PMID: 10213617

Loo TW, Clarke DM
The glycosylation and orientation in the membrane of the third cytoplasmic loop of human P-glycoprotein is affected by mutations and substrates.
Biochemistry. 1999 Apr 20;38(16):5124-9., 1999-04-20 [PubMed]
No. Mutations Sentence Comment
83 ABCB1 p.Glu875Cys
ABCB1 p.Glu875Cys 10213617:83:97
status: NEW
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During structure-function analysis studies (unpublished observations), we found a single mutant, E875C, that gave increased amounts of glycosylated C-Half polypeptide. Login to comment
85 ABCB1 p.Glu875Cys
ABCB1 p.Glu875Cys 10213617:85:69
status: NEW
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As shown in Figure 2 (lane 1), expression of the COOH-half of mutant E875C in HEK 293 cells resulted in the appearance of about equivalent amounts of the glycosylated (C-Half-CHO) and unglycosylated (C-Half) forms of the protein. Login to comment
95 ABCB1 p.Glu875Cys
ABCB1 p.Glu875Cys 10213617:95:9
status: NEW
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Mutation E875C is shown as a shaded circle in TM 10. Login to comment
101 ABCB1 p.Glu875Cys
ABCB1 p.Glu875Cys 10213617:101:80
status: NEW
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ABCB1 p.Thr811Ala
ABCB1 p.Thr811Ala 10213617:101:103
status: NEW
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Whole cell extracts of cells expressing the A52-tagged wild-type C-Half, mutant E875C C-Half or mutant T811A C-Half P-gps were treated with (+Endo H) or without (-Endo H) endoglycosidase H and subjected to SDS-PAGE and immunoblot analysis with monoclonal antibody A52. Login to comment
105 ABCB1 p.Glu875Cys
ABCB1 p.Glu875Cys 10213617:105:13
status: NEW
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Since mutant E875C gave relatively equal amounts of C-Half molecules with both topologies, it was used for further analysis. Login to comment
112 ABCB1 p.Glu875Cys
ABCB1 p.Glu875Cys 10213617:112:95
status: NEW
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To monitor the expression of the C-Half polypeptide, an A52 epitope tag was attached to mutant E875C C-Half molecule, while the N-Half was not tagged. Login to comment
113 ABCB1 p.Glu875Cys
ABCB1 p.Glu875Cys 10213617:113:90
status: NEW
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The untagged N-Half molecule of P-gp was coexpressed with the A52-tagged C-Half of mutant E875C in the presence or absence of drug substrate. Login to comment
114 ABCB1 p.Glu875Cys
ABCB1 p.Glu875Cys 10213617:114:118
status: NEW
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Figure 3 shows the relative expression levels of glycosylated (C-Half-CHO) or unglycosylated (C-Half) forms of mutant E875C C-Half when expressed in the presence or absence of untagged N-Half molecule and drug substrate (cyclosporin A). Login to comment
115 ABCB1 p.Glu875Cys
ABCB1 p.Glu875Cys 10213617:115:5
status: NEW
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When E875C C-Half was expressed alone, the CL3(cyt) and CL3(ext) topologies were present in about equivalent amounts (Figure 3, lane 2). Login to comment
116 ABCB1 p.Glu875Cys
ABCB1 p.Glu875Cys 10213617:116:56
status: NEW
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Similar results were obtained when the C-Half of mutant E875C was expressed alone in the presence of drug substrate (lane 3) or when it was coexpressed with the N-Half in the absence of substrate (lane 5). Login to comment
122 ABCB1 p.Glu875Cys
ABCB1 p.Glu875Cys 10213617:122:93
status: NEW
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In this assay, a histidine-tagged N-Half molecule was coexpressed with an A52 epitope-tagged E875C C-Half. Login to comment
125 ABCB1 p.Glu875Cys
ABCB1 p.Glu875Cys 10213617:125:95
status: NEW
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Histidine-tagged N-Half P-gp (N-Half-His) was coexpressed with the A52-tagged C-Half of mutant E875C (C-Half-A52) in HEK 293 cells, solubilized with n-dodecyl- -D-maltoside, and the solubilized material was subjected to nickel chromatography (18). Login to comment
