ABCC7 p.Gly1249Arg
ClinVar: |
, not provided
c.3746G>A , p.Gly1249Glu D , Pathogenic c.3747G>A , p.Gly1249= ? , Uncertain significance |
CF databases: |
, This mutation was detected by DNA sequencing
c.3745G>A , p.Gly1249Arg (CFTR1) ? , This mucleotide change, G to A at position 3877 in codon 1249, leads to an amino acid change of glycine to arginine. The mutation has been identified by direct sequencing. The patient is of Dutch origin. The mutation was found only once in 200 unrelated CF-patients. |
Predicted by SNAP2: | A: D (95%), C: D (95%), D: D (95%), E: D (66%), F: D (95%), H: D (95%), I: D (95%), K: D (95%), L: D (95%), M: D (95%), N: D (95%), P: D (95%), Q: D (95%), R: D (95%), S: D (95%), T: D (95%), V: D (95%), W: D (95%), Y: D (95%), |
Predicted by PROVEAN: | A: D, C: D, D: D, E: D, F: D, H: D, I: D, K: D, L: D, M: D, N: D, P: D, Q: D, R: D, S: D, T: D, V: D, W: D, Y: D, |
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[hide] Polymorphisms of MRP1 (ABCC1) and related ATP-depe... Pharmacogenet Genomics. 2005 Aug;15(8):523-33. Conseil G, Deeley RG, Cole SP
Polymorphisms of MRP1 (ABCC1) and related ATP-dependent drug transporters.
Pharmacogenet Genomics. 2005 Aug;15(8):523-33., [PMID:16006996]
Abstract [show]
Genetic variations in drug metabolizing enzymes and targets are established determinants of adverse drug reactions and interactions, but less is known about the role of genetic polymorphisms in membrane transport proteins. MRP1 (ABCC1) is one of 13 polytopic membrane proteins that comprise the 'C' subfamily of the ATP-binding cassette (ABC) superfamily of transport proteins. MRP1 and related ABCC family members, including MRP2, 3, 4 and 5 (ABCC2, 3, 4 and 5), each have a distinctive pattern of tissue expression and substrate specificity. Together, these five transporters play important roles in the disposition and elimination of drugs and other organic anions, and in maintenance of blood-tissue barriers, as confirmed by enhanced chemosensitivity of respective knockout mice. Moreover, Mrp2 (Abcc2) deficient animals display mild conjugated hyperbilirubinemia, corresponding to a human condition known as Dubin-Johnson syndrome (DJS). Naturally occurring mutations in MRP/ABCC-related drug transporters have been reported, some of which are non-synonymous single nucleotide polymorphisms. The consequences of the resulting amino acid changes can sometimes be predicted from in vitro site-directed mutagenesis studies or from knowledge of mutations of analogous (conserved) residues in ABCC proteins that cause DJS, Pseudoxanthoma elasticum (ABCC6), cystic fibrosis (CFTR/ABCC7) or persistent hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia of infancy (SUR1/ABCC8). Continual updating of databases of sequence variants and haplotype analysis, together with in vitro biochemical validation assays and pharmacological studies in knockout animals, should make it possible to determine how genetic variation in the MRP-related transporters contributes to the range of responses to drugs and chemicals observed in different human populations.
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56 In the kidney, glomeruli and distal collecting tubules express MRP1, and, in the brain, MRP1 appears to form part of the drug permeability barrier Fig. 1 CF (CFTR/ABCC7) Q1291R E1228G Q1238R G1244E/V G1247R G1249R S1251N S1255P/L W1282G/R/C R1283K/M N1303K Y1307C E1321Q K1351E Q1352H R1268Q V1298F T1301I G1302R A1303P R1314W/Q G1321S R1339C Q1347H I1350L G1354R D1361N Q1382R A1450T R1347E R1351P V1359G/M S1368A G1377R G1382S R1392H R1419C R1435Q G1477R G1479R R1492W E1505K DJS (MRP2/ABCC2) NBD1 NBD2 COOH MEMBRANE MSD MSD MSD 12131415161710116 7 8 91 23 4 5TM H2 N Extracellular Intracellular PXE (ABCC6) PHHI (SUR1/ABCC8) Two-dimensional structure of MRP-related proteins.
