PMID: 25406294

Chen P, Dai Y, Wu X, Wang Y, Sun S, Xiao J, Zhang Q, Guan L, Zhao X, Hao X, Wu R, Xie L
Mutations in the ABCA3 gene are associated with cataract-microcornea syndrome.
Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2014 Nov 18;55(12):8031-43. doi: 10.1167/iovs.14-14098., [PubMed]
No. Mutations Sentence Comment
54 ABCA3 p.Glu690Val
ABCA3 p.Glu690Val 25406294:54:45
status: NEW
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amino acid change, c.2069A>T resulting in an E690V amino acid change, 4035&#fe;2T>C, and 2765-1G>T (Table 3, Figs. 4I-P). Login to comment
56 ABCA3 p.Asp1465Asn
ABCA3 p.Asp1465Asn 25406294:56:60
status: NEW
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The c.4393G>A generated a heterozygous missense mutation (p.Asp1465Asn). Login to comment
57 ABCA3 p.Thr803Met
ABCA3 p.Thr803Met 25406294:57:60
status: NEW
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The c.2408C>T generated a heterozygous missense mutation (p.Thr803Met). Login to comment
59 ABCA3 p.Asn1418Ile
ABCA3 p.Asn1418Ile 25406294:59:60
status: NEW
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The c.4253A>T generated a heterozygous missense mutation (p.Asn1418Ile). Login to comment
61 ABCA3 p.Asp1465Asn
ABCA3 p.Asp1465Asn 25406294:61:23
status: NEW
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ABCA3 p.Asn1418Ile
ABCA3 p.Asn1418Ile 25406294:61:6
status: NEW
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The p.Asn1418Ile and p.Asp1465Asn mutations were located in the second nucleotide binding domain. Login to comment
62 ABCA3 p.Thr803Met
ABCA3 p.Thr803Met 25406294:62:6
status: NEW
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The p.Thr803Met mutation was located in the loop between the first nucleotide binding domain and the seventh membrane-spanning domain (Fig. 6A). Login to comment
117 ABCA3 p.Glu690Val
ABCA3 p.Glu690Val 25406294:117:926
status: NEW
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ABCA3 p.Asp1465Asn
ABCA3 p.Asp1465Asn 25406294:117:385
status: NEW
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ABCA3 p.Thr803Met
ABCA3 p.Thr803Met 25406294:117:732
status: NEW
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ABCA3 p.Asn1418Ile
ABCA3 p.Asn1418Ile 25406294:117:828
status: NEW
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ABCA3 p.Val93Ile
ABCA3 p.Val93Ile 25406294:117:620
status: NEW
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ABCA3 p.Leu39Val
ABCA3 p.Leu39Val 25406294:117:503
status: NEW
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Genetic Variants Identified in ABCA3 in the Two Chinese Families and the 5 Sporadic Patients With Cataract-Microcornea Syndrome Patient Chromosome/ Position/Gene Name dbSNP rs# Cluster ID Mutation Type Codons Substitution Prediction From SIFT Prediction From PolyPhen-2 Score of Prediction From PolyPhen-2 II2, III1, III4 (family A) chr16/2329098/ABCA3 rs201955122 Missense GAT4393AAT D1465N DAMAGING PROBABLY DAMAGING 0.994 II2, III1, III4 (family A) chr16/2376215/ABCA3 rs200090198 Missense CTC115GTC L39V TOLERATED POSSIBLY DAMAGING 0.857 II2, III1, III4 (family A) chr16/2376053/ABCA3 rs199840288 Missense GTC277ATC V93I TOLERATED BENIGN 0.006 III2, III3, III7, IV2, IV5 (family B) chr16/2345597/ABCA3 Novel Missense ACG2408ATG T803M DAMAGING POSSIBLY DAMAGING 0.801 Sporadic 4 chr16/2331134/ABCA3 Novel Missense AAT4253ATT N1418I DAMAGING PROBABLY DAMAGING 0.996 Sporadic 13 chr16/2347524/ABCA3 Novel Missense GAG2069GTG E690V DAMAGING PROBABLY DAMAGING 1.0 Sporadic13 chr16/2347541/ABCA3 Novel Splice site - - - - - Sporadic12, 15, 17 chr16/2333185/ABCA3 Novel Splice site - - - - - database. Login to comment
121 ABCA3 p.Asp1465Asn
ABCA3 p.Asp1465Asn 25406294:121:210
status: NEW
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ABCA3 p.Val93Ile
ABCA3 p.Val93Ile 25406294:121:156
status: NEW
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ABCA3 p.Leu39Val
ABCA3 p.Leu39Val 25406294:121:107
status: NEW
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Three variants in ABCA3 gene cosegregated with the disease phenotype in Family A: c.115C>G resulting in an L39V amino acid change, c.277G>A resulting in an V93I amino acid change, and c.4393G>A resulting in an D1465N amino acid change (Table 3, Fig. 4). Login to comment
123 ABCA3 p.Thr803Met
ABCA3 p.Thr803Met 25406294:123:149
status: NEW
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All five clinically affected subjects, but none of those who were unaffected in Family B, carried the heterozygous c.2408C>T mutation resulting in a T803M amino acid change (Table 3; Fig. 4). Login to comment
124 ABCA3 p.Thr803Met
ABCA3 p.Thr803Met 25406294:124:41
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Thus, the heterozygous missense mutation T803M in ABCA3 completely cosegregated with the dominant CCMC phenotype within Family B. Login to comment
131 ABCA3 p.Asn1418Ile
ABCA3 p.Asn1418Ile 25406294:131:103
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These four heterozygous mutations identified from the sporadic patients were c.4253A>T resulting in an N1418I FIGURE 4. Login to comment
137 ABCA3 p.Glu690Val
ABCA3 p.Glu690Val 25406294:137:52
status: NEW
