ABCC2 p.Ile670Thr
Predicted by SNAP2: | A: D (91%), C: D (85%), D: D (95%), E: D (95%), F: D (95%), G: D (95%), H: D (95%), K: D (95%), L: D (85%), M: D (80%), N: D (95%), P: D (95%), Q: D (95%), R: D (95%), S: D (95%), T: N (57%), V: N (78%), W: D (95%), Y: D (95%), |
Predicted by PROVEAN: | A: D, C: D, D: D, E: D, F: D, G: D, H: D, K: D, L: N, M: N, N: D, P: D, Q: D, R: D, S: D, T: D, V: N, W: D, Y: D, |
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[hide] Pharmacogenetics of intestinal absorption. Curr Drug Deliv. 2008 Jul;5(3):153-69. Nakamura T, Yamamori M, Sakaeda T
Pharmacogenetics of intestinal absorption.
Curr Drug Deliv. 2008 Jul;5(3):153-69., [PMID:18673259]
Abstract [show]
The small intestine is the primary site of absorption for many drugs administered orally and so is the target tissue for pharmacotherapeutic strategies to control the oral absorption of drugs. Drug transporters, including the ATP-binding cassette (ABC) superfamily and the solute carrier (SLC) superfamily, have been considered to play a physiological role in regulating the absorption of xenobiotics, and variations in their expression level and function in the small intestine cause intra- and inter-individual variation in the oral absorption of drugs. Recent advances in molecular biology have suggested that genetic polymorphisms are associated with the expression level and function, and thereby inter-individual variation. In this review, the pharmacogenetics of these transporters is summarized, and their future significance in the clinical setting is discussed.
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No. Sentence Comment
83 In Vitro Studies Associated with Common SNPs of Drug Transporter Genes Exon Polymorphism Effect dbSNP Cell Expression Function Reference ABCC2 Exon 1 -24C>T 5`-UTR rs717620 116A>T Tyr2Phe rs927344Exon 2 159A>G synonymous rs17222596 Exon 7 736A>C Met246Leu rs17222744 Exon 8 998A>G Asp333Gly rs17222674 Exon 9 1058G>A Arg353His rs7080681 1219C>T synonymous rs17216198 1249G>A Val417Ile rs2273697 LLC-PK1 Protein (n.s.) Membrane localization (n.s.) Transport activity (n.s.) Hirouchi et al. [51] 1434G>T synonymous 1434G>A synonymous rs4267009 Exon 10 1457C>T Thr486Ile rs17222589 Exon 11 1483A>G Lys495Glu rs17222561 Exon 13 1686T>G Phe562Leu rs17216233 2009T>C Ile670Thr rs17222632Exon 16 2073C>A synonymous rs17222624 Exon 17 2153A>G Asn718Ser rs3740072 Exon 19 2546T>G Leu849Arg rs17222617 Exon 20 2677G>C Glu893Gln rs3740071 2901C>A Tyr967stop rs17222547 2934G>A synonymous rs3740070 Exon 22 2944A>G Ile982Val rs17222554 3107T>C Ile1036Thr rs17216149Exon 23 3188A>G Asn1063Ser rs17222540 Exon 24 3396T>C synonymous rs17216345 3542G>T Arg1181Leu rs8187692 3561G>A synonymous rs17216324 Exon 25 3563T>A Val1188Glu rs17222723 Exon 27 3817A>G Thr1273Ara rs8187699 3872C>T Pro1291Leu rs17216317 3895A>C Lys1299Gln rs4148400 3927C>T synonymous rs4148401 Exon 28 3972C>T synonymous rs3740066 4062C>T synonymous rs17216275Exon 29 4110C>T synonymous rs7899457 4242C>T synonymous rs17216296Exon 30 4290G>T synonymous rs1137968 4410G>A synonymous rs8187706Exon 31 4488C>T synonymous rs8187707 4527C>T synonymous rs8187709Exon 32 4544G>A Cys1515Tyr rs8187710 ABCG2 PA317 mRNA (n.s.) Protein (n.s.) Drug sensitivity (n.s.) Topotecan uptake (n.s.) Imai et al. [85] mRNA (n.s.) Protein (n.s.) Apical localization (impaired) Drug sensitivity ( ) Indolocarbazole uptake ( ) Indolocarbazole efflux ( ) Mizuarai et al. [88] Exon 2 34G>A Val12Met rs2231137 LLC-PK1 Apical localization (n.s.) .
