PMID: 18167357

Bompadre SG, Li M, Hwang TC
Mechanism of G551D-CFTR (cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator) potentiation by a high affinity ATP analog.
J Biol Chem. 2008 Feb 29;283(9):5364-9. Epub 2007 Dec 30., 2008-02-29 [PubMed]
No. Mutations Sentence Comment
0 ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp
ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp 18167357:0:13
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Mechanism of G551D-CFTR (Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator) Potentiation by a High Affinity ATP Analog*□S Received for publication,November 16, 2007 Published, JBC Papers in Press,December 30, 2007, DOI 10.1074/jbc.M709417200 Silvia G. Bompadre‡1 , Min Li‡ , and Tzyh-Chang Hwang‡§ From the ‡ Dalton Cardiovascular Research Center and the § Department of Medical Pharmacology and Physiology, University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia, Missouri 65211 Cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) is a chloride channel gated by ATP binding and hydrolysis at its nucleotide binding domains (NBD). Login to comment
3 ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp
ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp 18167357:3:4
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The G551D mutation in ABP2, the third most common cystic fibrosis-associated mutation, abolishes ATP-dependent gating, resultinginanopenprobabilitythatisϳ100-foldlowerthanthatof wild-type channels. Login to comment
4 ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp
ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp 18167357:4:86
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Interestingly, we found that the ATP analog N6 -(2-phenylethyl)-ATP (P-ATP) increases G551D currents mainly by increasing the open time of the channel. Login to comment
6 ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp
ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp 18167357:6:117
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ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp
ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp 18167357:6:377
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Introducingmutationsthatlowerthenucleotidebindingaffinityat ABP2 did not alter significantly the effects of P-ATP on G551D-CFTR, whereas an equivalent mutation at ABP1 (consisting of the Walker A and B motifs of NBD1 and the signature sequence of NBD2) dramatically decreased the potency of P-ATP, indicating that ABP1 is the site where P-ATP binds to increase the activity of G551D-CFTR. Login to comment
16 ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp
ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp 18167357:16:103
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ABCC7 p.Gly1349Asp
ABCC7 p.Gly1349Asp 18167357:16:113
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The importance of the signature sequence in CFTR gating is attested by the fact that mutations such as G551D and G1349D in thisregionoftheproteinareassociatedwithCF.G551D,locatedin the signature sequence of NBD1, is one of the most common CF-associated mutations (the Cystic Fibrosis Mutation Database). Login to comment
17 ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp
ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp 18167357:17:0
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G551D-CFTR channels exhibit much lower open probability than wild-type(WT)channels(7-9),andconsequently,thepatientscar- rying this mutation present a severe phenotype (10, 11). Login to comment
18 ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp
ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp 18167357:18:0
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G551D has been used as a model in pharmacological characterizations of CFTR (9,12-15),butthefundamentalmechanismforthefunctionaldefect has been unclear until recently. Login to comment
19 ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp
ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp 18167357:19:18
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We found that the G551D mutation completely eliminates the ability of ATP to increase the opening rate of the channel (7), consistent with the idea that ATP binding to ABP2 is critical for the ATP-dependent opening of CFTR channels(6).TheobservedlowactivityofG551D-CFTRlikelyrep- resents the rare ATP-independent openings seen with the WT-CFTR channels in the absence of ATP (7, 16). Login to comment
20 ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp
ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp 18167357:20:9
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ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp
ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp 18167357:20:140
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Although G551D-CFTR does not respond to ATP, interestingly Cai et al. (9) showed that the ATP analog 2Ј-deoxy-ATP increases the Po of G551D-CFTR. Login to comment
21 ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp
ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp 18167357:21:88
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It remains unclear which nucleotide binding sites this ATP analog acts on to potentiate G551D-CFTR. Login to comment
23 ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp
ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp 18167357:23:10
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ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp
ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp 18167357:23:128
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Since the G551D mutation, located in ABP2, may not affect the function of ABP1, we tested the hypothesis that P-ATP potentiates G551D-CFTR by binding to ABP1. Login to comment
24 ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp
ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp 18167357:24:30
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We found that P-ATP increases G551D cur- * This work was supported by National Institutes of Health Grants NIHR01DK55835 and NIHR01HL53455 (to T. C. H.) and NIHK01DK075408 (to S. G. Login to comment
38 ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp
ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp 18167357:38:135
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By introducing mutations that lower the nucleotide binding affinity at each NBD, we were able to conclude that this effect of P-ATP on G551D-CFTR is through binding of the nucleotide to ABP1. Login to comment
40 ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp
ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp 18167357:40:94
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ABCC7 p.Trp401Gly
ABCC7 p.Trp401Gly 18167357:40:101
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ABCC7 p.Tyr1219Gly
