ABCC7 p.Asn1432Lys

Predicted by SNAP2: A: N (82%), C: N (82%), D: N (72%), E: N (72%), F: N (61%), G: N (72%), H: N (82%), I: N (66%), K: N (93%), L: N (66%), M: N (72%), P: N (53%), Q: N (97%), R: N (72%), S: N (97%), T: N (93%), V: N (72%), W: D (53%), Y: N (61%),
Predicted by PROVEAN: A: N, C: D, D: N, E: N, F: D, G: N, H: N, I: D, K: N, L: D, M: N, P: N, Q: N, R: N, S: N, T: N, V: D, W: D, Y: D,

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[hide] Schneider A, Larusch J, Sun X, Aloe A, Lamb J, Hawes R, Cotton P, Brand RE, Anderson MA, Money ME, Banks PA, Lewis MD, Baillie J, Sherman S, Disario J, Burton FR, Gardner TB, Amann ST, Gelrud A, George R, Rockacy MJ, Kassabian S, Martinson J, Slivka A, Yadav D, Oruc N, Barmada MM, Frizzell R, Whitcomb DC
Combined bicarbonate conductance-impairing variants in CFTR and SPINK1 variants are associated with chronic pancreatitis in patients without cystic fibrosis.
Gastroenterology. 2011 Jan;140(1):162-71. Epub 2010 Oct 25., [PMID:20977904]

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