ABCD1 p.Thr668Ile
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[hide] ABCD1 mutations and the X-linked adrenoleukodystro... Hum Mutat. 2001 Dec;18(6):499-515. Kemp S, Pujol A, Waterham HR, van Geel BM, Boehm CD, Raymond GV, Cutting GR, Wanders RJ, Moser HW
ABCD1 mutations and the X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy mutation database: role in diagnosis and clinical correlations.
Hum Mutat. 2001 Dec;18(6):499-515., [PMID:11748843]
Abstract [show]
X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy (X-ALD) is caused by mutations in the ABCD1 gene, which encodes a peroxisomal ABC half-transporter (ALDP) involved in the import of very long-chain fatty acids (VLCFA) into the peroxisome. The disease is characterized by a striking and unpredictable variation in phenotypic expression. Phenotypes include the rapidly progressive childhood cerebral form (CCALD), the milder adult form, adrenomyeloneuropathy (AMN), and variants without neurologic involvement. There is no apparent correlation between genotype and phenotype. In males, unambiguous diagnosis can be achieved by demonstration of elevated levels of VLCFA in plasma. In 15 to 20% of obligate heterozygotes, however, test results are false-negative. Therefore, mutation analysis is the only reliable method for the identification of heterozygotes. Since most X-ALD kindreds have a unique mutation, a great number of mutations have been identified in the ABCD1 gene in the last seven years. In order to catalog and facilitate the analysis of these mutations, we have established a mutation database for X-ALD ( In this review we report a detailed analysis of all 406 X-ALD mutations currently included in the database. Also, we present 47 novel mutations. In addition, we review the various X-ALD phenotypes, the different diagnostic tools, and the need for extended family screening for the identification of new patients.
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No. Sentence Comment
174 P560S 7 1678C>T n.d. # P560L 7 1679C>T Reduced P560L 7 1679C>T Reduced fs I588 7 1765delC n.d. # R591P 7 1772G>C Absent S606L 8 1817C>T Present E609K 8 1825G>A Absent E609K 8 1825G>A Absent R617C 8 1849C>T Absent R617H 8 1850G>A Absent R617H 8 1850G>A Absent A626T 9 1876G>A Absent A626T 9 1876G>A Absent A626D 9 1877C>A n.d. # E630G 9 1889A>G n.d. # C631Y 9 1892G>A n.d. # T632I 9 1895C>T n.d. # V635M 9 1903G>A n.d. # L654P 9 1961T>C Absent # R660W 9 1978C>T Absent fs L663 9 1988insT n.d. # fs L663 IVS 9 IVS9+1g>a n.d. # fs L663 IVS 9 IVS9-1g>a n.d. # H667D 10 1999C>G Absent # T668I 10 2003C>T Absent # T693M 10 2078C>T Present # exon1-5del 1-5 n.d. # The 47 mutations marked with a # are novel unique mutations reported for the first time in this paper.
ABCD1 p.Thr668Ile 11748843:174:582
status: NEW[hide] Functional hot spots in human ATP-binding cassette... Protein Sci. 2010 Nov;19(11):2110-21. Kelly L, Fukushima H, Karchin R, Gow JM, Chinn LW, Pieper U, Segal MR, Kroetz DL, Sali A
Functional hot spots in human ATP-binding cassette transporter nucleotide binding domains.
Protein Sci. 2010 Nov;19(11):2110-21., [PMID:20799350]
Abstract [show]
The human ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter superfamily consists of 48 integral membrane proteins that couple the action of ATP binding and hydrolysis to the transport of diverse substrates across cellular membranes. Defects in 18 transporters have been implicated in human disease. In hundreds of cases, disease phenotypes and defects in function can be traced to nonsynonymous single nucleotide polymorphisms (nsSNPs). The functional impact of the majority of ABC transporter nsSNPs has yet to be experimentally characterized. Here, we combine experimental mutational studies with sequence and structural analysis to describe the impact of nsSNPs in human ABC transporters. First, the disease associations of 39 nsSNPs in 10 transporters were rationalized by identifying two conserved loops and a small alpha-helical region that may be involved in interdomain communication necessary for transport of substrates. Second, an approach to discriminate between disease-associated and neutral nsSNPs was developed and tailored to this superfamily. Finally, the functional impact of 40 unannotated nsSNPs in seven ABC transporters identified in 247 ethnically diverse individuals studied by the Pharmacogenetics of Membrane Transporters consortium was predicted. Three predictions were experimentally tested using human embryonic kidney epithelial (HEK) 293 cells stably transfected with the reference multidrug resistance transporter 4 and its variants to examine functional differences in transport of the antiviral drug, tenofovir. The experimental results confirmed two predictions. Our analysis provides a structural and evolutionary framework for rationalizing and predicting the functional effects of nsSNPs in this clinically important membrane transporter superfamily.
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No. Sentence Comment
50 Disease-associated nsSNPs at Three Structural Hotspots in Human ABC Transporter NBDs Gene Disease Position ARA motif ABCB11 BRIC2 A570T ABCD1 X-ALD A616V CFTR CF A559T ABCC6 PXE R765Q ABCC8 HHF1 R841G ABCC8 HHF1 R1493Q ABCC8 HHF1 R1493W ABCD1 X-ALD R617C ABCD1 X-ALD R617G ABCD1 X-ALD R617H CFTR CF R560K CFTR CF R560S CFTR CF R560T ABCA1 HDLD1 A1046D ABCB4 ICP A546D C-loop 1 motif ABCC8 HHF1 D1471H ABCC8 HHF1 D1471N CFTR CBAVD G544V ABCC8 HHF1 G1478R C-loop2 motif ABCA4 STGD1 H2128R ABCC8 HHF1 K889T ABCD1 X-ALD R660P ABCD1 X-ALD R660W ABCA1 HDLD2 M1091T ABCA4 STGD1 E2131K ABCA12 LI2 E1539K ABCA4 STGD1 and CORD3 E1122K CFTR CF L610S ABCC8 HHF1 L1543P ABCA1 Colorectal cancer sample; somatic mutation A2109T ABCC9 CMD1O A1513T ABCD1 X-ALD H667D CFTR CF A613T ABCA1 HDLD2 D1099Y ABCD1 X-ALD T668I CFTR CF D614G ABCA4 STGD1 R2139W ABCA4 STGD1 R1129C ABCA4 ARMD2, STGD1, and FFM R1129L Disease abbreviations are as follows: BRIC2, benign recurrent intrahepatic cholestasis type 2; X-ALD, X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy; CF, cystic fibrosis; PXE, Pseudoxanthoma elasticum; HHF1, familial hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia-1; HDLD1, high density lipoprotein deficiency type 1; ICP, intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy; CBAVD, congenital bilateral absence of the vas deferens; STGD1, Stargardt disease type 1; HDLD2, high density lipoprotein deficiency type 2; LI2, ichthyosis lamellar type 2; CORD3, cone-rod dystrophy type 3; CMD1O, cardiomyopathy dilated type 1O; ARMD2, age-related macular degeneration type 2; FFM, fundus flavimaculatus.
ABCD1 p.Thr668Ile 20799350:50:795
status: NEW