ABCC2 p.Ile670Thr 18673259:83:661
status: NEW92 Exon Polymorphism Effect dbSNP Subject Expression Function Reference DNT patient Tumoral protein (GG GA) Peritumoral protein (GG GA) Vogelgesang et al. [54] Nasopharyngeal cancer patient Irinotecan PK (CC CT TT) SN-38 PK (CC CT TT) SN-38G PK (CC CT TT) Zhou et al. [56] Colorectal cancer patient (Japanese) Tumoral mRNA (CC CT TT) Drug sensitivity (CC CT TT) Tumor growth rate (CC CT TT) Nishioka et al. [57] HIV patient (Caucasian) Nelfinavir intracellular AUC (CC CT TT) Colombo et al. [58] Spina Bifida patient Disease-susceptibility (CC CT TT) Jensen et al. [60] Cancer patient (Caucasian) Diflomotecan PK (CC CA) Sparreboom et al. [96] 116A>T Tyr2Phe rs927344Exon 2 159A>G synonymous rs17222596 Exon 7 736A>C Met246Leu rs17222744 Exon 8 998A>G Asp333Gly rs17222674 Exon 9 1058G>A Arg353His rs7080681 1219C>T synonymous rs17216198 1249G>A Val417Ile rs2273697 Healthy (Finnish) Pravastatin PK (GG GA AA) Niemi et al. [48] Women undergoing cesarean section Placental mRNA [preterms] (GG>GA>AA), [term] (GG GA AA) Placental protein (GG GA AA) Meyer zu Schwabedissen et al. [52] DNT patient Tumoral protein (GG<GA) Peritumoral protein (GG GA) Vogelgesang et al. [54] HIV patient (Caucasian) Nelfinavir intracellular AUC (GG GA AA) Colombo et al. [58] Cancer patient (Caucasian) Diflomotecan PK (CC CA) Sparreboom et al. [96] 1434G>T synonymous 1434G>A synonymous rs4267009 Exon 10 1457C>T Thr486Ile rs17222589 Exon 11 1483A>G Lys495Glu rs17222561 Exon 13 1686T>G Phe562Leu rs17216233 2009T>C Ile670Thr rs17222632Exon 16 2073C>A synonymous rs17222624 Exon 17 2153A>G Asn718Ser rs3740072 Exon 19 2546T>G Leu849Arg rs17222617 Exon 20 2677G>C Glu893Gln rs3740071 2901C>A Tyr967stop rs17222547 2934G>A synonymous rs3740070 Exon 22 2944A>G Ile982Val rs17222554 3107T>C Ile1036Thr rs17216149Exon 23 3188A>G Asn1063Ser rs17222540 (Table 3) contd….
ABCC2 p.Ile670Thr 18673259:92:1492
status: NEW[hide] Functional characterization of protein variants of... Hum Mutat. 2012 Apr;33(4):750-62. doi: 10.1002/humu.22041. Epub 2012 Feb 28. Arlanov R, Porter A, Strand D, Brough R, Karpova D, Kerb R, Wojnowski L, Schwab M, Lang T
Functional characterization of protein variants of the human multidrug transporter ABCC2 by a novel targeted expression system in fibrosarcoma cells.
Hum Mutat. 2012 Apr;33(4):750-62. doi: 10.1002/humu.22041. Epub 2012 Feb 28., [PMID:22290738]
Abstract [show]
The multidrug resistance-associated protein 2 (MRP2/ABCC2) is involved in the efflux of endogenous and xenobiotic substrates, including several anticancer and antiviral drugs. The functional consequences of ABCC2 protein variants remain inconsistent, which may be due to shortcomings of the in vitro assays used. To study systematically the functional consequences of nonsynonymous ABCC2 variants, we used a novel "Screen and Insert" (ScIn) technology to achieve stable and highly reproducible expression of 13 ABCC2 variants in HT1080 cells. Western blotting revealed lower (30-65%) ABCC2 expression for D333G, R1174H, and R1181L as compared with wild type (WT; 100%), whereas the linked variant V1188E/C1515Y resulted in higher expression (150%). R1174H caused mislocalization of ABCC2 to the cytoplasm with an endoplasmic reticulum-like distribution. Variants N1244K and R1174H decreased transport of glutathione-methylfluorescein (GS-MF) and glutathione-monochlorobimane (GS-MCB) by 80% and 50%, respectively, whereas R1181L and P1291L reduced only GS-MCB transport by 50% as compared with WT. Contrary to protein data, the double variant V1188E/C1515Y decreased specific transport activity for GS-MF and GS-MCB by 40%. The ScIn approach is a feasible and reliable method to functionally characterize systematically ABCC2 variants. D333G, R1174H, R1181L, N1244K, P1291L, and double variant V1188E/C1515Y have been identified as most promising for further clinical evaluation.
