ABCD1 p.Arg617Cys
ClinVar: |
, Pathogenic
c.1850G>A , p.Arg617His D , Pathogenic |
Predicted by SNAP2: | A: D (95%), C: D (95%), D: D (95%), E: D (95%), F: D (95%), G: D (95%), H: D (95%), I: D (95%), K: D (95%), L: D (95%), M: D (95%), N: D (95%), P: D (95%), Q: D (95%), S: D (95%), T: D (95%), V: D (95%), W: D (95%), Y: D (95%), |
Predicted by PROVEAN: | A: D, C: D, D: D, E: D, F: D, G: D, H: D, I: D, K: N, L: D, M: D, N: D, P: D, Q: D, S: D, T: D, V: D, W: D, Y: D, |
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[hide] ABCD1 mutations and the X-linked adrenoleukodystro... Hum Mutat. 2001 Dec;18(6):499-515. Kemp S, Pujol A, Waterham HR, van Geel BM, Boehm CD, Raymond GV, Cutting GR, Wanders RJ, Moser HW
ABCD1 mutations and the X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy mutation database: role in diagnosis and clinical correlations.
Hum Mutat. 2001 Dec;18(6):499-515., [PMID:11748843]
Abstract [show]
X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy (X-ALD) is caused by mutations in the ABCD1 gene, which encodes a peroxisomal ABC half-transporter (ALDP) involved in the import of very long-chain fatty acids (VLCFA) into the peroxisome. The disease is characterized by a striking and unpredictable variation in phenotypic expression. Phenotypes include the rapidly progressive childhood cerebral form (CCALD), the milder adult form, adrenomyeloneuropathy (AMN), and variants without neurologic involvement. There is no apparent correlation between genotype and phenotype. In males, unambiguous diagnosis can be achieved by demonstration of elevated levels of VLCFA in plasma. In 15 to 20% of obligate heterozygotes, however, test results are false-negative. Therefore, mutation analysis is the only reliable method for the identification of heterozygotes. Since most X-ALD kindreds have a unique mutation, a great number of mutations have been identified in the ABCD1 gene in the last seven years. In order to catalog and facilitate the analysis of these mutations, we have established a mutation database for X-ALD ( In this review we report a detailed analysis of all 406 X-ALD mutations currently included in the database. Also, we present 47 novel mutations. In addition, we review the various X-ALD phenotypes, the different diagnostic tools, and the need for extended family screening for the identification of new patients.
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174 P560S 7 1678C>T n.d. # P560L 7 1679C>T Reduced P560L 7 1679C>T Reduced fs I588 7 1765delC n.d. # R591P 7 1772G>C Absent S606L 8 1817C>T Present E609K 8 1825G>A Absent E609K 8 1825G>A Absent R617C 8 1849C>T Absent R617H 8 1850G>A Absent R617H 8 1850G>A Absent A626T 9 1876G>A Absent A626T 9 1876G>A Absent A626D 9 1877C>A n.d. # E630G 9 1889A>G n.d. # C631Y 9 1892G>A n.d. # T632I 9 1895C>T n.d. # V635M 9 1903G>A n.d. # L654P 9 1961T>C Absent # R660W 9 1978C>T Absent fs L663 9 1988insT n.d. # fs L663 IVS 9 IVS9+1g>a n.d. # fs L663 IVS 9 IVS9-1g>a n.d. # H667D 10 1999C>G Absent # T668I 10 2003C>T Absent # T693M 10 2078C>T Present # exon1-5del 1-5 n.d. # The 47 mutations marked with a # are novel unique mutations reported for the first time in this paper.
ABCD1 p.Arg617Cys 11748843:174:190
status: NEW[hide] Correlation of very long chain fatty acid accumula... Neurobiol Dis. 2003 Dec;14(3):425-39. Paintlia AS, Gilg AG, Khan M, Singh AK, Barbosa E, Singh I
Correlation of very long chain fatty acid accumulation and inflammatory disease progression in childhood X-ALD: implications for potential therapies.
