ABCA3 p.Gln1591Pro

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PMID: 15044640 [PubMed] Shulenin S et al: "ABCA3 gene mutations in newborns with fatal surfactant deficiency."
No. Sentence Comment
44 Family History/ Consanguinity Outcome Histologic Findings ABCA3 Mutation 1 White F 1 Yes/Yes Death within 3 mo after birth DIP, PAP W1142X/W1142X 2 White F 1 Yes/Yes Death during neonatal period DIP, PAP W1142X/W1142X 3 Black M 2 Yes/Yes Death during neonatal period NA L101P/L101P 4 Black M 2 Yes/Yes Death during neonatal period NA L101P/L101P 5 White F 3 Yes/No Death during neonatal period NA 4552insT/L1580P 6 White F 3 Yes/No Death during neonatal period NA 4552insT/L1580P 7 White M 4 Yes/No Death within 3 mo after birth PAP G1221S/L982P 8 White M 4 Yes/No Death during neonatal period PAP G1221S/L982P 9 Middle Eastern M 5 Yes/Yes Death during neonatal period DIP, PAP L1553P/L1553P 10 Middle Eastern M 5 Yes/Yes Death during neonatal period NA L1553P/L1553P 11 White M 6 Yes/No Recovery from RDS NA None found 12 White M 6 Yes/No Recovery from RDS NA None found 13 Middle Eastern M 7 No/Yes Unknown NA 1644delC/1644delC 14 Middle Eastern M 8 Yes/No Death during neonatal period DIP, PAP R106X/R106X 15 Asian F 9† Yes/Yes Death during neonatal period NA 4909+1G>A/4909+1G>A 16 White M 10 Yes/Yes Death during neonatal period NA None found 17 White M 11 No/No Recovery from RDS NA None found 18 White F 12 No/No Death during neonatal period NA None found 19 White M 13 Yes/No Chronic lung disease CPI, DIP Q1591P/-‡ 20 Hispanic M 14 No/No Death after lung transplantation PAP N568D/-‡ 21 Asian F 9† Yes/Yes Death during neonatal period PAP 4909+1G>A/4909+1G>A entorganisms,weusedthededucedaminoacidse- quence of ABCA3 (GenBank accession number NP_001080) to search the sequence data base using the BLAST program (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.
ABCA3 p.Gln1591Pro 15044640:44:1320
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59 Seven missense muta- tionswereidentifiedinconservedaminoacids(Fig. 2), including homozygous substitutions of proline for leucine in codons 101 and 1553 (L101P and L1553P, respectively) and heterozygous substitutions of aspartic acid for asparagine at position 568 (N568D), proline for leucine at position 982 (L982P), serine for glycine at position 1221 (G1221S), proline for leucine at position 1580 (L1580P), and proline for glutamine at position 1591 (Q1591P).
ABCA3 p.Gln1591Pro 15044640:59:415
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ABCA3 p.Gln1591Pro 15044640:59:455
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87 Human Mouse Rat Puffer fish ETVRRALVIN ETVKREFMIK EAVRREFMIK EDVRGKLELS QDVQQNLVRG L101P NGAGKTT NGAGKTT NGAGKTT NGAGKTT NGAGKTT N568D VARRLL VARRLL VARRLL VARRLL L1553P Q1591P T301C(L101P) C316T(R106X) A1702G(N568D) 1644delC G3426A(W1142X) G3661A(G1221S) T4657C(L1553P) 4552insT A4771C(Q1591P) 4909+1G>A G1221S LSGIAT LSGIAT LSGIAT ATP-binding domains L982P QQLSEHL QQLSENL QQLSEHL T2945C(L982P) ECEALC LAIMVQGQFKC ECEALC ECEALC L1580P T4739C(L1580P) Nonsense MissenseSpliceFrameshift LAIMVQGQFKC LAIMVQGQFKC LAVMVNGQFKC Zebra fish LAVMVNGQFKC tified occur in residues that are highly conserved (Fig.2).Theaminoacidalignmentwasusedtopro- duce a phylogenetic tree of the ABCA3-related proteins showing the relation of the proteins from different organisms (see Supplementary Appendix 2, available with the full text of this article at www. mammalian ABCA3 proteins and are distinct from other, more distant ABCA-family proteins, such as the mouse Abca14, Abca15, and Abca16 proteins and the sea-urchin ABCA proteins (see Supplementary Appendix 2.
