ABCC7 p.Cys1395Tyr

Predicted by SNAP2: A: D (71%), D: D (91%), E: D (85%), F: D (91%), G: D (91%), H: D (85%), I: D (85%), K: D (85%), L: D (91%), M: D (91%), N: D (80%), P: D (95%), Q: D (85%), R: D (80%), S: D (75%), T: D (85%), V: D (91%), W: D (95%), Y: D (91%),
Predicted by PROVEAN: A: D, D: D, E: D, F: D, G: D, H: D, I: D, K: D, L: D, M: D, N: D, P: D, Q: D, R: D, S: D, T: D, V: D, W: D, Y: D,

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Clin Chem. 2007 Nov;53(11):1891-8. Epub 2007 Sep 21., [PMID:17890437]

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