PMID: 17475454

Siissalo S, Laitinen L, Koljonen M, Vellonen KS, Kortejarvi H, Urtti A, Hirvonen J, Kaukonen AM
Effect of cell differentiation and passage number on the expression of efflux proteins in wild type and vinblastine-induced Caco-2 cell lines.
Eur J Pharm Biopharm. 2007 Sep;67(2):548-54. Epub 2007 Mar 28., [PubMed]
No. Mutations Sentence Comment
112 ABCB1 p.Pro32Asp
ABCB1 p.Pro32Asp 17475454:112:50
status: NEW
view ABCB1 p.Pro32Asp details
ABCC5 p.Pro43Asp
ABCC5 p.Pro43Asp 17475454:112:90
status: NEW
view ABCC5 p.Pro43Asp details
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 Caco-2WT P32D/ P33U Caco-2WT P33D/ P32U Caco-2WT P43D/ P44U Caco-2VBL P33/9D/ P35/11U Caco-2VBL P42/13D/ P43/14U Caco-2VBL P48/19D/ P49/20U Relativeexpression Diff Undiff Fig. 2. mRNA expression level of MDR1 vs. b-actin in differentiated (D, Diff) and undifferentiated (U, Undiff) Caco-2WT and Caco-2VBL samples (n = 3) over the passage range typically used for transport experiments in our laboratory. Login to comment