ABCC7 p.Gly1249Arg 16006996:56:207
status: NEW[hide] Cystic fibrosis: a worldwide analysis of CFTR muta... Hum Mutat. 2002 Jun;19(6):575-606. Bobadilla JL, Macek M Jr, Fine JP, Farrell PM
Cystic fibrosis: a worldwide analysis of CFTR mutations--correlation with incidence data and application to screening.
Hum Mutat. 2002 Jun;19(6):575-606., [PMID:12007216]
Abstract [show]
Although there have been numerous reports from around the world of mutations in the gene of chromosome 7 known as CFTR (cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator), little attention has been given to integrating these mutant alleles into a global understanding of the population molecular genetics associated with cystic fibrosis (CF). We determined the distribution of CFTR mutations in as many regions throughout the world as possible in an effort designed to: 1) increase our understanding of ancestry-genotype relationships, 2) compare mutational arrays with disease incidence, and 3) gain insight for decisions regarding screening program enhancement through CFTR multi-mutational analyses. Information on all mutations that have been published since the identification and cloning of the CFTR gene's most common allele, DeltaF508 (or F508del), was reviewed and integrated into a centralized database. The data were then sorted and regional CFTR arrays were determined using mutations that appeared in a given region with a frequency of 0.5% or greater. Final analyses were based on 72,431 CF chromosomes, using data compiled from over 100 original papers, and over 80 regions from around the world, including all nations where CF has been studied using analytical molecular genetics. Initial results confirmed wide mutational heterogeneity throughout the world; however, characterization of the most common mutations across most populations was possible. We also examined CF incidence, DeltaF508 frequency, and regional mutational heterogeneity in a subset of populations. Data for these analyses were filtered for reliability and methodological strength before being incorporated into the final analysis. Statistical assessment of these variables revealed that there is a significant positive correlation between DeltaF508 frequency and the CF incidence levels of regional populations. Regional analyses were also performed to search for trends in the distribution of CFTR mutations across migrant and related populations; this led to clarification of ancestry-genotype patterns that can be used to design CFTR multi-mutation panels for CF screening programs. From comprehensive assessment of these data, we offer recommendations that multiple CFTR alleles should eventually be included to increase the sensitivity of newborn screening programs employing two-tier testing with trypsinogen and DNA analysis.
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109 Mutational Arrays, Detection Rates and Methods by Region* Estimated Projected detection of Number of Number of Country/ allele two CFTR mutations chromosomes Region Mutation array detectiona mutationsb includedc (max/min)d Reference Europe Albania ∆F508 (72.4%) C276X (0.7%) 74.5 55.5 4 270/146 CFGAC [1994]; Macek et al. G85E (0.7%) R1070Q (0.7%) [2002] Austria ∆F508 (62.9%) 457TAT→G (1.2%) 76.6 58.7 11 1516/580 Estiville et al. [1997]; Dörk et al. (total) G542X (3.3%) 2183AA→G (0.7%) [2000]; Macek et al. [2002] CFTRdele2,3 (2.1%) N1303K (0.6%) R1162X (1.9%) I148T (0.5%) R553X (1.7%) R117H (0.5%) G551D (1.2%) Austria ∆F508 (74.6%) 2183AA→G (2.4%) 95.3 90.8 8 126 Stuhrmann et al. [1997] (tyrol) R1162X (8.7%) G551D (1.6%) G542X (2.4%) R347P (1.6%) 2789+5G→A (2.4%) Q39X (1.6%) Belarus ∆F508 (61.2%) R553X (0.5%) 75.2 56.6 9 278/188 Dörk et al. [2000]; Macek et al. G542X (4.5%) R334W (0.5%) [2002] CFTRdele2,3 (3.3%) R347P (0.5%) N1303K (3.2%) S549N (0.5%) W1282X (1.0%) Belgium ∆F508 (75.1%) 622-1A→C (0.5%) 100.0 100.0 27 1504/522 Cuppens et al. [1993]; Mercier et G542X (3.5%) G458V (0.5%) al. [1993]; CFGAC [1994]; N1303K (2.7%) 1898+G→C (0.5%) Estivill et al.[1997] R553X (1.7%) G970R (0.5%) 1717-1G→A (1.6%) 4218insT (0.5%) E60X (1.6%) 394delTT (0.5%) W1282X (1.4%) K830X (0.5%) 2183A→G+2184delA (1.2%) E822K (0.5%) W401X (1.0%) 3272-1G→A (0.5%) A455E (1.0%) S1161R (0.5%) 3272-26A→G (1.0%) R1162X (0.5%) S1251N (1.0%) 3750delAG (0.5%) S1235R (0.8%) S1255P (0.5%) ∆I507 (0.6%) Bulgaria ∆F508 (63.6%) R75Q (1.0%) 93.0 86.5 21 948/432 Angelicheva et al. [1997]; (total) N1303K (5.6%) 2183AA→G (0.9%) Estivill et al. [1997]; Macek G542X (3.9%) G1244V+S912L (0.9%) et al. [2002] R347P (2.2%) G85E (0.9%) 1677delTA (2.1%) 2184insA (0.9%) R1070Q (1.8%) L88X+G1069R (0.8%) Q220X (1.2%) 2789+5G→A (0.8%) 3849+10KbC→T (1.1%) G1244E (0.8%) W1282X (1.0%) 1717-1G→A (0.8%) 2176insC (1.0%) Y919C (0.7%) G1069R (1.0%) WORLDWIDEANALYSISOFCFTRMUTATIONS581 Bulgaria 1) DF508 4) 1677delTA - - 6 13 Angelicheva et al. [1997] (ethnic 2) R347P 5) Q493R Turks) 3) G542X 6) L571S - - 1 30 Angelicheva et al. [1997] Bulgaria 1) DF508 (100.0%) (Gypsy) Croatia ∆F508 (64.5%) G551D (1.1%) 72.5 52.6 5 276 Macek et al. [2002] G542X (3.3%) 3849+10KbC→T (0.7%) N1303K (2.9%) Czech ∆F508 (70.0%) 1898+1G→T (2.0%) 89.6 80.3 10 2196/628 CFGAC [1994]; Estiville et al. Republic CFTRdele2,3 (5.5%) 2143delT (1.2%) [1997]; Dörk et al. [2000]; G551D (3.8%) R347P (0.8%) Macek et al. [2002] N1303K (2.9%) 3849+10KbC→T (0.6%) G542X (2.2%) W1282X (0.6%) Denmark ∆F508 (87.5%) G542X (0.7%) 92.3 85.2 6 1888/678 CFGAC [1994]; Schwartz et al. (excluding 394delTT (1.8%) 621+1G→T (0.6%) [1994]; Estiville et al. [1997] Faroe) N1303K (1.1%) 3659delC (0.6%) Estonia ∆F508 (51.7%) R117C (1.7%) 80.2 64.3 10 165/80 Estivill et al. [1997]; Klaassen et 394delTT (13.3%) E217G (1.7%) al. [1998]; Macek et al. S1235R (3.3%) R1066H (1.7%) [2002] 359insT (1.7%) 3659delC (1.7%) I1005R (1.7%) S1169X (1.7%) Finland ∆F508 (46.2%) G542X (1.9%) 78.8 62.1 4 132/52 CFGAC [1994]; Kere et al. 394delTT (28.8%) 3372delA (1.9%) [1994]; Estivill et al. [1997] France ∆F508 (67.7%) 2789+5G→T (0.79%) 79.7 63.6 12 17854/7420 Chevalier-Porst et al. [1994]; (total) G542X (2.94%) 2184delA+2183A→G (0.77%) Estivill et al. [1997]; Claustres et al. [2000]; Guilloud-Bataille N1303K (1.83%) G551D (0.74%) et al. [2000] 1717-1G→A (1.35%) 1078delT (0.63%) W1282X (0.91%) ∆I507 (0.62%) R553X (0.86%) Y122K (0.59%) France ∆F508 (75.8%) R297Q (0.8%) 98.7 97.4 18 599/365 Férec et al. [1992]; Scotet et al. (Brittany) 1078delT (4.0%) R347H (0.8%) [2000] G551D (3.6%) I1234V (0.8%) N1303K (3.0%) R553X (0.8%) R117H (1.7%) 2789+5G→A (0.8%) 3272-26A→G (1.3%) 4005+1G→A (0.7%) G542X (1.1%) 621+1G→T (0.6%) 1717-1G→A (1.0%) ∆I507 (0.6%) G1249R (0.8%) W846X (0.5%) France ∆F508 (70.0%) N1303K (0.8%) 90.4 81.7 16 250 Claustres et al. [1993] (southern) G542X (6.4%) 3737delA (0.8%) 1717-1G→A (1.6%) R1162X (0.8%) L206W (1.2%) Y1092X (0.8%) R334W (1.2%) S945L (0.8%) ∆I507 (1.2%) K710X (0.8%) 2184delA (1.2%) 1078delT (0.8%) R1158X (1.2%) Y122X (0.8%) (Continued) BOBADILLAETAL.
