ABCC7 p.Ser108Phe

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PMID: 10952679 [PubMed] Mall M et al: "Effect of genistein on native epithelial tissue from normal individuals and CF patients and on ion channels expressed in Xenopus oocytes."
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30 In all CF patients from whom rectal biopsies were studied DNA analysis was carried out for the following CFTR mutations: DF508; R117H and S108F in exon 4; R347P, R347H, I336K and T338I in exon 7; S549N, G551D, R553X, G542X, Q552X, 1717-1 G?A in exon 11; W1282X and 3905insT in exon 20; N1303K in exon 21 and 3849+10kB C?T in intron 19.
ABCC7 p.Ser108Phe 10952679:30:138
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PMID: 11278813 [PubMed] Hammerle MM et al: "Disease-associated mutations in the extracytoplasmic loops of cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator do not impede biosynthetic processing but impair chloride channel stability."
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ABCC7 p.Ser108Phe 11278813:75:75
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91 Exceptions are S108F, which matures as efficiently as the wild type, and T908N, which matures even more efficiently.
ABCC7 p.Ser108Phe 11278813:91:15
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104 The behavior of the most N-terminal mutant in EL1, S108F, indicates that substitution of the small hydroxyl amino acid with the larger aromatic phenylalanine results in a channel with no stable open state.
ABCC7 p.Ser108Phe 11278813:104:51
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117 A, squares, wild type; circles, S108F; triangles, Y109C; diamonds, D110H; crosses, wild type without stimulation.
ABCC7 p.Ser108Phe 11278813:117:32
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122 The substitution of the aromatic tyrosine in the adjacent position by the small thiol residue (Y109C) also results in a very unstable open state, but the tracing is different from that of S108F.
ABCC7 p.Ser108Phe 11278813:122:188
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136 This mutant displays properties quite similar to S108F; channel openings occur but cannot be maintained.
ABCC7 p.Ser108Phe 11278813:136:49
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142 Both R117C and R117L had very unstable open states like S108F and E116K with the cysteine substitution able to maintain openings FIG. 4.
ABCC7 p.Ser108Phe 11278813:142:56
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171 For example a nucleotide binding domain mutation, G551D, precludes virtually all TABLE II Relative charge transport capacity of mutants Mutants S108F Y109C D110H P111L P111A E116K R117H R117C R117L R117P E217G T908N P1013L Imutant/Iwt 100% 11 15 27 173 105 12 80 27 5 11 10 48 170 FIG. 5.
ABCC7 p.Ser108Phe 11278813:171:144
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PMID: 11773614 [PubMed] Kunzelmann K et al: "Electrolyte transport in the mammalian colon: mechanisms and implications for disease."
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954 In rectal biopsies from a CF patient compound heterozygous for the CFTR mutations ⌬F508 and S108F, cAMP-dependent stimulation induces an attenuated Cl-secretory response, which is further increased during the plateau phase of the biphasic CCH response.
ABCC7 p.Ser108Phe 11773614:954:99
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955 This indicates residual CFTR function of the mutant S108F in native tissue.
ABCC7 p.Ser108Phe 11773614:955:52
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948 In rectal biopsies from a CF patient compound heterozygous for the CFTR mutations ⌬F508 and S108F, cAMP-dependent stimulation induces an attenuated Cl- secretory response, which is further increased during the plateau phase of the biphasic CCH response.
ABCC7 p.Ser108Phe 11773614:948:99
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949 This indicates residual CFTR function of the mutant S108F in native tissue.
ABCC7 p.Ser108Phe 11773614:949:52
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PMID: 15480987 [PubMed] Hirtz S et al: "CFTR Cl- channel function in native human colon correlates with the genotype and phenotype in cystic fibrosis."