ABCA3 p.Gln1591Pro 15044640:87:170
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ABCA3 p.Gln1591Pro 15044640:87:287
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106 Nucleotide Affected* Site Affected or Outcome SNP No.† Mutation Exon 5 3, 4 T301C L101P‡ Exon 5 14 C316T R106X‡ Exon 14 20 A1702G N568D Exon 14 13 1644delC Frameshift‡ Exon 21 7, 8 T2945C L982P Exon 23 1, 2 G3426A W1142X‡ Exon 24 7, 8 G3661A G1221S Exon 30 9, 10 T4657C L1553P Exon 30 5, 6 4552insT Frameshift Exon 31 15, 21 4909+1G>A Splice site‡ Exon 31 5, 6 T4739C L1580P Exon 31 19 A4772C Q1591P Polymorphism Exon 5 Multiple Exon 5+50A/G Intron rs46725 Exon 6 20 393C/T A131A Exon 6 18 Exon 6+119G/A Intron rs323059 Exon 7 19 Exon 7-14C/G Intron Exon 8 14 681C/T A227A Exon 10 Multiple Exon 10-105C/A Intron rs323066 Exon 10 Multiple Exon 10-20C/T Intron Exon 10 Multiple 1058C/T F353F Exon 14 Multiple Exon 14+33G/A Intron rs170447 Exon 15 Multiple 1755C/G P585P rs323043 Exon 18 13 Exon 18-17G/A Intron Exon 18 1 2340C/T H780H Exon 21 Multiple Exon 21-20C/G Intron rs313908 Exon 21 Multiple Exon 21+34C/T Intron rs313909 Exon 27 Multiple 4116C/T S1372S rs149532 Exon 32 11 4944C/T V1648V In two patients, a mutation was identified on only one allele.
ABCA3 p.Gln1591Pro 15044640:106:429
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110 One patient, who had a missense mutation (Q1591P) on one allele and an unknown mutation on the other allele, is still alive at six years of age and has chronic lung disease, suggesting that some ABCA3 mutations are not fatal.
ABCA3 p.Gln1591Pro 15044640:110:42
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43 Family History/ Consanguinity Outcome Histologic Findings ABCA3 Mutation 1 White F 1 Yes/Yes Death within 3 mo after birth DIP, PAP W1142X/W1142X 2 White F 1 Yes/Yes Death during neonatal period DIP, PAP W1142X/W1142X 3 Black M 2 Yes/Yes Death during neonatal period NA L101P/L101P 4 Black M 2 Yes/Yes Death during neonatal period NA L101P/L101P 5 White F 3 Yes/No Death during neonatal period NA 4552insT/L1580P 6 White F 3 Yes/No Death during neonatal period NA 4552insT/L1580P 7 White M 4 Yes/No Death within 3 mo after birth PAP G1221S/L982P 8 White M 4 Yes/No Death during neonatal period PAP G1221S/L982P 9 Middle Eastern M 5 Yes/Yes Death during neonatal period DIP, PAP L1553P/L1553P 10 Middle Eastern M 5 Yes/Yes Death during neonatal period NA L1553P/L1553P 11 White M 6 Yes/No Recovery from RDS NA None found 12 White M 6 Yes/No Recovery from RDS NA None found 13 Middle Eastern M 7 No/Yes Unknown NA 1644delC/1644delC 14 Middle Eastern M 8 Yes/No Death during neonatal period DIP, PAP R106X/R106X 15 Asian F 9ߤ Yes/Yes Death during neonatal period NA 4909+1G>A/4909+1G>A 16 White M 10 Yes/Yes Death during neonatal period NA None found 17 White M 11 No/No Recovery from RDS NA None found 18 White F 12 No/No Death during neonatal period NA None found 19 White M 13 Yes/No Chronic lung disease CPI, DIP Q1591P/-ߥ 20 Hispanic M 14 No/No Death after lung transplantation PAP N568D/-ߥ 21 Asian F 9ߤ Yes/Yes Death during neonatal period PAP 4909+1G>A/4909+1G>A entorganisms,weusedthededucedaminoacidse- quence of ABCA3 (GenBank accession number NP_001080) to search the sequence data base using the BLAST program (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.