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169 Computational comparative genomic studies using PolyPhen 2 predicted that nine of these ABCC2 variants (F39Y, D333G, I670T, I1036T, R1174H, R1181L, V1188E, N1244K, and P1291L) would be located within the transmembrane regions, close to the ATP-binding domain of ABCC2 or close to two missense variants (I1173F, R1150H) causing Dubin-Johnson syndrome [Keitel et al., 2003; Mor-Cohen et al., 2001].
ABCC2 p.Ile670Thr 22290738:169:117
status: NEW176 Immunoblots of the variants F39Y, R353H, T486I, I670T, G921S, I1036T, N1244K, and P1291L showed similar expression compared with WT (range 85-110% of WT).
ABCC2 p.Ile670Thr 22290738:176:48
status: NEW178 ABCC2 Missense Variants Selected for Study on Expression, Localization, and Function rs# NCBI Genetic variationa Amino acid Ethnicity Allele frequency (%) Nb Data source Predicted phenotypec rs927344 c.116T>A F39Y AA 2.3 86 Current study Benign AA 2 200 pharmGKB KO 0 94 Current study rs17222674 c.998A>G D333G AA 0 88 Current study Probably damaging AA 1 200 pharmGKB KO 0 94 Current study rs7080681 c.1058G>A R353H AA 6.7 90 Current study Benign AA 3.5 200 pharmGKB KO 0 94 Current study rs17222589 c.1457C>T T486I AA 0 84 Current study Benign KO 3.7 82 Current study JA 5 20 pharmGKB JA 2.3 144 Itoda et al. (2002) rs17222632 c.2009T>C I670T AA 1.1 92 Current study Benign AA 1.5 200 pharmGKB KO 0 92 Current study rs41318029 c.2761G>A G921S AA 0 84 Current study Benign KO 0 92 Current study CA 1 120 NCBI dbSNP rs45441199 c.3107T>C I1036T AA 0 96 Current study Benign AA 0.5 200 pharmGKB KO 0 94 Current study CA 0.5 198 pharmGKB CA 1 120 NCBI dbSNP rs139188247 c.3521G>A R1174H AA 2.3 86 Current study Probably damaging KO 0 94 Current study JA 1 144 Itoda et al. (2002) rs8187692 c.3542G>T R1181L AA 5.8 86 Current study Probably damaging AA 8.5 200 pharmGKB KO 0 96 Current study rs17222723 c.3563T>A V1188E AA 5.8 86 Current study Benign AA 6.5 200 pharmGKB KO 0 96 Current study CA 7.5 200 pharmGKB c.3732T>G N1244K JA 1.5 144 Itoda et al. (2002) Possibly damaging rs17216317 c.3872C>T P1291L AA 4.7 86 Current study Probably damaging AA 2 86 pharmGKB KO 0 86 Current study CA 0.5 196 pharmGKB rs8187710 c.4544G>A C1515Y AA 13 92 Current study Benign AA 19.6 194 pharmGKB KO 0 94 Current study CA 8 198 pharmGKB AA, African-American; CA, Caucasian; KO, Korean; JA, Japanese.
ABCC2 p.Ile670Thr 22290738:178:639
status: NEW267 Finally, GS-MF and/or GS-MCB efflux for all other ABCC2 variants (F39Y, D333G, R353H, T486I, I670T, G921S, and I1036T) showed only minor alterations compared with WT based on our definition of at least 50% change in transport activity.
ABCC2 p.Ile670Thr 22290738:267:93
status: NEW300 Conservation of the ABCC2 Missense Variants Among Other ABCC Orthologs and Homologs Protein Speciesa F39Y D333G R353H T486I I670T G921S I1036T R1174H R1181L V1188E N1244K P1291L C1515Y ABCC2 Human F D R T I G I R R V N P C Mouse F D P K V S I R R K N P Y Rat F D S N V S I R R K N P Y Rabbit F D P N V G L R R I N P Y Rhesus F D R T M S I R R V N P Y ABCC1 Human Y D T T V G I R R L Y P Y Mouse Y D R T V G A R R L Y P C Rat Y D R T V V V R R L Y P C Macaque Y D T T V G I R R L Y P Y Dog Y D K T V G I R R L Y P C ABCC3 Human Y D P A V G F R D T Y E F Mouse Y N P T V V L R D T Y P F Rat Y D P T V G L R D A Y P F ABCC4 Human - E Y S V R L R R A Y P Y ABCC5 Human - Q A Y C P I H E E Y P E ABCC6 Human Y D P H V K I R P A A P S ABCC11 Human - C E K C T C H D R I Q F Multiple sequence alignment was performed using ClustalW (
ABCC2 p.Ile670Thr 22290738:300:124
status: NEW[hide] The apical conjugate efflux pump ABCC2 (MRP2). Pflugers Arch. 2007 Feb;453(5):643-59. Epub 2006 Jul 18. Nies AT, Keppler D
The apical conjugate efflux pump ABCC2 (MRP2).
