PMID: 17372331

Soro-Paavonen A, Naukkarinen J, Lee-Rueckert M, Watanabe H, Rantala E, Soderlund S, Hiukka A, Kovanen PT, Jauhiainen M, Peltonen L, Taskinen MR
Common ABCA1 variants, HDL levels, and cellular cholesterol efflux in subjects with familial low HDL.
J Lipid Res. 2007 Jun;48(6):1409-16. Epub 2007 Mar 19., [PubMed]
No. Mutations Sentence Comment
5 ABCA1 p.Arg219Lys
ABCA1 p.Arg219Lys 17372331:5:191
status: NEW
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Cholesterol-loaded macrophages from low-HDL subjects showed significantly increased levels of ABCA1 mRNA but not of ABCG1 mRNA and were more often carriers of the rare ABCA1 alleles L158 and R219K. Login to comment
136 ABCA1 p.Arg219Lys
ABCA1 p.Arg219Lys 17372331:136:120
status: NEW
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Three SNPs differed significantly between the low-HDL family members and control subjects [L158 (rs2230805), P 5 0.004; R219K (rs2230806), P 5 0.005; and rs2297409, P 5 0.006], so that the rare alleles of each of these SNPs were overrepresented among low-HDL subjects (Table 3). Login to comment
137 ABCA1 p.Arg219Lys
ABCA1 p.Arg219Lys 17372331:137:22
status: NEW
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ABCA1 p.Arg219Lys
ABCA1 p.Arg219Lys 17372331:137:120
status: NEW
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Three SNPs differed significantly between the low-HDL family members and control subjects [L158 (rs2230805), P 5 0.004; R219K (rs2230806), P 5 0.005; and rs2297409, P 5 0.006], so that the rare alleles of each of these SNPs were overrepresented among low-HDL subjects (Table 3). Login to comment
138 ABCA1 p.Arg219Lys
ABCA1 p.Arg219Lys 17372331:138:22
status: NEW
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The variants L158 and R219K showed significant association with low HDL-C levels (P 5 0.009 and P 5 0.007, respectively), and T1427 showed association with high HDL-C (P 5 0.028). Login to comment
139 ABCA1 p.Arg219Lys
ABCA1 p.Arg219Lys 17372331:139:120
status: NEW
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We constructed allelic haplotypes of the three SNPs that showed association with either high or low HDL-C levels (L158, R219K, and T1427T) using PHASE version 2.0 software. Login to comment
140 ABCA1 p.Arg219Lys
ABCA1 p.Arg219Lys 17372331:140:120
status: NEW
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We constructed allelic haplotypes of the three SNPs that showed association with either high or low HDL-C levels (L158, R219K, and T1427T) using PHASE version 2.0 software. Login to comment
145 ABCA1 p.Arg219Lys
ABCA1 p.Arg219Lys 17372331:145:627
status: NEW
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Comparisons of the ABCA1 allele frequencies between 47 low-HDL family members (19 unaffected and 28 affected subjects) and 25 control subjects, and ABCA1 genotype effects on cholesterol efflux, HDL-C, and mean IMT in the pooled study group (n 5 72) Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism Identification Number Amino Acid Residue Allele Frequencies and P Value in Low-HDL Family Members Versus Control Subjectsa HDL-C Pb Mean IMT Pc rs2472459 - NS NS NS rs2246293 - NS NS NS rs2515616 - NS NS NS rs1800978 - NS NS NS rs2740492 - NS NS NS rs3858075 - NS NS NS rs1929842 - NS NS NS rs2230805 L158 (0.45 vs. 0.12) 0.004 0.009 NS rs2230806 R219K (0.40 vs. 0.08) 0.005 0.007 NS rs2487037 - NS NS NS rs2297409 - (0.30 vs. 0.04) 0.006 NS NS rs2066716 T1427 (0.11 vs. 0.32) 0.053 0.003 NS rs2230808 R1587K NS NS NS rs2066881 - NS NS NS rs4149341 - NS NS 0.025 a For statistically significant differences, the corresponding allele frequencies are given in parentheses (in low-HDL family members vs. control subjects), followed by Chi-square P value, with Fisher`s exact test for the differences in allele frequencies between low-HDL family members and control subjects. Login to comment
146 ABCA1 p.Arg219Lys
ABCA1 p.Arg219Lys 17372331:146:627
status: NEW
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Comparisons of the ABCA1 allele frequencies between 47 low-HDL family members (19 unaffected and 28 affected subjects) and 25 control subjects, and ABCA1 genotype effects on cholesterol efflux, HDL-C, and mean IMT in the pooled study group (n 5 72) Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism Identification Number Amino Acid Residue Allele Frequencies and P Value in Low-HDL Family Members Versus Control Subjectsa HDL-C Pb Mean IMT Pc rs2472459 - NS NS NS rs2246293 - NS NS NS rs2515616 - NS NS NS rs1800978 - NS NS NS rs2740492 - NS NS NS rs3858075 - NS NS NS rs1929842 - NS NS NS rs2230805 L158 (0.45 vs. 0.12) 0.004 0.009 NS rs2230806 R219K (0.40 vs. 0.08) 0.005 0.007 NS rs2487037 - NS NS NS rs2297409 - (0.30 vs. 0.04) 0.006 NS NS rs2066716 T1427 (0.11 vs. 0.32) 0.053 0.003 NS rs2230808 R1587K NS NS NS rs2066881 - NS NS NS rs4149341 - NS NS 0.025 a For statistically significant differences, the corresponding allele frequencies are given in parentheses (in low-HDL family members vs. control subjects), followed by Chi-square P value, with Fisher`s exact test for the differences in allele frequencies between low-HDL family members and control subjects. Login to comment
