PMID: 25637631

Devaraneni PK, Martin GM, Olson EM, Zhou Q, Shyng SL
Structurally distinct ligands rescue biogenesis defects of the KATP channel complex via a converging mechanism.
J Biol Chem. 2015 Mar 20;290(12):7980-91. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M114.634576. Epub 2015 Jan 30., [PubMed]
No. Mutations Sentence Comment
113 ABCC8 p.Tyr230Ala
ABCC8 p.Tyr230Ala 25637631:113:59
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Point mutations in the proposed site A (S1238Y) or site B (Y230A) (Fig. 2B) render channels less sensitive to GBC block, and combining both mutations completely abolishes channel inhibition by GBC (39-41). Login to comment
116 ABCC8 p.Tyr230Ala
ABCC8 p.Tyr230Ala 25637631:116:102
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ABCC8 p.Tyr230Ala
ABCC8 p.Tyr230Ala 25637631:116:126
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First, we asked whether CBZ rescue of TMD0 trafficking mutants is disrupted by GBC binding mutations, Y230A, S1238Y, or both (Y230A/S1238Y). Login to comment
117 ABCC8 p.Phe27Ser
ABCC8 p.Phe27Ser 25637631:117:4
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The F27S SUR1-TMD0 mutation previously shown to respond to GBC and CBZ rescue (22) was used as an example. Login to comment
120 ABCC8 p.Phe27Ser
ABCC8 p.Phe27Ser 25637631:120:72
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By contrast, only the immature band was observed in cells co-expressing F27S-SUR1 and Kir6.2, a defect that was efficiently corrected by GBC and CBZ. Login to comment
135 ABCC8 p.Tyr230Ala
ABCC8 p.Tyr230Ala 25637631:135:179
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ABCC8 p.Tyr230Ala
ABCC8 p.Tyr230Ala 25637631:135:212
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KATP Channel Pharmacological Chaperones MARCH 20, 2015ߦVOLUME 290ߦNUMBER 12 JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 7983 expected, the rescue effect of GBC was attenuated by Y230A or S1238Y and abolished by Y230A/S1238Y. Login to comment
136 ABCC8 p.Phe27Ser
ABCC8 p.Phe27Ser 25637631:136:122
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Remarkably, both single binding mutations alone and the double binding mutation also rendered CBZ ineffective in rescuing F27S (Fig. 2C). Login to comment
141 ABCC8 p.Tyr230Ala
ABCC8 p.Tyr230Ala 25637631:141:21
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As shown in Fig. 2D, Y230A rendered channels less sensitive to CBZ inhibition. Login to comment
143 ABCC8 p.Tyr230Ala
ABCC8 p.Tyr230Ala 25637631:143:10
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Combining Y230A and S1238Y completely prevented CBZ from inhibiting channel activity. Login to comment
147 ABCC8 p.Tyr230Ala
ABCC8 p.Tyr230Ala 25637631:147:105
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B, topology model of SUR1 showing the location of GBC binding site A mutation S1238Y and site B mutation Y230A. Login to comment
148 ABCC8 p.Val187Asp
ABCC8 p.Val187Asp 25637631:148:44
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ABCC8 p.Ala116Pro
ABCC8 p.Ala116Pro 25637631:148:33
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ABCC8 p.Phe27Ser
ABCC8 p.Phe27Ser 25637631:148:27
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TMD0 trafficking mutations F27S, A116P, and V187D used in the study as well as the ER retention motif RKR are also shown. Login to comment
149 ABCC8 p.Tyr230Ala
ABCC8 p.Tyr230Ala 25637631:149:147
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C, trafficking-defectiveSUR1mutantcontainingTMD0mutationF27SincombinationwithGBCbindingmutationY230A(left),S1238Y(middle),ordoublebinding mutation Y230A/S1238Y (right) was co-expressed with Kir6.2 and subjected to drug treatment (0.1% DMSO vehicle (V), 5 òe;M GBC (G), or 10 òe;M CBZ (C)) overnight (16 h) as indicated. Login to comment
150 ABCC8 p.Phe27Ser
ABCC8 p.Phe27Ser 25637631:150:59
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ABCC8 p.Phe27Ser
ABCC8 p.Phe27Ser 25637631:150:87
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For comparison, WT control (WT-SUR1 af9; WT-Kir6.2) and F27S in WT-SUR1 background (F27S-SUR1 af9; WT-Kir6.2) with or without drugtreatmentwasincludedineachblot.Tubulinblotsservedasloadingcontrols.Thefilledandopencirclesinthisandsubsequentblotsindicatethecomplex- and core-glycosylated SUR1 proteins, respectively. Login to comment
152 ABCC8 p.Tyr230Ala
ABCC8 p.Tyr230Ala 25637631:152:54
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ABCC8 p.Tyr230Ala
ABCC8 p.Tyr230Ala 25637631:152:82
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COSm6 cells were transfected with Kir6.2 and WT-SUR1, Y230A-SUR1, S1238Y-SUR1, or Y230A/S1238Y-SUR1. Login to comment
157 ABCC8 p.Tyr230Ala
ABCC8 p.Tyr230Ala 25637631:157:59
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Note that the inhibition was not reversible for WT and the Y230A mutant but was reversible for the S1238Y mutant. Login to comment
163 ABCC8 p.Val187Asp
ABCC8 p.Val187Asp 25637631:163:71
