PMID: 15530894

Kajinami K, Takekoshi N, Brousseau ME, Schaefer EJ
Pharmacogenetics of HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors: exploring the potential for genotype-based individualization of coronary heart disease management.
Atherosclerosis. 2004 Dec;177(2):219-34., [PubMed]
No. Mutations Sentence Comment
1307 ABCG5 p.Gln604Glu
ABCG5 p.Gln604Glu 15530894:1307:2341
status: NEW
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(year/type) Locus Polymorphisma (amino acid changes) No. of patients Country (trial) Drug Baseline LDLC (mmol/l) Reduction of LDLC (%) P-value for difference Ojala et al. [44] (1991/P) APOE E3/3 34 Finland Lova 20 mg 5.3 28 0.043ߤߤ E3/4 13 5.3 20 Ordovas et al. [53] (1995/C) APOE E3/2 + E2/2 12 USA Prava 40 mg 3.98 36 <0.05ߥߥ E3/3 66 4.29 27 (ANOVA) E3/4 + E4/4 19 4.42 26 APOA4 Wild 125 USA Prava 40 mg 4.29 28 n.s. Variant 17 4.27 30 Nestel et al. [54] (1997/C) APOE ॻ3/2 + ॻ2/2 49 Australia Simva 20 mg 5.60 as a whole 33 as a whole Responder was more prevalent in E2 ॻ3/3 69 ॻ3/4 + ॻ4/4 59 Sanllehy et al. [55] (1998/C) APOE E3/2 15 Spain Lova 40 mg 5.72 31 n.s.ߥߥ E3/3 62 5.53 34 (ANOVA) E3/4 29 5.72 33 Sing et al. [56] (1999/P) LPL (N291S) 184 as a whole USA Fluva 40 mg 3.74 as a whole n.s. (S447X) Salazar et al. [57] (2000/P) LDLR AvaII 55 as a whole Brazil Fluva 5.83 as a whole 23-27 <0.05&#a7; HincII 40-80 mg <0.05&#a7; PvuII <0.05&#a7; Guzman et al. [58] (2000/P) APOB ins/del 54 as a whole Brazil Fluva 5.42 as a whole 28-34 0.044&#a7; XbaI 40-80 mg n.s.&#a7; EcoRI n.s.&#a7; Ballantyne et al. [59] (2000/C) APOE ॻ3/2 10 USA Fluva 40 mg 3.59 24 0.02ߤ ॻ3/3 102 (LCAS) 3.85 29 (ANOVA) ॻ3/4 + ॻ4/4 49 3.70 23 Mulder et al. [60] (2001/P) CYP2D6 88 as a whole Netherlands Simva n.a. ** 10-40 mg Pedro-Botet et al. [61] (2001/C) APOE ॻ3/2 + ॻ2/2 20 USA Atorva 10 mg 5.04 39 0.01 in men ॻ3/3 187 4.86 38 n.s. in women ॻ3/4 + ॻ4/4 121 4.81 36 (ANOVA) Fan et al. [62] (2001/P) SCAP MslI 22 as a whole Finland Prava 40 mg 3.8 as a whole n.s. Malin et al. [63] (2001/P) PON (M55L) 25 as a whole Finland Prava 40 mg 3.61 as a whole n.s. (R192Q) 0.095 in HDLC# Pena et al. [64] (2002/C) APOE ॻ3/2 13 Spain Prava 20 mg 4.75 17 n.s.ߥ ॻ3/3 293 5.24 22 ॻ3/4 + ॻ4/4 92 5.12 18 Lahoz et al. [65] (2003/P) APOA1 Promoter 397 as a whole Spain Prava 20 mg n.s. in LDLC 0.04 in HDLCߥߥ Ruano et al. [66] (2003/P) ABCA1 Haplotype 425 as a whole USA Various n.a. <0.0001$ HMGCR Haplotype n.s.$ van Venrooij et al. [67] (2003/P) CETP TaqI B 217 as a whole Netherlands Atorva 10-80 mg 3.7 as a whole <0.05 in HDLC A-629C (DALI) <0.05 in HDLC Kajinami et al. [68] (2004/P) ABCG5/G8 (Q604E) 338 as a whole USA Atorva 10 mg 4.86 as a whole n.s. (D19H) 36 vs. 40 0.036&#a7; (Y54C) n.s. (T400K) n.s. Table 3 (Continued ) Author [Ref. Login to comment
1308 ABCG5 p.Gln604Glu
ABCG5 p.Gln604Glu 15530894:1308:2374
status: NEW
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(year/type) Locus Polymorphisma (amino acid changes) No. of patients Country (trial) Drug Baseline LDLC (mmol/l) Reduction of LDLC (%) P-value for difference Ojala et al. [44] (1991/P) APOE E3/3 34 Finland Lova 20 mg 5.3 28 0.043†† E3/4 13 5.3 20 Ordovas et al. [53] (1995/C) APOE E3/2 + E2/2 12 USA Prava 40 mg 3.98 36 <0.05‡‡ E3/3 66 4.29 27 (ANOVA) E3/4 + E4/4 19 4.42 26 APOA4 Wild 125 USA Prava 40 mg 4.29 28 n.s. Variant 17 4.27 30 Nestel et al. [54] (1997/C) APOE ␧3/2 + ␧2/2 49 Australia Simva 20 mg 5.60 as a whole 33 as a whole Responder was more prevalent in E2 ␧3/3 69 ␧3/4 + ␧4/4 59 Sanllehy et al. [55] (1998/C) APOE E3/2 15 Spain Lova 40 mg 5.72 31 n.s.