PMID: 15262183

Probst MC, Thumann H, Aslanidis C, Langmann T, Buechler C, Patsch W, Baralle FE, Dallinga-Thie GM, Geisel J, Keller C, Menys VC, Schmitz G
Screening for functional sequence variations and mutations in ABCA1.
Atherosclerosis. 2004 Aug;175(2):269-79., [PubMed]
No. Mutations Sentence Comment
8 ABCA1 p.Val2244Ile
ABCA1 p.Val2244Ile 15262183:8:114
status: NEW
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ABCA1 p.Phe2163Ser
ABCA1 p.Phe2163Ser 15262183:8:103
status: NEW
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In the C-terminal part of ABCA1, known to interact with other proteins, two novel sequence variations (F2163S and V2244I) have been found in one phenotype related to cardiovascular disease, but none in the aforementioned cohorts. Login to comment
9 ABCA1 p.Val771Met
ABCA1 p.Val771Met 15262183:9:54
status: NEW
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In one individual with extremely high HDL levels, the V771M polymorphism was found in a homozygous state. Login to comment
10 ABCA1 p.Arg1068Cys
ABCA1 p.Arg1068Cys 15262183:10:94
status: NEW
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ABCA1 p.Trp840Arg
ABCA1 p.Trp840Arg 15262183:10:84
status: NEW
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ABCA1 p.Trp590Leu
ABCA1 p.Trp590Leu 15262183:10:77
status: NEW
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In patients with HDL deficiency, three novel mutations have been identified (W590L, W840R and R1068C). Login to comment
59 ABCA1 p.Val771Met
ABCA1 p.Val771Met 15262183:59:740
status: NEW
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ABCA1 p.Val771Met
ABCA1 p.Val771Met 15262183:59:741
status: NEW
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ABCA1 p.Arg1068Cys
ABCA1 p.Arg1068Cys 15262183:59:320
status: NEW
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ABCA1 p.Arg1068Cys
ABCA1 p.Arg1068Cys 15262183:59:321
status: NEW
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19 years 30 years 53 years Chol TG LDL HDL Lp(a) 116 59 82 30 <5.9 Apo E3/E4 GOT 23U/L, GPT 20 U/L, bilirubine (tot.) 1.16 Chol TG LDL HDL Lp(a) 153 94 112 27 22.7 Apo E3/E3 Chol TG LDL HDL Lp(a) 131 50 88 40 10.9 ApoE2/E3 60 years Chol TG LDL HDL Lp(a) 161 107 91 60 <5.9 ApoE3/E4 (TC ∆ ) Exon 23 G6PD deficiency R1068C I-1 I-1 I-2 I-2 dec. 67 years II-1 II-1 II-2 II-2 40 years 31 years 70 years Chol TG LDL HDL ApoAI 309 59 228 70 170 Chol TG LDL HDL ApoAI 283 145 175 54 156 Chol TG LDL HDL ApoAI 304 48 168 125 244 n.d. 60 years 32 years 23 years Chol TG LDL HDL ApoAI 237 100 121 48 110 Chol TG LDL HDL ApoAI 316 24 2 5 Chol TG LDL HDL ApoAI 158 74 109 33 86 68 years Chol TG LDL HDL ApoAI 121 191 33 87 96 49 I-1 I-2 II-1 II-2 V771M (patient A) (patient D) (patient E) A D E Fig. 1. Login to comment
123 ABCA1 p.Val2244Ile
ABCA1 p.Val2244Ile 15262183:123:1238
status: NEW
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ABCA1 p.Val2244Ile
ABCA1 p.Val2244Ile 15262183:123:1248
status: NEW
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ABCA1 p.Val2244Ile
ABCA1 p.Val2244Ile 15262183:123:1257
status: NEW
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ABCA1 p.Val2244Ile
ABCA1 p.Val2244Ile 15262183:123:1267
status: NEW
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ABCA1 p.Val2244Ile
ABCA1 p.Val2244Ile 15262183:123:1309
status: NEW
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ABCA1 p.Val2244Ile
ABCA1 p.Val2244Ile 15262183:123:1320
status: NEW
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ABCA1 p.Val771Met
ABCA1 p.Val771Met 15262183:123:319
status: NEW