ABCA3 p.Gln1591Pro 15044640:43:1320
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58 Seven missense muta- tionswereidentifiedinconservedaminoacids(Fig. 2), including homozygous substitutions of proline for leucine in codons 101 and 1553 (L101P and L1553P, respectively) and heterozygous substitutions of aspartic acid for asparagine at position 568 (N568D), proline for leucine at position 982 (L982P), serine for glycine at position 1221 (G1221S), proline for leucine at position 1580 (L1580P), and proline for glutamine at position 1591 (Q1591P).
ABCA3 p.Gln1591Pro 15044640:58:415
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ABCA3 p.Gln1591Pro 15044640:58:455
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86 Human Mouse Rat Puffer fish ETVRRALVIN ETVKREFMIK EAVRREFMIK EDVRGKLELS QDVQQNLVRG L101P NGAGKTT NGAGKTT NGAGKTT NGAGKTT NGAGKTT N568D VARRLL VARRLL VARRLL VARRLL L1553P Q1591P T301C(L101P) C316T(R106X) A1702G(N568D) 1644delC G3426A(W1142X) G3661A(G1221S) T4657C(L1553P) 4552insT A4771C(Q1591P) 4909+1G>A G1221S LSGIAT LSGIAT LSGIAT ATP-binding domains L982P QQLSEHL QQLSENL QQLSEHL T2945C(L982P) ECEALC LAIMVQGQFKC ECEALC ECEALC L1580P T4739C(L1580P) Nonsense Missense Splice Frameshift LAIMVQGQFKC LAIMVQGQFKC LAVMVNGQFKC Zebra fish LAVMVNGQFKC tified occur in residues that are highly conserved (Fig.2).Theaminoacidalignmentwasusedtopro- duce a phylogenetic tree of the ABCA3-related proteins showing the relation of the proteins from different organisms (see Supplementary Appendix 2, available with the full text of this article at www. mammalian ABCA3 proteins and are distinct from other, more distant ABCA-family proteins, such as the mouse Abca14, Abca15, and Abca16 proteins and the sea-urchin ABCA proteins (see Supplementary Appendix 2.
ABCA3 p.Gln1591Pro 15044640:86:170
status: NEW
ABCA3 p.Gln1591Pro 15044640:86:287
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105 Nucleotide Affected* Site Affected or Outcome SNP No.ߤ Mutation Exon 5 3, 4 T301C L101Pߥ Exon 5 14 C316T R106Xߥ Exon 14 20 A1702G N568D Exon 14 13 1644delC Frameshiftߥ Exon 21 7, 8 T2945C L982P Exon 23 1, 2 G3426A W1142Xߥ Exon 24 7, 8 G3661A G1221S Exon 30 9, 10 T4657C L1553P Exon 30 5, 6 4552insT Frameshift Exon 31 15, 21 4909+1G>A Splice siteߥ Exon 31 5, 6 T4739C L1580P Exon 31 19 A4772C Q1591P Polymorphism Exon 5 Multiple Exon 5+50A/G Intron rs46725 Exon 6 20 393C/T A131A Exon 6 18 Exon 6+119G/A Intron rs323059 Exon 7 19 Exon 7-14C/G Intron Exon 8 14 681C/T A227A Exon 10 Multiple Exon 10-105C/A Intron rs323066 Exon 10 Multiple Exon 10-20C/T Intron Exon 10 Multiple 1058C/T F353F Exon 14 Multiple Exon 14+33G/A Intron rs170447 Exon 15 Multiple 1755C/G P585P rs323043 Exon 18 13 Exon 18-17G/A Intron Exon 18 1 2340C/T H780H Exon 21 Multiple Exon 21-20C/G Intron rs313908 Exon 21 Multiple Exon 21+34C/T Intron rs313909 Exon 27 Multiple 4116C/T S1372S rs149532 Exon 32 11 4944C/T V1648V In two patients, a mutation was identified on only one allele.
ABCA3 p.Gln1591Pro 15044640:105:429
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109 One patient, who had a missense mutation (Q1591P) on one allele and an unknown mutation on the other allele, is still alive at six years of age and has chronic lung disease, suggesting that some ABCA3 mutations are not fatal.
ABCA3 p.Gln1591Pro 15044640:109:42
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PMID: 19861431 [PubMed] Park SK et al: "Identification and characterization of a novel ABCA3 mutation."
No. Sentence Comment
99 Type I mutations include L101P, L982P, L1553P, and Q1591P; type II mutations include E292V, N568D, E690K, T1114, G1221S, and L1580P (13, 14).
