ABCA1 p.Phe2163Ser

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PMID: 15262183 [PubMed] Probst MC et al: "Screening for functional sequence variations and mutations in ABCA1."
No. Sentence Comment
8 In the C-terminal part of ABCA1, known to interact with other proteins, two novel sequence variations (F2163S and V2244I) have been found in one phenotype related to cardiovascular disease, but none in the aforementioned cohorts.
ABCA1 p.Phe2163Ser 15262183:8:103
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123 These Table 1 Primers and probes for TaqMan analysis of novel polymorphisms in the coding region of ABCA1 W590L (G2082C) TM-W590L-f 5 -AGC TGA CCC CTT TGA GGA CAT-3 TM-W590L-r 5 -CTC CAC CAC ATC CTG CAA GTA G-3 TM-W590-vic 5 -VIC-CCC CCC ¯ AGA CGT A-MGB-NFQ-3 TM-L590-fam 5 -FAM-CCC CCG ¯ AGA CGT A-MGB-NFQ-3 V771M (G2624A) TM-V771M-f 5 -GGC ATC ATC TAC TTC ACG CTG TA-3 TM-V771M-r 5 -CAG AGG TAC TCA CAG CGA AGA TCT T-3 TM-V771-vic 5 -FAM-TGT GAA GCC CAC ¯ GTA G-MGB-NFQ-3 TM-M771-fam 5 -VIC-TGA AGC CCA T ¯ GT AGT C-MGB-NFQ-3 W840R (T2831A) TM-W840R-f 5 -GCT GTT TGA CAC CTT CCT CTA TGG-3 TM-W840R-r 5 -TGT ACC TGG AAA GAC AGC CTC AA-3 TM-W840-vic 5 -VIC-TGT ACC A ¯ GG TCA TCA C-MGB-NFQ-3 TM-R840-fam 5 -FAM-TGT ACC T ¯ GG TCA TCA C-MGB-NFQ-3 P2150L (C6762T) TM-P2150L-f 5 -TTC AGG TTT GGA GAT GGT TAT ACA ATA G-3 TM-P2150L-r 5 -GAA ATG CAA GTC CAA AGA AAT CCT-3 TM-P2150-vic 5 -VIC-CAA CCC ¯ GGA CCT GA-MGB-NFQ-3 TM-L2150-fam 5 -FAM-CAA CCT ¯ GGA CCT GAA-MGB-NFQ-3 F2163S (T6801C) TM-F2163S-f 5 -AAG CCT GTC CAG GAT TTC TTT G-3 TM-F2163S-r 5 -CAT GTT CCG GTG TTT CTC TTT TAG-3 TM-F2163-vic 5 -VIC-CCA GGA A ¯ AT GCA AGT C-MGB-NFQ-3 TM-S2163-fam 5 -FAM-CAG GAG ¯ ATG CAA GTC-MGB-NFQ-3 V2244I (G7043A) TM-V2244I-f 5 -ATG ATG ACC ACT TAA AAG ACC TCT CA-3 TM-V2244I-r 5 -GCT TTC TTT CAC TTT CTC ATC CTG TAG-3 TM-V2244-vic 5 -VIC-TGG ACG ¯ TTG CAG TTC-MGB-NFQ-3 TM-I2244-fam 5 -FAM-AGT AGT GGA CA ¯ T TGC-MGB-NFQ-3 Positions of sequence variations refer to accession number NM005502.
ABCA1 p.Phe2163Ser 15262183:123:1009
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ABCA1 p.Phe2163Ser 15262183:123:1084
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192 In addition, patient D was heterozygous for a novel sequence variation in exon 22, Table 5 Sequence variations found in ABCA1 and phenotypes of patients Exon Amino acid Nucleotide Position in DNA (AF275948) Position in mRNA (NM005502) Found in patient with 14 W590L TG ¯ G → TC ¯ G 98481 2082 HDL deficiency (C) 16 V771M G ¯ TG → A ¯ TG 102555 2624 Increased HDL (A) 17 W840R T ¯ GG → A ¯ GG 103822 2831 HDL deficiency (B) 22 R1068C C ¯ GC → T ¯ GC 109904 3515 HDL deficiency (D) 49 F2163S TT ¯ T → TC ¯ T 143483 6801 Low HDL and G6PD deficiency (E) 50 V2244I G ¯ TT → A ¯ TT 144665 7043 A C ABC B S A N ABC B S 44 23 703 681 718 740 769 747 774-794 822 842 1368 1346 1655 1677 1724 1702 1737 1759 1790 1768 1848 1870 642 660 W590L R1068C F2163S P2150L V2244I V771M W840R Fig. 4.
ABCA1 p.Phe2163Ser 15262183:192:542
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ABCA1 p.Phe2163Ser 15262183:192:826
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ABCA1 p.Phe2163Ser 15262183:192:844
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202 Several sequence variations were identified, with two of them located within exon 49 (F2163S) and exon 50 (V2244I) near the COOH-terminus of ABCA1.
ABCA1 p.Phe2163Ser 15262183:202:86
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203 Analysis of the rest of the family focusing on the identified polymorphisms revealed that the mother is heterozygous for F2163S and the father is heterozygous for V2244I.
ABCA1 p.Phe2163Ser 15262183:203:121
status: NEW
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230 However, the sequence variations found in patient E with G6PD deficiency (F2163S, V2244I) are located in exons 49 and 50, respectively, and these mutations may account for the low-HDL cholesterol.
ABCA1 p.Phe2163Ser 15262183:230:74
status: NEW
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PMID: 12054535 [PubMed] Buechler C et al: "The carboxyterminus of the ATP-binding cassette transporter A1 interacts with a beta2-syntrophin/utrophin complex."
No. Sentence Comment
85 (1) R2144X causing the Tangier disease [32]; (2) P2151L rare single nucleotide polymorphism (own unpublished results); (3) F2163S; (5) V2244I associated with low HDL, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, and disturbed glucose metabolism; (4) 4 bp insertion at nucleotide 6513 causing a premature stop and Tangier disease [20].
ABCA1 p.Phe2163Ser 12054535:85:123
status: NEW
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84 (1) R2144X causing the Tangier disease [32]; (2) P2151L rare single nucleotide polymorphism (own unpublished results); (3) F2163S; (5) V2244I associated with low HDL, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, and disturbed glucose metabolism; (4) 4 bp insertion at nucleotide 6513 causing a premature stop and Tangier disease [20].
ABCA1 p.Phe2163Ser 12054535:84:123
status: NEW
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