ABCC2 p.Arg1066*
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, Pathogenic
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[hide] Molecular genetics of pseudoxanthoma elasticum: ty... Hum Mutat. 2005 Sep;26(3):235-48. Miksch S, Lumsden A, Guenther UP, Foernzler D, Christen-Zach S, Daugherty C, Ramesar RK, Lebwohl M, Hohl D, Neldner KH, Lindpaintner K, Richards RI, Struk B
Molecular genetics of pseudoxanthoma elasticum: type and frequency of mutations in ABCC6.
Hum Mutat. 2005 Sep;26(3):235-48., [PMID:16086317]
Abstract [show]
Pseudoxanthoma elasticum (PXE) is a systemic heritable disorder that affects the elastic tissue in the skin, eye, and cardiovascular system. Mutations in the ABCC6 gene cause PXE. We performed a mutation screen in ABCC6 using haplotype analysis in conjunction with direct sequencing to achieve a mutation detection rate of 97%. This screen consisted of 170 PXE chromosomes in 81 families, and detected 59 distinct mutations (32 missense, eight nonsense, and six likely splice-site point mutations; one small insertion; and seven small and five large deletions). Forty-three of these mutations are novel variants, which increases the total number of PXE mutations to 121. While most mutations are rare, three nonsense mutations, a splice donor site mutation, and the large deletion comprising exons 23-29 (c.2996_4208del) were identified as relatively frequent PXE mutations at 26%, 5%, 3.5%, 3%, and 11%, respectively. Chromosomal haplotyping with two proximal and two distal polymorphic markers flanking ABCC6 demonstrated that most chromosomes that carry these relatively frequent PXE mutations have related haplotypes specific for these mutations, which suggests that these chromosomes originate from single founder mutations. The types of mutations found support loss-of-function as the molecular mechanism for the PXE phenotype. In 76 of the 81 families, the affected individuals were either homozygous for the same mutation or compound heterozygous for two mutations. In the remaining five families with one uncovered mutation, affected showed allelic compound heterozygosity for the cosegregating PXE haplotype. This demonstrates pseudo-dominance as the relevant inheritance mechanism, since disease transmission to the next generation always requires one mutant allelic variant from each parent. In contrast to other previous clinical and molecular claims, our results show evidence only for recessive PXE. This has profound consequences for the genetic counseling of families with PXE.
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292 R1030X in ABCC6, and R1066X in ABCC2 map to conserved arginyl residues among both genes within the first cytoplasmic loop of the third transmembrane domain.
ABCC2 p.Arg1066* 16086317:292:21
status: NEW[hide] Molecular aspects of organic compound transport ac... J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 1999 May;14(5):405-12. Kamisako T, Gabazza EC, Ishihara T, Adachi Y
Molecular aspects of organic compound transport across the plasma membrane of hepatocytes.
J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 1999 May;14(5):405-12., [PMID:10355502]
Abstract [show]
Many organic compounds are taken up from the blood by membrane transporters, taken across the sinosuidal membrane of hepatocytes and then excreted into bile via the bile canalicular membrane. The hepatic uptake of conjugated bile acids is mediated by the sodium taurocholate cotransporting polypeptide. Many organic anions and bulky organic cations are incorporated into hepatocytes by the organic anion transporting polypeptide, while small organic cations are transported by the organic cation transporter. At the canalicular membrane, organic compounds are excreted into bile by ATP-binding cassette transporters which hydrolyse ATP to ADP. Excretion of monovalent bile acids is mediated by the canalicular bile salt transporter and that of organic anions, including divalent bile acid, conjugates, are mediated by the multi-drug resistance-associated protein 2, also termed canalicular multi-specific organic anion transporter. Organic cations are excreted into bile by the multi-drug resistance gene product (MDR) 1 and phospholipids are excreted by MDR3 (mdr2 in mice and rats). The clinical syndromes associated with alterations of these transporters are also discussed.
