ABCC7 p.Trp496*

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PMID: 12007216 [PubMed] Bobadilla JL et al: "Cystic fibrosis: a worldwide analysis of CFTR mutations--correlation with incidence data and application to screening."
No. Sentence Comment
110 Germany ∆F508 (71.8%) 1789+5G→A (0.9%) 87.6 76.7 17 5662/1316 Dörk et al. [1992]; Dörk et al. R553X (2.0%) 3272-26A→G (0.9%) [1994]; Tümmler et al. [1996]; N1303K (1.8%) W1282X (0.7%) Estivill et al. [1997]; Dörk et G542X (1.2%) 2143delT (0.7%) al. [2000] R347P (1.2%) 1078delT (0.6%) CFTRdele2,3 (1.2%) 2183AA→G (0.6%) 3849+10KbC→T (1.0%) 2184insA (0.6%) G551D (0.9% 3659delC (0.6%) 1717-1G→A (0.9%) Greece ∆F508 (52.9%) 3272-26A→G (0.8%) 82.2 67.6 22 2097/718 Kanavakis et al. [1995]; Estivill 621+1G→T (5.0%) R1070Q (0.8%) et al. [1997]; Tzetis et al. G542X (4.1%) W496X (0.7%) [1997]; Macek et al. [2002] N1303K (3.3%) 621+3A→G (0.7%) 2183AA→G (1.8%) ∆I507 (0.7%) 2789+5G→A (1.7%) W1282X (0.7%) E822X (1.6%) 574delA (0.7%) R117H (1.2%) 1677delTA (0.7%) R334W (1.1%) A46D (0.6%) R1158X (1.0%) 3120+1G→A (0.6%) G85E (1.0%) G551D (0.5%) Hungary ∆F508 (54.9%) W1282X (1.8%) 68.3 46.6 9 1133/976 CFGAC [1994]; Estivill et al. 1717-1G→A (1.9%) G542X (1.7%) [1997]; Macek et al. [2002] R553X (2.1%) N1303K (1.3%) Y1092X (1.8%) G551D (1.0%) S1196X (1.8%) Ireland ∆F508 (70.4%) G542X (1.0%) 82.1 67.4 7 801/509 CFGAC [1994]; Estivill et al. G551D (5.7%) 621+1G→T (0.8%) [1994] R117H (2.4%) 1717-1G→A (0.6%) R560T (1.2%) Italy ∆F508 (50.9%) ∆I507 (0.65%) 60.3 36.4 9 3524 Estivill et al. [1997] (total) G542X (3.1%) W1282X (0.62%) 1717-1G→A (1.6%) Y122K (0.59%) N1303K (1.4%) G551D (0.53%) R553X (0.94%) Italy ∆F508 (47.6%) R553X (1.3%) 87.1 75.9 15 225 Bonizzato et al. [1995] (Northeast) R1162X (9.8%) 2789+G→A (1.3%) 2183AA→G (9.3%) Q552X (1.3%) N1303K (4.0%) 621+1G→T (0.9%) G542X (2.7%) W1282X (0.9%) 711+5G→A (2.7%) 3132delTG (0.9%) 1717-1G→A (2.2%) 2790-2A→G (0.9%) G85E (1.3%) TABLE 1. Continued. Estimated Projected detection of Number of Number of Country/ allele two CFTR mutations chromosomes Region Mutation array detectiona mutationsb includedc (max/min)d Reference WORLDWIDEANALYSISOFCFTRMUTATIONS583 Italy ∆F508 (56.4%) 711+1G→T (1.3%) 85.7 73.4 13 660/396 Castaldo et al. [1996]; Castaldo (southern) N1303K (6.8%) G1244E (1.3%) et al. [1999] G542X (5.7%) R1185X (1.3%) W1282X (3.8%) L1065P (1.3%) 1717-1G→A (2.3%) R553X (1.1%) 2183AA→G (1.9%) I148T (0.7%) 4016insT (1.8%) Latvia 1) DF508 (58.3%) 4) CFTRdele2,3 (2.8%) - - 6 36 Dörk et al. [2000]; Macek et al. 2) 3849+10KbC®T (8.3%) 5) W1282X (2.8%) [2002] 3) N1303K (5.6%) 6) 394delTT (2.8%) Lithuania ∆F508 (31.0%) N1303K (2.0%) 39.0 15.2 4 94 Dörk et al. [2000]; Macek et al. R553X (4.0%) CFTRdele2,3 (2.0%) [2002] Macedonia ∆F508 (54.3%) 711+3A→G (1.0%) 69.2 47.9 12 559/226 Petreska et al. [1998]; Dörk et G542X (4.2%) 3849G→A (1.0%) al. [2000]; Macek et al. N1303K (2.0%) 2184insA (0.9%) [2002] CFTRdele2,3 (1.3%) 457TAT→G (0.7%) 621+1G→T (1.3%) V139E (0.7%) 611-1G→T (1.2%) 1811+1G→C (0.6%) Netherlands ∆F508 (74.2%) R1162X (0.9%) 86.8 75.3 9 3167/1442 Gan et al. [1995]; Estiville et al. A455E (4.7%) S1251N (0.9%) [1997]; Collee et al. [1998] G542X (1.8%) N1303K (0.9%) 1717-1G→A (1.5%) W1282X (0.7%) R553X (1.2%) Norway ∆F508 (60.2%) G551D (1.2%) 69.8 48.7 6 410/242 Schwartz et al. [1994]; Estivill 394delTT (4.2%) G542X (0.6%) et al. [1997] R117H (3.0%) N1303K (0.6%) Poland ∆F508 (57.1%) CFTRdele2,3 (1.8%) 73.5 54.0 11 4046/1726 CFGAC [1994]; Estivill et al. 3849+10Kb C→T (2.7%) R560T (1.5%) [1997]; Dörk et al [2000]; G542X (2.6%) W1282X (0.7%) Macek et al. [2002] 1717-1G→A (2.4%) ∆I507 (0.5%) R553X (1.9%) G551D (0.5%) N1303K (1.8%) Portugal ∆F508 (44.7%) R334W (0.7%) 49.7 24.7 5 739/454 CFGAC [1994]; Estivill et al. G542X (1.6%) N1303K (0.7%) [1997] R1066C (2.0%) Romania ∆F508 (36.6%) G542X (1.4%) 51.5 26.5 11 224/74 CFGAC [1994]; Estivill et al. 2043delG (2.0%) R553X (1.4%) [1997]; Popa et al. [1997]; W1282X (1.7%) G576X (1.4%) Macek et al. [2002] 1717-2A→G (1.4%) 1898+1G→A (1.4%) I148T (1.4%) 2183AA→G (1.4%) 621+1G→T (1.4%) Russia ∆F508 (54.4%) 552insA (0.9%) 70.7 50.0 12 5073/2562 CFGAC [1994]; Estivill et al. CFTRdele2,3 (5.0%) G542X (0.9%) [1997]; Dörk et al. [2000]; R553X (3.5%) R334W (0.9%) Macek et al. [2002] 2183AA→G (1.3%) 1677delTA (0.8%) W1282X (1.0%) Y122X (0.5%) 394delTT (1.0%) 1367del5 (0.5%) (Continued) BOBADILLAETAL.
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112 Jewish 1) 405+1G®A (48.0%) 3) W1282X (17.0%) - - 4 23 Kerem et al. [1995] (Tunisia) 2) DF508 (31.0%) 4) 3849+10KbC®T (4.0%) Jewish 1) G85E 4) G542X - - 6 10 Kerem et al. [1995] (Turkey) 2) DF508 5) 3849+10KbC®T 3) W1282X 6) W1089X Jewish (Yemen) None - - 0 5 Kerem et al. [1995] Lebanon 1) DF508 (35.0%) 6) 4096-28G®A (2.5%) - - 9 40 Desgeorges et al. [1997] 2) W1282X (20.0%) 7) 2789+5G®A (2.5%) 3) 4010del4 (10.0%) 8) M952I (2.5%) 4) N1303K (10.0%) 9) E672del (2.5%) 5) S4X (5.0%) Reunion ∆F508 (52.0%) 1717-1G→A (0.7%) 90.4 81.7 9 138 Cartault et al. [1996] Island Y122X (24.0%) G542X (0.7%) 3120+1G→A (8.0%) A309G (0.7%) A455E (2.2%) 2789+5G→A (0.7%) G551D (1.4%) Saudi North: 3) H139L - - North 1 49 families El-Harith et al. [1997]; Arabia 1) 1548delG 4) L1177X Central 3 Kambouris et al. [1997]; Central: 5) DF508 South 4 Banjar et al. [1999] 1)I1234V 6) 3120+1G®A West 9 2)1548delG 7) 425del42 East 6 3)DF508 8) R553X South: 9) N1303K 1) I1234V East: 2) 1548delG 1) 3120+1G®A 3) 711+1G®T 2) H139L 