ABCC1 p.Phe1213Trp

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PMID: 20004175 [PubMed] de Foresta B et al: "Interaction with membrane mimics of transmembrane fragments 16 and 17 from the human multidrug resistance ABC transporter 1 (hMRP1/ABCC1) and two of their tryptophan variants."
No. Sentence Comment
65 We synthesized a TM16 Trp variant (W19-mTM16), in which the aromatic residue Phe1213 was replaced by a tryptophan residue, to probe a part of TM16 closer to the C-terminus (i.e., to the extracellular side in the whole protein).
ABCC1 p.Phe1213Trp 20004175:65:77
status: NEW
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