PMID: 17827468

Santosa S, Demonty I, Lichtenstein AH, Ordovas JM, Jones PJ
Single nucleotide polymorphisms in ABCG5 and ABCG8 are associated with changes in cholesterol metabolism during weight loss.
J Lipid Res. 2007 Dec;48(12):2607-13. Epub 2007 Sep 7., [PubMed]
No. Mutations Sentence Comment
4 ABCG5 p.Gln604Glu
ABCG5 p.Gln604Glu 17827468:4:11
status: VERIFIED
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Homozygous Q604E variants in ABCG5 had larger (P , 0.05) reductions in cholesterol absorption and greater increases (P , 0.05) in synthesis in contrast to heterozygous and homozygous wild-type carriers. Login to comment
7 ABCG5 p.Gln604Glu
ABCG5 p.Gln604Glu 17827468:7:90
status: VERIFIED
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The direction of the results is consistent with cross-sectional studies on the effects of Q604E and C54Y polymorphisms on plasma cholesterol. Login to comment
32 ABCG5 p.Gln604Glu
ABCG5 p.Gln604Glu 17827468:32:38
status: VERIFIED
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ABCG8 p.Asp19His
ABCG8 p.Asp19His 17827468:32:148
status: VERIFIED
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ABCG8 p.Thr400Lys
ABCG8 p.Thr400Lys 17827468:32:167
status: VERIFIED
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More specifically, these SNPs include Q604E (RS6720173), I18427 (RS4148189), I7892 (RS4131229), and M216 (RS3806471) in ABCG5 and C54Y (RS4148211), D19H (RS11887534), T400K (RS4148217), and I14222 (RS6709904) in ABCG8 (11, 13, 16, 17). Login to comment
34 ABCG8 p.Asp19His
ABCG8 p.Asp19His 17827468:34:153
status: VERIFIED
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Observational data suggest that total cholesterol (TC) and low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) concentrations are higher in individuals with the D19H wild type compared with individuals with at least one mutant variant (18). Login to comment
35 ABCG8 p.Asp19His
ABCG8 p.Asp19His 17827468:35:23
status: VERIFIED
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Again, focusing on the D19H SNP treatment with 10 mg of atorvastatin showed that individuals who had at least one variant allele had lower pretreatment TC concentration and lower posttreatment TC and LDL-C concentrations (15). Login to comment
36 ABCG5 p.Gln604Glu
ABCG5 p.Gln604Glu 17827468:36:112
status: VERIFIED
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In a cross-sectional study, Weggemans et al. (19) reported that individuals homozygous for the wild type of the Q604E SNP of ABCG5 had TC concentrations that were lower than those of carriers of at least one mutant allele. Login to comment
82 ABCG5 p.Gln604Glu
ABCG5 p.Gln604Glu 17827468:82:5
status: VERIFIED
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ABCG8 p.Asp19His
ABCG8 p.Asp19His 17827468:82:55
status: VERIFIED
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ABCG8 p.Thr400Lys
ABCG8 p.Thr400Lys 17827468:82:73
status: VERIFIED
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SNPs Q604E, I18429, I7892, and M216 in ABCG5 and C54Y, D19H, I14222, and T400K in ABCG8 were determined using PCR-based TaqMan allele discrimination assays (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA) (29). Login to comment
96 ABCG8 p.Thr400Lys
ABCG8 p.Thr400Lys 17827468:96:261
status: VERIFIED