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ABCA1 p.Val771Met
ABCA1 p.Val771Met 15262183:123:321
status: NEW
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ABCA1 p.Val771Met
ABCA1 p.Val771Met 15262183:123:337
status: NEW
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ABCA1 p.Val771Met
ABCA1 p.Val771Met 15262183:123:339
status: NEW
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ABCA1 p.Val771Met
ABCA1 p.Val771Met 15262183:123:384
status: NEW
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ABCA1 p.Val771Met
ABCA1 p.Val771Met 15262183:123:387
status: NEW
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ABCA1 p.Trp840Arg
ABCA1 p.Trp840Arg 15262183:123:548
status: NEW
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ABCA1 p.Trp840Arg
ABCA1 p.Trp840Arg 15262183:123:552
status: NEW
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ABCA1 p.Trp840Arg
ABCA1 p.Trp840Arg 15262183:123:566
status: NEW
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ABCA1 p.Trp840Arg
ABCA1 p.Trp840Arg 15262183:123:570
status: NEW
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ABCA1 p.Trp840Arg
ABCA1 p.Trp840Arg 15262183:123:614
status: NEW
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ABCA1 p.Trp840Arg
ABCA1 p.Trp840Arg 15262183:123:619
status: NEW
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ABCA1 p.Pro2150Leu
ABCA1 p.Pro2150Leu 15262183:123:776
status: NEW
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ABCA1 p.Pro2150Leu
ABCA1 p.Pro2150Leu 15262183:123:782
status: NEW
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ABCA1 p.Pro2150Leu
ABCA1 p.Pro2150Leu 15262183:123:795
status: NEW
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ABCA1 p.Pro2150Leu
ABCA1 p.Pro2150Leu 15262183:123:801
status: NEW
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ABCA1 p.Pro2150Leu
ABCA1 p.Pro2150Leu 15262183:123:850
status: NEW
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ABCA1 p.Pro2150Leu
ABCA1 p.Pro2150Leu 15262183:123:857
status: NEW
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ABCA1 p.Trp590Leu
ABCA1 p.Trp590Leu 15262183:123:106
status: NEW
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ABCA1 p.Trp590Leu
ABCA1 p.Trp590Leu 15262183:123:124
status: NEW
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ABCA1 p.Trp590Leu
ABCA1 p.Trp590Leu 15262183:123:168
status: NEW
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ABCA1 p.Trp590Leu
ABCA1 p.Trp590Leu 15262183:123:169
status: NEW
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ABCA1 p.Phe2163Ser
ABCA1 p.Phe2163Ser 15262183:123:1009
status: NEW
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ABCA1 p.Phe2163Ser
ABCA1 p.Phe2163Ser 15262183:123:1017
status: NEW
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ABCA1 p.Phe2163Ser
ABCA1 p.Phe2163Ser 15262183:123:1028
status: NEW
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ABCA1 p.Phe2163Ser
ABCA1 p.Phe2163Ser 15262183:123:1036
status: NEW
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ABCA1 p.Phe2163Ser
ABCA1 p.Phe2163Ser 15262183:123:1075
status: NEW
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ABCA1 p.Phe2163Ser
ABCA1 p.Phe2163Ser 15262183:123:1084
status: NEW
