ABCC7 p.Leu719*
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PMID: 11100963
Choo-Kang LR et al: "Type I, II, III, IV, and V cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator defects and opportunities for therapy."
The nonsense mutations G542X, W1282X, R553X, Q39X, E60X, R75X, L719X, Y1092X, and S1196X significantly reduce the levels of mutant CFTR mRNA to 5 to 30% of wild-type levels [28].
ABCC7 p.Leu719* 11100963:22:63
status: NEW
The following mutations have been studied: exon 3: W57G, R74W, R75Q, G85E, 394delTT, 405+ 1G>A; exon 4: E92X, P99L, 441delA, 444delA, 457TAT>G, D110H, R117C, R117H, A120T, 541delC, 544delCA, Q151X, 621+1G>T, 662- 2A>C; exon 7: 1078delT, F331L, R334W, I336K, R347C, R347P, A349V, R352Q, 1221delCT; exon 10: S492F, Q493X, 1609delCA, deltaI507, deltaF508; exon 11: G542X, S549N, G551D, R553X, A559T, R560K, R560T; exon 13: K716X, Q685X, G628R, L719X; exon 17b: H1054D, G1061R, 3320ins5, R1066H, R1066L, R1070Q, 3359delCT, L1077P, H1085R, Y1092X; exon 19: R1162X, 3659delC, 3662delA, 3667del4, 3737delA, I1234V, S1235R, 3849G>A; exon 20: 3860ins31,S1255X,3898insC,3905insT,D1270N, W1282X, Q1291R; and exon 21: N1303H, N1303K, W1316X.
ABCC7 p.Leu719* 11933191:42:441
status: NEW
PMID: 8844213
Morral N et al: "Haplotype analysis of 94 cystic fibrosis mutations with seven polymorphic CFTR DNA markers."
(1992) Dork et al. (1994a) Malone et al. (personal communication) Claustreset al. (1992) Ferec et al. (1992) Fanen et al. (1992) lvaschenko et al. (1991) T. Dork (personal communication) Dean et al. (1990) Dork et al. (1994a) Ferec et al. (1992) Bozon et al. (1994) Costes et al. (personal communication) Fanen et al. (1992) Audrezet et al. (personal communication) Zielenski et al. (1991a) Zielenski et al. (1991a) Granell et al. (1992) Highsmith et al. (1990) Mercier et al. (1993b) Vidaud et al. (1990) Fanen et al. (1992) Fanen et al. (1992) Dork et al. (1994b) (continued) HAPLOTYPESFOR 94 CF MUTATIONS TABLE2. CFTR HaplotvpesforDiallelic and Multiallelic DNA Markers for 94 CF Mutations"(Continued) ~~ ~ J44-GAIT- 8CA-17BTA- No. of TSU-TUB20 17BCA Mutation chromosomes % Normal Laboratory Reference 1-6-1-2 (9.1%) 1-6-2-2 (8.9%) 1-7-1-2 (3.4%) 1-7-2-2 (2.6%) 2-7-1-1 (1.2%) 2-7-2-2 (0.7%) 17-7-16 16-7-18 16-7-17 15-7-17 24-31-13 23-52-13 23-34-13 23-33-14 23-33-13 23-32-13 23-31-13 23-30-13 23-21-19 23-18-13 22-35-13 22-31-13 22-30-13 21-31-13 19-33-13 18-45-13 18-37-13 18-35-13 17-57-11 17-55-13 17-55-11 17-54-11 17-53-11 17-52-11 17-51-11 17-33-13 16-46-13 16-45-13 16-44-13 16-42-13 16-35-13 16-30-13 16-30-13 16-7-17 16-21-19 L107% L1077P 24ldelAT L719X A1507 3849+10kbC-T 2184insA 2991de132 G551D 1154insTC V520F R560T 4114ATA+lT 3667de14 435insA Q414X C225R Q39X N1303K R1162X H199Y G542X G542X w1204x R347H G542X AF50gb N1303K 2143delT 3849f 10kbC-T N1303K 681delC R347H A455E N1303K A120T 621+1 h T 574delA 1221delCT F311L R560K R553X R533X R553X Q552X R553X Q552X R116W R553X 1898+5 h T 3272-26A-G 1717-1hA 1342-2A-C A1507 2869insG 2869insG E92X 4374+1 h T 2183AA-G R117H 1609delCA I336K W1063X 1 1 1 1 6 1 3 1 1 22 17 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 17 1 1 4 157 7 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 1 1 2 1 3 2 1 3 1 1 1 4 2 4 1 1 - - 10.33 1.45 - - 0.48 1.45 - 0.24 1.45 0.24 - - - - 0.24 0.48 - - - - - - 0.49 0.48 - 0.24 0.24 0.24 - - - - - 0.72 0.24 0.72 - t h fP h b.fb,fP h b,fp.t t h b.fb.fp,h,t b.fb.fp,h,t t t t h b h h fP h fP fb b fP b.fb,fP,h.t fP fb b,fP,t b.fb,fp,h,t b.fb,h h h h,t t fb t b b b.fb.t fP fb fb tb h fP h h t t b h t h b b h h b,fb,h fP.h b h fP fP Bozon et al. (1994) Fanen et al. (1992) Dork et al. (1994a) Kerem et al. (1990) Dork et al. (1994~) Cutting et al. (1990) Kerem et al. (1990) lannuui et d.