ABCC7 p.Tyr1219Gly 18167357:40:112
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EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES Site-directed Mutagenesis-The constructs containing single mutations (G551D, W401G, and Y1219G) have been described previously (6, 7). Login to comment
41 ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp
ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp 18167357:41:48
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Additional point mutations were introduced into G551D-CFTR by using a QuikChange XL kit (Stratagene, La Jolla, CA) according to the manufacturer`s protocol. Login to comment
55 ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp
ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp 18167357:55:22
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Since the activity of G551D is extremely low, the number of channels in the membrane patch cannot be ascertained. Login to comment
57 ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp
ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp 18167357:57:165
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To better estimate the mean closed timeweemployedastrategybasedonourpreviousresults(7).Wefirst obtained␶o inthecontrolconditionasdescribedabove.SincethePo of G551D-CFTRisϳ0.004(i.e.1/120 of the Po for WT-CFTR), ␶c can be calculated based on the equation, ␶c ϭ (␶o/Po) - ␶o. Login to comment
62 ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp
ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp 18167357:62:27
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ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp
ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp 18167357:62:155
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RESULTS Effect of P-ATP on G551D-CFTR-Fig. 1A shows a continuous current trace from an excised inside-out patch of a Chinese hamster ovary cell expressing G551D-CFTR. Login to comment
64 ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp
ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp 18167357:64:25
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Reversible activation of G551D-CFTR by P-ATP. Login to comment
65 ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp
ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp 18167357:65:48
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A, P-ATP, a high affinity ATP analog, increases G551D-CFTR activity. Login to comment
68 ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp
ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp 18167357:68:40
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C, P-ATP dose-response relationship for G551D-CFTR channels. Login to comment
71 ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp
ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp 18167357:71:23
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ATP Analog Potentiates G551D-CFTR FEBRUARY 29, 2008•VOLUME 283•NUMBER 9 JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 5365 atUniversityofNorthCarolinaatChapelHill,onAugust,2011www.jbc.orgDownloadedfrom protein kinase (not shown). Login to comment
74 ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp
ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp 18167357:74:34
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Similar results were obtained for G551D-CFTR expressed in human epithelial cells CFPAC-1 (see supplemental materials). Login to comment
75 ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp
ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp 18167357:75:43
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To further quantify the effect of P-ATP on G551D currents, we measured the channel activity at different [P-ATP] and calculated the ratio between the mean current in the presence of P-ATP and the mean control current (washout). Login to comment
76 ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp
ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp 18167357:76:58
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The P-ATP dose-response relationship (Fig. 1C) shows that G551D-CFTR currents can be enhanced as much as 7-fold at 50 ␮M P-ATP with a K1/2 of ϳ6 ␮M. In patches with sporadic openings, we could observe in detail the effect of P-ATP on the channels. Login to comment
83 ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp
ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp 18167357:83:46
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The results indicate that the increase of the G551D channel activity by P-ATP is achieved mainly by an increase in the open time of the channel. Login to comment
84 ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp
ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp 18167357:84:0
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G551D channels have extremely long closed times, ␶o ϽϽ ␶c; consequently, the channel activity is directly proportional to the open time (i.e. Po ϭ ␶o/(␶o ϩ ␶c) Х ␶o/␶c). Login to comment
86 ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp
ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp 18167357:86:68
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ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp
ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp 18167357:86:250
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Based on these results, we can safely conclude that the increase in G551D-CFTR activity in the presence of P-ATP is mainly due to an increase in ␶o. ATP and P-ATP Compete for the Same Biding Sites-We next tested whether the effect of P-ATP on G551D-CFTR is through binding to the same site(s) ATP may bind. Login to comment
87 ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp
ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp 18167357:87:31
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Since ATP has little effect on G551D, one expects that the effect of P-ATP will be diminished by the presence of ATP if they share a common binding site. Login to comment
89 ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp
ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp 18167357:89:134
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In the presence of ATP, the effect of P-ATP is dramatically reduced, but removal of ATP rapidly restores the potentiation of P-ATP on G551D-CFTR, suggesting that these two nucleotides can readily exchange at a binding site. Login to comment
92 ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp
ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp 18167357:92:38
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ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp
ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp 18167357:92:119
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Where Does P-ATP Bind to Increase the G551D-CFTR Current?-To determine to which ABP P-ATP binds to exert its effect on G551D-CFTR channels, we introduced mutations that lower the nucleotide biding affinity at each ABP. Login to comment