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These Table 1 Primers and probes for TaqMan analysis of novel polymorphisms in the coding region of ABCA1 W590L (G2082C) TM-W590L-f 5 -AGC TGA CCC CTT TGA GGA CAT-3 TM-W590L-r 5 -CTC CAC CAC ATC CTG CAA GTA G-3 TM-W590-vic 5 -VIC-CCC CCC ¯ AGA CGT A-MGB-NFQ-3 TM-L590-fam 5 -FAM-CCC CCG ¯ AGA CGT A-MGB-NFQ-3 V771M (G2624A) TM-V771M-f 5 -GGC ATC ATC TAC TTC ACG CTG TA-3 TM-V771M-r 5 -CAG AGG TAC TCA CAG CGA AGA TCT T-3 TM-V771-vic 5 -FAM-TGT GAA GCC CAC ¯ GTA G-MGB-NFQ-3 TM-M771-fam 5 -VIC-TGA AGC CCA T ¯ GT AGT C-MGB-NFQ-3 W840R (T2831A) TM-W840R-f 5 -GCT GTT TGA CAC CTT CCT CTA TGG-3 TM-W840R-r 5 -TGT ACC TGG AAA GAC AGC CTC AA-3 TM-W840-vic 5 -VIC-TGT ACC A ¯ GG TCA TCA C-MGB-NFQ-3 TM-R840-fam 5 -FAM-TGT ACC T ¯ GG TCA TCA C-MGB-NFQ-3 P2150L (C6762T) TM-P2150L-f 5 -TTC AGG TTT GGA GAT GGT TAT ACA ATA G-3 TM-P2150L-r 5 -GAA ATG CAA GTC CAA AGA AAT CCT-3 TM-P2150-vic 5 -VIC-CAA CCC ¯ GGA CCT GA-MGB-NFQ-3 TM-L2150-fam 5 -FAM-CAA CCT ¯ GGA CCT GAA-MGB-NFQ-3 F2163S (T6801C) TM-F2163S-f 5 -AAG CCT GTC CAG GAT TTC TTT G-3 TM-F2163S-r 5 -CAT GTT CCG GTG TTT CTC TTT TAG-3 TM-F2163-vic 5 -VIC-CCA GGA A ¯ AT GCA AGT C-MGB-NFQ-3 TM-S2163-fam 5 -FAM-CAG GAG ¯ ATG CAA GTC-MGB-NFQ-3 V2244I (G7043A) TM-V2244I-f 5 -ATG ATG ACC ACT TAA AAG ACC TCT CA-3 TM-V2244I-r 5 -GCT TTC TTT CAC TTT CTC ATC CTG TAG-3 TM-V2244-vic 5 -VIC-TGG ACG ¯ TTG CAG TTC-MGB-NFQ-3 TM-I2244-fam 5 -FAM-AGT AGT GGA CA ¯ T TGC-MGB-NFQ-3 Positions of sequence variations refer to accession number NM005502. Login to comment
171 ABCA1 p.Pro2150Leu
ABCA1 p.Pro2150Leu 15262183:171:197
status: NEW
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Sequencing of 63 healthy octogenarians, 62 healthy blood donors, 62 individuals with low HDL and 62 individuals with high HDL revealed only one sequence variation, resulting in amino acid exchange P2150L (C143444T) which has been reported earlier by Clee et al. [1]. Login to comment
181 ABCA1 p.Val771Met
ABCA1 p.Val771Met 15262183:181:651
status: NEW
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Table 4 Frequencies of VNTR-SRY in various study groups and mean HDL levels (males only) DONORS High-HDL Low-HDL Total Individuals 50 33 44 221 HDL-C 57 ± 12 93 ± 16 35 ± 7 59 ± 25 Homozygotes wt (%) 2.0 12.1 6.8 6.3 (GTTT) (%) 8.0 3.0 2.3 4.7 (GTTTTGTTT) (%) 18.0 21.2 29.5 22.8 Heterozygotes wt/ (GTTT) (%) 12.0 15.2 11.4 12.6 wt/ (GTTTTGTTT) (%) 24.0 15.2 15.9 18.9 (GTTT)/ (GTTTTGTTT) (%) 34.0 33.3 34.1 33.9 Allele frequencies wt (%) 20.0 27.3 20.5 22.0 (GTTT) (%) 32.0 27.3 25.0 28.3 (GTTTTGTTT) (%) 47.0 45.5 54.5 49.2 P(χ2) - 0.541 0.516 In patient A (individual II-1 in pedigree A, Fig. 1) we identified a G102555A (V771M) polymorphism in a homozygous state. Login to comment
183 ABCA1 p.Val771Met
ABCA1 p.Val771Met 15262183:183:4
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The V771M polymorphism was analyzed in the DONORS cohort. Login to comment
184 ABCA1 p.Asn935Ser
ABCA1 p.Asn935Ser 15262183:184:314
status: NEW
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ABCA1 p.Trp840Arg
ABCA1 p.Trp840Arg 15262183:184:448
status: NEW
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We found that 451 (94.4%) out of 478 successfully genotyped individuals were wild-types, only 27 (5.6%) were heterozygous V/M771 and no homozygous M771 individual was found. Sequencing of the complete ABCA1 gene of the 50-year-old female with 2 mg/dl HDL (patient B) showed that she was heterozygous for A107009G (N935S), a known Tangier mutation [7], and also heterozygous for the novel mutation T103822A, which results in the amino acid exchange W840R. Login to comment
186 ABCA1 p.Trp590Leu
ABCA1 p.Trp590Leu 15262183:186:135
status: NEW
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In the 61-year-old male (patient C), we found the novel mutation G98481T in a heterozygous state, which results in amino acid exchange W590L. Login to comment
187 ABCA1 p.Trp590Ser