ABCC7 p.Leu719* 8844213:106:1265
status: NEW
PMID: 7525450
Dork T et al: "Detection of more than 50 different CFTR mutations in a large group of German cystic fibrosis patients."
(3) L719X was detected in a 4-year-old female who is compound heterozygous for AF508 and L719X.
ABCC7 p.Leu719* 7525450:74:4
status: NEWX
ABCC7 p.Leu719* 7525450:74:89
status: NEW78 (*) 1833delT Deletion of T at 1833 Exon 12 1 (0.1%) C2 Schwartz et al. (*) L619S T-+C at 1988 Exon 13 1 (0.1%) D3 This study 2143delT Deletion ofT at 2143/2144 Exon 13 5 (0.7%) BI DOrk et al. (1992b) G673X G-->T at 2149 Exon 13 l (0.1%) C2 This study 2183AA---)G Deletion of A at 2184 and A--~G at 2183 Exon 13 4 (0.6%) D5, B5 Bozon et al. (1994) 2184delA Deletion of A at 2184 Exon 13 2 (0.3%) A2 Chevalier-Porst et al. 1994, this study 2184insA Insertion of A at 2184 Exon 13 4 (0.6%) C2, B3, D3 This study L719X T-->A at 2288 Exon 13 1 (0.1%) B3 This study 2789+5 G--+A G--+A at 2789+5 lntron 14b 6 (0.9%) D3, B3 Highsmith et al. (*) 2991de132 Deletion of 32 bp from 2991-3022 Exon 15 2 (0.3%) D3 D6rk et al. (1994b) 3100insA Insertion of A at 3100 Exon 16 1 (0.1%) C2 This study I1005R T--+G at 3146 Exon 17a 3 (0.4%) A2 This study 3272-26 A--~G A--+G at 3272-26 Intron 17a 6 (0.9%) D3, A2 Fanen et al. (1992) LI059X T-~G at 3308 Exon 17b 1 (0.1%) C2 This study R1066C C-->T at 3328 Exon 17b 2 (0.3%) B3 Fanen et al. (1992) LI077P T---~Cat 3362 Exon 17b 1 (0.1%) A3 Bozon et al. (1994) YI092X C--+A at 3408 Exon 17b 2 (0.3%) C2 Bozcm et al. (1994) R1162X C--~T at 3616 Exon 19 2 (0.3%) C2 Gasparini et al. (1991) 3659de1C Deletion of C at 3659 Exon 19 4 (0.6%) C2 Kerem et al. (1990) 3849+10 kB C---)T C--+T at 3839+10 kB lntron 19 7 (1.0%) B l, D3 Highsmith et al. (*) 3850-3 T--+G T-->G at 3850 3 lntron 19 1 (0.1%) A2 D6rk et al. (1993a) S 1251N G---~Aat 3884 Exon 20 2 (0.3 %) C2 Kfilin et al. (1992a), Mercier et al. (1993) 3905insT Insertion of T at 3905 Exon 20 1 (0.1%) n.p. Liechti-Gallati et al. (1992) WI282X G---~Aat 3978 Exon 20 5 (0.7%) B3 Vidaud et al. (1990) Q1291R A--+G at 4004 Exon 20 1 (0.1%) B3 This study N1303K C---~Gat 4041 Exon 21 16 (2.3%) BI,A1 Osborne et al. (1991) 4114 ATA--~TT Deletion of A and A--~T at 41144116 Exon 22 1 (0.1%) B3 D6rk et al. (1993d) 4374+1 G-+T G--+T at 4374+1 Intron 23 1 (0.1%) D5 D6rk et al. (1993a) Total 668 (95.4%) ~'Mutations are designated according to the suggested nomenclature (Beaudet and Tsui 1993) b Numbers of nucleotides refer to the cDNA sequence (Riordan et al. 1989) c Exon and intron numbers are described (Zielenski et al. (1991a) a Frequency data are given as number (relative fraction) of alleles among 700 German CF chromosomes e Haplotypes of extragenic and intragenic dimorphic markers (Esti- viii et al. 1987; D0rk et al. 1992a) were classified as listed in the appendix (see below), n.p., noninformative phase.