157 ABCA1 p.Arg219Lys
ABCA1 p.Arg219Lys 17372331:157:66
status: NEW
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Interestingly, the carrier status of the haplotype containing the R219K variant was not associated with the cholesterol efflux activity, implying that this particular variant does not result in the disturbed function of ABCA1 in macrophages but rather tags the allelic variant related to serum HDL-C level regulation, possibly at the hepatic level. Login to comment
158 ABCA1 p.Arg219Lys
ABCA1 p.Arg219Lys 17372331:158:66
status: NEW
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Interestingly, the carrier status of the haplotype containing the R219K variant was not associated with the cholesterol efflux activity, implying that this particular variant does not result in the disturbed function of ABCA1 in macrophages but rather tags the allelic variant related to serum HDL-C level regulation, possibly at the hepatic level. Login to comment
161 ABCA1 p.Arg219Lys
ABCA1 p.Arg219Lys 17372331:161:101
status: NEW
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The efflux (%) was not changed significantly between carriers and noncarriers of the rare alleles in R219K. Login to comment
162 ABCA1 p.Arg219Lys
ABCA1 p.Arg219Lys 17372331:162:101
status: NEW
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The efflux (%) was not changed significantly between carriers and noncarriers of the rare alleles in R219K. Login to comment
190 ABCA1 p.Arg219Lys
ABCA1 p.Arg219Lys 17372331:190:202
status: NEW
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In turn, in healthy subjects and CHD patients of European 1414 Journal of Lipid Research Volume 48, 2007 at SEMMELWEIS EGYETEM NET KORELET, on December , and French-Canadian origin, the common variant R219K was associated with increased levels of HDL, decreased TGs, and reduced severity of atherosclerosis (42, 43). Login to comment
191 ABCA1 p.Arg219Lys
ABCA1 p.Arg219Lys 17372331:191:238
status: NEW
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In turn, in healthy subjects and CHD patients of European 1414 Journal of Lipid Research Volume 48, 2007 atHealthScienceLibraryCB#7585,onSeptember24,2012www.jlr.orgDownloadedfrom 0.DC1.html and French-Canadian origin, the common variant R219K was associated with increased levels of HDL, decreased TGs, and reduced severity of atherosclerosis (42, 43). Login to comment
193 ABCA1 p.Arg219Lys
ABCA1 p.Arg219Lys 17372331:193:116
status: NEW
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Of these, T1427 gave corresponding results in both data sets, showing association with increased HDL-C. The variant R219K showed association with low serum HDL levels but not with the cholesterol efflux in our study sample. Login to comment
194 ABCA1 p.Arg219Lys
ABCA1 p.Arg219Lys 17372331:194:116
status: NEW
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Of these, T1427 gave corresponding results in both data sets, showing association with increased HDL-C. The variant R219K showed association with low serum HDL levels but not with the cholesterol efflux in our study sample. Login to comment
203 ABCA1 p.Arg219Lys
ABCA1 p.Arg219Lys 17372331:203:477
status: NEW
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In summary, based on our data, we conclude that 1) macrophages derived from Finnish subjects with familial low HDL displayed similar cholesterol-loading capacity but decreased cholesterol efflux to apoA-I via the ABCA1 pathway after loading; 2) familial low HDL in these families is not caused by rare mutations in ABCA1; rather, the common allelic variants are associated with HDL-C levels, as indicated by the dose-dependent contribution of the haplotype carrying the common R219K change in these subjects; and 3) relative ABCA1 mRNA expression in cholesterol-loaded macrophages was increased significantly in the low-HDL group. Login to comment
204 ABCA1 p.Arg219Lys
ABCA1 p.Arg219Lys 17372331:204:477
status: NEW
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In summary, based on our data, we conclude that 1) macrophages derived from Finnish subjects with familial low HDL displayed similar cholesterol-loading capacity but decreased cholesterol efflux to apoA-I via the ABCA1 pathway after loading; 2) familial low HDL in these families is not caused by rare mutations in ABCA1; rather, the common allelic variants are associated with HDL-C levels, as indicated by the dose-dependent contribution of the haplotype carrying the common R219K change in these subjects; and 3) relative ABCA1 mRNA expression in cholesterol-loaded macrophages was increased significantly in the low-HDL group. Login to comment