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72 Studies carried out using antibodies raised against the C-terminal of MRP2 failed to demonstrate the presence of MRP2 in the canalicular membrane of a patient with Dubin-Johnson syndrome, suggesting that the lack of MRP2 is the cause of this syndrome.46 Recently, various gene abnormalities have been reported in a patient with Dubin-Johnson syndrome: a R768W, R1066X and splicing abnormality (1669del147) each in a homozygote, and a compound heterozygote with R768W and 2272del168.50,51 Bile acid transport In the early 1980s, potential-dependent transport in the canalicular membrane was reported to be involved in bile acid excretion from hepatocytes into bile.52 However,the physiological membrane potential (-35--40 mV) in hepatocytes is not high enough to create a concentration gradient between blood and bile (100-1000-fold difference required).
ABCC2 p.Arg1066* 10355502:72:361
status: NEW[hide] Mutational analysis of ABCC2 gene in two siblings ... Clin Genet. 2010 Dec;78(6):598-600. doi: 10.1111/j.1399-0004.2010.01497.x. Pacifico L, Carducci C, Poggiogalle E, Caravona F, Antonozzi I, Chiesa C, Maggiore G
Mutational analysis of ABCC2 gene in two siblings with neonatal-onset Dubin Johnson syndrome.
Clin Genet. 2010 Dec;78(6):598-600. doi: 10.1111/j.1399-0004.2010.01497.x., [PMID:21044052]
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27 Mutation analysis showed that both siblings were compound heterozygous for missense mutation on exon 18: p.R768W (c.2302 C>T) and nonsense mutation on exon 23 p.R1066X (c.3196 C>T).
ABCC2 p.Arg1066* 21044052:27:161
status: NEW28 The study of allelic segregation in Letter to the Editor R100X R393W IVS6_IVS7del L441M IVS13 +2 T>A IVS15 +2 T>C G676R IVS18 +2 T>C R768W * 2748_2883del * R1066X * 3399_3400del L1173F 3615_3843del* Y1275X * R1310X Q1382R R1392_M1393del S325X W709R T1273A IVS8 +4 A>G 1256_1272delins CT 4292_4293delR1150H E1352Q * Exon 1 32 Fig. 1.
ABCC2 p.Arg1066* 21044052:28:158
status: NEW45 The nonsense mutation p.R1066X is known in DJS and leads to the absence of four membrane-spanning domains and the complete second ATP cassette.
ABCC2 p.Arg1066* 21044052:45:24
status: NEW[hide] ABCC2/Abcc2: a multispecific transporter with domi... Drug Metab Rev. 2010 Aug;42(3):402-36. Jemnitz K, Heredi-Szabo K, Janossy J, Ioja E, Vereczkey L, Krajcsi P
ABCC2/Abcc2: a multispecific transporter with dominant excretory functions.
Drug Metab Rev. 2010 Aug;42(3):402-36., [PMID:20082599]
Abstract [show]
ABCC2/Abcc2 (MRP2/Mrp2) is expressed at major physiological barriers, such as the canalicular membrane of liver cells, kidney proximal tubule epithelial cells, enterocytes of the small and large intestine, and syncytiotrophoblast of the placenta. ABCC2/Abcc2 always localizes in the apical membranes. Although ABCC2/Abcc2 transports a variety of amphiphilic anions that belong to different classes of molecules, such as endogenous compounds (e.g., bilirubin-glucuronides), drugs, toxic chemicals, nutraceuticals, and their conjugates, it displays a preference for phase II conjugates. Phenotypically, the most obvious consequence of mutations in ABCC2 that lead to Dubin-Johnson syndrome is conjugate hyperbilirubinemia. ABCC2/Abcc2 harbors multiple binding sites and displays complex transport kinetics.
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113 Among these mutations recently compiled by Nies and Keppler (2007), of the five amino acids affected that are located outside the nucleotide-binding domains, four are basic (R100X, R393W, R1066X, and R1150H) and one is neutral (I1173F).
ABCC2 p.Arg1066* 20082599:113:188
status: NEW116 For the R100X, R393W, and R1066X, in vitro expression and analysis needs to be carried out to explore if functional activity is affected by the mutation.