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A Mann-Whitney U test was used to determine whether differences existed among the I18429 genotypes in final synthesis, initial turnover, and change in turnover, among the I1422 genotypes in final synthesis, final turnover, and change in turnover, and among the T400K genotypes in final synthesis. Login to comment
97 ABCG8 p.Thr400Lys
ABCG8 p.Thr400Lys 17827468:97:261
status: NEW
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A Mann-Whitney U test was used to determine whether differences existed among the I18429 genotypes in final synthesis, initial turnover, and change in turnover, among the I1422 genotypes in final synthesis, final turnover, and change in turnover, and among the T400K genotypes in final synthesis. Login to comment
112 ABCG5 p.Gln604Glu
ABCG5 p.Gln604Glu 17827468:112:100
status: NEW
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Effects of genotype on cholesterol metabolism Changes in cholesterol absorption were related to the Q604E SNP in ABCG5 (Table 3). Login to comment
113 ABCG5 p.Gln604Glu
ABCG5 p.Gln604Glu 17827468:113:100
status: VERIFIED
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Effects of genotype on cholesterol metabolism Changes in cholesterol absorption were related to the Q604E SNP in ABCG5 (Table 3). Login to comment
114 ABCG5 p.Gln604Glu
ABCG5 p.Gln604Glu 17827468:114:40
status: NEW
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Individuals who were homozygous for the Q604E SNP also had higher initial (P 5 0.026 and P 5 0.039) cholesterol absorption (86.5 6 13.3%) compared with heterozygous (57.2 6 11.8%) and homozygous wild-type (59.7 6 18.5%) subjects. Login to comment
115 ABCG5 p.Gln604Glu
ABCG5 p.Gln604Glu 17827468:115:40
status: VERIFIED
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Individuals who were homozygous for the Q604E SNP also had higher initial (P 5 0.026 and P 5 0.039) cholesterol absorption (86.5 6 13.3%) compared with heterozygous (57.2 6 11.8%) and homozygous wild-type (59.7 6 18.5%) subjects. Login to comment
118 ABCG5 p.Gln604Glu
ABCG5 p.Gln604Glu 17827468:118:97
status: NEW
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When individuals who were heterozygous were grouped with individuals who were homozygous for the Q604E SNP variant, no significant differences were identified in indicators of cholesterol metabolism. Login to comment
119 ABCG5 p.Gln604Glu
ABCG5 p.Gln604Glu 17827468:119:97
status: VERIFIED
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When individuals who were heterozygous were grouped with individuals who were homozygous for the Q604E SNP variant, no significant differences were identified in indicators of cholesterol metabolism. Login to comment
125 ABCG5 p.Gln604Glu
ABCG5 p.Gln604Glu 17827468:125:61
status: NEW
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The results indicate that homozygous variant carriers of the Q604E SNP in ABCG5 experienced larger decreases in cholesterol absorption and increased FSR after weight loss. Login to comment
126 ABCG5 p.Gln604Glu
ABCG5 p.Gln604Glu 17827468:126:61
status: VERIFIED
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The results indicate that homozygous variant carriers of the Q604E SNP in ABCG5 experienced larger decreases in cholesterol absorption and increased FSR after weight loss. Login to comment