ABCA3 p.Gln1591Pro 19861431:99:51
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94 Type I mutations include L101P, L982P, L1553P, and Q1591P; type II mutations include E292V, N568D, E690K, T1114, G1221S, and L1580P (13, 14).
ABCA3 p.Gln1591Pro 19861431:94:51
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PMID: 18024538 [PubMed] Doan ML et al: "Clinical, radiological and pathological features of ABCA3 mutations in children."
No. Sentence Comment
45 Five patients eventually Table 1 Characteristics of nine children with ABCA3 mutations Patient no Age of onset, manifestation Clinical features (age at evaluation) CT imaging (age at examination) Mutational analysis Outcomes (current age) 1 Newborn, respiratory failure Ta, Cr, Wh, Cl, Hy (4 years) GGO, ST, PE (2 weeks) Nt622C.T (R208W) Nt2279T.G (M760R) Transplanted (died) (5 years)* 2 Newborn, respiratory failure Ta, Hy (1 month) None Nt289insA Nt4648C.T (R1550W) Transplanted (died) (3 months)* 3 3 months, acute respiratory distress Ta, FTT, Hy (3 months) GGO, ST (3 months) Nt2646insC Nt3757C.T (P1253S) Died (4 months)* 4 2 years, acute respiratory distress Ta, Cr, Cl, FTT, Hy (2 years) GGO, ST, PE (2 years) Nt4732G.A (E1578K) Nt4772A.C (Q1591P) Alive, ILD score 4 (15 years) 5 1 year, recurrent hypoxaemia Ta, Cl, FTT, Hy (3 years) GGO, ST, PE, cysts (2 years) Nt59G.T (R20L) Nt2879T.C (L960S) Alive, ILD score 4 (8 years) 6 Newborn, pneumonia Ta, Cr, Cl, FTT, Hy (10 years) GGO, ST, PE (4 years) Nt875A.T (E292V) Nt3341C.T (T1114M) Transplanted (alive) (12 years)* 7 Newborn, respiratory failure Ta, Cl, FTT (6 years) GGO, ST, PE, cysts (6 years) Nt875A.T (E292V) Nt4706delTCA (deltaI1569) Alive, ILD score 1 (18 years) 8 Newborn, pneumonia Ta, Cr, Cl, Hy (6 years) GGO, PE (6 years) Nt629G.T (G210V) Nt3609delCTT (deltaF1203) Alive, ILD score 3 (11 years) 9 4 years, recurrent hypoxaemia Ta, Cr, Hy (exertional) (8 years) GGO, ST (7 years) Nt128G.A (R43H) Nt1609 in/del (end exon 13) Alive, ILD score 2 (13 years) Ta, tachypnoea; Cr, crackles; Wh, wheezing; Cl, clubbing; Hy, hypoxaemia; FTT, failure to thrive; GGO, ground-glass opacification; ST, septal thickening; PE, pectus excavatum.
ABCA3 p.Gln1591Pro 18024538:45:749
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83 Five of these mutations (R20L, DF1203, E292V, T114M, Q1591P) have been previously identified in subjects with chILD, whereas the remainder are novel.
ABCA3 p.Gln1591Pro 18024538:83:53
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PMID: 18246475 [PubMed] Karjalainen MK et al: "Haplotype analysis of ABCA3: association with respiratory distress in very premature infants."
No. Sentence Comment
90 SNP rs149532 (corresponding to residue S1372S) was rare (MAF50.02) in our population, and it was thus excluded from further analysis, together with the nonpolymorphic cSNPs (rs28936412, 875AwT, rs13332760, rs28936690, and rs28936691, corresponding to residues L101P, E292V, V839F, L1552P, and Q1591P, respectively).
