ABCC7 p.Gly330Cys

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PMID: 18056267 [PubMed] Beck EJ et al: "Conformational changes in a pore-lining helix coupled to cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator channel gating."
No. Sentence Comment
100 The oocytes 750 500 250 0 µS 180012006000 s IBMX MTSEA Cd 2+ DTT 200 100 0 µS 180012006000 s IBMX DTT Cd 2+ MTSEA A B C -100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 % Change in conductance Y325C A326C L327C I328C K329C G330C I331C I332C L333C R334C K335C I336C F337C T338C T339C I340C S341C F342C WT I344C V345C R347C M348C A349C V350C T351C Q353C * * * * * Cd 2+ 1mM MTSEA 1mM D FIGURE 1.
ABCC7 p.Gly330Cys 18056267:100:213
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PMID: 19754156 [PubMed] Alexander C et al: "Cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator: using differential reactivity toward channel-permeant and channel-impermeant thiol-reactive probes to test a molecular model for the pore."
No. Sentence Comment
52 We proposed that these spontaneous changes, that are not seen in either wt or Cys-less CFTR, reflect the coordination of trace Table 1: Percent Change in Oocyte Conductance in the Presence of Compounda MTSETþ MTSES- [Ag(CN)2]- [Au(CN)2]- G330C O O O O I331C -51.6 ( 6.3 -28.9 ( 2.1 -63.1 ( 8.8 O I332C O O O O L333C -58.5 ( 4.8 -47.5 ( 7.6 -83.1 ( 2.2 O R334C þ76.9 ( 11.3 -84.4 ( 1.5 -67.4 ( 7.4 -41.4 ( 3.1 K335C þ10.7 ( 2.4 -37.3 ( 1.5 -29.1 ( 6.4 -54.6 ( 4.7 I336C -54.4 ( 7.9 -75.0 ( 0.6 -81.2 ( 10.5 O F337C O O -89.6 ( 1.9 -90.1 ( 1.3 T338C -37.1 ( 3.3 -85.4 ( 2.5 -75.0 ( 5.2 -88.3 ( 1.6 T339C O O -24.5 ( 7.2 O I340C O O -93.8 ( 1.0 O S341C O O -49.3 ( 4.8 O F342C O O -84.7 ( 1.8 O C343 O O O O I344C O O -66.9 ( 9.3 -77.9 ( 2.1 V345C O O -49.1 ( 9.3 O L346C O O O O R347C O O O O M348C O O -47.9 ( 8.8 -50.1 ( 3.3 A349C O O -19.0 ( 2.0 O V350C O O O O T351C O O O O R352C O O -77.5 ( 1.3 O Q353C O O -72.6 ( 4.5 -76.7 ( 2.8 a Values are means ( SE of three or more oocytes.
ABCC7 p.Gly330Cys 19754156:52:243
status: NEW
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