Neurobiol Dis. 2003 Dec;14(3):425-39., [PMID:14678759]
Abstract [show]
This study was designed to understand the role of inflammatory mediators involved in the neurobiology of childhood adrenoleukodystrophy (cALD) by comparing the differential expression of the inflammatory mediators with metabolite very long chain fatty acids that accumulate in this disease. Histopathological examinations indicated extensive demyelination and accumulation of infiltrates in perivascular cuffs in plaque area (PA) and inflammatory area (IA) compared to normal looking area (NLA) of the cALD brain and controls. The PA had excessive accumulation of cholesterol ester (25-30-fold), VLC fatty acids (8-12-fold), and exhaustive depletion of cholesterol (60-70%) and sphingomyelin (50-55%) in comparison to controls. The mRNA expression of cytokines (IL-1alpha, IL-2, IL-3, IL-6, TNF-alpha, and GM-CSF), chemokines (CCL2, -4, -7, -11, -16, -21, -22, CXCL1, CX3CL1, and SDF-2) and iNOS in IA was significantly increased compared to NLA of the cALD and controls determined by gene array, semiquantitative RT-PCR, and immunohistochemistry. These results indicate that accumulation of VLC fatty acid contents in membrane domains associated with signal transduction pathways may trigger the inflammatory process through activation of resident glial cells (microglia and astrocytes) resulting in loss of myelin and oligodendrocytes.
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61 Furthermore, this patient showed a base change at nt 2235 C Ͼ T in X-ALD gene ABCD1 (previously documented missense mutation; Smith et al., 1999), which results in the replacement of normal Arg at position 617 with Cys (R617 C).
ABCD1 p.Arg617Cys 14678759:61:196
status: NEW[hide] Variability of endocrinological dysfunction in 55 ... Eur J Endocrinol. 1997 Jul;137(1):40-7. Korenke GC, Roth C, Krasemann E, Hufner M, Hunneman DH, Hanefeld F
Variability of endocrinological dysfunction in 55 patients with X-linked adrenoleucodystrophy: clinical, laboratory and genetic findings.
Eur J Endocrinol. 1997 Jul;137(1):40-7., [PMID:9242200]
Abstract [show]
X-linked adrenoleucodystrophy (ALD) has been shown to be one of the most frequent causes of Addison's disease in men. It is characterized by an impaired peroxisomal beta-oxidation of very long chain fatty acids and is associated with mutations of the ALD gene resulting in a defective peroxisomal membrane transport protein. There is a striking variability of endocrinological and neurological symptoms in patients with ALD, with no clearly evident correlation between mutations of the ALD gene and the different neurological phenotypes. No data on endocrinological symptoms and the ALD genotype have been published so far. We report endocrinological, clinical, laboratory and molecular genetic data from 55 patients with ALD from 34 families. Endocrinological symptoms of adrenal insufficiency were observed in 33 patients, 20 of whom showed additional neurological symptoms of cerebral ALD or adrenomyeloneuropathy. Isolated neurological symptoms were seen in 12 patients; in nine patients there were neither endocrinological nor neurological symptoms. Mutations of the ALD gene (n = 28) were detected in 50 patients (including nine sets of brothers) from 32 families. No correlation was found between the ALD gene mutation and endocrinological dysfunction. However, we found that all sets of brothers were concordant for the endocrinological phenotype (cortisol synthesis was reduced in two sets and normal in seven sets), whereas four sets showed a discordant neurological phenotype. As yet unknown hereditary factors other than mutations within the ALD gene may interfere with the endocrinological phenotype more strongly than with the neurological phenotype of ALD.