ABCC7 p.Gly1249Arg 12007216:109:4082
status: NEW[hide] Spatial and temporal distribution of cystic fibros... Hum Genet. 2002 Sep;111(3):247-54. Epub 2002 Aug 1. Scotet V, Gillet D, Dugueperoux I, Audrezet MP, Bellis G, Garnier B, Roussey M, Rault G, Parent P, De Braekeleer M, Ferec C
Spatial and temporal distribution of cystic fibrosis and of its mutations in Brittany, France: a retrospective study from 1960.
Hum Genet. 2002 Sep;111(3):247-54. Epub 2002 Aug 1., [PMID:12215837]
Abstract [show]
Cystic fibrosis (CF) is the most common severe inherited disorder that affects children in Caucasian populations. The aim of this study was to define the spatial and temporal distribution of CF and its mutations in Brittany (western France) where the frequency of the disease is high. We retrospectively registered all CF patients born in Brittany since 1960 by cross-checking various data sources (e.g. medical care centres, genetics laboratories, hospital archives). Councils were contacted so that the place of residence of patients at birth could be determined. Moreover, the spectrum of CF transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) mutations and their spatial distribution across Brittany were determined. A total of 520 patients was registered in this study. The incidence of CF was assessed according to administrative (department, district) and diocesan divisions of Brittany and its evolution analysed over four decades. The incidence of CF was 1/2630, with a west/east gradient that was confirmed over time (Finistere: 1/2071 vs Ille-et-Vilaine: 1/3286). At present, the incidence of CF is decreasing, mainly as a result of prenatal diagnosis. An excellent mutation detection rate of 99.7% was obtained. Western Brittany presented a specific spectrum of mutations: 1078delT (9.4% of mutated alleles in the diocese of Cornouaille), G551D (7.7% in the diocese of Leon), 4005+1G-->A (2.9% in Cornouaille) and W846X (1.5% in western Brittany). On the other hand, the eastern region showed a spectrum more similar to the overall picture in France as a whole. This study enabled a precise measurement of the incidence of CF in Brittany to be obtained. The high frequency of the CFTR mutated alleles may result from founder effects and genetic drifts. Moreover, the study brings together the regional specificities of the CFTR gene and highlights disparities that exist in this part of France, both in incidence and in mutation distribution. These are attributable to different degrees of isolation and of population movements between the eastern and western parts of the region. Given that this is the first time that such a detailed study of the CFTR gene has been performed on a large population, this heightened knowledge of the epidemiology of CF in Brittany should provide a basis for the improvement of diagnostic strategies and refinement of genetic counselling.
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118 His genotype was ∆F508/∆F508 Mutation Exon Basse-Bretagne Haute-Bretagne Brittanya ∆F508 10 446 75.6% 224 73.7% 672 75.0% 1078delT 7 31 5.3% 3 1.0% 34 3.8% G551D 11 21 3.6% 12 3.9% 33 3.7% N1303K 21 3 0.5% 9 3.0% 12 1.3% W846X 14a 9 1.5% 1 0.3% 10 1.1% 2789+5G→A 14b 3 0.5% 6 2.0% 9 1.0% 1717-1G→A 11 5 0.8% 3 1.0% 8 0.9% Y1092X 17b 1 0.2% 6 2.0% 7 0.8% 4005+1G→A 20 6 1.0% 1 0.3% 7 0.8% E60X 3 3 0.5% 3 1.0% 6 0.7% 621+1G→T 4 3 0.5% 3 1.0% 6 0.7% R347H 7 6 1.0% 0 0.0% 6 0.7% S492F 10 2 0.3% 3 1.0% 5 0.6% G542X 11 4 0.7% 1 0.3% 5 0.6% 3272-26A→G 17b 2 0.3% 3 1.0% 5 0.6% R117H 4 3 0.5% 1 0.3% 4 0.4% G91R 3 3 0.5% 0 0.0% 3 0.3% ∆I507 10 1 0.2% 2 0.7% 3 0.3% R553X 11 3 0.5% 0 0.0% 3 0.3% W1282X 20 2 0.3% 1 0.3% 3 0.3% A72D 3 0 0.0% 2 0.7% 2 0.2% G85E 3 0 0.0% 2 0.7% 2 0.2% F311L 7 0 0.0% 2 0.7% 2 0.2% 1221delCT 7 2 0.3% 0 0.0% 2 0.2% R560K 11 0 0.0% 2 0.7% 2 0.2% 2622+1G→A 13 2 0.3% 0 0.0% 2 0.2% S945L 15 0 0.0% 2 0.7% 2 0.2% I1234V 19 2 0.3% 0 0.0% 2 0.2% G1249R 20 2 0.3% 0 0.0% 2 0.2% 3905insT 20 2 0.3% 0 0.0% 2 0.2% Unidentified - 3 0.5% 0 0.0% 3 0.3% Total - 590 65.7% 304 34.3% 896 100% IVS17bTA, IVS17bCA) of Irish, Scottish, English, Breton and Czech subjects who were carriers of this mutation, and showed that all these alleles carried a unique haplotype (16-7-17), testifying to the Celtic origin of this mutation (Cashman et al. 1995).