ABCC2 p.Arg1066* 20082599:116:26
status: NEW[hide] Identification of a novel 974C-->G nonsense mutati... Am J Gastroenterol. 2006 Oct;101(10):2427-32. Epub 2006 Sep 4. Corpechot C, Ping C, Wendum D, Matsuda F, Barbu V, Poupon R
Identification of a novel 974C-->G nonsense mutation of the MRP2/ABCC2 gene in a patient with Dubin-Johnson syndrome and analysis of the effects of rifampicin and ursodeoxycholic acid on serum bilirubin and bile acids.
Am J Gastroenterol. 2006 Oct;101(10):2427-32. Epub 2006 Sep 4., [PMID:16952291]
Abstract [show]
Rifampicin (RIF) and ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA) therapies have beneficial effects in chronic cholestatic diseases. These may result in part from the induction of multidrug-resistance protein 2 (MRP2/ABCC2) expression in the liver and kidney. However, the precise mechanisms by which RIF and UDCA act in cholestasis remain unclear. In the present study, we report the effects of chronic administration of both drugs in a patient with Dubin-Johnson syndrome (DJS), an inherited autosomal recessive disorder characterized by the absence of functional MRP2 protein at the canalicular hepatocyte membrane. A novel 974C-->G nonsense mutation was identified in the MRP2 gene sequence from this patient. RIF induced further increase in conjugated bilirubinemia, whereas concomitant administration of RIF and UDCA led to a dramatic rise in serum bile acid concentrations. These biochemical effects, which are in marked contrast to those observed in cholestatic settings, were concomitant with an increased MRP3, but not MRP4, expression on basolateral hepatocyte membrane. Such findings highlight the key role of MRP2 in the pharmacological properties of RIF and UDCA and suggest that both drugs should be used with caution in pathologic settings in which MRP2 expression may be downregulated, as in advanced stage of cholestatic diseases.
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78 Mutations in the MRP2/ABCC2 Gene Associated with DJS Nucleotide Mutation Exon Predicted Effect Reference 298C→T 3 R100X 27 974C→G 8 S325X This article IVS8 + 4A→G Intron 8 Aberrant splicing 28 1177C→T 9 R393W 29 1256insCT/ delAAACAG TGAACCT- GATG 10 Frameshift 30 1271A→G 10 R412G 31 1815 + 2T→A 13 Skipped exon 32, 33 1967 + 2T→C 15 Skipped exon 34, 35 2026G→C 16 G676R 35 2125T→C 17 W709R 36 2302C→T 18 R768W 32, 37, 38 2439 + 2T→C 18 Skipped exon 32, 35, 37 3196C→T 23 R1066X 39, 40 3449G→A 25 R1150H 41 3517A→T 25 I1173F 41 3928C→T 28 R1310X 27, 33 4145A→G 29 Q1382R 37 4175delGGATGA 30 R1392 + M1393 deletion 40 4292delCA 30 Frameshift 30 DISCUSSION Identification of a Novel Nonsense Mutation of the MRP2/ABCC2 Gene Up to now, 18 mutations in the sequence of the MRP2/ABCC2 gene have been reported in DJS, including nonsense mutations, deletions, splicing junction mutations, and missense mutations (Table 1).
ABCC2 p.Arg1066* 16952291:78:544
status: NEWX
ABCC2 p.Arg1066* 16952291:78:556
status: NEW[hide] Single nucleotide polymorphisms in ABCC2 and ABCB1... Cancer Lett. 2006 Mar 8;234(1):40-50. Epub 2005 Dec 27. Wada M
Single nucleotide polymorphisms in ABCC2 and ABCB1 genes and their clinical impact in physiology and drug response.