93 ABCC7 p.Trp401Gly
ABCC7 p.Trp401Gly 18167357:93:28
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ABCC7 p.Tyr1219Gly
ABCC7 p.Tyr1219Gly 18167357:93:38
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As demonstrated previously, W401G and Y1219G are two mutations that can serve thispurpose.Trp-401wasshowninteractingdirectlywiththeade- nine ring of ATP via a stacking mechanism in the crystal structure of NBD1 from human CFTR (Ref. 19, Protein Data Bank (PDB) code 1XMI). Login to comment
95 ABCC7 p.Trp401Gly
ABCC7 p.Trp401Gly 18167357:95:82
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ABCC7 p.Tyr1219Gly
ABCC7 p.Tyr1219Gly 18167357:95:53
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It was found that, under the WT-CFTR background, the Y1219G mutation, but not the W401G mutation, causes a right- wardshiftoftheATPdose-responsecurve(6).Asimilarresultwas observed for P-ATP (see supplemental materials). Login to comment
96 ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp
ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp 18167357:96:131
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ABCC7 p.Tyr1219Gly
ABCC7 p.Tyr1219Gly 18167357:96:13
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Although the Y1219G mutation decreases the apparent affinity of ATP and P-ATP in WT background, introducing this mutation into the G551D background has little influence on the FIGURE 2. Login to comment
97 ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp
ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp 18167357:97:26
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P-ATP dependent gating of G551D-CFTR in excised patches. Login to comment
98 ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp
ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp 18167357:98:37
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A, single-channel current traces for G551D-CFTR in the presence and absence of 10 ␮M P-ATP. Login to comment
99 ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp
ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp 18167357:99:62
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B, summary of the mean open time and the mean closed time for G551D-CFTR in the presence and absence of P-ATP (n ϭ 11). Login to comment
104 ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp
ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp 18167357:104:121
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The presence of ATP reduces the potentiation effect of P-ATP, but removal of ATP rapidly restores the effect of P-ATP on G551D-CFTR, indicating that these two nucleotides can readily exchange at a binding site (n ϭ 6). Login to comment
105 ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp
ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp 18167357:105:23
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ATP Analog Potentiates G551D-CFTR 5366 JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY VOLUME 283•NUMBER •FEBRUARY effect of P-ATP. Login to comment
106 ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp
ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp 18167357:106:40
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ABCC7 p.Tyr1219Gly
ABCC7 p.Tyr1219Gly 18167357:106:47
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Fig. 4A shows a representative trace of G551D/ Y1219G-CFTR channels in the absence and presence of 10 ␮M P-ATP. Login to comment
107 ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp
ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp 18167357:107:125
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10 ␮M P-ATP increased the activity of this double mutant by 5.0 Ϯ 0.6-fold (n ϭ 7), and as in the case of G551D channels, this increase in activity is mainly due to an increase in the open time of the channel (Fig. 4B). Login to comment
109 ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp
ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp 18167357:109:4
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ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp
ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp 18167357:109:65
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ABCC7 p.Tyr1219Gly
ABCC7 p.Tyr1219Gly 18167357:109:10
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The G551D/Y1219G-CFTR P-ATP dose response is very similar to the G551D-CFTR dose response, suggesting that lowering the binding affinity at the ABP2 site does not alter the effect of P-ATP. Login to comment
110 ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp
ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp 18167357:110:38
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ABCC7 p.Trp401Gly
ABCC7 p.Trp401Gly 18167357:110:25
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In contrast, introducing W401G in the G551D background significantly reduced the effect of P-ATP. Login to comment
111 ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp
ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp 18167357:111:22
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ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp
ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp 18167357:111:112
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ABCC7 p.Trp401Gly
ABCC7 p.Trp401Gly 18167357:111:16
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The activity of W401G/G551D-CFTR channels in the presence of 10 ␮M P-ATP is smaller than the activity of G551D channels under the same conditions. Login to comment
112 ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp
ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp 18167357:112:61
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ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp
ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp 18167357:112:111
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ABCC7 p.Trp401Gly
ABCC7 p.Trp401Gly 18167357:112:55
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The mean current -fold increase is 1.9 Ϯ 0.2 for W401G/G551D-CFTR when compared with 6.2 Ϯ 0.7 for G551D-CFTR. Login to comment
115 ABCC7 p.Trp401Gly
ABCC7 p.Trp401Gly 18167357:115:83
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The rightward shift of the P-ATP dose-response relationship suggests that mutating Trp-401 to glycine at ABP1 lowers the P-ATP binding affinity (Fig. 6). Login to comment
116 ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp
ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp 18167357:116:71
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We thus conclude that P-ATP binds to ABP1 to increase the open time of G551D channels and consequently enhance the activity of this mutant. Login to comment
117 ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp
ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp 18167357:117:101
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DISCUSSION The current results show that P-ATP, a high affinity ATP analog, binds to ABP1 to enhance G551D-CFTR, and it does so mainly by increasing the open time of the channel. Login to comment
119 ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp
ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp 18167357:119:102
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ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp
ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp 18167357:119:253
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Mechanistically, it establishes that nucleotide binding at ABP1 can stabilize the open state even for G551D-CFTR, a mutant irresponsive to ATP; pharmacologically, it suggests that ABP1 may be a potential molecular target for drugs that could potentiate G551D-CFTR. Login to comment
125 ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp
ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp 18167357:125:69
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ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp
ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp 18167357:125:130
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Previously, we showed that ATP fails to increase the opening rate of G551D-CFTR (7), and this observation led us to conclude that G551D-CFTR presents only ATP independent openings. Login to comment
127 ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp
ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp 18167357:127:127
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These results are consistent with the ideas that ABP2 is the site that couples ATP binding to the channel opening and that the G551D mutation specifically abolishes the function of ABP2. Login to comment
128 ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp
ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp 18167357:128:105
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Thus, other nucleotides such ADP or AMP-PNP, which presumably act on ABP2 (7, 16), were not effective on G551D-CFTR (7). Login to comment
130 ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp
ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp 18167357:130:16
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ABCC7 p.Tyr1219Gly
ABCC7 p.Tyr1219Gly 18167357:130:22
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P-ATP effect on G551D/Y1219G-CFTR. Login to comment
131 ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp
ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp 18167357:131:35
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ABCC7 p.Tyr1219Gly
ABCC7 p.Tyr1219Gly 18167357:131:28
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A, single-channel traces of Y1219G/G551D-CFTR in the presence or absence of P-ATP. Login to comment
132 ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp
ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp 18167357:132:167
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ABCC7 p.Tyr1219Gly
ABCC7 p.Tyr1219Gly 18167357:132:13
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The mutation Y1219G (located in ABP2) decreases the apparent P-ATP binding affinity under the WT background (see supplemental materials), but when introduced into the G551D background, the P-ATP potentiation is not affected. Login to comment
133 ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp
ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp 18167357:133:59
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ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp
ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp 18167357:133:69
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ABCC7 p.Tyr1219Gly
ABCC7 p.Tyr1219Gly 18167357:133:75
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B, comparison of the mean currents and mean open times for G551D and G551D/Y1219G in the presence of 10 ␮M P-ATP (n ϭ 5-11). Login to comment
135 ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp
ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp 18167357:135:38
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ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp
ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp 18167357:135:71
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ABCC7 p.Trp401Gly
ABCC7 p.Trp401Gly 18167357:135:65
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ABCC7 p.Tyr1219Gly
ABCC7 p.Tyr1219Gly 18167357:135:44
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P-ATP dose-response relationships for G551D/Y1219G-(Œ) and W401G/G551D-CFTR (f). Login to comment
138 ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp
ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp 18167357:138:65
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ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp
ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp 18167357:138:94
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ABCC7 p.Trp401Gly
ABCC7 p.Trp401Gly 18167357:138:88
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ABCC7 p.Tyr1219Gly
ABCC7 p.Tyr1219Gly 18167357:138:72
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The K1/2 values are 13 Ϯ 5 and 79 Ϯ 30 ␮M for G551D/ Y1219G-CFTR and W401G/G551D-CFTR, respectively. Login to comment
139 ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp
ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp 18167357:139:68
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The dashed line represents the P-ATP dose-response relationship for G551D-CFTR shown in Fig. 1. Login to comment
140 ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp
ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp 18167357:140:23
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ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp
ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp 18167357:140:133
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ATP Analog Potentiates G551D-CFTR FEBRUARY 29, 2008•VOLUME 283•NUMBER 9 JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 5367 that for G551D-CFTR, the function of ABP1 may not be jeopardized since P-ATP can bind to this site to stabilize the open channel conformation. Login to comment
141 ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp
ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp 18167357:141:48
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The significance of this conclusion is that the G551D construct presents a great opportunity to investigate specifically the interaction of nucleotides with ABP1, a yet challenging issue for several reasons. Login to comment
145 ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp
ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp 18167357:145:149