4) 3120+1G®A 3) 1548delG West: 4) DF508 1) I1234V 5) S549R 2) G115X 6) N1303K Tunisia ∆F508 (17.6%) G85E (2.6%) 58.7 34.5 11 78 Messaoud et al. [1996] G542X (8.9%) W1282X (2.6%) 711+1G→T (7.7%) Y122X (1.3%) N1303K (6.4%) T665S (1.3%) 2766del8NT (6.4%) R47W+D1270N (1.3%) R1066C (2.6%) Turkeye ∆F508 (24.5%) 1066L (1.3%) 80.6 65.0 36 1067/670 Yilmaz et al. [1995]; Estivill et al. 1677delTA (4.1%) E822X (1.3%) [1997]; Onay et al. [1998]; 2789+5G→A (3.9%) 2183+5G→A+2184insA (1.3%) Macek et al. [2002] 2181delA (3.8%) D110H (0.8%) R347H (3.6%) P1013L (0.8%) N1303K (2.9%) 3172delAC (0.8%) 621+1G→T (2.6%) 1259insA (0.8%) G542X (2.6%) M1028I (0.8%) TABLE 1. Continued. Estimated Projected detection of Number of Number of Country/ allele two CFTR mutations chromosomes Region Mutation array detectiona mutationsb includedc (max/min)d Reference WORLDWIDEANALYSISOFCFTRMUTATIONS587 E92K (2.6%) 4005+1G→A (0.7%) A96E (2.6%) W1282X (0.7%) M152V (2.6%) I148T (0.6%) 2183AA→G (2.5%) R1162X (0.6%) 296+9A→T (1.6%) D1152H (0.6%) 2043delG (1.4%) W1098X (0.6%) E92X (1.4%) E831X (0.6%) K68N (1.4%) W496X (0.6%) G85E (1.3%) F1052V (0.5%) R1158X (1.3%) L571S (0.5%) United Arab S549R (61.5%) ∆F508 (26.9%) 88.4 78.1 2 86/52 Frossard et al. [1988]; Emirates Frossard et al. [1999] North/Central/South Americas Argentina ∆F508 (58.6%) N1303K (1.8%) 69.1 47.7 5 326/228 CFGAC [1994]; Chertkoff et al. W1282X (3.9%) 1717-1G→A (0.9%) [1997] G542X (3.9%) Brazilf ∆F508 (47.7%) W1282X (1.3%) 66.8 44.6 10 820/500 CFGAC [1994]; Cabello et al. (total) G542X (7.2%) G85E (1.3%) [1999]; Raskin et al. [1999]; R1162X (2.5%) R553X (0.7%) Bernardino et al. [2000] R334W (2.5%) L206W (0.6%) N1303K (2.4%) 2347delG (0.6%) South East: >∆F508, G542X South: >N1303K Brazil ∆F508 (31.7%) N1303K (2.5%) 42.5 18.1 3 120 Parizotto and Bertuzzo [1997] (Sao Paulo) G542X (8.3%) Canada ∆F508 (59.0%) G542X (0.5%) 98.5 97.0 13 381/200 Rozen et al. [1992]; (Lac St. Jean) 621+1G→T (24.3%) N1303K (0.5%) De Braekeleer et al. [1998] A445E (8.2%) Q890X (0.5%) Y1092X (1.2%) S489X (0.5) 711+1G→T (1.0%) R117C (0.5%) I148T (1.0%) R1158 (0.5%) G85E (0.8%) Canada ∆F508 (71.4%) ∆I507 (1.3%) 90.9 82.6 7 77 Rozen et al. [1992] (Quebec City) 711+1G→T (9.1%) Y1092X (1.3%) 621+1G→T (5.2%) N1303K (1.3%) A455E (1.3%) Canada ∆F508 (70.9%) W1282X (0.9%) 82.0 67.2 10 632 Kristidis et al. [1992] (Toronto) G551D (3.1%) R117H (0.9%) G542X (2.2%) 1717-1G→A (0.6%) 621+1G→T (1.3%) R560T (0.6%) N1303K (0.9%) ∆I507 (0.6%) Chile ∆F508 (29.2%) R553X (4.2%) 33.4 11.2 2 72 Rios et al. [1994] Columbia 1) DF508 (35.4%) 3) N1303K (2.1%) - - 4 48 Restrepo et al. [2000] 2) G542X (6.3%) 4) W1282X (2.1%) Ecuador 1) DF508 (25%) - - 1 20 Paz-y-Mino et al. [1999] (Continued) BOBADILLAETAL.