‡‡ E3/3 62 5.53 34 (ANOVA) E3/4 29 5.72 33 Sing et al. [56] (1999/P) LPL (N291S) 184 as a whole USA Fluva 40 mg 3.74 as a whole n.s. (S447X) Salazar et al. [57] (2000/P) LDLR AvaII 55 as a whole Brazil Fluva 5.83 as a whole 23-27 <0.05§ HincII 40-80 mg <0.05§ PvuII <0.05§ Guzman et al. [58] (2000/P) APOB ins/del 54 as a whole Brazil Fluva 5.42 as a whole 28-34 0.044§ XbaI 40-80 mg n.s.§ EcoRI n.s.§ Ballantyne et al. [59] (2000/C) APOE ␧3/2 10 USA Fluva 40 mg 3.59 24 0.02† ␧3/3 102 (LCAS) 3.85 29 (ANOVA) ␧3/4 + ␧4/4 49 3.70 23 Mulder et al. [60] (2001/P) CYP2D6 88 as a whole Netherlands Simva n.a. ** 10-40 mg Pedro-Botet et al. [61] (2001/C) APOE ␧3/2 + ␧2/2 20 USA Atorva 10 mg 5.04 39 0.01 in men ␧3/3 187 4.86 38 n.s. in women ␧3/4 + ␧4/4 121 4.81 36 (ANOVA) Fan et al. [62] (2001/P) SCAP MslI 22 as a whole Finland Prava 40 mg 3.8 as a whole n.s. Malin et al. [63] (2001/P) PON (M55L) 25 as a whole Finland Prava 40 mg 3.61 as a whole n.s. (R192Q) 0.095 in HDLC# Pena et al. [64] (2002/C) APOE ␧3/2 13 Spain Prava 20 mg 4.75 17 n.s.‡ ␧3/3 293 5.24 22 ␧3/4 + ␧4/4 92 5.12 18 Lahoz et al. [65] (2003/P) APOA1 Promoter 397 as a whole Spain Prava 20 mg n.s. in LDLC 0.04 in HDLC‡‡ Ruano et al. [66] (2003/P) ABCA1 Haplotype 425 as a whole USA Various n.a. <0.0001$ HMGCR Haplotype n.s.$ van Venrooij et al. [67] (2003/P) CETP TaqI B 217 as a whole Netherlands Atorva 10-80 mg 3.7 as a whole <0.05 in HDLC A-629C (DALI) <0.05 in HDLC Kajinami et al. [68] (2004/P) ABCG5/G8 (Q604E) 338 as a whole USA Atorva 10 mg 4.86 as a whole n.s. (D19H) 36 vs. 40 0.036§ (Y54C) n.s. (T400K) n.s. Table 3 (Continued ) Author [Ref. Login to comment
1339 ABCG8 p.Asp19His
ABCG8 p.Asp19His 15530894:1339:75
status: NEW
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In 338 subjects with hypercholesterolemia, the variant allele of the ABCG8 D19H polymorphism was significantly associated with a greater reduction in LDL-C, 40% versus 36%, in response to atorvastatin 10 mg. Login to comment
1340 ABCG8 p.Asp19His
ABCG8 p.Asp19His 15530894:1340:75
status: NEW
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ABCG8 p.Asp19His
ABCG8 p.Asp19His 15530894:1340:82
status: NEW
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In 338 subjects with hypercholesterolemia, the variant allele of the ABCG8 D19H polymorphism was significantly associated with a greater reduction in LDL-C, 40% versus 36%, in response to atorvastatin 10 mg. Login to comment
1341 ABCG8 p.Asp19His
ABCG8 p.Asp19His 15530894:1341:82
status: NEW
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Berge et al. [76] have previously reported a significant relationship between the D19H variant and concentrations of plasma cholestanol, a marker for intestinal cholesterol absorption. Login to comment
1422 ABCG8 p.Asp19His
ABCG8 p.Asp19His 15530894:1422:30
status: NEW
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Combination analysis of ABCG8 D19H and CYP7A1 promoter polymorphisms (A-204C) was more informative (absolute difference across groups was 8.5%), in terms of categorizing patients by treatment response than is the analysis of each polymorphism individually (3.0% in ABCG8 and 4.2% in CYP7A1) [112]. Login to comment
1423 ABCG8 p.Asp19His
ABCG8 p.Asp19His 15530894:1423:30
status: NEW
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Combination analysis of ABCG8 D19H and CYP7A1 promoter polymorphisms (A-204C) was more informative (absolute difference across groups was 8.5%), in terms of categorizing patients by treatment response than is the analysis of each polymorphism individually (3.0% in ABCG8 and 4.2% in CYP7A1) [112]. Login to comment