ABCC7 p.Gly1249Arg 12215837:118:1034
status: NEW[hide] Comparison of the CFTR mutation spectrum in three ... Hum Mutat. 2003 Jul;22(1):105. Scotet V, Barton DE, Watson JB, Audrezet MP, McDevitt T, McQuaid S, Shortt C, De Braekeleer M, Ferec C, Le Marechal C
Comparison of the CFTR mutation spectrum in three cohorts of patients of Celtic origin from Brittany (France) and Ireland.
Hum Mutat. 2003 Jul;22(1):105., [PMID:12815607]
Abstract [show]
This study aims to compare the spectrum of the mutations identified in the gene responsible for cystic fibrosis in three cohorts of patients of Celtic origin from Brittany and Ireland. It included 389 patients from Brittany, 631 from Dublin and 139 from Cork. The CFTR gene analysis relied on the detection of the most common mutations, followed by a complete gene scanning using DGGE or D-HPLC. High mutation detection rates were obtained in each cohort: 99.6%, 96.8%, and 96.0% respectively. A high frequency of the c.1652_1655 del3 mutation (F508del: 74.8% to 81.3%) and of the "Celtic" mutation (c.1784G>A (G551D): 3.7% to 9.7%) was observed in each population. Apart from this, the mutation spectrums differed. In Brittany, the most common abnormalities were: c.1078delT (3.6%), c.4041C>G (N1303K: 1.4%), c.2670G>A (W846X(2): 1.0%) and c.1717-1G>A (1.0%), whereas in the cohort of Dublin, the main mutations were: c.482G>A (R117H: 3.0%), c.1811G>C (R560T: 2.4%) and c.621+1G>T (1.7%). Finally, in the Cork area, only the c.482G>A mutation (R117H) reached a frequency of 1%. Two previously-unreported mutations were identified in the Dublin cohort: c.2623-2A>G and c.3446T>G (M1105R). This collaborative study highlights the similarities of the CFTR alleles in the Breton and Irish populations, but also the disparities that exist between these populations, despite their common origin. Each population has its own history, with its mixture of founder effects and genetic drifts, which are at the origin of the current mutation distribution. The molecular study of the CFTR gene provides new tools for retracing European populations' histories.