Pflugers Arch. 2007 Feb;453(5):643-59. Epub 2006 Jul 18., [PMID:16847695]
Abstract [show]
ABCC2 is a member of the multidrug resistance protein subfamily localized exclusively to the apical membrane domain of polarized cells, such as hepatocytes, renal proximal tubule epithelia, and intestinal epithelia. This localization supports the function of ABCC2 in the terminal excretion and detoxification of endogenous and xenobiotic organic anions, particularly in the unidirectional efflux of substances conjugated with glutathione, glucuronate, or sulfate, as exemplified by leukotriene C(4), bilirubin glucuronosides, and some steroid sulfates. The hepatic ABCC2 pump contributes to the driving forces of bile flow. Acquired or hereditary deficiency of ABCC2, the latter known as Dubin-Johnson syndrome in humans, causes an increased concentration of bilirubin glucuronosides in blood because of their efflux from hepatocytes via the basolateral ABCC3, which compensates for the deficiency in ABCC2-mediated apical efflux. In this article we provide an overview on the molecular characteristics of ABCC2 and its expression in various tissues and species. We discuss the transcriptional and posttranscriptional regulation of ABCC2 and review approaches to the functional analysis providing information on its substrate specificity. A comprehensive list of sequence variants in the human ABCC2 gene summarizes predicted and proven functional consequences, including variants leading to Dubin-Johnson syndrome.
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No. Sentence Comment
139 Although all sequence variants associated with Dubin-Johnson syndrome result in the absence of a Table 3 Nucleotide sequence variants in the human ABCC2 gene (NM_000392) leading to amino acid changes in the ABCC2/MRP2 protein (NP_000383) Location Nucleotide changea Deduced effect on proteina Causing Dubin-Johnson syndromeb Predicted effect by PolyPhen databasec Experimentally proven functional consequence Average frequency of indicated nucleotide exchange in population NCBI SNP IDd and/or references Exon 2 c.56 C>Te p.P19L Probably damaging T: 0.007 [63] Exon 2 c.116 T>A p.F39Y Benign A: 0.010 rs927344 A: 0.008 rs17222603 Exon 3 c.298 C>T p.R100Xf DJS [154] Exon 3 c.299 G>Ae p.R100Q Possibly damaging A: 0.007 [63] Exon 7 c.736 A>C p.M246L Benign C: 0.002 rs8187667 C: 0.002 rs17222744 Exon 7 c.842 G>A p.S281N Benign A: 0.0060.056 [117] Exon 8 c.998 A>G p.D333G Possibly damaging G: 0.002 rs8187668 G: 0.004 rs17222674 Exon 9 c.1058 G>A p.R353H Benign A: 0.009 rs7080681 A: 0.014 rs17216205 Exon 9 c.1177 C>T p.R393W DJS Probably damaging [104, 112] Exon 10 c.1234 A>G p.R412G Probably damaging Deficient methotrexate transport function [56] Exon 10 c.1249 G>A p.V417I Benign None apparent [50] A: 0.163 