ABCD1 p.Ile481Phe

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PMID: 22479560 [PubMed] Pereira Fdos S et al: "Mutations, clinical findings and survival estimates in South American patients with X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy."
No. Sentence Comment
26 NBF Inherited Northern Brazil 31/Male CALD p.Arg518Gln (Imamura A et al., 1997) E6 Missense c.1553G.A CGG.CAG NBF de novo Southern Brazil 32/Male CALD p.Arg401Trp (Takano H et al., 1999) E3 Missense c.1201C.T CGG.UGG - ND Southern Brazil 33/Male CALD p.Thr632Pro ( E9 Missense c.1894A.C ACC.CCC NBF de novo Southern Brazil 36/Male CALD p.Arg518Gln (Imamura A et al., 1997) E6 Missense c.1553G.A CGG.CAG NBF Inherited Northern Brazil 37/Male CALD p.Ser358X (Coll MJ et al., 2005) E2 Stop codon c.1073C.G UCA.UGA TMD Inherited Southern Brazil 38/Male CALD p.Ile481Phe # E5 Missense c.1441A.T AUC.UUC NBF Inherited Northern Brazil 39/Male AMN p.Arg389Gly (Krasemann EW et al., 1996) E3 Missense c.1165C.G CGC.GGC - ND Argentina 40/Male AMN p.Gln472fsX83 (Barcelo &#b4; A et al., 1994) E5 Frameshift+stop codon c.1415_1416delAG Truncated - Inherited Uruguay 41/Male CALD p.Ala95fsX11 # E1B Frameshift+stop codon c.283_284ins9 Elonged TMD Inherited Southern Brazil 44/Male CALD p.Ser606Pro (Feigenbaum V et al. 1996) E8 Missense c.1816T.C UCG.CCG NBF Inherited Northern Brazil 45/Male CALD p.Gln55X # E1A Stop codon c.163C.T Truncated - Inherited Northern Brazil 46/Male CALD p.Glu199Lys ( E1C Missense c.595G.A GAG.AAG TMD ND Northern Brazil common central demyelinative disease.
ABCD1 p.Ile481Phe 22479560:26:576
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90 The remaining four novel sequence variations (p.Pro623Leu, p.Leu628Glu, p.Ile481Phe and p.Arg401Gly), if not causative of the disease, were linked to X-ALD genotype by DNA study of hemizygous affected males.
ABCD1 p.Ile481Phe 22479560:90:74
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91 PolyPhen analysis of the four novel missense mutations considered three of them to be ''probably damaging`` p.Arg401Gly (PSIC score 3.071), p.Pro623Leu (PSIC score 3.379), and p.Leu628Glu (PSIC score 2.417), whereas p.Ile481Phe was considered ''benign`` Figure 1.
ABCD1 p.Ile481Phe 22479560:91:218
status: NEW
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