No. Sentence Comment
78 Relationship Between the CFTR Genotype and Cl- Channel Function in Native Rectal Epithelia CFTR genotype Number of individuals Sweat Cl-concentration (mmol/L)a cAMP-mediated response Carbachol-induced plateau response or maximal lumen-negative response Isc-cAMP (␮A/cm2) Cl- secretion (% of control) Isc-carbachol (␮A/cm2) Cl- secretion (% of control) Cl- secretion absent R1162X/Q552X 1 71 17.1 0 0.7 0 W1282X/3121-2AϾG 1 112 1.9 0 0.6 0 1898 ϩ 1G Ͼ T/1609delCA 2b 114, 118 25.4, 13.4 0, 0 0, 0.7 0, 0 ⌬F508/Q39X 2b 127, 129 2.6, 4.4 0, 0 1.7, 3.7 0, 0 ⌬F508/G542X 1 102 29.0 0 6.6 0 ⌬F508/R553X 3 112, 102, 109 13.1, 4.5, 23.8 0, 0, 0 1.5, 4.4, 1.0 0, 0, 0 ⌬F508/E585X 1 115 1.4 0 1.1 0 ⌬F508/Q637X 1 100 2.9 0 1.2 0 ⌬F508/Y1092X 1 119 0.0 0 -0.3 0 ⌬F508/120del23c 1 72 20.1 0 3.3 0 ⌬F508/182delT 1 116 10.8 0 5.2 0 ⌬F508/3905insT 2 88, 96 8.4, 5.6 0, 0 2.3, -1.1 0, 1 ⌬F508/V520F 1 68 1.2 0 1.7 0 ⌬F508/A561E 3 113, 146, 100 17.0, 17.0, 16.0 0, 0, 0 2.1, 1.5, 3.7 0, 0, 0 ⌬F508/R1066C 1 138 0.0 0 0.0 0 ⌬F508/N1303K 3 100, 117, 94 1.7, 4.1, 1.5 0, 0, 0 -0.6, 2.2, 0.8 0, 0, 0 A561E/A561E 2 101, 116 6.6, 2.0 0, 0 7.3, 3.3 0, 0 Residual Cl- secretiond G542X/I148N 1 75 -50.1 54 -22.2 12 1898 ϩ 3A Ͼ G/1898 ϩ 3A Ͼ G 1 82 -36.8 39 -12.9 7 ⌬F508/3272-26A Ͼ G 1 116 -17.8 19 -27.2 14 ⌬F508/S108F 1 118 -15.8 17 -12.3 7 ⌬F508/R117H 1 90 -35.9 38 -207.7 109 ⌬F508/Y161Cc 1 44 -35.1 37 -45.9 25 ⌬F508/P205S 1 80 -23.3 25 -10.4 5 ⌬F508/V232D 1 120 -16.9 18 -26.9 14 ⌬F508/R334W 1 92 -22.1 23 -21.1 11 ⌬F508/R334W 1 101 -24.5 26 -37.4 20 ⌬F508/T338I 1 73 -44.4 47 -79.4 42 ⌬F508/G576A 1 40 -16.9 18 -115.5 61 ⌬F508/I1234V 1 113 -13.6 15 -8.6 5 G576A/G85E 1 95 -26.1 28 -61.6 32 F1052V/M1137R 1 47 -36.7 39 -146.6 77 M1101K/M1101K 1 94 -11.1 12 -4.8 3 S1159F/S1159F 1 67 -47.9 51 -38.7 21 N1303K/R334W 1 91 -30.3 32 -47.7 25 NOTE. CFTR Cl- channel function was determined in rectal epithelia from Cl- secretory responses induced by IBMX/forskolin (Isc-cAMP) and after co-activation with carbachol (Isc-carbachol).
ABCC7 p.Ser108Phe 15480987:78:1455
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84 One patient had TG10-9T/TG11-5T with G542X/1148N; the second patient had TG10-9T/TG12-5T with ⌬F508/S108F.
ABCC7 p.Ser108Phe 15480987:84:107
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101 Functional Classification and Protein Location of CFTR Mutations Mutation type Severe mutations (protein location) Mild mutations (protein location) Missense V520F, A561E (NBD1) G85E (MSD1, TM1) R1066C (MSD2, CL4) S108F, R117H (MSD1, EL1) N1303K (NBD2) I148N, Y161Ca (MSD1, CL1) P205S (MSD1, TM3) V232D (MSD1, TM4) R334W, T338I (MSD1, TM6) G576A (NBD1) I1234V (NBD2) F1052V, M1101K (MSD2, CL4) M1137R (MSD2, TM12) S1159F (pre-NBD2) Splice 1898 ϩ 1G Ͼ T (R domain) 1898 ϩ 3A Ͼ G (R domain) 3121-2A Ͼ G (MSD2, TM9) 3272-26A Ͼ G (MSD2, TM10) Single amino acid deletion ⌬F508 (NBD1) Nonsense Q39X (N-terminus) G542X, Q552X, R553X, E585X (NBD1) Q637X (R domain) Y1092X (MSD2, CL4) R1162X (pre-NBD2) W1282X (NBD2) Frameshift 120del23a 182delT (N-terminus) 1609delCA (NBD1) 3905insT (NBD2) NOTE. Severe mutation, Cl- secretion absent; mild mutation, residual cAMP-mediated Cl- secretion.
ABCC7 p.Ser108Phe 15480987:101:214
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122 N1303K).8,9,11,34 -36 Mutants that have been shown previously to form plasma membrane Cl- channels with altered single-channel properties in heterologous cells (S108F, R117H, R334W, F1052V)10,34,35,37 were associated with residual cAMP-mediated Cl- secretion of ϳ12%-54% of control rectal epithelia.
ABCC7 p.Ser108Phe 15480987:122:161
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127 Previous studies have shown that the 5T allele, especially in conjunction with a high number of adjacent TG repeats, results in enhanced skipping of exon 9 and thus decreased levels of CFTR protein.41,42 It is therefore possible that reduced posttranscriptional processing of messenger RNA transcripts from mild CFTR mutations (S108F and I148N) contributed to reduced CFTR-mediated Cl- secretion, and the disease phenotype observed in these patients.
ABCC7 p.Ser108Phe 15480987:127:328
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PMID: 25024266 [PubMed] Cui G et al: "Three charged amino acids in extracellular loop 1 are involved in maintaining the outer pore architecture of CFTR."
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36 CF-causing mutations have been identified in ECL1, including S108F, Y109C/N, D110H/ Y/N,P111A/L,E116K/Q,andR117C/G/H/P/L.Among these residues, D110, E116, and R117 are charged amino acids fully conserved among nine species (Fig. 1 A).
ABCC7 p.Ser108Phe 25024266:36:61
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