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118 Start of Cortisol Start of Age at endocrine Basal increase neurological examination symptoms ACTH cortisol after i.v. ACTH symptoms ALD gene Patient (year-month) (year-month) (pmol/l) (nmol/l) (nmol/l) (year-month) mutation 1a 9-05 6-08 223 179 0 7-02 cALD 2252-10 G-A 1b 13-03 9-05 41 331 41 9-05 cALD 2252-10 G-A 2a 26-01 - 6 386 221 - R418W 2b 27-10 - 6 461 229 11-00 cALD R418W 3a 11-06 6-00 536 138 8 - S606L 3b 11-06 6-00 423 143 11 10-10 cALD S606L 4a 4-04 2-09 >330 127 141 - R617C 4b 5-06 3-11 >330 97 50 - R617C 4c 7-10 5-05 >330 50 6 6-03 cALD R617C 5a 10-06 - 8 433 290 8-02 cALD del 1257-9 5b 17-07 - 9 637 629 - del 1257-9 6a 27-00 24-00 >320 30 11 18-03 AMN L107P 6b 32-10 - 47 279 185 19-01 AMN L107P 7a 34-08 - 48 469 350 24-00 AMN R418W 7b 36-05 - 43 486 201 28-00 AMN R418W 8a 14-05 - 33 287 94 - 1801 del AG 8b 16-10 - 14 348 149 - 1801 del AG 9a 13-07 5-10 1094 36 6 - 740 del G 9b 157-04 1241 63 11 - 740 del G cALD, cerebral adrenoleucodystrophy; AMN, adrenomyeloneuropathy; -, no symptoms.
ABCD1 p.Arg617Cys 9242200:118:484
status: NEWX
ABCD1 p.Arg617Cys 9242200:118:516
status: NEWX
ABCD1 p.Arg617Cys 9242200:118:555
status: NEW[hide] Novel mutation in ATP-binding domain of ABCD1 gene... J Genet. 2010 Dec;89(4):473-7. Kumar N, Taneja KK, Kumar A, Nayar D, Taneja B, Aneja S, Behari M, Kalra V, Bansal SK
Novel mutation in ATP-binding domain of ABCD1 gene in adrenoleukodystrophy.
J Genet. 2010 Dec;89(4):473-7., [PMID:21273699]
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87 In this codon, out of six possible different missense mutations, (three each at position first and second of the codon) four viz. c.1849C>T / Arg617Cys, c.1849C>G / Arg617Gly, c.1850G>A / Arg617His and c.1850G>T / Arg617Leu have already been reported by others (Fanen et al. 1994; Krasemann et al. 1996; Coll et al. 2005).
ABCD1 p.Arg617Cys 21273699:87:142
status: NEW[hide] Molecular diagnosis of X-linked adrenoleukodystrop... Clin Chim Acta. 2011 May 12;412(11-12):970-4. Epub 2011 Feb 12. Lan F, Wang Z, Xie H, Huang L, Ke L, Yang B, Zhu Z
Molecular diagnosis of X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy: experience from a clinical genetic laboratory in mainland China with report of 13 novel mutations.
Clin Chim Acta. 2011 May 12;412(11-12):970-4. Epub 2011 Feb 12., [PMID:21300044]
Abstract [show]
BACKGROUND: X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy (X-ALD) is a neurodegenerative disorder characterized by progressive demyelination of the nervous system, adrenocortical insufficiency and increase of very long chain fatty acids (VLCFAs) in the plasma and tissues. METHODS: A total of 131 individuals from 30 Chinese pedigrees were involved in this study, including 42 symptomatic patients, 44 female carriers, and 15 high-risk fetuses from 13 families. The mutation was first pinpointed through long distance RT-PCR-based RNA approach and confirmed through peripheral blood DNA approach. RESULTS: A total of 28 mutations were identified, of which 19 were missense, 3 nonsense and 6 frame-shift mutations. Thirteen mutations were novel, i.e. p.R280L, p.P580L, p.G343V, p.S108X, p.R259W, p.P534R, p.fs A246, p.L576P, p.K602X, p.A314P, p.N148D, p.H283R, and p.fs R89. Two mutations occurred de novo, for they were not found in somatic cells of their parents. Three females from the same family developed AMN-like symptoms and they were heterozygous for the p.H283R mutation. Four asymptomatic boys were diagnosed as X-ALD patients and prenatal molecular diagnosis were provided for 13 X-ALD-stricken families. CONCLUSIONS: Our work extended the spectrum of mutations in X-ALD and benefited genetic counseling through reliable identification of heterozygous females and asymptomatic males.