ABCA1 p.Trp590Ser 15262183:187:30
status: NEW
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A mutation in the same codon (W590S) has already been described in a Tangier patient previously analyzed in our laboratory [7]. Login to comment
188 ABCA1 p.Ile883Met
ABCA1 p.Ile883Met 15262183:188:73
status: NEW
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ABCA1 p.Arg219Lys
ABCA1 p.Arg219Lys 15262183:188:63
status: NEW
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The patient was also heterozygous for two known polymorphisms (R219K and I883M), but no second mutation could be identified so far. Login to comment
192 ABCA1 p.Val2244Ile
ABCA1 p.Val2244Ile 15262183:192:626
status: NEW
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ABCA1 p.Val2244Ile
ABCA1 p.Val2244Ile 15262183:192:641
status: NEW
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ABCA1 p.Val2244Ile
ABCA1 p.Val2244Ile 15262183:192:840
status: NEW
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ABCA1 p.Val2244Ile
ABCA1 p.Val2244Ile 15262183:192:858
status: NEW
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ABCA1 p.Val771Met
ABCA1 p.Val771Met 15262183:192:332
status: NEW
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ABCA1 p.Val771Met
ABCA1 p.Val771Met 15262183:192:335
status: NEW
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ABCA1 p.Val771Met
ABCA1 p.Val771Met 15262183:192:847
status: NEW
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ABCA1 p.Val771Met
ABCA1 p.Val771Met 15262183:192:865
status: NEW
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ABCA1 p.Arg1068Cys
ABCA1 p.Arg1068Cys 15262183:192:471
status: NEW
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ABCA1 p.Arg1068Cys
ABCA1 p.Arg1068Cys 15262183:192:480
status: NEW
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ABCA1 p.Arg1068Cys
ABCA1 p.Arg1068Cys 15262183:192:819
status: NEW
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ABCA1 p.Arg1068Cys
ABCA1 p.Arg1068Cys 15262183:192:837
status: NEW
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ABCA1 p.Trp840Arg
ABCA1 p.Trp840Arg 15262183:192:401
status: NEW
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ABCA1 p.Trp840Arg
ABCA1 p.Trp840Arg 15262183:192:407
status: NEW
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ABCA1 p.Trp840Arg
ABCA1 p.Trp840Arg 15262183:192:853
status: NEW
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ABCA1 p.Trp840Arg
ABCA1 p.Trp840Arg 15262183:192:871
status: NEW
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ABCA1 p.Pro2150Leu
ABCA1 p.Pro2150Leu 15262183:192:833
status: NEW
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ABCA1 p.Pro2150Leu
ABCA1 p.Pro2150Leu 15262183:192:851
status: NEW
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ABCA1 p.Trp590Leu
ABCA1 p.Trp590Leu 15262183:192:263
status: NEW
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ABCA1 p.Trp590Leu
ABCA1 p.Trp590Leu 15262183:192:813
status: NEW
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ABCA1 p.Trp590Leu
ABCA1 p.Trp590Leu 15262183:192:831
status: NEW
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ABCA1 p.Phe2163Ser
ABCA1 p.Phe2163Ser 15262183:192:542
status: NEW
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ABCA1 p.Phe2163Ser
ABCA1 p.Phe2163Ser 15262183:192:554
status: NEW
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ABCA1 p.Phe2163Ser
ABCA1 p.Phe2163Ser 15262183:192:826
status: NEW
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ABCA1 p.Phe2163Ser
ABCA1 p.Phe2163Ser 15262183:192:844