rs2273697, [146] A: 0.158 rs17216184 A: 0.125 [62] A: 0.1830.312 [117] Exon 10 c.1457 C>T p.T486I Benign T: 0.002 rs8187670 T: 0.002 rs17222589 Exon 11 c.1483 A>G p.K495E Possibly damaging G: 0.002 rs8187672 G: 0.002 rs17222561 Exon 13 c.1686 T>G p.F562L Benign G: 0.002 rs8187673 G: 0.002 rs17216233 Exon 16 c.2009 T>C p.I670T Benign rs8187676 C: 0.006 rs17222632 Exon 16 c.2026 G>C p.G676R DJS Probably damaging [181] Exon 17 c.2125 T>C p.W709R DJS Probably damaging [111] Exon 17 c.2153 A>G p.N718S Possibly damaging rs3740072 Exon 17 c.2215 C>T p.L739F Probably damaging T: 0.006 [51] Exon 18 c.2302 C>T p.R768W DJS Probably damaging Deficient maturation and impaired sorting [47] T: 0.010 [62] [168, 180] Exon 18 c.2366 C>T p.S789F Probably damaging Reduced protein levels [50] T: 0.010 [62] Exon 19 c.2546 T>G p.L849R Benign G: 0.002 rs8187689 G: 0.006 rs17222617 Exon 20 c.2647 G>Ae p.D883N Benign A: 0.007 [63] Exon 20 c.2677 G>C p.E893Q Benign rs3740071 Exon 21 c.2882 A>Ge p.K961R Benign G: 0.007 [63] Exon 22 c.2901 C>A p.Y967Xf A: 0.002 rs8187683 A: 0.002 rs17222547 Exon 22 c.2944 A>G p.I982V Benign G: 0.002 rs8187684 G: 0.002 rs17222554 Exon 22 c.3057 G>Te p.Q1019H Benign T: 0.007 [63] Exon 23 c.3107 T>C p.I1036T Possibly damaging C: 0.002 rs8187685 C: 0.004 rs17216149 Exon 23 c.3188 A>G p.N1063S Benign G: 0.002 rs8187686 G: 0.002 rs17222540 Exon 23 c.3196 C>T p.R1066Xf DJS No ABCC2 protein in liver [134] Exon 25 c.3449 G>A p.R1150H DJS Probably damaging Deficient transport function A: 00.009 [117] Exon 25 c.3517 A>T p.I1173F DJS Probably damaging Deficient maturation and impaired sorting, deficient transport function T: 00.029 [117] [80, 117] Exon 25 c.3521 G>Ae p.R1174H Probably damaging A: 0.007 [63] Exon 25 c.3542 G>T p.R1181L Possibly damaging T: 0.039 rs8187692 T: 0.034 rs17222702 Exon 25 c.3563 T>A p.V1188E Benign A: 0.059 rs8187694 A: 0.059 rs17222723 Exon 26 c.3732 T>Ge p.N1244K Possibly damaging G: 0.014 [63] Exon 27 c.3817 A>G p.T1273A Benign G: 0.002 rs8187699 G: 0.004 rs17222582 Exon 27 c.3825 C>G p.Y1275Xf DJS No ABCC2 protein in liver [104] Exon 28 c.3872 C>T p.P1291L Possibly damaging T: 0.012 rs8187700 T: 0.010 rs17216317 Exon 28 c.3895 A>C p.K1299Q Benign rs4148400, [146] Exon 28 c.3928 C>T p.R1310Xf DJS [166] Exon 29 c.4100 C>Ge p.S1367C Possibly damaging G: 0.007 [63] Exon 29 c.4145 A>G p.Q1382R DJS Probably Deficient [47, 168] Table 3 (continued) Location Nucleotide changea Deduced effect on proteina Causing Dubin-Johnson syndromeb Predicted effect by PolyPhen databasec Experimentally proven functional consequence Average frequency of indicated nucleotide exchange in population NCBI SNP IDd and/or references functionally active ABCC2 protein from the canalicular membrane, their effects on the synthesis and function of the ABCC2 protein differ.