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64 Spectrum of the CFTR Mutations Identified in the Cohorts from Brittany, Dublin Centre, and Cork Area Nucleotide Amino acid change * change Exon Number Frequency Number Frequency Number Frequency 211delG 2 1 0.1% 310G>T E60X 3 5 0.6% 4 0.3% 347C>A A72D 3 1 0.1% 368G>A W79X 3 1 0.1% 386G>A G85E 3 2 0.3% 3 0.2% 403G>A G91R 3 2 0.3% 482G>A R117H 4 4 0.5% 38 3.0% 4 1.4% 498T>A Y122X 4 1 0.1% 574delA 4 1 0.1% 577G>A G149R 4 1 0.1% 621+1G>T int 4 5 0.6% 21 1.7% 790C>T Q220X 6a 1 0.1% 875+1G>C int 6a 1 0.4% 905delG 6b 1 0.1% 1065C>G F311L 7 2 0.3% 1078delT 7 28 3.6% 1132C>T R334W 7 1 0.1% 1172G>A R347H 7 5 0.6% 1172G>T R347L 7 1 0.1% 1172G>C R347P 7 1 0.1% 1187G>A R352Q 7 3 0.2% 2 0.7% 1208A>G Q359R 7 1 0.1% 1154insTC 7 2 0.2% 1221delCT 7 2 0.3% 1248+1G>A int 7 1 0.1% 1249-27delTA int 7 1 0.4% 1334G>A W401X 8 1 0.1% 1461ins4 9 5 0.4% 1471delA 9 2 0.2% 1607C>T S492F 10 2 0.3% 1609C>T Q493X 10 1 0.1% 1648_1653delATC I507del 10 3 0.4% 10 0.8% 1 0.4% 1652_1655del 3 bp F508del 10 582 74.8% 966 76.5% 226 81.3% 1690G>T V520F 10 4 0.3% 1717-1G>A int 10 8 1.0% 9 0.7% 1756G>T G542X 11 5 0.6% 8 0.6% 1779T>G S549R 11 1 0.1% 1784G>A G551D 11 29 3.7% 82 6.5% 27 9.7% 1789C>G R553G 11 1 0.1% 1789C>T R553X 11 3 0.4% 1 0.1% 1806delA 11 1 0.1% 1811G>A R560K 11 2 0.3% 1811G>C R560T 11 30 2.4% 2 0.7% 1819T>A Y563N 12 1 0.1% 1853C>A P574H 12 1 0.1% 1898+1G>A int 12 1 0.1% 2184delA 13 1 0.1% 1 0.1% 2184insA 13 1 0.1% 2622+1G>A int 13 1 0.1% 2 0.2% 2622+1G>T int 13 1 0.1% 2623-2A>G ** int 13 1 0.1% 2670G>A W846X2 14a 8 1.0% 2752-1G>T int 14a 1 0.1% 2752-26A>G int 14a 2 0.2% 2789+5G>A int 14b 6 0.8% 2966C>T S945L 15 2 0.3% 3007delG 15 4 0.3% 3040G>C G970R 15 1 0.1% 3062C>T S977F 16 1 0.1% 3120+1G>A int 16 1 0.1% 3272-26A>G int 17a 4 0.5% 2 0.2% 2 0.7% 3320dupli(CTATG) 17b 1 0.1% 3329G>A R1066H 17b 1 0.1% 3340C>T R1070W 17b 1 0.1% 3408C>A Y1092X 17b 7 0.9% 3442G>T E1104X 17b 1 0.1% 3446T>G ** M1105R 17b 1 0.1% 3586G>C D1152H 18 1 0.1% 3601-17T>C + 1367delC int 18 + 9 1 0.1% 3616C>T R1162X 19 1 0.1% 2 0.2% 3659delC 19 2 0.2% 3832A>G I1234V 19 2 0.3% 3849+4A>G int 19 1 0.1% 3849+10kbC>T int 19 3 0.2% 3877G>A G1249R 20 1 0.1% 3884G>A S1251N 20 1 0.1% 3898insC 20 1 0.1% 3905insT 20 2 0.3% 3978G>A W1282X 20 3 0.4% 4005+1G>A int 20 6 0.8% 4016insT 21 1 0.1% 4041C>G N1303K 21 11 1.4% 5 0.4% 4136T>C L1335P 22 1 0.1% 1 0.4% 4279insA 23 1 0.1% Unidentified Unidentified - 3 0.4% 41 3.2% 11 4.0% Total 778 100.0% 1262 100.0% 278 100.0% * All nucleotide changes correspond to cDNA numbering.
ABCC7 p.Gly1249Arg 12815607:64:2110
status: NEW[hide] Defective CFTR expression and function are detecta... PLoS One. 2011;6(7):e22212. Epub 2011 Jul 21. Sorio C, Buffelli M, Angiari C, Ettorre M, Johansson J, Vezzalini M, Viviani L, Ricciardi M, Verze G, Assael BM, Melotti P
Defective CFTR expression and function are detectable in blood monocytes: development of a new blood test for cystic fibrosis.