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In addition, patient D was heterozygous for a novel sequence variation in exon 22, Table 5 Sequence variations found in ABCA1 and phenotypes of patients Exon Amino acid Nucleotide Position in DNA (AF275948) Position in mRNA (NM005502) Found in patient with 14 W590L TG ¯ G → TC ¯ G 98481 2082 HDL deficiency (C) 16 V771M G ¯ TG → A ¯ TG 102555 2624 Increased HDL (A) 17 W840R T ¯ GG → A ¯ GG 103822 2831 HDL deficiency (B) 22 R1068C C ¯ GC → T ¯ GC 109904 3515 HDL deficiency (D) 49 F2163S TT ¯ T → TC ¯ T 143483 6801 Low HDL and G6PD deficiency (E) 50 V2244I G ¯ TT → A ¯ TT 144665 7043 A C ABC B S A N ABC B S 44 23 703 681 718 740 769 747 774-794 822 842 1368 1346 1655 1677 1724 1702 1737 1759 1790 1768 1848 1870 642 660 W590L R1068C F2163S P2150L V2244I V771M W840R Fig. 4. Login to comment
196 ABCA1 p.Arg1068Cys
ABCA1 p.Arg1068Cys 15262183:196:41
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ABCA1 p.Arg1068Cys
ABCA1 p.Arg1068Cys 15262183:196:77
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which results in the amino acid exchange arginine to cysteine at codon 1068 (R1068C). Login to comment
197 ABCA1 p.Arg219Lys
ABCA1 p.Arg219Lys 15262183:197:68
status: NEW
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ABCA1 p.Glu1172Asp
ABCA1 p.Glu1172Asp 15262183:197:88
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Three other known sequence variations have been found (heterozygous R219K, heterozygous E1172D and homozygous R1587K). Login to comment
200 ABCA1 p.Arg1068Cys
ABCA1 p.Arg1068Cys 15262183:200:58
status: NEW
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The mother was found heterozygous for amino acid exchange R1068C (see pedigree D, Fig. 1). Login to comment
202 ABCA1 p.Val2244Ile
ABCA1 p.Val2244Ile 15262183:202:107
status: NEW
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ABCA1 p.Phe2163Ser
ABCA1 p.Phe2163Ser 15262183:202:86
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Several sequence variations were identified, with two of them located within exon 49 (F2163S) and exon 50 (V2244I) near the COOH-terminus of ABCA1. Login to comment
203 ABCA1 p.Val2244Ile
ABCA1 p.Val2244Ile 15262183:203:163
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ABCA1 p.Phe2163Ser
ABCA1 p.Phe2163Ser 15262183:203:121
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Analysis of the rest of the family focusing on the identified polymorphisms revealed that the mother is heterozygous for F2163S and the father is heterozygous for V2244I. Login to comment
230 ABCA1 p.Val2244Ile
ABCA1 p.Val2244Ile 15262183:230:82
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ABCA1 p.Phe2163Ser
ABCA1 p.Phe2163Ser 15262183:230:74
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However, the sequence variations found in patient E with G6PD deficiency (F2163S, V2244I) are located in exons 49 and 50, respectively, and these mutations may account for the low-HDL cholesterol. Login to comment
232 ABCA1 p.Val2244Ile
ABCA1 p.Val2244Ile 15262183:232:49
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The coincidence of polymorphisms within exon 50 (V2244I) of the carboxyterminus of the ABCA1 gene and clinical correlates of succinate dehydrogenase deficiency and hypertrophic cardiomyophathy and skeletal muscle myopathy in the father (pedigree C, Fig. 1) without mutations in the G6PD gene indicates that the mutation in exon 50 of ABCA1 is causally related to dysfunctions of succinate dehydrogenase and/or G6PD, perhaps by interfering with correct protein-protein interactions and failure of shuttling between ABCA1 and the inner mitochondrial membrane. Login to comment
