PMID: 25477003

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Membrane transport of nobilin conjugation products and use of the extract of Chamomillae romanae flos influence absorption of nobilin in the Caco-2 model.
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No. Mutations Sentence Comment
112 ABCC3 p.Gly1316Ala
ABCC3 p.Gly1316Ala 25477003:112:212
status: NEW
view ABCC3 p.Gly1316Ala details
HPLC assay Nobilin and its conjugation products were analysed by HPLC-UV-MS of Agilent series 1200 equipped with a degasser G1379B, a binary pump G1312A, an autosampler G1367B, a thermostat G1330B, a column oven G1316A, a variable wavelength detector G1314B, and a single quadrupole MS detector G6130A. Login to comment