133 ABCB1 p.Glu875Cys
ABCB1 p.Glu875Cys 10213617:133:54
status: NEW
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HEK 293 cells were transfected with A52-tagged mutant E875C C-Half cDNA with or without (+ or -) N-Half P-gp cDNA. Login to comment
137 ABCB1 p.Glu875Cys
ABCB1 p.Glu875Cys 10213617:137:84
status: NEW
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HEK 293 cells were cotransfected with histidine-tagged N-Half and A52-tagged mutant E875C C-Half cDNAs, and solubilized with n-dodecyl- -D-maltoside and the extract subjected to nickel-chelate chromatography using 10 mM imidazole in the washing steps. Login to comment
144 ABCB1 p.Glu875Cys
ABCB1 p.Glu875Cys 10213617:144:23
status: NEW
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The full-length mutant E875C P-gp also exhibited drug-stimulated ATPase activities that were about 80-90% of the wild-type enzyme (Figure 5). Login to comment
147 ABCB1 p.Glu875Cys
ABCB1 p.Glu875Cys 10213617:147:49
status: NEW
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Coexpression of wild-type N-Half-His with mutant E875C C-Half-A52 in the presence of cyclosporin A resulted in the formation of an active complex that had 85-95% of the activity of the wild-type enzyme (Figure 5). Login to comment
160 ABCB1 p.Glu875Cys
ABCB1 p.Glu875Cys 10213617:160:26
status: NEW
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When the C-Half of mutant E875C was synthesized to the presence of the N-Half polypeptide and cyclosporin A, only the amount of unglycosylated C-Half was increased. Login to comment
171 ABCB1 p.Glu875Cys
ABCB1 p.Glu875Cys 10213617:171:41
status: NEW
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It is surprising that a single mutation, E875C, promotes an alternative topology in P-gp. Login to comment
173 ABCB1 p.Glu875Cys
ABCB1 p.Glu875Cys 10213617:173:62
status: NEW
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When expressed in the presence of drug substrates, the mutant E875C showed vinblastineand verapamil-stimulated ATPase activity that was similar to that of wild-type enzyme (Figure 5). Login to comment
174 ABCB1 p.Glu875Cys
ABCB1 p.Glu875Cys 10213617:174:55
status: NEW
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In the absence of drug substrate, maturation of mutant E875C was inefficient, such that the majority of the product was a core-glycosylated 150 kDa protein (data not shown). Login to comment
177 ABCB1 p.Glu875Cys
ABCB1 p.Glu875Cys 10213617:177:72
status: NEW
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The FIGURE 5: Drug-stimulated ATPase activities of wild-type and mutant E875C P-gps. Login to comment
179 ABCB1 p.Glu875Cys
ABCB1 p.Glu875Cys 10213617:179:71
status: NEW
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Equivalent amounts of histidine-tagged full-length wild-type or mutant E875C P-gps isolated by nickel-chelate chromatography, were added to lipid and assayed for ATPase in the absence or presence verapamil (1 mM) or vinblastine (0.05 mM). Login to comment
180 ABCB1 p.Glu875Cys
ABCB1 p.Glu875Cys 10213617:180:119
status: NEW
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Histidine-tagged N-Half (N-Half-H) that was expressed alone or coexpressed with A52 epitope-tagged wild-type or mutant E875C C-Half were isolated by nickel-chelate chromatography. Login to comment
189 ABCB1 p.Glu875Cys
ABCB1 p.Glu875Cys 10213617:189:29
status: NEW
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In P-gp, it appears that the E875C mutation influences topological folding of the C-terminal domain such that increased amounts of CL-3(ext) are the major product. Login to comment
192 ABCB1 p.Glu875Cys
ABCB1 p.Glu875Cys 10213617:192:34
status: NEW
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It is therefore possible that the E875C mutation promotes the formation of P-gp with this topology. Login to comment