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99 Pedigree Number of patient Number of carriere Phenotype of patient Base change Amino acid change Position of mutation Feature of mutation Prenatal diagnosis 1 1 2 AdolCALD 1225GNT R280L Exon 1 Missense 2 1 1 CCALD 1909CNT P508L Exon 6 Missense 3 4 3 CCALD 1987CNG P534R Exon 6 Missense Y 4 1 1 CCALD 1182GNA G266R Exon 1 Missense 5 1a +1b 1 CCALD 2235CNG R617G Exon 8 Missense Y 6 1+1a +1c 1 CCALD 1414GNT G343V Exon 2 Missense 7 1 1 CCALD 1415_02 del AG fs E471 Exon 5 Frameshift 8 1+1b 1 CCALD 2235CNT R617C Exon 8 Missense Yh 9 1 1 CCALD 2065CNT P560L Exon 7 Y 10 1+1a 2+1b CCALD [709 NA; 1161CNT] [S108X; R259W] Exon 1 Nonsense; Missense Y 11 1 1 CCALD 1126ins GCCATCG fs I246 Exon 1 Frameshift 12 1 1 CCALD 2113TNC L576P Exon 7 Missense 13 1a +2c 3 CCALD 807GNA A141T Exon 1 Missense 14 1 1 CCALD 1415_02 del AG fs E471 Exon 5 Frameshift Y 15 1 1+1b CCALD 915CNA Q177X Exon 1 Nonsense Yh 16 1+1a 1 CCALD 1588GNA R401Q Exon 3 Missense 17 1 1 CCALD 1212 ANG K276E Exon 1 Missense Y 18 1 1 CCALD 907 ANG Y174C Exon 1 Missense 19 1 2 CCALD 2190 ANT K602X Exon 8 Nonsense 20 1 1 CCALD 1326GNC A314P Exon 2 Missense 21 1 1 CCALD 828 ANG N148D Exon 1 Missense Y 22 1 1 CCALD 1588GNA R401Q Exon 3 Missense Y 23 1 0f CCALD 2278GNA C631Y Exon 9 Missense 24 1a 1 CCALD 1008insG fs S207 Exon 1 Frameshift Y 25 1 0f CCALD 1920GNA G512S Exon 6 Missense 26 1+1c 3 CCALD 1415_02 del AG fs E471 Exon 5 Frameshift Y 27 1+1b 1 CCALD [1035ANG; 1853GNA] [K217E; V489V] Exon 1 Missense; same sense Y 28 1+3d 4 AMNg 1234ANG H283R Exon 1 Missense 29 1+2a 3 CCALD 1233CNG H283D Exon 1 Missense 30 2 3 AMN; CCALD 656_57 delGA fs R89 Exon 1 Frameshift a patient or proband died at the time of referral; b fetus by prenatal diagnosis; c presymptomatic at the time of referral; d female heterozygote patient; e determined by molecular ananlysis or deduced by the fact that the carrier was the daughter of an X-ALD, or the mother of at least one X-ALD patients; f de novo mutation; g including three heterozygote female patients; h twice for two pregnancies.
ABCD1 p.Arg617Cys 21300044:99:504
status: NEW[hide] Spectrum of mutations in the gene encoding the adr... Am J Hum Genet. 1995 Jan;56(1):44-50. Ligtenberg MJ, Kemp S, Sarde CO, van Geel BM, Kleijer WJ, Barth PG, Mandel JL, van Oost BA, Bolhuis PA
Spectrum of mutations in the gene encoding the adrenoleukodystrophy protein.
