40 50 - + - + c * PKA I(pA)ChangewithR1addition(%) Figure 1 Effect of R1 on CFTR-DR/S660A and wild-type CFTR. Login to comment
144 ABCC7 p.Ser660Ala
ABCC7 p.Ser660Ala 9305845:144:87
status: NEW
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ABCC7 p.Ser660Ala
ABCC7 p.Ser660Ala 9305845:144:88
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a, b, Time course of Cl- current in excised, inside-out patches containing many CFTR-DR/S660A channels during addition of PKA and R1 (50 nM), as indicated by bars. Login to comment
148 ABCC7 p.Ser660Ala
ABCC7 p.Ser660Ala 9305845:148:84
status: NEW
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c, Effect of R1 in the presence and absence of PKA on current measured from CFTR-DR/S660A and wild-type CFTR. Login to comment
152 ABCC7 p.Ser660Ala
ABCC7 p.Ser660Ala 9305845:152:12
status: NEW
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For CFTR-DR/S660A, n is 10 and 9; for wild-type CFTR, n is 4 and 5, in the absence or presence of PKA, respectively. Login to comment
156 ABCC7 p.Ser660Ala
ABCC7 p.Ser660Ala 9305845:156:63
status: NEW
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To find out how the phosphorylated R domain stimulates CFTR-DR/S660A, we investigated channel gating. Login to comment
158 ABCC7 p.Ser660Ala
ABCC7 p.Ser660Ala 9305845:158:74
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Figure 2 shows that phosphorylated R1 increases the rate at which CFTR-DR/S660A opened into bursts, without affecting the rate of closure from bursts. Login to comment
162 ABCC7 p.Ser737Ala
ABCC7 p.Ser737Ala 9305845:162:119
status: NEW
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ABCC7 p.Ser795Ala
ABCC7 p.Ser795Ala 9305845:162:77
status: NEW
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Mutation of the individual serines reduced Po, but to different extents: the S795A mutation had the largest effect and S737A had little or no effect in the presence of 1 mM ATP (Fig. 3a, b). Login to comment
166 ABCC7 p.Ser660Ala
ABCC7 p.Ser660Ala 9305845:166:57
status: NEW
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Thus addition of the phosphorylated R domain to CFTR-DR/ S660A and mutation of phosphorylation sites in wild-type CFTR had opposite effects on the same kinetic step in channel gating, the rate of channel opening. Login to comment
170 ABCC7 p.Ser660Ala
ABCC7 p.Ser660Ala 9305845:170:172
status: NEW
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Figure 4 shows that the mutations reduced Po at low concentrations of ATP; Po was letters to nature NATURE |VOL 389 |18 SEPTEMBER 1997 295 Figure 2 Effect of R1 on CFTR-DR/S660A channels in the presence of PKA. Login to comment
172 ABCC7 p.Ser660Ala
ABCC7 p.Ser660Ala 9305845:172:80
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b, c, Effect of R1 on the rates of entry into and exit from a burst for CFTR-DR/S660A channels in the presence of PKA. Login to comment
179 ABCC7 p.Ser795Ala
ABCC7 p.Ser795Ala 9305845:179:79
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a, Example of continuous single-channel tracings from wild-type CFTR and CRTR- S795A; dashed lines indicate the closed state. Login to comment
185 ABCC7 p.Ser660Ala
ABCC7 p.Ser660Ala 9305845:185:99
status: NEW
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ABCC7 p.Ser737Ala
ABCC7 p.Ser737Ala 9305845:185:114
status: NEW
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ABCC7 p.Ser795Ala
ABCC7 p.Ser795Ala 9305845:185:129
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ABCC7 p.Ser813Ala
ABCC7 p.Ser813Ala 9305845:185:144
status: NEW
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Number of experiments for b/c and d were: 17/6 for wild-type (WT), 8 for wild-type (-PKA), 8/7 for S660A, 5/5 for S737A, 8/6 for S795A, 9/7 for S813A, and 11/4 for S-Quad-A. Login to comment
188 ABCC7 p.Ser660Ala
ABCC7 p.Ser660Ala 9305845:188:83
status: NEW
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ABCC7 p.Ser737Ala
ABCC7 p.Ser737Ala 9305845:188:77
status: NEW
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ABCC7 p.Ser795Ala
ABCC7 p.Ser795Ala 9305845:188:71
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ABCC7 p.Ser813Ala
ABCC7 p.Ser813Ala 9305845:188:65
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0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 Po 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 10 [ATP] (mM) S813A S795A S737A S660A WT (-PKA) WT Figure 4 Effect of ATP concentration on Po of CFTR containing phosphorylation site mutations. Login to comment
193 ABCC7 p.Ser660Ala
ABCC7 p.Ser660Ala 9305845:193:36
status: NEW
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This might also be true for CFTR-DR/S660A. Login to comment
200 ABCC7 p.Ser660Ala
ABCC7 p.Ser660Ala 9305845:200:426
status: NEW
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When phosphorylation modifies the R domain, it might have two effects: the first could be permissive, releasing a steric inhibition, consistent with our finding that deletion of the R domain produces a channel that is partially active; the second effect might be stimulatory, facilitating interaction of the NBDs with ATP, which would be consistent with results we obtained when a phosphorylated R domain was added to CFTR-DR/S660A and with the effects of CFTR-containing mutations in the endogenous R domain. Login to comment