ABCC7 p.Leu719* 7525450:78:509
status: NEW
PMID: 7521710
Ravnik-Glavac M et al: "Sensitivity of single-strand conformation polymorphism and heteroduplex method for mutation detection in the cystic fibrosis gene."
(G-A at 1807), R560K (G-A at 1811) and mutations L719X (T-A), 2522insC, 2556insAT, E827X on exons 11 and 13, respectively, for all except one analysis condition (see Table 1).
ABCC7 p.Leu719* 7521710:69:49
status: NEW121 1078delT (35), L327R (Ravnik-Glavac a al., unpublished), R334W (36), D36K (31), R347L (26), R347P (14), A349V (26), R352Q (30), 1221delCT (34); Exon 8: W401X (31), 1342-1G-C (25); Exon 9: G458V (37), 1525 -1G-A (38); Exon 10: S492F (34), Q493X (39), 1609delCA (40,17), deltaI507 (39,41), deltaF5O8 (3), 1717-1G-A (39,42); Exon 11: G542X (39), S549N, G551D, R553X (43), R553Q (44), A559T (43), R560K (Fine et al., pers. comm.), R560T (39); Exon 12: Y563N (39), 1833delT (Schwartz et al., pers. comm.), P574H (39), 1898 + 1G-C (31), 1898+3A-G (Ferrari et al., pers. comm.); Exon 13: G628R(G-C) (31), Q685X (Firec et al., pers. comm.), K716X (26), L719X (Dork etal., pers. comm.), 2522insC (15), 2556insAT (45), E827X (34); Exon 14a: E831X (Ffrec et al., pers. comm.), R851X (29), 2721delll (31), C866Y (Audrezet et al., pers. comm.); Exon 14b: 2789+5G-A (Highsmith et al., pers. comm.); Exon 15: 2907denT (21), 2991del32 (Dark and TQmmler, pers. comm.), G970R (31); Exon 16: S977P, 3100insA (D6rk et al., pers. comm.); Exon 17a: I1005R (Dork and TQmmler, pers. comm.), 3272-1G-A (46); Exon 17b: H1054D (F6rec et al., pers. comm.), G1061R (Fdrec et al., pers. comm.), 332Oins5, R1066H, A1067T (34), R1066L (Fe"rec etal., pers. comm.), R1070Q (46), E1104X (Zielenski el al., pers. comm.), 3359delCT (46), L1077P (Bozon « a/., pers. comm.), H1085R (46), Y1092X (Bozon etal., pers. comm.), W1098R, M1101K (Zielenski et al., pers. comm.); Exon 18: D1152H (Highsmith et al., pers. comm.); Exon 19:R1162X (36), 3659delC (39), 3662delA (25), 3667del4 (Chillon et al., pers. comm.), 3737ddA (35), 3821ddT (15), I1234V (35), S1235R (31), Q1238X (26), 3849G-A (25), 385O-3T-G (38); Exon20:3860ins31 (Chillon etal., pers. comm.), S1255X (47), 3898insC (26), 3905insT (Malik et al., pers. comm.), D127ON (48), W1282X (49), Q1291R (Dork et al., pers. comm.), Exon 21: N1303H (35), N13O3K (50), W1316X (43); Exon 22: 11328L/4116delA (Dork and TQmmler, pers. comm.), E1371X (25); Exon 23: 4374+ 1G-T (38); Exon 24: 4382delA (Claustres et al., pers. comm.).
ABCC7 p.Leu719* 7521710:121:645
status: NEW