Am J Hum Genet. 1995 Jan;56(1):44-50., [PMID:7825602]
Abstract [show]
X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD) has been associated with mutations in a gene encoding an ATP-binding transporter, which is located in the peroxisomal membrane. Deficiency of the gene leads to impaired peroxisomal beta-oxidation. Systematic analysis of the open reading frame of the ALD gene, using reverse transcriptase-PCR, followed by direct sequencing, revealed mutations in all 28 unrelated kindreds analyzed. No entire gene deletions or drastic promoter mutations were detected. In only one kindred did the mutation involve multiple exons. The other mutations were small alterations leading to missense (13 of 28) or nonsense mutations, a single amino acid deletion, frameshifts, or splice acceptor-site defects. Mutations affecting a single amino acid were concentrated in the region between the third and fourth putative transmembrane domains and in the ATP-binding domain. Mutations were detected in all investigated ALD kindreds, suggesting that this gene is the only gene responsible for X-linked ALD. This overview of mutations is useful in the determination of structurally and functionally important regions and provides an efficient screening strategy for identification of mutations in the ALD gene.
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85 The mutation T1045C created a novel HpaII site, which was confirmed Table 2 Mutations in the Putative ALD Gene in Patients Studied Genomic- Kindred Type of Mutation and Amino Acid Genomic-PCR Mutation Reference cDNA Alterationa Alterationb Exonc Primers Detectiond Phenotype' Number Missense: C696Tf ................ R104C (R) 1 303F + 821R 303F, 821R AMN 17 G832A ................ S149N (N) 1 702F + 1145R 702F, 931R AMN 8 G841C ................ R152P (K) 1 702F + 1145R 702F, 931R ChALD 27 G874Af ................ R163H (R) 1 702F + 931R 702F, 931R SympCar 14 G966C ................ D194H (D) 1 685F + 1145R 914F, 1145R ChALD 12 T1045C ................ L220P (L) 1 914F + 1145R HpaII AMN 7 G1182A ................. G266R (G) 1 702F + 1231R 914F,1231R AMN 24 G1552A ................. R389H (R) 3 1479F + 1861R 1479F,1752R AMN 20 (2X): G2211A................. E609K(E) 8 544F*+ 1078R*h 544F*, 876R* AMN 13,18 A2212G ................ E609G (E) 8 544F*+ 1078R*h 544F*, 876R* ChALD 5 C2235Tf................ R617C (R) 8 544F* + 2742R 544F*, 876R* ChALD 23 C2364Tf................ R660W (R) 9 544F* + 2742R 2312F, 1078R* AMN 21 Amino acid deletion: del 2355-2357 ........... del 1657(V) 9 849F* + 2478Rh 2312F,1078R* ChALD 6 Nonsense: C783Tf ................ Q133h 1 702F + 931R 702F, 931R ChALD 26 G797A ................ W137h 1 685F +1145R 702F,931R ChALD 10 C855T ................ Q157h 1 702F + 1145R 702F,931R AMN 9 C929A ................ Y181h 1 702F + 1145R HpaIl ChALD 15 Frameshift: delC442 ................ A19> 1 303F + 821R 303F,593R ChALD 2 del C663 ................ G92> 1 303F + 840R 576F, 821R ChALD 22 dell71-1178 ........... F261> 1 702F + 1231R 914F,1231R ChALD 28 (4X): del 1801-1802 ........... E471> 5 1781F + 1861R Polyacrylamide gel ChALD, AMN 3,4,16,25 alt 1989-2377 ........... P534> 6-9 1890F +2669R 1890F,1078R* AMN 11 Splice defect: de12021-2054 ........... R545> SA 7 1880F +2132R 1880F,2114R ChALD 1 ins 8 bp 2251f ............ R622> SA 9 849F* + 1078R*h 849F*, 1078R* AMN 19 a Nucleotide numbers refer to Mosser et al. (1993), EMBL database Z21876.
ABCD1 p.Arg617Cys 7825602:85:1008
status: NEW142 Recently, a search for mutations in exons 6 and 8 that encode the 2 ATP-binding-site motifs in 50 French patients uncovered four missense mutations (including the R617C mutation also found by us [Fanen et al. 1994]).
