ABCA1 p.Val825Leu

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PMID: 17556888 [PubMed] Klos KL et al: "Genetic determinants of HDL: monogenic disorders and contributions to variation."
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66 Interestingly, haplotype analysis in a sample of healthy Pakistani people revealed that the effect of a V825L polymorphism in ABCA1 on HDL-C was dependent on allelic state at R219K [32 ] and, in Turkish people, an effect of R219K on HDL-C was only seen when in combination with the I883M polymorphism [33].
ABCA1 p.Val825Leu 17556888:66:104
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81 Sequence analyses, most notably of the ABCA1 region, suggest that both common variants and rare mutations contribute to interindividual variation in Genetic determinants of HDL Klos and Kullo 347 Table1Commonpolymorphisms(minorallelefrequency>5%)reportedtobeassociatedwithplasmaHDL-Cinmorethanonestudy;thereporteddirectionofeffectoftheless commonallele,andtheircontributionstocovariate-adjustedHDL-Cvariationaloneandincombinationwithotherpolymorphismsofthesamegene GenesymbolGenenamePolymorphismEffecta Single-sitevariationMultisitevariation ABCA1ATP-bindingcassette,sub-familyA (ABC1),member1 596G>A"HDL-C[52,53]4%[52] R219K"HDL-C[28,29 ,30 ]6%[54] V771M"HDL-C[30 ,33] V825I/V825L"HDL-C[30 ];#HDL-C[32 ] APOA5ApolipoproteinA-VÀ1131T>C#HDL-C[55-57] APOC3ApolipoproteinC-III482C>T#HDL-C[55,58 ]0.2-1.4%[58 ]1-6%[58 ,59] SstIS2allelewith#HDL-C[60,61] APOEApolipoproteinEÀ219G>T#HDL-C[27 ,62] e2/e3/e40.8-6.5%[63,64 ]8.3-15.3%[65] ARAndrogenreceptorEx1CAGrepeat"HDL-Cwithlength[66] CETPCholesterol-estertransferproteinÀ1946VNTR"HDL-Cwiththeshortallele[36,67] À629C>A"HDL-C[36,38,39,67-69]4.6-5.2%[39,64 ]5.5-9.8%[39,68] Taq1B"HDL-C[35]3.9%[39]5.5-15%[39,54] MspIin8#HDL-C[36,67] A373P/R451Q#HDL-C[67,68]8%[70] I405V"HDL-C[35] LIPCHepaticlipaseÀ514C>T"HDL-C[45]Upto31%[54] À250G>A"HDL-C[41,43]4.7%[67] LIPGEndotheliallipaseT111I"HDL-C[72,73 ];#HDL-C[74] LPLLipoproteinlipaseHindIII#HDL-CwiththeHþallele[49,75] N291S#HDL-C[50 ] S447X"HDL-C[48,75]0.8%[64 ]3%[35] PON1Paraoxonase1À107T>C"HDL-C[76-78] Q192R"HDL-C[77,79 ];#HDL-C[79 ] PPARDPeroxisomeproliferatorsactivatedreceptordelta294T>C#HDL-C[80] PPARGPeroxisomeproliferatorsactivatedreceptorgammaPro12Ala"HDL-C[81,82] SCARB1ScavengerreceptorclassB,member1A350A"HDL-C[64 ,83]1.3%[64 ] IVS5/A350A(/IVS10)haplotype#HDL-C[84 ] a Citationsrepresentaselectionofavailablestudiesprioritizedbasedonmeta-analysesofassociationresultsinnumerousstudygroups,andrecentstudiescontainingcomprehensivereviewsofpreviously reportedassociations.
ABCA1 p.Val825Leu 17556888:81:684
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PMID: 16806540 [PubMed] Saleheen D et al: "A novel haplotype in ABCA1 gene effects plasma HDL-C concentration."
No. Sentence Comment
6 Results: LL genotype of V825L polymorphism was associated with decreased levels of HDL-C [À0.17 (À0.32 to À0.19); P=0.02] and P774 allele showed a significant increase in HDL-C levels as compared to T774 allele [À0.15 (À0.18 to À0.02); P=0.01].
ABCA1 p.Val825Leu 16806540:6:24
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8 Haplotype analysis between R219K and V825L polymorphisms showed a unique interaction between R219 allele and L825 allele.
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50 Subjects were classified as having diabetes mellitus if he or she already Table 1 Methods for restriction fragment length polymorphism for screening of ABCA1 SNPs Variant Forward oligo (5VY3V), reverse oligo (5VY3V) Annealing temperature Enzyme Product (bp), wild-type allele, variant allele R219K (G1051A) ''aaagacttcaaggacccagctt``, ''cctcacattccgaaagcatta`` 62.5 -C EcoNI 309, 184, 125 V399A (T1591C) ''ctcattgtctgtgcttctcctc``, ''gtgaccagaaactcacctctcc`` 64.0 -C HphI 117, 71, 48, 188, 48 V771M (G2706A) ''tacaagtgagtgcttgggattg``, ''cccattggaaaagacaatcatc`` 60.0 -C BsaAI 254, 137, 391 V825L (G2868A) ''ttctgcaccttatgattgatcc``, ''agcacaaagaaaggacatcagc`` 62.5 -C BsaI 265, 127, 392 Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was carried out using a Perkin Elmer GeneAmp PCR system 2400 (Perkin Elmer Corp., Applied Biosystems Division, USA).