237 ABCA1 p.Val771Met
ABCA1 p.Val771Met 15262183:237:175
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In lipoprotein metabolism (cholesterol efflux) it is known that methionine oxidation in apo A-I is a key regulatory event in LCAT activation [9], thus the amino acid exchange valine to methionine at codon 771 may affect functionality [10-12]. Login to comment
238 ABCA1 p.Val771Met
ABCA1 p.Val771Met 15262183:238:10
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Moreover, V771M is located very close to a putative transmembrane region (Fig. 4) and it is known that mutations in the SUR1 gene that are localized near the transmembrane region impair the interaction of this ABC transporter with Kir6.2 channel [13]. Login to comment
241 ABCA1 p.Arg1068Cys
ABCA1 p.Arg1068Cys 15262183:241:128
status: NEW
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ABCA1 p.Trp840Arg
ABCA1 p.Trp840Arg 15262183:241:111
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ABCA1 p.Trp590Leu
ABCA1 p.Trp590Leu 15262183:241:118
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In the probands with HDL deficiency (patients B, C and D), we have identified three novel sequence variations: W840R, W590L and R1068C. Login to comment
242 ABCA1 p.Trp840Arg
ABCA1 p.Trp840Arg 15262183:242:44
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It is very likely, that amino acid exchange W840R in the 50-year-old female (patient B) is an additional Tangier mutation. Login to comment
244 ABCA1 p.Trp590Leu
ABCA1 p.Trp590Leu 15262183:244:48
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It can also be assumed that amino acid exchange W590L, found in patient C, is a mutation causing a defect ABCA1 protein product. Login to comment
245 ABCA1 p.Trp590Ser
ABCA1 p.Trp590Ser 15262183:245:100
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ABCA1 p.Trp590Leu
ABCA1 p.Trp590Leu 15262183:245:159
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This is supported by the fact that a mutation in the same codon was shown to cause Tangier disease (W590S) [7], but since the patient is only heterozygous for W590L, it remains unclear what additional mutation in ABCA1 causes the patients analphalipoproteinemia. Login to comment
246 ABCA1 p.Arg1068Cys
ABCA1 p.Arg1068Cys 15262183:246:47
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It is very likely that the amino acid exchange R1068C, encountered in patient D, results in a defect or less active ABCA1 product. Login to comment
247 ABCA1 p.Arg1068Cys
ABCA1 p.Arg1068Cys 15262183:247:176
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Although the mother, who is heterozygous for this sequence variation, was found to have quite normal HDL and apo A-I levels, the index patient who is compound heterozygous for R1068C and a known Tangier mutation ( (TC) in exon 23), showed analphalipoproteinemia. Login to comment
249 ABCA1 p.Arg1068Cys
ABCA1 p.Arg1068Cys 15262183:249:96
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The father and the sister, who are heterozygous for the Tangier mutation and have no additional R1068C mutation, show typical reduced HDL levels but no analphalipoproteinemia. Login to comment
253 ABCA1 p.Val771Met
ABCA1 p.Val771Met 15262183:253:159
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Two mutations have been found in a phenotype related to CVD, located in an important domain of ABCA1 (carboxy-terminus) and a rare homozygous polymorphism (V771M) was identified in a proband with extremely high HDL. Login to comment