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ABCC8 p.Ala116Pro
ABCC8 p.Ala116Pro 25637631:163:61
status: NEW
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For this set of experiments, SUR1-TMD0 trafficking mutations A116P and V187D, which we have shown previously to respond to GBC and CBZ rescue (20, 22, 23, 41, 44), were used as examples. Login to comment
164 ABCC8 p.Val187Asp
ABCC8 p.Val187Asp 25637631:164:32
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ABCC8 p.Ala116Pro
ABCC8 p.Ala116Pro 25637631:164:23
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In SUR1RKR3AAA bearing A116P or V187D expressed without Kir6.2, both exhibited only the core-glycosylated lower band, in contrast to WT-SUR1RKR3AAA, which showed both lower and upper bands; treatment with CBZ failed to correct the mutant SUR1 processing defects (Fig. 3A). Login to comment
167 ABCC8 p.Val187Asp
ABCC8 p.Val187Asp 25637631:167:99
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ABCC8 p.Ala116Pro
ABCC8 p.Ala116Pro 25637631:167:88
status: NEW
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Interestingly, we noted that CBZ treatment significantly enhanced the core-glycosylated A116P- and V187D- SUR1RKR3AAA band intensity even in the absence of Kir6.2. Login to comment
168 ABCC8 p.Ala116Pro
ABCC8 p.Ala116Pro 25637631:168:234
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A likely explanation is that CBZ protects the misfolded SUR1 proteins against ER-associated degradation, which would be consistent with our previous metabolic pulse-chase study showing that GBC also slows down the degradation rate of A116P-SUR1 expressed alone without Kir6.2 (20). Login to comment
176 ABCC8 p.Tyr230Ala
ABCC8 p.Tyr230Ala 25637631:176:4
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The Y230A/S1238Y double mutation in SUR1, which abolished the ability of both drugs to rescue the trafficking defects of TMD0-SUR1 mutations also rendered the drugs unable to correct the processing defect of SUR1 coexpressed with I296L-Kir6.2 (Fig. 3D). Login to comment
189 ABCC8 p.Phe27Ser
ABCC8 p.Phe27Ser 25637631:189:6
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ABCC8 p.Phe27Ser
ABCC8 p.Phe27Ser 25637631:189:206
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Using F27S-SUR1, we found that whereas processing of the mutant SUR1 in cells co-expressing WT-Kir6.2 was fully normalized by both drugs, as evidenced by the abundant upper band, this was not the case when F27S-SUR1 was co-expressed with èc;N30-Kir6.2, where the upper band in the drug-treated cells was barely detectable (Fig. 4A). Login to comment
216 ABCC8 p.Phe27Ser
ABCC8 p.Phe27Ser 25637631:216:115
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A, effects of Kir6.2 Nand C-terminal deletions on pharmacological rescue of trafficking-defective SUR1-TMD0 mutant F27S. Login to comment
217 ABCC8 p.Phe27Ser
ABCC8 p.Phe27Ser 25637631:217:41
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Shown are SUR1 blots of cells expressing F27S-SUR1 along with WT-, èc;N30-, or èc;C25-Kir6.2 and treated overnight with DMSO (0.1%) (V), 5 òe;M GBC (G), or 10 òe;M CBZ (C). Login to comment
219 ABCC8 p.Phe27Ser
ABCC8 p.Phe27Ser 25637631:219:46
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C, Kir6.2 blots from cells co-expressing WTor F27S-SUR1 and WTor èc;N30-Kir6.2 and treated with DMSO, 5 òe;M GBC, or 10 òe;M CBZ. Login to comment
243 ABCC8 p.Phe27Ser
ABCC8 p.Phe27Ser 25637631:243:31
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ABCC8 p.Phe27Ser
ABCC8 p.Phe27Ser 25637631:243:136
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D, Kir6.2Y12AzF cross-links to F27S-SUR1 only in cells treated overnight with 5 òe;M GBC to rescue the trafficking defect caused by F27S. Login to comment
249 ABCC8 p.Phe27Ser
ABCC8 p.Phe27Ser 25637631:249:122
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We then tested whether pharmacological chaperones will induce cross-linking of Kir6.2 to the TMD0-SUR1 trafficking mutant F27S. Login to comment
307 ABCC8 p.Phe27Ser
ABCC8 p.Phe27Ser 25637631:307:67
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ABCC8 p.Phe27Ser
ABCC8 p.Phe27Ser 25637631:307:121
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Our observation that in the absence of pharmacological chaperones, F27S-SUR1 fails to confer cross-linking suggests that F27S disrupts SUR1-Kir6.2 interactions, perhaps due to misfolding of TMD0. Login to comment
312 ABCC8 p.Ala116Pro
ABCC8 p.Ala116Pro 25637631:312:206
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ABCC8 p.Phe27Ser
ABCC8 p.Phe27Ser 25637631:312:198
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It is worth noting that we have recently found that substitution of glutamine at the N-terminal amino acid position 52 of Kir6.2 by glutamate or aspartate suppresses the processing defect caused by F27S or A116P mutations in the TMD0 of SUR1 (67), consistent with a model of coupled conformational maturation between SUR1 and Kir6.2. Login to comment