ABCC7 p.Arg75*

ClinVar: c.224G>A , p.Arg75Gln ? , Conflicting interpretations of pathogenicity
c.224G>T , p.Arg75Leu ? , not provided
c.223C>T , p.Arg75* D , Pathogenic
CF databases: c.224G>A , p.Arg75Gln N , Non CF-causing
c.223C>T , p.Arg75* D , CF-causing
c.224G>T , p.Arg75Leu (CFTR1) D , The mucleotide change G->T at position 356 (codon 75 in exon 3) has been found in an infertile man with CBAVD having no manifestation of gastrointestinal or pulmonary disease. He carries the [delta]F508 mutation on the other chromosome.

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