131 ABCG5 p.Gln604Glu
ABCG5 p.Gln604Glu 17827468:131:73
status: NEW
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ABCG8 p.Asp19His
ABCG8 p.Asp19His 17827468:131:102
status: NEW
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ABCG8 p.Thr400Lys
ABCG8 p.Thr400Lys 17827468:131:114
status: NEW
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Individual subject genotypes for each SNP in ABCG5 and ABCG8 ABCG5 ABCG8 Q604E I18429 I7892 M216 C54Y D19H I14222 T400K 11 11 12 12 12 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 11 11 11 12 12 12 11 11 12 12 12 11 11 12 11 11 22 22 22 11 11 11 11 11 22 12 12 11 12 11 12 12 11 11 11 11 11 12 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 22 22 12 11 11 11 12 12 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 11 11 22 22 22 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 22 11 11 11 12 12 11 11 11 12 12 12 11 11 11 11 12 11 11 11 12 12 11 11 11 12 12 11 22 12 11 11 11 12 12 11 11 11 12 12 12 11 11 11 11 11 12 11 11 12 12 11 11 11 12 12 22 11 11 11 12 12 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 22 22 12 11 11 12 11 12 11 11 11 11 11 22 11 11 22 22 22 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 11 11 11 12 12 12 11 11 12 12 11 22 12 12 11 11 11 12 11 12 11 12 12 12 11 11 12 11 11 22 22 22 11 11 11 12 11 22 22 22 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 11 11 11 11 11 12 22 12 11 11 11 12 11 11 11 11 12 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 11 11 12 SNP, single nucleotide polymorphism. Login to comment
132 ABCG5 p.Gln604Glu
ABCG5 p.Gln604Glu 17827468:132:73
status: VERIFIED
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ABCG8 p.Asp19His
ABCG8 p.Asp19His 17827468:132:102
status: VERIFIED
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ABCG8 p.Thr400Lys
ABCG8 p.Thr400Lys 17827468:132:114
status: VERIFIED
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Individual subject genotypes for each SNP in ABCG5 and ABCG8 ABCG5 ABCG8 Q604E I18429 I7892 M216 C54Y D19H I14222 T400K 11 11 12 12 12 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 11 11 11 12 12 12 11 11 12 12 12 11 11 12 11 11 22 22 22 11 11 11 11 11 22 12 12 11 12 11 12 12 11 11 11 11 11 12 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 22 22 12 11 11 11 12 12 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 11 11 22 22 22 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 22 11 11 11 12 12 11 11 11 12 12 12 11 11 11 11 12 11 11 11 12 12 11 11 11 12 12 11 22 12 11 11 11 12 12 11 11 11 12 12 12 11 11 11 11 11 12 11 11 12 12 11 11 11 12 12 22 11 11 11 12 12 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 22 22 12 11 11 12 11 12 11 11 11 11 11 22 11 11 22 22 22 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 11 11 11 12 12 12 11 11 12 12 11 22 12 12 11 11 11 12 11 12 11 12 12 12 11 11 12 11 11 22 22 22 11 11 11 12 11 22 22 22 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 11 11 11 11 11 12 22 12 11 11 11 12 11 11 11 11 12 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 11 11 12 SNP, single nucleotide polymorphism. Login to comment
137 ABCG5 p.Gln604Glu
ABCG5 p.Gln604Glu 17827468:137:4
status: NEW
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The Q604E SNP is located on exon 13 of the ABCG5 gene and is encoded on a loop that faces the luminal or cell surface (16). Login to comment