ABCC2 p.Ile670Thr 16847695:139:1537
status: NEW140 Although all sequence variants associated with Dubin-Johnson syndrome result in the absence of a Table 3 Nucleotide sequence variants in the human ABCC2 gene (NM_000392) leading to amino acid changes in the ABCC2/MRP2 protein (NP_000383) Location Nucleotide changea Deduced effect on proteina Causing Dubin-Johnson syndromeb Predicted effect by PolyPhen databasec Experimentally proven functional consequence Average frequency of indicated nucleotide exchange in population NCBI SNP IDd and/or references Exon 2 c.56 C>Te p.P19L Probably damaging T: 0.007 [63] Exon 2 c.116 T>A p.F39Y Benign A: 0.010 rs927344 A: 0.008 rs17222603 Exon 3 c.298 C>T p.R100Xf DJS [154] Exon 3 c.299 G>Ae p.R100Q Possibly damaging A: 0.007 [63] Exon 7 c.736 A>C p.M246L Benign C: 0.002 rs8187667 C: 0.002 rs17222744 Exon 7 c.842 G>A p.S281N Benign A: 0.0060.056 [117] Exon 8 c.998 A>G p.D333G Possibly damaging G: 0.002 rs8187668 G: 0.004 rs17222674 Exon 9 c.1058 G>A p.R353H Benign A: 0.009 rs7080681 A: 0.014 rs17216205 Exon 9 c.1177 C>T p.R393W DJS Probably damaging [104, 112] Exon 10 c.1234 A>G p.R412G Probably damaging Deficient methotrexate transport function [56] Exon 10 c.1249 G>A p.V417I Benign None apparent [50] A: 0.163 rs2273697, [146] A: 0.158 rs17216184 A: 0.125 [62] A: 0.1830.312 [117] Exon 10 c.1457 C>T p.T486I Benign T: 0.002 rs8187670 T: 0.002 rs17222589 Exon 11 c.1483 A>G p.K495E Possibly damaging G: 0.002 rs8187672 G: 0.002 rs17222561 Exon 13 c.1686 T>G p.F562L Benign G: 0.002 rs8187673 G: 0.002 rs17216233 Exon 16 c.2009 T>C p.I670T Benign rs8187676 C: 0.006 rs17222632 Exon 16 c.2026 G>C p.G676R DJS Probably damaging [181] Exon 17 c.2125 T>C p.W709R DJS Probably damaging [111] Exon 17 c.2153 A>G p.N718S Possibly damaging rs3740072 Exon 17 c.2215 C>T p.L739F Probably damaging T: 0.006 [51] Exon 18 c.2302 C>T p.R768W DJS Probably damaging Deficient maturation and impaired sorting [47] T: 0.010 [62] [168, 180] Exon 18 c.2366 C>T p.S789F Probably damaging Reduced protein levels [50] T: 0.010 [62] Exon 19 c.2546 T>G p.L849R Benign G: 0.002 rs8187689 G: 0.006 rs17222617 Exon 20 c.2647 G>Ae p.D883N Benign A: 0.007 [63] Exon 20 c.2677 G>C p.E893Q Benign rs3740071 Exon 21 c.2882 A>Ge p.K961R Benign G: 0.007 [63] Exon 22 c.2901 C>A p.Y967Xf A: 0.002 rs8187683 A: 0.002 rs17222547 Exon 22 c.2944 A>G p.I982V Benign G: 0.002 rs8187684 G: 0.002 rs17222554 Exon 22 c.3057 G>Te p.Q1019H Benign T: 0.007 [63] Exon 23 c.3107 T>C p.I1036T Possibly damaging C: 0.002 rs8187685 C: 0.004 rs17216149 Exon 23 c.3188 A>G p.N1063S Benign G: 0.002 rs8187686 G: 0.002 rs17222540 Exon 23 c.3196 C>T p.R1066Xf DJS No ABCC2 protein in liver [134] Exon 25 c.3449 G>A p.R1150H DJS Probably damaging Deficient transport function A: 00.009 [117] Exon 25 c.3517 A>T p.I1173F DJS Probably damaging Deficient maturation and impaired sorting, deficient transport function T: 00.029 [117] [80, 117] Exon 25 c.3521 G>Ae p.R1174H Probably damaging A: 0.007 [63] Exon 25 c.3542 G>T p.R1181L Possibly damaging T: 0.039 rs8187692 T: 0.034 rs17222702 Exon 25 c.3563 T>A p.V1188E Benign A: 0.059 rs8187694 A: 0.059 rs17222723 Exon 26 c.3732 T>Ge p.N1244K Possibly damaging G: 0.014 [63] Exon 27 c.3817 A>G p.T1273A Benign G: 0.002 rs8187699 G: 0.004 rs17222582 Exon 27 c.3825 C>G p.Y1275Xf DJS No ABCC2 protein in liver [104] Exon 28 c.3872 C>T p.P1291L Possibly damaging T: 0.012 rs8187700 T: 0.010 rs17216317 Exon 28 c.3895 A>C p.K1299Q Benign rs4148400, [146] Exon 28 c.3928 C>T p.R1310Xf DJS [166] Exon 29 c.4100 C>Ge p.S1367C Possibly damaging G: 0.007 [63] Exon 29 c.4145 A>G p.Q1382R DJS Probably Deficient [47, 168] Table 3 (continued) Location Nucleotide changea Deduced effect on proteina Causing Dubin-Johnson syndromeb Predicted effect by PolyPhen databasec Experimentally proven functional consequence Average frequency of indicated nucleotide exchange in population NCBI SNP IDd and/or references functionally active ABCC2 protein from the canalicular membrane, their effects on the synthesis and function of the ABCC2 protein differ.