ABCD1 p.Arg617Cys 7825602:142:163
status: NEW[hide] Identification of mutations in the putative ATP-bi... J Clin Invest. 1994 Aug;94(2):516-20. Fanen P, Guidoux S, Sarde CO, Mandel JL, Goossens M, Aubourg P
Identification of mutations in the putative ATP-binding domain of the adrenoleukodystrophy gene.
J Clin Invest. 1994 Aug;94(2):516-20., [PMID:8040304]
Abstract [show]
The recently identified adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD) gene is predicted to encode a peroxisomal protein of 745 amino acids that includes one domain for ATP-binding, termed nucleotide-binding fold (NBF). To determine whether mutations occur in the putative NBF of ALD protein, we analyzed by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) exon 6 and 8 that encode most part of this domain in 50 ALD patients. Four amino acid substitutions, three frameshift mutations leading to premature termination signal, and a splicing mutation were identified. These amino acid substitutions occurred at residues highly conserved in other ATP-binding cassette (ABC) proteins. In addition, a nonsense mutation was detected in exon 4.
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48 Asterisks indicate the posi- *l I U13 | tion of the four missense mutations in ALD protein (ALDP): R518W substitution occurs at the same amino acid position as in the CFTR mutant S1255P, and S606L at the same position as in the S5491 or S549R CFTR mutants; R617C and R617H have no equivalents in CFTR mutants.
ABCD1 p.Arg617Cys 8040304:48:257
status: NEW90 The C2235 -+ T (Arg617 -+ Cys or R617C) mutation was discovered in a family where the index case died of cerebral ALD at 9 years.
ABCD1 p.Arg617Cys 8040304:90:33
status: NEW127 Three of them (S606L, R617C, and R617H) involve invariant residues in all ABC proteins studied so far (Fig. 1).
ABCD1 p.Arg617Cys 8040304:127:22
status: NEW145 Mutations Detected in the ALD Gene Name Nucleotide change Effect on coding sequence Exon Clinical phenotype R464X C - T at 1776 Arg - Stop at 464 4 AMN* 1937delC Deletion of C at 1937 Frameshift 6 cerebral ALD R518W CT at 1938 Arg-Trpat 518 6 AMN 2020 + I G - A G - A at 2020 + 1 5' splice signal Intron 6 ACMN2 2177delTA Deletion of TA at 2177 Frameshift 8 cerebral ALD S606L C - T at 2203 Ser - Leu at 606 8 Addison 2204delG Deletion of G at 2204 Frameshift 8 Addison R617C C - T at 2235 Arg - Cys at 617 8 cerebral ALD R617H G - A at 2236 Arg - His at 617 8 ACMN * Adrenomyeloneuropathy; tadrenomyeloneuropathy with cerebral involvement.
ABCD1 p.Arg617Cys 8040304:145:470
status: NEW[hide] A rapid and sensitive protocol for prenatal molecu... Clin Chim Acta. 2010 Dec 14;411(23-24):1992-7. Epub 2010 Aug 26. Lan F, Wang Z, Ke L, Xie H, Huang L, Huang H, Tu X, Zheng D, Zeng J, Li H, Xin N, Yang B
A rapid and sensitive protocol for prenatal molecular diagnosis of X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy.