ABCA3 p.Gln1591Pro 18246475:90:293
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94 SNP No. or position a Alleles (major/minor) Position b Location Affected residue Minor allele frequency tSNPs c Best pairwise r2 value and the corresponding tSNP d rs28936412 T/C 2316029 Exon 5 L101P 0 - 320-17GwA G/A 2314550 Intron 5 0.055 tSNP1 875AwT A/T 2307765 Exon 9 E292V 0 - rs13332547 C/T 2307425 Intron 9 0.093 tSNP2, r2 51 rs13332514 C/T 2307337 Exon 10 F353F 0.093 tSNP2 rs323069 G/C 2304052 Intron 10 0.271 tSNP3 rs323073 C/T 2298761 Intron 10 0.283 tSNP3, r2 50.831 rs323074 G/A 2298314 Intron 11 0.201 tSNP5, r2 50.848 rs323033 A/G 2296546 Intron 11 0.259 tSNP4 rs323040 G/A 2290527 Intron 12 0.168 tSNP5 rs170447 A/G 2289372 Intron 14 0.396 tSNP6, r2 50.832 rs2240523 T/C 2288658 Intron 14 0.381 tSNP6, r2 50.849 rs17183533 A/G 2285389 Intron 18 0.420 tSNP7, r2 50.986 rs13332760 G/T 2279621 Exon 20 V839F 0 - rs313909 C/T 2277994 Intron 21 0.373 tSNP6 rs2014467 A/G 2276395 Intron 22 0.424 tSNP7 rs2238464 G/A 2272578 Intron 26 0.420 tSNP8 rs149532 T/C 2271431 Exon 27 S1372S 0.020 - rs150926 G/C 2270170 Intron 28 0.372 tSNP6, r2 50.975 rs150928 C/T 2268651 Intron 29 0.226 tSNP9 rs28936690 T/C 2268353 Exon 30 L1552P 0 - rs28936691 A/C 2268018 Exon 31 Q1591P 0 - a rs numbers are shown for SNPs with entries in dbSNP. SNPs without entries in dbSNP are numbered from start codon as advised in (34).
ABCA3 p.Gln1591Pro 18246475:94:1171
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129 None of the five nonsynonymous cSNPs (rs28936412, 875AwT, rs13332760, rs28936690, and rs28936691, corresponding to residues L101P, E292V, V839F, L1552P, and Q1591P, respectively) were detected in any individuals.
ABCA3 p.Gln1591Pro 18246475:129:157
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212 Of these, two (corresponding to L101P and Q1591P) have been previously identified in term infants with fatal surfactant deficiency or chronic lung disease (13).
ABCA3 p.Gln1591Pro 18246475:212:42
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PMID: 16959783 [PubMed] Matsumura Y et al: "Characterization and classification of ATP-binding cassette transporter ABCA3 mutants in fatal surfactant deficiency."
No. Sentence Comment
3 Green fluorescent protein-tagged L101P, L982P, L1553P, Q1591P, and Ins1518fs/ter1519 mutant proteins remained localized in the endoplasmic reticulum, and processing of oligosaccharide was impaired, whereas wild-type and N568D, G1221S, and L1580P mutant ABCA3 proteins trafficked to the LAMP3-positive intracellular vesicle, accompanied by processing of oligosaccharide from high mannose type to complex type.
ABCA3 p.Gln1591Pro 16959783:3:55
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35 Partial cDNA fragments containing various fatal surfactant deficiency mutations (L101P, N568D, L982P, G1221S, L1553P, L1580P, Q1591P, W1142X, and Ins1518fs (abbreviation of Ins1518fs/ter1519 in this study), see Fig. 1A), were generated with PCR methods and replaced with the corresponding fragment of pEGFPN1-ABCA3.
ABCA3 p.Gln1591Pro 16959783:35:126
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98 To examine the effect of the mutations found in fatal surfactant deficiency patients on subcellular localization of ABCA3, wild-type and mutant ABCA3-GFP (seven missense mutations L101P, N568D, L982P, G1221S, L1553P, L1580P, and Q1591P, and one nonsense mutation, Ins1518fs) were transiently expressed in HEK293 cells (Fig. 1A).
ABCA3 p.Gln1591Pro 16959783:98:229
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100 In contrast, the L101P, L982P, L1553P, Q1591P, and Ins1518fs mutant proteins were barely detectable at the LAMP3-positive intracellular vesicle membrane (Fig. 2B panels j-l for L101P and data not shown for others).
ABCA3 p.Gln1591Pro 16959783:100:39
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102 In another cell line, mouse lung epithelial MLE12 cells, transiently expressed GFP-tagged wild-type and N568D, G1221S, and L1580P mutant proteins were mainly localized at the intracellular vesicle membrane, whereas the L101P, L982P, L1553P, Q1591P, and Ins1518fs mutant proteins were mainly localized to the ER (data not shown), confirming defective intracellular sorting of L101P, L982P, L1553P, Q1591P, and Ins1518fs ABCA3 mutant proteins.
ABCA3 p.Gln1591Pro 16959783:102:241
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ABCA3 p.Gln1591Pro 16959783:102:397
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106 In contrast, in the L101P, L982P, L1553P, and Q1591P mutant proteins, which were mainly localized at the ER, the amount of the 180-kDa cleaved form was considerably decreased, compared with that of wild-type protein, to an undetectable level (Fig. 3A).