138 ABCG5 p.Gln604Glu
ABCG5 p.Gln604Glu 17827468:138:4
status: VERIFIED
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ABCG8 p.Asp19His
ABCG8 p.Asp19His 17827468:138:43
status: NEW
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ABCG8 p.Thr400Lys
ABCG8 p.Thr400Lys 17827468:138:59
status: NEW
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The Q604E SNP is located on exon 13 of the ABCG5 gene and is encoded on a loop that faces the luminal or cell surface (16). Login to comment
139 ABCG8 p.Asp19His
ABCG8 p.Asp19His 17827468:139:43
status: VERIFIED
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ABCG8 p.Thr400Lys
ABCG8 p.Thr400Lys 17827468:139:59
status: VERIFIED
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Nonsynonymous SNPs on ABCG8, specifically, D19H, C54Y, and T400K, are located on exons 1, 2, and 8, respectively (33). Login to comment
141 ABCG8 p.Asp19His
ABCG8 p.Asp19His 17827468:141:96
status: NEW
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ABCG8 p.Asp19His
ABCG8 p.Asp19His 17827468:141:146
status: NEW
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In contrast with our results showing no relation between initial cholesterol kinetic levels and D19H, one study ascertained a connection with the D19H SNP, where the H19 allele was associated with higher cholesterol absorption (18). Login to comment
142 ABCG8 p.Asp19His
ABCG8 p.Asp19His 17827468:142:96
status: VERIFIED
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ABCG8 p.Asp19His
ABCG8 p.Asp19His 17827468:142:146
status: VERIFIED
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In contrast with our results showing no relation between initial cholesterol kinetic levels and D19H, one study ascertained a connection with the D19H SNP, where the H19 allele was associated with higher cholesterol absorption (18). Login to comment
145 ABCG8 p.Asp19His
ABCG8 p.Asp19His 17827468:145:248
status: NEW
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A trial by Chan et al. (35) that included 47 overweight men, however, resulted in observations consistent with those of the present investigation, in that they found no differences in sterol indicators of cholesterol absorption with respect to the D19H SNP. Login to comment
146 ABCG5 p.Gln604Glu
ABCG5 p.Gln604Glu 17827468:146:155
status: NEW
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ABCG8 p.Asp19His
ABCG8 p.Asp19His 17827468:146:248
status: VERIFIED
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A trial by Chan et al. (35) that included 47 overweight men, however, resulted in observations consistent with those of the present investigation, in that they found no differences in sterol indicators of cholesterol absorption with respect to the D19H SNP. Login to comment
147 ABCG5 p.Gln604Glu
ABCG5 p.Gln604Glu 17827468:147:155
status: VERIFIED
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A novel finding of this trial is that changes in cholesterol absorption and synthesis after weight loss, measured by stable isotopes, were affected by the Q604E and C54Y SNPs. Login to comment
149 ABCG5 p.Gln604Glu
ABCG5 p.Gln604Glu 17827468:149:242
status: NEW
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ABCG8 p.Asp19His
ABCG8 p.Asp19His 17827468:149:1179
status: NEW
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ABCG8 p.Thr400Lys