Clin Chim Acta. 2010 Dec 14;411(23-24):1992-7. Epub 2010 Aug 26., [PMID:20800589]
Abstract [show]
BACKGROUND: X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy (X-ALD) is a neurodegenerative genetic disease characterized by progressive demylination of the brain, adrenal insufficiency and elevated VLCFA level. ABCD1gene is the disease gene and more than 500 unique mutations in the ABCD1gene have been recorded in the database, approximately 60% of which are noncurrent ones. Although great progress has been made in the treatment of X-ALD, prenatal diagnosis is still badly needed by X-ALD-stricken families. METHODS: Twelve high-risk fetuses entered this study. Amniotic fluid (AF) was divided into two parts, with one part being used directly to isolate genomic DNA and debris from the other part for amniotic fluid cells (AFC) culturing. STR profiling was performed to evaluate maternal contamination of AFC genomic DNA. Two different molecular approaches, be they any two of direct sequencing, PCR-RFLP, ARMS, dot hybridization and DHPLC, were applied to determine whether the mutation identified in the index patient was found in the fetus. RESULTS: The genotypes of all 12 fetuses were determined, among which 2 were diagnosed as ALD males, 5 unaffected males, 1 heterozygote, and 4 normal unaffected females. A total of 9 families sent samples of umbilical blood at the time of delivery, and results of molecular checking of these samples agreed with those of prenatal diagnosis. Up until now, no ALD-related abnormalities were reported postnatally. CONCLUSION: An in-house protocol for the prenatal molecular diagnosis of X-ALD was established, and this protocol would provide accurate and rapid prenatal genetic service to X-ALD-stricken families.
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74 Family Origin (province) Genotype of proband Age (years) of carrier at amniocentesis Weeks of pregnancy at amniocentesis 1 Guangdong p.Arg617Gly 39 28 2 Shandong p.Pro534Arg 25 21 3 Fujian p.Arg617Cys 33(34)a 16(17)a 4 Hebei 1415_1416delAG (p.Glu471fs) 29 26 5 Fujian [p.Ser108X; p.Arg259Trp] 33 19 6 Shandong p.Pro560Leu 35 18 7 Anhui p.Gln177X 33 20 8 Shandong p.Lys276Glu 33 16 9 Hubei p.Asn148Asp 35 18 10 Jilin c.622_623insG (p.Ser207fs) 35 16 11 Guangxi p.Arg401Gln 32 16 a Figures in parentheses represent those data of second-time prenatal diagnosis for another fetus from family 3.
ABCD1 p.Arg617Cys 20800589:74:191
status: NEW94 Fetuses 3 and 4: The PCR product of 271 bp, spanning the site of p. Arg617Cys mutation, from the AFC's DNA of fetus 3 showed an elution profile similar to that of a normal control in DHPLC (Fig. 4, F3).
ABCD1 p.Arg617Cys 20800589:94:68
status: NEW95 The same PCR product of fetus 4 was cut with Aci I, which, in normal cases, can find two cuts along the sequence and generates three fragments, i.e., fragments of 162 bp, 75 bp and 34 bp, respectively, and, when there is p.Arg617Cys mutation, can find only one cut, generating two fragments (237 bp and 34 bp).
ABCD1 p.Arg617Cys 20800589:95:223
status: NEW167 Fetus Family Methods Sex Genotype Diagnosis 1 1 Dot hybridization+ARMS Male p.Arg617Gly ALD hemizygote 2 2 PCR-RFLP+sequencing Male No mutation Normal hemizygote 3 3 DHPLC+sequencing Female No mutation Normal homozygote 4 3 PCR-RFLP+sequencing Male p.Arg617Cys ALD hemizygote 5 4 DHPLC+sequencing Male No mutation Normal hemizygote 6 5 DHPLC+sequencing Female [p.Ser108X; p.Arg259Trp]/ no mutation ALD heterozygote 7 6 PCR-RFLP+sequencing Female No mutation Normal homozygote 8 7 DHPLC+sequencing Female No mutation Normal homozygote 9 8 DHPLC+sequencing Male No mutation Normal hemizygote 10 9 PCR-RFLP+sequencing Male No mutation Normal hemizygote 11 10 DHPLC+sequencing Male No mutation Normal hemizygote 12 11 PCR-RFLP+sequencing Female No mutation Normal homozygote based on molecular techniques.
ABCD1 p.Arg617Cys 20800589:167:251
status: NEW[hide] Functional hot spots in human ATP-binding cassette... Protein Sci. 2010 Nov;19(11):2110-21. Kelly L, Fukushima H, Karchin R, Gow JM, Chinn LW, Pieper U, Segal MR, Kroetz DL, Sali A
Functional hot spots in human ATP-binding cassette transporter nucleotide binding domains.