Cancer Lett. 2006 Mar 8;234(1):40-50. Epub 2005 Dec 27., [PMID:16377077]
Abstract [show]
Among the ABC proteins, some members including ABCB1, ABCC1, ABCC2 and ABCG2 are believed to contribute to multidrug resistance of cancer chemotherapy. In addition, the broad substrate-specificity and apical localization of the ABCB1 and ABCC2 in mucosal epithelium of intestine and hepatocyte give them a protective role against xenobiotics. The inter-individual variations in activity and expression levels of ABCB1 and ABCC2, thus, might affect on drug response and response to toxic substrates. In this review, I focus on (1) physiological and toxicological relevance of ABCB1 and ABCC2, and on (2) genetic variations of ABCB1 and ABCC2 genes and their association with biochemical function, expression level and tumor incidence.
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41 In Japan, the expected number of Table 1 Summary of mutations identified in Dubin-Johnson syndrome (DJS) Mutation Exon IVS Amino acid alteration Reference 298COT 3 R100X a,b 1815C 2TOA 13 Exon13 skip [38] 1967C 2TOC 15 Exon15 skip [62] 2026GOC 16 G676R [92] 2302COT 18 R768W [49,91]c 2439C 2TOC 18 Exon18 skip [38]a,c 3196COT 23 R1066X [47] 3449GOA 25 R1150H [52] 3517AOT 25 I1173F [52] 3928COT 28 R1310X [50] 4145AOG 29 Q1382R [38] 4175- 4180del 30 RM1392-1393del [48] a Adachi and Wada, unpublished data. b Houkibara and Wada, unpublished data.
ABCC2 p.Arg1066* 16377077:41:329
status: NEW[hide] Identification of a novel 2026G-->C mutation of th... J Hum Genet. 2003;48(8):425-9. Epub 2003 Jul 22. Wakusawa S, Machida I, Suzuki S, Hayashi H, Yano M, Yoshioka K
Identification of a novel 2026G-->C mutation of the MRP2 gene in a Japanese patient with Dubin-Johnson syndrome.
J Hum Genet. 2003;48(8):425-9. Epub 2003 Jul 22., [PMID:12884082]
Abstract [show]
Dubin-Johnson syndrome is a recessive inherited disorder with conjugated hyperbilirubinemia caused by a dysfunction of multidrug resistance protein 2 (MRP2) on the canalicular membrane of hepatocytes. A mutational analysis of the MRP2 gene was carried out in three Japanese patients and their family members. In two patients, the homozygous mutations c.1901del67 and c,2272del168 were found. In the third patient, a -24C-->T polymorphism and the two mutations c.1901del67 and 2026G-->C were detected. The 2026G-->C mutation was a novel mutation in exon 16 affecting the conversion of Gly(676) to Arg(676) (G676R) in the MRP2 protein, and was not detected in fifty healthy volunteers. The G676R mutation was located in the Walker A motif of the first nucleotide binding domain in the MRP2 protein, and it was suggested that the mutation induced the dysfunction of the MRP2 protein. It was concluded that the compound heterozygosity of the two mutations of the MRP2 gene in the third patient contributed to the induction of hyperbilirubinemia in this case.
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43 With respect to the polymorphism )24C fi T, we also employed a restriction enzyme assay with BbsI; the results showed that his spouse and one daughter were heterozygous for this SNP, but other Table 1 Mutations of MRP2 in Dubin-Johnson syndrome (DJS) Nucleotide mutation Predicted effects References Splice site mutation 1815+2T fi A 1669del147 (exon13 skipping) Wada et al. 1998 1967+2T fi C 1901del67 (exon15 skipping) Kajihara et al. 1998 2439+2T fi C 2272del168 (exon18 skipping) Toh et al. 1999 Deletion mutation Del4170-5 Del R1392 , M1393 Tsujii et al. 1999 Missense mutation 2302C fi T R768 W Wada et al. 1998 3449G fi A R1150H Mor-Cohen et al. 2001 3517A fi T I1173F Mor-Cohen et al. 2001 4145A fi G Q1382R Toh et al. 1999 Nonesense mutation 3196C fi T R1066X Paulusma et al. 1997 3928C fi T R1310X Tate et al. 2002 family members did not possess it (Fig. 4).
ABCC2 p.Arg1066* 12884082:43:762
status: NEW