ABCG8 p.Thr400Lys 17827468:149:1409
status: NEW
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Cholesterol metabolism and change according to exon SNPs in ABCG5 and ABCG8 Cholesterol Biosynthesis Cholesterol Absorption Cholesterol Turnover SNP Initial Final Change Initial Final Change Initial Final Change %/day %/day %/day % % % % % % Q604E QQ 8.48 6 6.76 6.16 6 5.66 22.32 6 8.86 59.7 6 18.5a 65.7 6 13.7 5.94 6 18.3c 39.1 6 5.99 36.5 6 8.14 22.45 6 9.76 QE 13.9 6 9.05 6.48 6 3.95 27.39 6 9.36a 57.2 6 11.8b 64.5 6 18.0 7.33 6 15.6d 37.5 6 9.27 39.5 6 6.31 1.93 6 8.59 EE 7.91 6 4.91 9.60 6 5.09 1.69 6 10.0a 86.5 6 13.3a,b 55.7 6 13.5 230.8 6 1.90c,d 40.8 6 3.72 45.3 6 8.63 4.47 6 12.1 QE 1 EE 12.8 6 8.63 7.07 6 4.18 25.69 6 9.84 62.6 6 16.6 62.8 6 17.2 0.18 6 20.7 38.2 6 8.44 40.6 6 6.86 2.43 6 8.94 C54Y CC 9.96 6 8.83 5.18 6 4.88a 24.78 6 9.62 64.9 6 15.4 67.5 6 16.4 2.67 6 22.0 37.0 6 8.43 38.1 6 7.68 1.13 6 10.6 CY 8.95 6 5.34 8.79 6 5.35 20.17 6 7.60a 54.2 6 13.5 65.4 6 12.2 11.2 6 12.9 38.3 6 5.00 40.1 6 8.42 1.77 6 8.67 YY 14.1 6 9.07 5.99 6 3.74 28.09 6 10.3a 64.1 6 25.6 55.3 6 15.6 28.80 6 17.9 43.3 6 6.57 36.2 6 7.00 27.03 6 6.42 CY 1 YY 10.8 6 7.16 7.76 6 4.90a 23.08 6 9.28 57.9 6 18.8 61.7 6 14.0 3.85 6 17.5 40.0 6 5.87 38.8 6 8.00 21.17 6 8.89 D19H DD 10.1 6 6.68 6.54 6 5.28 23.55 6 8.28 58.8 6 15.9 61.8 6 13.3 3.00 6 17.2 39.1 6 6.00 38.2 6 7.59 20.70 6 8.41 DH 11.4 6 11.0 6.68 6 4.35 24.76 6 12.4 67.5 6 21.2 71.7 6 18.8 4.19 6 25.9 37.5 6 10.2 39.1 6 8.57 1.45 6 12.3 T400K TT 10.4 6 8.91 6.91 6 5.51 23.53 6 10.9 64.4 6 19.4 63.6 6 17.2 20.76 6 20.2 40.4 6 5.15 38.9 6 7.39 21.61 6 9.46 TK 1 KK 10.4 6 5.99 6.01 6 4.12 24.42 6 6.29 55.4 6 12.2 65.6 6 11.6 10.2 6 16.5 35.8 6 9.10 37.7 6 8.52 2.24 6 9.64 a,b Significant difference between groups (P , 0.05). Login to comment
150 ABCG5 p.Gln604Glu
ABCG5 p.Gln604Glu 17827468:150:242
status: VERIFIED
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ABCG8 p.Asp19His
ABCG8 p.Asp19His 17827468:150:1179
status: VERIFIED
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ABCG8 p.Thr400Lys
ABCG8 p.Thr400Lys 17827468:150:1409
status: VERIFIED
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Cholesterol metabolism and change according to exon SNPs in ABCG5 and ABCG8 Cholesterol Biosynthesis Cholesterol Absorption Cholesterol Turnover SNP Initial Final Change Initial Final Change Initial Final Change %/day %/day %/day % % % % % % Q604E QQ 8.48 6 6.76 6.16 6 5.66 22.32 6 8.86 59.7 6 18.5a 65.7 6 13.7 5.94 6 18.3c 39.1 6 5.99 36.5 6 8.14 22.45 6 9.76 QE 13.9 6 9.05 6.48 6 3.95 27.39 6 9.36a 57.2 6 11.8b 64.5 6 18.0 7.33 6 15.6d 37.5 6 9.27 39.5 6 6.31 1.93 6 8.59 EE 7.91 6 4.91 9.60 6 5.09 1.69 6 10.0a 86.5 6 13.3a,b 55.7 6 13.5 230.8 6 1.90c,d 40.8 6 3.72 45.3 6 8.63 4.47 6 12.1 QE 1 EE 12.8 6 8.63 7.07 6 4.18 25.69 6 9.84 62.6 6 16.6 62.8 6 17.2 0.18 6 20.7 38.2 6 8.44 40.6 6 6.86 2.43 6 8.94 C54Y CC 9.96 6 8.83 5.18 6 4.88a 24.78 6 9.62 64.9 6 15.4 67.5 6 16.4 2.67 6 22.0 37.0 6 8.43 38.1 6 7.68 1.13 6 10.6 CY 8.95 6 5.34 8.79 6 5.35 20.17 6 7.60a 54.2 6 13.5 65.4 6 12.2 11.2 6 12.9 38.3 6 5.00 40.1 6 8.42 1.77 6 8.67 YY 14.1 6 9.07 5.99 6 3.74 28.09 6 10.3a 64.1 6 25.6 55.3 6 15.6 28.80 6 17.9 43.3 6 6.57 36.2 6 7.00 27.03 6 6.42 CY 1 YY 10.8 6 7.16 7.76 6 4.90a 23.08 6 9.28 57.9 6 18.8 61.7 6 14.0 3.85 6 17.5 40.0 6 5.87 38.8 6 8.00 21.17 6 