Protein Sci. 2010 Nov;19(11):2110-21., [PMID:20799350]
Abstract [show]
The human ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter superfamily consists of 48 integral membrane proteins that couple the action of ATP binding and hydrolysis to the transport of diverse substrates across cellular membranes. Defects in 18 transporters have been implicated in human disease. In hundreds of cases, disease phenotypes and defects in function can be traced to nonsynonymous single nucleotide polymorphisms (nsSNPs). The functional impact of the majority of ABC transporter nsSNPs has yet to be experimentally characterized. Here, we combine experimental mutational studies with sequence and structural analysis to describe the impact of nsSNPs in human ABC transporters. First, the disease associations of 39 nsSNPs in 10 transporters were rationalized by identifying two conserved loops and a small alpha-helical region that may be involved in interdomain communication necessary for transport of substrates. Second, an approach to discriminate between disease-associated and neutral nsSNPs was developed and tailored to this superfamily. Finally, the functional impact of 40 unannotated nsSNPs in seven ABC transporters identified in 247 ethnically diverse individuals studied by the Pharmacogenetics of Membrane Transporters consortium was predicted. Three predictions were experimentally tested using human embryonic kidney epithelial (HEK) 293 cells stably transfected with the reference multidrug resistance transporter 4 and its variants to examine functional differences in transport of the antiviral drug, tenofovir. The experimental results confirmed two predictions. Our analysis provides a structural and evolutionary framework for rationalizing and predicting the functional effects of nsSNPs in this clinically important membrane transporter superfamily.
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50 Disease-associated nsSNPs at Three Structural Hotspots in Human ABC Transporter NBDs Gene Disease Position ARA motif ABCB11 BRIC2 A570T ABCD1 X-ALD A616V CFTR CF A559T ABCC6 PXE R765Q ABCC8 HHF1 R841G ABCC8 HHF1 R1493Q ABCC8 HHF1 R1493W ABCD1 X-ALD R617C ABCD1 X-ALD R617G ABCD1 X-ALD R617H CFTR CF R560K CFTR CF R560S CFTR CF R560T ABCA1 HDLD1 A1046D ABCB4 ICP A546D C-loop 1 motif ABCC8 HHF1 D1471H ABCC8 HHF1 D1471N CFTR CBAVD G544V ABCC8 HHF1 G1478R C-loop2 motif ABCA4 STGD1 H2128R ABCC8 HHF1 K889T ABCD1 X-ALD R660P ABCD1 X-ALD R660W ABCA1 HDLD2 M1091T ABCA4 STGD1 E2131K ABCA12 LI2 E1539K ABCA4 STGD1 and CORD3 E1122K CFTR CF L610S ABCC8 HHF1 L1543P ABCA1 Colorectal cancer sample; somatic mutation A2109T ABCC9 CMD1O A1513T ABCD1 X-ALD H667D CFTR CF A613T ABCA1 HDLD2 D1099Y ABCD1 X-ALD T668I CFTR CF D614G ABCA4 STGD1 R2139W ABCA4 STGD1 R1129C ABCA4 ARMD2, STGD1, and FFM R1129L Disease abbreviations are as follows: BRIC2, benign recurrent intrahepatic cholestasis type 2; X-ALD, X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy; CF, cystic fibrosis; PXE, Pseudoxanthoma elasticum; HHF1, familial hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia-1; HDLD1, high density lipoprotein deficiency type 1; ICP, intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy; CBAVD, congenital bilateral absence of the vas deferens; STGD1, Stargardt disease type 1; HDLD2, high density lipoprotein deficiency type 2; LI2, ichthyosis lamellar type 2; CORD3, cone-rod dystrophy type 3; CMD1O, cardiomyopathy dilated type 1O; ARMD2, age-related macular degeneration type 2; FFM, fundus flavimaculatus.
ABCD1 p.Arg617Cys 20799350:50:249
status: NEW