ABCC2 p.Ile670Thr 16847695:140:1537
status: NEW[hide] Functional hot spots in human ATP-binding cassette... Protein Sci. 2010 Nov;19(11):2110-21. Kelly L, Fukushima H, Karchin R, Gow JM, Chinn LW, Pieper U, Segal MR, Kroetz DL, Sali A
Functional hot spots in human ATP-binding cassette transporter nucleotide binding domains.
Protein Sci. 2010 Nov;19(11):2110-21., [PMID:20799350]
Abstract [show]
The human ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter superfamily consists of 48 integral membrane proteins that couple the action of ATP binding and hydrolysis to the transport of diverse substrates across cellular membranes. Defects in 18 transporters have been implicated in human disease. In hundreds of cases, disease phenotypes and defects in function can be traced to nonsynonymous single nucleotide polymorphisms (nsSNPs). The functional impact of the majority of ABC transporter nsSNPs has yet to be experimentally characterized. Here, we combine experimental mutational studies with sequence and structural analysis to describe the impact of nsSNPs in human ABC transporters. First, the disease associations of 39 nsSNPs in 10 transporters were rationalized by identifying two conserved loops and a small alpha-helical region that may be involved in interdomain communication necessary for transport of substrates. Second, an approach to discriminate between disease-associated and neutral nsSNPs was developed and tailored to this superfamily. Finally, the functional impact of 40 unannotated nsSNPs in seven ABC transporters identified in 247 ethnically diverse individuals studied by the Pharmacogenetics of Membrane Transporters consortium was predicted. Three predictions were experimentally tested using human embryonic kidney epithelial (HEK) 293 cells stably transfected with the reference multidrug resistance transporter 4 and its variants to examine functional differences in transport of the antiviral drug, tenofovir. The experimental results confirmed two predictions. Our analysis provides a structural and evolutionary framework for rationalizing and predicting the functional effects of nsSNPs in this clinically important membrane transporter superfamily.
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72 Predictions of the Functional Effects of 40 nsSNPs in ABC Transporters Comon name HUGO name Mutation NBD Prediction BSEP ABCB11 E592Q NBD1 Neutral BSEP ABCB11 N591S NBD1 Neutral BSEP ABCB11 Q558H NBD1 Neutral BSEP ABCB11 V444A NBD1 Neutral BSEP ABCB11 E1186K NBD2 Disease MDR1 ABCB1 P1051A NBD2 Neutral MDR1 ABCB1 S1141T NBD2 Neutral MDR1 ABCB1 T1256K NBD2 Disease MDR1 ABCB1 V1251I NBD2 Neutral MDR1 ABCB1 W1108R NBD2 Disease MRP2 ABCC2 I670T NBD1 Disease MRP2 ABCC2 L849R NBD1 Disease MRP2 ABCC2 C1515Y NBD2 Disease MRP3 ABCC3 D770N NBD1 Neutral MRP3 ABCC3 K718M NBD1 Neutral MRP3 ABCC3 T809M NBD1 Disease MRP3 ABCC3 V765L NBD1 Disease MRP3 ABCC3 Q1365R NBD2 Disease MRP3 ABCC3 R1297H NBD2 Disease MRP3 ABCC3 R1348C NBD2 Disease MRP3 ABCC3 R1381S NBD2 Disease MRP4 ABCC4 G487E NBD1 Disease MRP4 ABCC4 K498E NBD1 Neutral MRP4 ABCC4 R1220Q NBD2 Neutral MRP4 ABCC4 T1142M NBD2 Neutral MRP4 ABCC4 V1071I NBD2 Neutral MRP6 ABCC6 I1330L NBD1 Neutral MRP6 ABCC6 I742V NBD1 Neutral MRP6 ABCC6 P664S NBD1 Neutral MRP6 ABCC6 R724K NBD1 Neutral MRP6 ABCC6 R769K NBD1 Neutral MRP6 ABCC6 A1291T NBD2 Neutral MRP6 ABCC6 E1369K NBD2 Neutral MRP6 ABCC6 G1327E NBD2 Disease MRP6 ABCC6 L1416R NBD2 Disease MRP6 ABCC6 R1268Q NBD2 Disease MRP6 ABCC6 R1461H NBD2 Disease MXR ABCG2 I206L NBD1 Neutral MXR ABCG2 P269S NBD1 Disease MXR ABCG2 Q141K NBD1 Neutral nsSNPs.
