ABCC7 p.Gly1208Leu

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Inhibition of ATPase, GTPase and adenylate kinase activities of the second nucleotide-binding fold of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator by genistein.
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Activation of G551D CFTR channel with MPB-91: regulation by ATPase activity and phosphorylation.
Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. 2001 Nov;281(5):C1657-66., [PMID:11600430]

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[hide] Randak C, Neth P, Auerswald EA, Eckerskorn C, Assfalg-Machleidt I, Machleidt W
A recombinant polypeptide model of the second nucleotide-binding fold of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator functions as an active ATPase, GTPase and adenylate kinase.
FEBS Lett. 1997 Jun 30;410(2-3):180-6., [PMID:9237625]

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