ABCA3 p.Gln1591Pro 16959783:106:46
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107 In the L982P, L1553P, and Q1591P mutant proteins, although the amount of 220-kDa noncleaved-form protein appears increased compared with that of wild-type protein in Fig. 3A, the total amount of ABCA3-GFP (220-kDa noncleaved form plus 180-kDa cleaved form) did not differ significantly among seven missense mutant proteins and the wild-type protein (n ϭ 3, data not shown).
ABCA3 p.Gln1591Pro 16959783:107:26
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122 Merged images are shown in panels c, f, i, and l. C, HEK293 cells transiently co-expressing mutant ABCA3-GFP proteins (panels a, d, g, j, and m) and DsRed2-ER (panels b, e, h, k, and n) are shown: L101P (panels a-c), L982P (panels d-f), L1553P (panels g-i), Q1591P (panels j-l), and Ins1518fs (panels m-o).
ABCA3 p.Gln1591Pro 16959783:122:258
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124 The scale bar represents 5 ␮m. kDa wild-type ABCA3-GFP and the seven missense mutant (L101P, N568D, L982P, G1221S, L1553P, L1580P, and Q1591P) proteins to produce a 210-kDa deglycosylated protein (Fig. 3B).
ABCA3 p.Gln1591Pro 16959783:124:143
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ABCA3 p.Gln1591Pro 16959783:124:279
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129 However, in the L101P, L982P, L1553P, Q1591P, and Ins1518fs mutant proteins, the levels of complex-type protein (band I) were dramatically decreased compared with that of wild-type protein (Fig. 3, C and D).
ABCA3 p.Gln1591Pro 16959783:129:38
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131 These results indicate that the N568D, G1221S, and L1580P mutant proteins are mainly localized at the intracellular vesicle membrane accompanied by processing of oligosaccharide from high mannose type to complex type, whereas the four missense mutant (L101P, L982D, L1553P, and Q1591P) and one nonsense mutant (Ins1518fs) proteins remain localized at the ER, with impaired processing of oligosaccharide.
ABCA3 p.Gln1591Pro 16959783:131:278
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216 Investigating the intracellular localization and N-glycosylation of these ABCA3 mutant proteins in HEK293 cells, we found the missense L101P, L982P, L1553P, Q1591P, and nonsense Ins1518fs mutant proteins to be predominantly localized at the ER, with impaired processing of oligosaccharide.
ABCA3 p.Gln1591Pro 16959783:216:157
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221 Interestingly, a single amino acid is substituted with a proline residue in the four mutant ABCA3 proteins (L101P, L982P, L1553P, and Q1591P) that are retained at the ER.
ABCA3 p.Gln1591Pro 16959783:221:134
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215 Investigating the intracellular localization and N-glycosylation of these ABCA3 mutant proteins in HEK293 cells, we found the missense L101P, L982P, L1553P, Q1591P, and nonsense Ins1518fs mutant proteins to be predominantly localized at the ER, with impaired processing of oligosaccharide.
ABCA3 p.Gln1591Pro 16959783:215:157
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220 Interestingly, a single amino acid is substituted with a proline residue in the four mutant ABCA3 proteins (L101P, L982P, L1553P, and Q1591P) that are retained at the ER.
ABCA3 p.Gln1591Pro 16959783:220:134
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PMID: 25406294 [PubMed] Chen P et al: "Mutations in the ABCA3 gene are associated with cataract-microcornea syndrome."
No. Sentence Comment
293 Genetic Variants Identified in ABCA3 in Patients With Surfactant Metabolism Dysfunction-3 (SMDP3) dbSNP rs# Cluster ID Codons Substitution Mutation Type Mutation Mode rs121909181 c.3426G>A W1142X Missense Homozygosity rs121909182 c.301T>C L101P Missense Homozygosity rs121909183 c.4657T>C L1553P Missense Homozygosity rs28936691 c.4772A>C Q1591P Missense Heterozygosity rs121909184 c.1702G>A N568D Missense Heterozygosity - c.4909&#fe;1G>A - Splice site Homozygosity rs121909185 c.977T>C L326P Missense Homozygosity 19.
ABCA3 p.Gln1591Pro 25406294:293:339
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PMID: 26186947 [PubMed] Mulugeta S et al: "Lost after translation: insights from pulmonary surfactant for understanding the role of alveolar epithelial dysfunction and cellular quality control in fibrotic lung disease."