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It is interesting to note that the effects of P-ATP echo what has been reported by Cai et al. (9), that 2Ј-deoxy-ATP increased the activity of G551D channels. Login to comment
148 ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp
ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp 18167357:148:123
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However, it should be pointed out that it is extremely difficult to accurately estimate ␶c because of the low Po of G551D. Login to comment
150 ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp
ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp 18167357:150:30
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Given the extremely low Po of G551D, this practice inevitably results in an underestimation of the closed time. Login to comment
152 ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp
ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp 18167357:152:73
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If it turns out that 2Ј-deoxy-ATP also binds to ABP1 to potentiate G551D-CFTR, it may be possible to design even more effective nucleotides for this mutant. Login to comment
153 ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp
ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp 18167357:153:50
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If we assume that the ATP-independent openings of G551D involve the dimerization of the NBDs, an outstanding question remains to be answered. Login to comment
154 ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp
ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp 18167357:154:5
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When G551D channels open, is ABP2 occupied or empty? Login to comment
156 ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp
ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp 18167357:156:10
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Since the G551D mutation is located in the signature sequence of NBD1 (ABP2), one could assume that the nucleotide binding at ABP2 is not affected by this mutation, but instead, the post-binding events may be impaired. Login to comment
160 ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp
ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp 18167357:160:165
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Alternatively, if an NBD dimer can form in the presence of ATP (or P-ATP) bound at ABP2, we need to explain why ATP (or P-ATP) fails to increase the opening rate of G551D channels. Login to comment
162 ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp
ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp 18167357:162:33
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ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp
ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp 18167357:162:146
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Since we do not know whether the G551D open state involves the dimerization of the NBDs, we need to consider the possibility that the openings of G551D may be unrelated to the dimerization of the NBDs. Login to comment
164 ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp
ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp 18167357:164:62
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Thus, we cannot rule out the possibility that the openings of G551D are decoupled from the NBD dimerization. Login to comment
165 ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp
ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp 18167357:165:74
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ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp
ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp 18167357:165:210
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However, since binding of P-ATP to ABP1 decreases the closing rate of the G551D channels, we have to conclude that even under this scenario, the transmembrane domains are not totally decoupled from the NBDs in G551D-CFTR. Login to comment
168 ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp
ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp 18167357:168:0
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G551D is a disease-associated mutation that traffics normally to the membrane (7, 25) but with defective gating. Login to comment
170 ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp
ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp 18167357:170:43
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Many compounds have been shown to increase G551D-CFTR currents (9, 12, 13, 15, 26), but none of them seems to be potent enough to completely restore the Po of the channel to WT levels. Login to comment
172 ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp
ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp 18167357:172:22
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ABCC7 p.Trp401Gly
ABCC7 p.Trp401Gly 18167357:172:16
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P-ATP effect on W401G/G551D-CFTR. Login to comment
173 ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp
ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp 18167357:173:34
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ABCC7 p.Trp401Gly
ABCC7 p.Trp401Gly 18167357:173:28
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A, single-channel traces of W401G/G551D-CFTR in the presence or absence of P-ATP. Login to comment
175 ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp
ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp 18167357:175:23
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ATP Analog Potentiates G551D-CFTR 5368 JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY VOLUME 283•NUMBER 9•FEBRUARY understanding of how these compounds work or where they bind, it is very difficult to design a drug that may accomplish the task of rescuing the defective channel. Login to comment
178 ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp
ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp 18167357:178:39
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Our observation that P-ATP potentiates G551D-CFTR by binding to ABP1 suggests that ABP1 may be a target for drugs to bind and enhance the mutant channel activity. Login to comment
181 ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp
ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp 18167357:181:62
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It should be interesting to examine biochemically whether the G551D mutation abolishes nucleotide occlusion. Login to comment
182 ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp
ABCC7 p.Gly551Asp 18167357:182:161
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Nevertheless, we believe that these new findings will likely serve as a structural framework for the future development of potentiators for CFTR mutants such as G551D. Login to comment