ABCC2 p.Ile670Thr 20799350:72:438
status: NEW[hide] Effects of the absence of apolipoprotein e on lipo... JAMA Neurol. 2014 Oct;71(10):1228-36. doi: 10.1001/jamaneurol.2014.2011. Mak AC, Pullinger CR, Tang LF, Wong JS, Deo RC, Schwarz JM, Gugliucci A, Movsesyan I, Ishida BY, Chu C, Poon A, Kim P, Stock EO, Schaefer EJ, Asztalos BF, Castellano JM, Wyss-Coray T, Duncan JL, Miller BL, Kane JP, Kwok PY, Malloy MJ
Effects of the absence of apolipoprotein e on lipoproteins, neurocognitive function, and retinal function.
JAMA Neurol. 2014 Oct;71(10):1228-36. doi: 10.1001/jamaneurol.2014.2011., [PMID:25111166]
Abstract [show]
IMPORTANCE: The identification of a patient with a rare form of severe dysbetalipoproteinemia allowed the study of the consequences of total absence of apolipoprotein E (apoE). OBJECTIVES: To discover the molecular basis of this rare disorder and to determine the effects of complete absence of apoE on neurocognitive and visual function and on lipoprotein metabolism. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS: Whole-exome sequencing was performed on the patient's DNA. He underwent detailed neurological and visual function testing and lipoprotein analysis. Lipoprotein analysis was also performed in the Cardiovascular Research Institute, University of California, San Francisco, on blood samples from the proband's mother, wife, 2 daughters, and normolipidemic control participants. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Whole-exome sequencing, lipoprotein analysis, and neurocognitive function. RESULTS: The patient was homozygous for an ablative APOE frameshift mutation (c.291del, p.E97fs). No other mutations likely to contribute to the phenotype were discovered, with the possible exception of two, in ABCC2 (p.I670T) and LIPC (p.G137R). Despite complete absence of apoE, he had normal vision, exhibited normal cognitive, neurological, and retinal function, had normal findings on brain magnetic resonance imaging, and had normal cerebrospinal fluid levels of beta-amyloid and tau proteins. He had no significant symptoms of cardiovascular disease except a suggestion of myocardial ischemia on treadmill testing and mild atherosclerosis noted on carotid ultrasonography. He had exceptionally high cholesterol content (760 mg/dL; to convert to millimoles per liter, multiply by 0.0259) and a high cholesterol to triglycerides ratio (1.52) in very low-density lipoproteins with elevated levels of small-diameter high-density lipoproteins, including high levels of prebeta-1 high-density lipoprotein. Intermediate-density lipoproteins, low-density lipoproteins, and very low-density lipoproteins contained elevated apoA-I and apoA-IV levels. The patient's apoC-III and apoC-IV levels were decreased in very low-density lipoproteins. Electron microscopy revealed large lamellar particles having electron-opaque cores attached to electron-lucent zones in intermediate-density and low-density lipoproteins. Low-density lipoprotein particle diameters were distributed bimodally. CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE: Despite a profound effect on lipoprotein metabolism, detailed neurocognitive and retinal studies failed to demonstrate any defects. This suggests that functions of apoE in the brain and eye are not essential or that redundant mechanisms exist whereby its role can be fulfilled. Targeted knockdown of apoE in the central nervous system might be a therapeutic modality in neurodegenerative disorders.
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7 No other mutations likely to contribute to the phenotype were discovered, with the possible exception of two, in ABCC2 (p.I670T) and LIPC (p.G137R).
ABCC2 p.Ile670Thr 25111166:7:122
status: NEW202 or Chromosome Positiona SIFT Score Allele Frequencyb ABCC2 nsSNV c.T2009C p.I670T Homozygous rs17222632 0 0.0092 APOE fs del c.291delG p.E97fs Homozygous chr19: 45411844 NA NA BUD13 nsSNV c.C1223T p.P408L Heterozygous rs61730763 0.03 0.04 FUT2 fs del c.811delC p.P271fs Heterozygous rs1799761 NA NA LIPC nsSNV c.G409A p.G137R Heterozygous rs199787635 0 0 LRP2 nsSNV c.T1817C p.V606A Heterozygous rs116332504 0 0.03 MCEE nsSNV c.G428A p.R143H Heterozygous rs115175255 0 0.05 PCCA nsSNV c.G925A p.V309M Heterozygous chr13: 100925538 0 NA PLB1 nsSNV c.A2402T p.N801I Heterozygous rs115240682 0.01 0.04 Abbreviations: fs del, frameshift deletion; NA, not applicable; nsSNV, nonsynonymous single-nucleotide variant; SIFT, Sorting Intolerant From Tolerant.
ABCC2 p.Ile670Thr 25111166:202:76
status: NEW