ABCC7 p.Trp496* 12007216:112:2228
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PMID: 15176679 [PubMed] Decaestecker K et al: "Genotype/phenotype correlation of the G85E mutation in a large cohort of cystic fibrosis patients."
No. Sentence Comment
93 1 G85E/W496X 1 F508del# /N1303K# 1 G85E/N1303K# 1 T388I/R1158X 1 G85E/711z5GRA} 1 3272-26AwG} /E822X 1 G85E/R334W} 1 F508del# /R334W} 1 Total 68 574delA/2789z5GRA 1 F508del# /3272-26ARG} 1 F508del# /R352Q 1 F508del# /3272-26AwG} 1 R334W} /444delA 1 L206W/3272-26ARG} 1 F508del# /F508del# 1 L206W/?
ABCC7 p.Trp496* 15176679:93:7
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PMID: 9620832 [PubMed] Kanavakis E et al: "Cystic fibrosis mutation screening in CBAVD patients and men with obstructive azoospermia or severe oligozoospermia."
No. Sentence Comment
64 Cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR), PolyT genotypes and clinical data of men with congenital bilateral absence of the vas deferens (CBAVD, n ϭ 14), obstructive azoospermia (ObsA, n ϭ 10) and oligozoospermia (n ϭ 3) Patients Sweat chloride CFTR IVS8-polyT Other clinical (mEq/l) mutations alleles features Two mutations detected MS1 (CBAVD) 107.7 ∆F508/M1I 5T/9T Recurrent bronchitis MS6 (CBAVD) 74.5 ∆F508/711ϩ3AϾG 9T/7T Chronic cough MS19 (CBAVD) 51 W496X/F1052V 9T/9T MS24 (CBAVD) Ͻ40 D565G/R668C 7T/7T One mutation detected MS5 (CBAVD) Ͻ40 3272-26AϾG/- 7T/7T MS12 (CBAVD) Ͻ40 ∆F508/- 9T/7T MS14 (CBAVD) Ͻ40 ∆F508/- 9T/5T MS15 (CBAVD) 57.7 L732X/- 7T/5T Dehydration/recurrent bronchitis MS16 (CBAVD) Ͻ40 711ϩ3AϾG/- 7T/5T MS20 (CBAVD) Ͻ40 4010delTAT/- 7T/7T MS18 (ObsA) 48 ∆F508/- 5T/9T MS11 (ObsA) Ͻ40 R75Q/- 7T/7T MS23 (ObsA) Ͻ40 2790-8CϾG/- 7T/7T No mutation detected MS7 (CBAVD) Ͻ40 -/- 7T/7T MS10 (CBAVD) Ͻ40 -/- 7T/7T MS21 (CBAVD) Ͻ40 -/- 7T/9T MS28 (CBAVD) Ͻ40 -/- 7T/7T MS2 (ObsA) 54.2 -/- 7T/7T MS8 (ObsA) Ͻ40 -/- 7T/7T MS17 (ObsA) 50 -/- 7T/7T MS22 (ObsA) Ͻ40 -/- 7T/9T MS25 (ObsA) Ͻ40 -/- 7T/7T MS26 (ObsA) Ͻ40 - / - 7T/7T MS27 (ObsA) Ͻ40 -/- 7T/7T MS3 (oligozoospermia) 50 -/- 7T/7T MS4 (oligozoospermia) Ͻ40 -/- 7T/7T MS13 (oligozoospermia) Ͻ40 -/- 7T/7T Table II.
ABCC7 p.Trp496* 9620832:64:519
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PMID: 7531541 [PubMed] Balassopoulou A et al: "A novel nonsense mutation identified in the first nucleotide binding fold of the CFTR gene in a Greek patient."
No. Sentence Comment
14 According to the adopted nomenclature (8) this mutation is defined as W496X.
ABCC7 p.Trp496* 7531541:14:70
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31 Lane 1: Father; W496X/normal V470 homozygote. Lane 2: Propositus; W496X/unknown mutation M470V compound. Lane 3: Normal exon 10 control: M470V compound. Lane 4: Mother; normal exon 10 homozygous for the M470 polymorphism. ; To whom correspondence should be addressed atUniversityofNorthCarolinaatChapelHillonOctober25,2012 Human Molecular Genetics, 1994, Vol. 3, No.
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ABCC7 p.Trp496* 7531541:31:66
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41 As a stop codon creating mutation, W496X is expected to result in severe phenotype of the propositus; unfortunately, the lack of knowledge of the other mutation of the patient, does not allow any further correlations.
ABCC7 p.Trp496* 7531541:41:35
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