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12 j amino acid change, c.2069A>T resulting in an E690V amino acid change, 4035&#fe;2T>C, and 2765-1G>T (Table 3, Figs. 4I-P). Login to comment
139 ABCA3 p.Asp1465Asn
ABCA3 p.Asp1465Asn 25406294:139:60
status: NEW
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The c.4393G>A generated a heterozygous missense mutation (p.Asp1465Asn). Login to comment
140 ABCA3 p.Thr803Met
ABCA3 p.Thr803Met 25406294:140:60
status: NEW
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The c.2408C>T generated a heterozygous missense mutation (p.Thr803Met). Login to comment
142 ABCA3 p.Asn1418Ile
ABCA3 p.Asn1418Ile 25406294:142:60
status: NEW
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The c.4253A>T generated a heterozygous missense mutation (p.Asn1418Ile). Login to comment
144 ABCA3 p.Asp1465Asn
ABCA3 p.Asp1465Asn 25406294:144:23
status: NEW
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ABCA3 p.Asn1418Ile
ABCA3 p.Asn1418Ile 25406294:144:6
status: NEW
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The p.Asn1418Ile and p.Asp1465Asn mutations were located in the second nucleotide binding domain. Login to comment
145 ABCA3 p.Thr803Met
ABCA3 p.Thr803Met 25406294:145:6
status: NEW
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The p.Thr803Met mutation was located in the loop between the first nucleotide binding domain and the seventh membrane-spanning domain (Fig. 6A). Login to comment
166 ABCA3 p.Glu690Val
ABCA3 p.Glu690Val 25406294:166:79
status: NEW
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ABCA3 p.Asn1418Ile
ABCA3 p.Asn1418Ile 25406294:166:60
status: NEW
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Another four heterozygous mutations, 2 missense (c.4253A>T, N1418I; c.2069A>T, E690V), and 2 splice site mutations (c. Login to comment
191 ABCA3 p.Glu690Val
ABCA3 p.Glu690Val 25406294:191:55
status: NEW
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ABCA3 p.Asp1465Asn
ABCA3 p.Asp1465Asn 25406294:191:81
status: NEW
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ABCA3 p.Thr803Met
ABCA3 p.Thr803Met 25406294:191:62
status: NEW
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ABCA3 p.Asn1418Ile
ABCA3 p.Asn1418Ile 25406294:191:69
status: NEW
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ABCA3 p.Val93Ile
ABCA3 p.Val93Ile 25406294:191:49
status: NEW
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ABCA3 p.Leu39Val
ABCA3 p.Leu39Val 25406294:191:43
status: NEW
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(B) Alignment of sequences surrounding the L39V, V93I, E690V, T803M, N1418I, and D1465N mutation in human, chimpanzee, monkey, pig, rat, and mouse. Login to comment
192 ABCA3 p.Glu690Val
ABCA3 p.Glu690Val 25406294:192:26
status: NEW
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ABCA3 p.Asp1465Asn
ABCA3 p.Asp1465Asn 25406294:192:52
status: NEW
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ABCA3 p.Thr803Met
ABCA3 p.Thr803Met 25406294:192:33
status: NEW
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ABCA3 p.Asn1418Ile
ABCA3 p.Asn1418Ile 25406294:192:40
status: NEW
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ABCA3 p.Leu39Val
ABCA3 p.Leu39Val 25406294:192:20
status: NEW
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The five mutations (L39V, E690V, T803M, N1418I, and D1465N) in ABCA3 are highly conserved among different species. Login to comment
215 ABCA3 p.Asp1465Asn
ABCA3 p.Asp1465Asn 25406294:215:23
status: NEW
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ABCA3 p.Asn1418Ile
ABCA3 p.Asn1418Ile 25406294:215:6
status: NEW
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The p.Asn1418Ile and p.Asp1465Asn mutations were located in the second nucleotide binding domain. Login to comment
216 ABCA3 p.Thr803Met
ABCA3 p.Thr803Met 25406294:216:6
status: NEW
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The p.Thr803Met mutation was located in the loop between the first nucleotide binding domain and the seventh membrane-spanning domain. Login to comment
293 ABCA3 p.Leu101Pro
ABCA3 p.Leu101Pro 25406294:293:239
status: NEW
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ABCA3 p.Asn568Asp
ABCA3 p.Asn568Asp 25406294:293:392
status: NEW
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ABCA3 p.Leu1553Pro
ABCA3 p.Leu1553Pro 25406294:293:289
status: NEW
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ABCA3 p.Gln1591Pro
ABCA3 p.Gln1591Pro 25406294:293:339
status: NEW
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ABCA3 p.Trp1142*
ABCA3 p.Trp1142* 25406294:293:189
status: NEW
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ABCA3 p.Leu326Pro
ABCA3 p.Leu326Pro 25406294:293:488
status: NEW
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Genetic Variants Identified in ABCA3 in Patients With Surfactant Metabolism Dysfunction-3 (SMDP3) dbSNP rs# Cluster ID Codons Substitution Mutation Type Mutation Mode rs121909181 c.3426G>A W1142X Missense Homozygosity rs121909182 c.301T>C L101P Missense Homozygosity rs121909183 c.4657T>C L1553P Missense Homozygosity rs28936691 c.4772A>C Q1591P Missense Heterozygosity rs121909184 c.1702G>A N568D Missense Heterozygosity - c.4909&#fe;1G>A - Splice site Homozygosity rs121909185 c.977T>C L326P Missense Homozygosity 19. Login to comment