8.89 D19H DD 10.1 6 6.68 6.54 6 5.28 23.55 6 8.28 58.8 6 15.9 61.8 6 13.3 3.00 6 17.2 39.1 6 6.00 38.2 6 7.59 20.70 6 8.41 DH 11.4 6 11.0 6.68 6 4.35 24.76 6 12.4 67.5 6 21.2 71.7 6 18.8 4.19 6 25.9 37.5 6 10.2 39.1 6 8.57 1.45 6 12.3 T400K TT 10.4 6 8.91 6.91 6 5.51 23.53 6 10.9 64.4 6 19.4 63.6 6 17.2 20.76 6 20.2 40.4 6 5.15 38.9 6 7.39 21.61 6 9.46 TK 1 KK 10.4 6 5.99 6.01 6 4.12 24.42 6 6.29 55.4 6 12.2 65.6 6 11.6 10.2 6 16.5 35.8 6 9.10 37.7 6 8.52 2.24 6 9.64 a,b Significant difference between groups (P , 0.05). Login to comment
152 ABCG5 p.Gln604Glu
ABCG5 p.Gln604Glu 17827468:152:245
status: NEW
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ABCG8 p.Asp19His
ABCG8 p.Asp19His 17827468:152:761
status: NEW
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ABCG8 p.Thr400Lys
ABCG8 p.Thr400Lys 17827468:152:920
status: NEW
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Genotype distribution and frequency of SNPs in introns and exons of ABCG5 and ABCG8 in the studied population Homozygous Wild Type Heterozygous Homozygous Variant SNP n Age BMI n Age BMI n Age BMI % years kg/m2 % years kg/m2 % years kg/m2 ABCG5 Q604E 19 (54.3) 48.6 6 6.56 31.0 6 2.92 13 (37.1) 50.2 6 7.24 32.0 6 2.79 3 (8.6) 51.0 6 6.56 30.6 6 2.45 I18429 22 (62.9) 49.1 6 6.91 31.2 6 2.81 13 (37.1) 49.9 6 6.51 31.7 6 2.91 0 (0) I7892 15 (42.9) 50.1 6 7.09 30.6 6 2.55 13 (37.1) 46.9 6 6.59 32.1 6 3.02 7 (20.0) 52.3 6 4.96 31.5 6 2.98 M216 18 (51.4) 50.3 6 6.89 30.6 6 2.33a 10 (28.6) 45.0 6 5.19b 33.2 6 2.99a 7 (20.0) 53.1 6 5.21b 30.6 6 2.85 ABCG8 C54Y 16 (45.7) 50.4 6 7.10 30.8 6 2.42 12 (34.3) 46.9 6 6.33 31.5 6 2.28 7 (20.0) 51.3 6 5.88 32.5 6 4.26 D19H 26 (74.3) 48.9 6 7.06 31.7 6 3.00 9 (25.7) 50.8 6 5.89 30.3 6 2.01 0 (0) I14222 25 (71.4) 48.6 6 7.16 31.5 6 3.06 10 (28.6) 51.2 6 5.18 31.0 6 2.17 0 (0) T400K 22 (62.9) 50.6 6 5.67 31.2 6 3.03 11 (31.4) 46.6 6 8.43 31.9 6 2.40 2 (5.7) 50.5 6 3.54 31.0 6 3.82 BMI, body mass index. Login to comment
153 ABCG5 p.Gln604Glu
ABCG5 p.Gln604Glu 17827468:153:245
status: VERIFIED
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ABCG8 p.Asp19His
ABCG8 p.Asp19His 17827468:153:761
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ABCG8 p.Thr400Lys
ABCG8 p.Thr400Lys 17827468:153:920
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Genotype distribution and frequency of SNPs in introns and exons of ABCG5 and ABCG8 in the studied population Homozygous Wild Type Heterozygous Homozygous Variant SNP n Age BMI n Age BMI n Age BMI % years kg/m2 % years kg/m2 % years kg/m2 ABCG5 Q604E 19 (54.3) 48.6 6 6.56 31.0 6 2.92 13 (37.1) 50.2 6 7.24 32.0 6 2.79 3 (8.6) 51.0 6 6.56 30.6 6 2.45 I18429 22 (62.9) 49.1 6 6.91 31.2 6 2.81 13 (37.1) 49.9 6 6.51 31.7 6 2.91 0 (0) I7892 15 (42.9) 50.1 6 7.09 30.6 6 2.55 13 (37.1) 46.9 6 6.59 32.1 6 3.02 7 (20.0) 52.3 6 4.96 31.5 6 2.98 M216 18 (51.4) 50.3 6 6.89 30.6 6 2.33a 10 (28.6) 45.0 6 5.19b 33.2 6 2.99a 7 (20.0) 53.1 6 5.21b 30.6 6 2.85 ABCG8 C54Y 16 (45.7) 50.4 6 7.10 30.8 6 2.42 12 (34.3) 46.9 6 6.33 31.5 6 2.28 7 (20.0) 51.3 6 5.88 32.5 6 4.26 D19H 26 (74.3) 48.9 6 7.06 31.7 6 3.00 9 (25.7) 50.8 6 5.89 30.3 6 2.01 0 (0) I14222 25 (71.4) 48.6 6 7.16 31.5 6 3.06 10 (28.6) 51.2 6 5.18 31.0 6 2.17 0 (0) T400K 22 (62.9) 50.6 6 5.67 31.2 6 3.03 11 (31.4) 46.6 6 8.43 31.9 6 2.40 2 (5.7) 50.5 6 3.54 31.0 6 3.82 BMI, body mass index. Login to comment