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267 Summary of reported phenotypic features for surfactant component mutations Mutation (Domain) Clinical Diagnosis Lung Phenotype (in vivo) Subcellular Localization Trafficking Cellular Responses (in vitro) References SFTPA2 F198S (CRD) G231V (CRD) Familial pulmonary fibrosis Total BAL [SP-A] Normal ER retention Intracellular aggregation Not secreted (af9;) ER stress, cleared by ERAD (af9;) TGFbeta1 elaboration 99, 100, 175 SFTPC Group A1 èc;Exon4 (BRICHOS) L188Q (BRICHOS) G100S (BRICHOS) NSIP (Children) IPF/UIP (Adult) Absence of mature SP-C (humans) Arrested lung development (mice) ER stress (humans; mice) 1Sensitivity to bleomycin (mice) Epithelial cytotoxicity ER retention&#a1; aggresomes Intracellular aggregates ERAD requires Erdj 4/5 MG132 blocks degradation 4-PBA improves aggregates (af9;) ER stress (af9;) Apoptosis (af9;) Incomplete or absent proSP-C processing (af9;) IL-8/TGFbeta1 expression (af9;) Polyubiquitinated isoforms 21, 39, 97, 98, 100, 111, 112, 116, 117, 120, 153, 159, 160, 173, 193 Group A2 L110R (BRICHOS) P115L (BRICHOS) A116D (BRICHOS) Unspecified ILD Unspecified ILD Unspecified chILD Phenotype not reported EEA-1 (af9;); Syntaxin2 (afa;) Intracellular aggregation 2 PC secretion (af9;) Aberrant processing, 2 cell viability 1 HSP response (af9;) Congo red aggregates 160, 193 Group B1 E66K (Linker) I73T (Linker) NSIP/PAP (Child) IPF/UIP (Adult) 1 Phospholipid; 1SP-A, PAS positive staining Biopsy: PM and EE localization Misprocessed SP-C (BAL) Misprocessed SP-B (BAL) Plasma membrane&#a1;EE&#a1;LE/MVB (af9;) Aberrantly processed protein (af9;) Late autophagy block 2 Mitophagy 1 Mysfunctional mitochondria 1, 19, 24, 26, 49, 116, 118, 128, 152 Group B2 èc;91-93 (Non-BRICHOS) NSIP/PAP 2 BAL SP-B 1 BAL SP-A 2 Surfactant surface tension (af9;) Intracellular aggregates (af9;) Congo red staining Plasma membraneߥ EEA1 (af9;) compartmentsߥ Not reported 55, 181 Group C P30L (NH2-terminal) Unspecified ILD Phenotype not reported (af9;) ER retention 1 Bip expression (af9;) Polyubiquitinated isoforms 13, 116, 160 ABCA3 Group I (Trafficking Defective) L101P (1st luminal loop) R280C (1st cytosolic loop) L982P (3rd luminal loop) G1221S (11th TM domain) L1553P (COOH-terminal) Q1591P (COOH-terminal) Surfactant deficiency* RDS* chILDߤ Phenotype not reported Phenotype not reported Phenotype not reported (af9;) ER retention Non-LRO cytosolic vesicles (af9;) ER stress 30, 31, 103, 147, 172, 177 Group II (Functionally Defective) R43L (1st luminal loop) D253H (1st luminal loop) E292V (1st cytosolic loop) N568D (ABC1) E690K (ABC1) T1114M (8thTM domain) T1173R (1st luminal loop) L1580P (COOH-terminal) Surfactant deficiency* RDS* chILD (CPI)ߤ Reduced SP-B and SP-C (afa;) ER retention Lysosomes or LROs (normal) Impaired lipid transport Impaired ATP hydrolysis Impaired ATP binding Abnormal LBs 1 IL8 secretion 20, 25, 103, 104, 147, 148, 177 *Seen with homozygous or compound heterozygous ABCA3 expression; ߤfound with heterozugous ABCA3 expression.
ABCA3 p.Gln1591Pro 26186947:267:2286
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304 Although not restricted to any particular domain, functional characterization of a subgroup of ABCA3 mutations (including L101P, L982P, L1553P, Q1591P, G1221S) by transient or stable expression results in their total or partial retention in the ER (30, 103).
ABCA3 p.Gln1591Pro 26186947:304:144
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