PMID: 15781447

Halbach A, Lorenzen S, Landgraf C, Volkmer-Engert R, Erdmann R, Rottensteiner H
Function of the PEX19-binding site of human adrenoleukodystrophy protein as targeting motif in man and yeast. PMP targeting is evolutionarily conserved.
J Biol Chem. 2005 Jun 3;280(22):21176-82. Epub 2005 Mar 21., [PubMed]
No. Mutations Sentence Comment
70 ABCD3 p.Leu207Pro
ABCD3 p.Leu207Pro 15781447:70:332
status: NEW
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Systematic truncations of the ALDP-(67-84) peptide, aimed to deter- TABLE I Plasmids used Plasmid Description Primer pair Source or Ref. pEGFP-C1 Clontech pUG35 34 pPC97 35 pPC86 35 pHPR131 ADH2pr-PTS2-DsRed 36 pKat61 ScPEX19 in pPC86 15 pKat79 ScPEX19 in pGex4T-2 15 pKat145 ScPEX13 (173-258) in pPC97 15 pHPR262 ScPEX13 (173-258) L207P in pPC97 15 pMS21 ScPEX13 (221-310) in pUG35 15 pHPR241 ScPEX13 (200-310) in pUG35 15 pAH5 HsPEX19 in pGEX4T-1 BamHI-SalI RE734/735 This study pAH7 HsPEX19 (2-299) in pPC86 SalI-BglII RE976/977 This study pAH8 ALDP (69-83) in pPC97 XbaI-BamHI RE1034/1035 This study pAH9 ALDP (66-87) in pUG35 XbaI-BamHI RE1065/1066 This study pAH10 ALDP (66-164) in pUG35 XbaI-BamHI RE1065/1067 This study pAH11 ALDP (66-87) in pMS21 XbaI-BamHI RE1065/1068 This study pAH23 ALDP (87-164) in pUG35 XbaI-BamHI RE1166/1067 This study pAH27 ALDP (87-164) in pEGFP-C1 EcoRI-SalI RE1198/1199 This study pAH28 ALDP (66-87) in pEGFP-C1 EcoRI-SalI RE1200/1201 This study pAH29 ALDP (66-164) in pEGFP-C1 EcoRI-SalI RE1200/1199 This study mine a core binding site, were synthesized and again tested for PEX19 binding. Login to comment
91 ABCD3 p.Leu207Pro
ABCD3 p.Leu207Pro 15781447:91:14
status: NEW
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Moreover, the L207P point mutation, which specifically abolishes the ScPex13p-(173-258) interaction with ScPex19p (15), also caused a loss of HsPEX19 binding (Fig. 2C). Login to comment
117 ABCD3 p.Leu207Pro
ABCD3 p.Leu207Pro 15781447:117:29
status: NEW
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The same fragment but with a Leu to Pro mutation at position 207 was also tested. Login to comment