ABCA1 p.Val825Leu 16806540:50:591
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70 L825 allele is associated with decreased HDL-C levels LL genotype of V825L polymorphism was associated with decreased levels of HDL-C as compared to VV-the wild type genotype. This association remained significant when LL genotype was compared with LV+VV genotypes [À0.164 (À0.313 to À0.016); P-value<0.05, adjusted for age and gender.
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80 R219K, V399A and T774P polymorphisms followed the HWE however V825L and V771M showed a departure from HWE.
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82 Linkage disequilibrium and haplotype analysis R219K polymorphism was in significant linkage disequilibrium (LD) with V825L and V771M (DV=0.50; P-value<10À3 ).
ABCA1 p.Val825Leu 16806540:82:117
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83 Similarly, T774P showed high LD with V825L (DV=0.70; P-value<10À3 ).
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87 D. Saleheen et al. / International Journal of Cardiology 115 (2007) 7-13 9 polymorphism was in complete linkage equilibrium with T774P, V825L and V771M polymorphisms.
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ABCA1 p.Val825Leu 16806540:87:137
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92 On two-point haplotype analysis, the haplotype model between R219K and V825L polymorphisms showed RL haplotype to be associated with decreased levels of HDL-C. Importantly, this association remained significant when age, gender, hypertension and diabetes mellitus were introduced in to the haplotype model.
ABCA1 p.Val825Leu 16806540:92:71
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97 South Asian populations (from Pakistan, India, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka) represent a quarter of the developing world and harbor thirty percent of the global Table 4 Haplotype association analysis of the ABCA1 gene polymorphisms in relation with the HDL-C levels Haplotype Haplotype frequencies Haplotypic additive effects [95% CI] P-value R219K RV 0.47 + V825L RL 0.18 À0.12 [À0.22 to À0.03] 0.001 KV 0.28 À0.04 [À0.10 to 0.01] 0.15 KL 0.06 0.08 [À0.06 to 0.22] 0.25 T774P TV 0.21 0.03 [À0.05 to 0.12] 0.41 V825L TL 0.09 0.10 [À0.06 to 0.27] 0.22 PV 0.47 + PL 0.21 À0.06 [À0.14 to 0.02] 0.15 R219K RM 0.55 + V771M RV 0.07 À0.13 [À0.45 to 0.19] 0.41 KM 0.34 À0.02 [À0.09 to 0.05] 0.54 KV 0.04 0.07 [À0.12 to 0.27] 0.46 Table 3 Mean HDL-C levels (S.D.) for the genotypes and alleles of the studied polymorphisms Frequencies HDL-C (S.D.) b (95% CI) P-value R219K RR 39.8 1.06 (0.30) À0.02 (À0.16 to 0.13) 0.85 RK 46.0 1.10 (0.28) 0.00 (À0.14 to 0.14) 0.99 KK 14.3 1.10 (0.31) + R 62.7 1.08 (0.26) 0.01 (À0.05 to 0.07) 0.79 K 37.3 1.09 (0.31) V399A AA 6.0 1.01 (0.23) À0.03 (À0.24 to 0.16) 0.70 AV 34.7 1.11 (0.28) 0.10 (À0.04 to 0.16) 0.22 VV 59.3 1.04 (0.31) + A 23.3 1.09 (0.28) À0.03 (À0.10 to 0.05) 0.58 V 76.7 1.04 (0.31) T774P PP 9.6 1.10 (0.31) 0.20 (0.01 to 0.40) 0.03 PT 37.5 1.03 (0.32) 0.13 (À0.03 to 0.20) 0.14 TT 52.9 0.97 (0.28) + P 28.4 1.05 (0.32) À0.15 (À0.18 to À0.02) 0.01 T 71.6 0.99 (0.29) V771M MM 6.1 1.09 (0.30) 0.01 (&#xc0;0.24 to 0.25) VM 10.1 0.98 (0.24) À0.07 (À0.27 to 0.12) 0.46 VV 83.8 1.07 (0.29) + 0.94 M 11.1 1.04 (0.27) 0.03 (À0.10 to 0.15) 0.71 V 88.9 1.07 (0.29) V825L LL 9.8 0.89 (0.299) À0.17 (À0.32 to À0.19) 0.02 LV 32.8 1.06 (0.265) À0.03 (À0.11 to 0.076) 0.70 VV 57.5 1.07 (0.30) + L 26.1 1.07 (0.29) 0.10 (À0.00 to .13) 0.05 V 73.9 1.00 (0.28) P-values are adjusted for age and gender.
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ABCA1 p.Val825Leu 16806540:97:1752
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105 We found LL genotype of V825L polymorphism to be associated with decreased levels of HDL-C on both univariate and multivariate analyses.
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107 On haplotype analysis, the RL haplotype generated from the R219K and V825L polymorphisms was strongly associated with decreased levels of HDL-C. Importantly, association of this haplotype was stronger than the association observed for V825L polymorphism.
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116 Importantly, we have shown that carriers of LL genotype of V825L polymorphism are associated with decreased levels of HDL-C.
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