PMID: 22609309

Gonzales E, Grosse B, Cassio D, Davit-Spraul A, Fabre M, Jacquemin E
Successful mutation-specific chaperone therapy with 4-phenylbutyrate in a child with progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis type 2.
J Hepatol. 2012 Sep;57(3):695-8. doi: 10.1016/j.jhep.2012.04.017. Epub 2012 May 16., [PubMed]
No. Mutations Sentence Comment
3 ABCB11 p.Thr1210Pro
ABCB11 p.Thr1210Pro 22609309:3:116
status: NEW
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After an in vitro study in a hepatocellular polarized line, we tested 4-PB treatment in a child with a homozygous p.T1210P BSEP mutation. Login to comment
4 ABCB11 p.Thr1210Pro
ABCB11 p.Thr1210Pro 22609309:4:101
status: NEW
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Methods: Can 10 cells were transfected with plasmids encoding wild type Bsep (Bsepwt ) and mutated p.T1210P Bsep (BsepT1210P ), both tagged with GFP. Login to comment
10 ABCB11 p.Thr1210Pro
ABCB11 p.Thr1210Pro 22609309:10:34
status: NEW
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Also, canalicular expression of p.T1210P BSEP mutant was partially corrected as was biliary bile acid excretion. Login to comment
24 ABCB11 p.Thr1210Pro
ABCB11 p.Thr1210Pro 22609309:24:132
status: NEW
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Herein, we report on the first experience of 4-PB therapy in a patient with PFIC2 carrying a homozygous ABCB11 missense mutation (p.T1210P) leading to mistargeting and intracellular retention of the BSEP mutant. Login to comment
33 ABCB11 p.Thr1210Pro
ABCB11 p.Thr1210Pro 22609309:33:41
status: NEW
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Furthermore, canalicular expression of p.T1210P BSEP mutant was partially corrected as was biliary bile acid excretion. Login to comment
37 ABCB11 p.Thr1210Pro
ABCB11 p.Thr1210Pro 22609309:37:6
status: NEW
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The p.T1210P mutation was identified in both alleles of ABCB11 and BSEP liver immunostaining was negative. Login to comment
45 ABCB11 p.Thr1210Pro
ABCB11 p.Thr1210Pro 22609309:45:21
status: NEW
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Patient`s mutation p.T1210P was introduced in a plasmid encoding a rat Bsep-green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusion protein [3], with the following primer forward 50 -GCTCCCA- GAGAAATATGAACCTAATGTTGGGATCCAGGGC-30 , using QuickChange Lightning Site-Directed Mutagenesis kit (Stratagene, USA) according to manufacturer`s instructions. Login to comment
93 ABCB11 p.Thr1210Pro
ABCB11 p.Thr1210Pro 22609309:93:21
status: NEW
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Patient homozygous p.T1210P mutation of ABCB11 Before 4-PB Time of follow-up with 4-PB 1 month 3 months 8 months# 8 months + 1 week 12 months Itching (day-night) 8-10 5-7 1-3 6-10 5-7 1-3 Bile acids (N <10 &#b5;mol/L) 493 389 246 524 310 237 Total bilirubin (N <17 &#b5;mol/L) 200 69 14 49 19 11 ALT (N <35 IU/L) 125 55 51 66 27 19 PT (N >70%) 62 96 100 57 87 97 Factor V (N >80%) 68 78 83 87 100 83 Albumin (N >35 g/L) 30 36 41 39 n.a. 42 4-PB: mg/kg/d (total dose/day) none 200 (3 g) 267 (4 g) 134# (2 g)# 500 (8 g) 500 (8 g) PFIC2, progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis type 2; ALT, alanine amino transferase; n.a., not available; PT, prothrombin time; 4-PB, 4-phenylbutyrate. Login to comment
109 ABCB11 p.Thr1210Pro
ABCB11 p.Thr1210Pro 22609309:109:184
status: NEW
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Taken together, these results suggest that cholestasis and biliary bile acid secretion improvement observed in the patient likely relie on an effect of 4-PB on the mistrafficking of p.T1210P BSEP mutant, resulting in an increased cell-surface expression. Login to comment