PLoS One. 2011;6(7):e22212. Epub 2011 Jul 21., [PMID:21811577]
Abstract [show]
BACKGROUND: Evaluation of cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) functional activity to assess new therapies and define diagnosis of cystic fibrosis (CF) is cumbersome. It is known that leukocytes express detectable levels of CFTR but the molecule has not been characterized in these cells. In this study we aim at setting up and validating a blood test to evaluate CFTR expression and function in leukocytes. DESCRIPTION: Western blot, PCR, immunofluorescence and cell membrane depolarization analysis by single-cell fluorescence imaging, using the potential-sensitive DiSBAC(2)(3) probe were utilized. Expression of PKA phosphorylated, cell membrane-localized CFTR was detected in non-CF monocytes, being undetectable or present in truncated form in monocytes derived from CF patients presenting with nonsense mutations. CFTR agonist administration induced membrane depolarization in monocytes isolated from non-CF donors (31 subjects) and, to a lesser extent, obligate CFTR heterozygous carriers (HTZ: 15 subjects), but it failed in monocytes from CF patients (44 subjects). We propose an index, which values in CF patients are significantly (p<0.001) lower than in the other two groups. Nasal Potential Difference, measured in selected subjects had concordant results with monocytes assay (Kappa statistic 0.93, 95%CI: 0.80-1.00). RESULTS AND SIGNIFICANCE: CFTR is detectable and is functional in human monocytes. We also showed that CFTR-associated activity can be evaluated in 5 ml of peripheral blood and devise an index potentially applicable for diagnostic purposes and both basic and translational research: from drug development to evaluation of functional outcomes in clinical trials.
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202 Case Gender Age at diagnosis (years) CFTR genotype* Age (years) Sweat Cl- mEq/L** FEV1 % mean values 2009 Pa PI NPD results*** CF-index 1 F 0 3132delTG 1497delGG 34 129 75 yes yes nd 222,10 2 F 0 R1162X R1162X 43 144 52 yes yes nd 229,65 3 M 0 R1162X R1162X 10 102 59 no yes 1,02 210,18 4 M 0 R1162X R1162X 25 115 81 no yes 1,07 267,11 5 M 7 G542X 711+5 G.A 24 105 59 yes yes nd 25,84 6 M 1 CFTRdele1 G542X 36 107 22 yes yes nd 2113,92 7 M 0 G542X G542X 16 110 71 yes yes 0,97 280,20 8 F 1 Q552X CFTRdele17a-18 35 99 72 yes yes 2,08 2219,81 9 M 16 R1162X 3849+10 Kb C.T 42 74 43 yes no 1,02 271,47 10 M 0 R1162X R1162X 32 105 45 yes yes 1,43 2114,67 11 M 1 F508del F508del 16 86 71 no yes nd 260,04 12 F 0 F508del F508del 16 88 118 no yes nd 248,20 13 M 0 F508del F508del 33 118 51 yes yes nd 265,49 14 M 7 F508del F508del 37 89 37 yes yes nd 2359,82 15 F 0 F508del F508del 27 118 71 yes yes nd 267,26 16 F 8 1717-1 G.A F508del 38 140 74 yes yes nd 2136,80 17 F 0 R1158X F508del 32 95 60 yes yes 1,77 228,31 18 M 7 G542X F508del 39 110 46 yes yes nd 247,52 19 M 0 Q39X F508del 17 101 79 no yes 1,11 264,20 20 F 1 R1162X F508del 41 188 60 no yes 0,94 296,73 21 M 13 3849+10 Kb C.T F508del 24 76 78 yes no 4,67 26,33 22 M 0 W1282X 621+1G.T 33 119 77 yes yes 1,27 242,74 23 F 4 R553X 2789+5 G.A 31 92 44 yes no 7,4 260,94 24 F 11 F508del R553X 39 116 55 yes yes nd 2113,67 25 M 12 F508del 3849+10 Kb C.T 27 51 71 yes no 1,12 298,84 26 F 0 F508del G542X 19 109 109 yes yes nd 2173,24 27 F 0 F508del R1162X 32 94 86 yes yes 1,34 270,16 28 F 0 F508del W57X (TAG) 27 99 78 yes yes 1,21 269,33 29 M 0 F508del Q552X 24 94 41 yes yes 1,50 272,75 30 M 20 F508del 3849+10 Kb C.T 43 58 60 no no 1,13 2112,56 31 M 0 F508del R1162X 12 99 65 no yes 2,14 280,92 32 M 4 F508del 3849+10 Kb C.T 17 60 100 no no nd 2121,31 33 F 1 F508del 1717-1 G.A 26 105 73 yes yes 2,05 255,66 34 F 11 F508del 3849+10 Kb C.T 40 85 59 yes no nd 2152,23 35 F 4 F508del 1717-1 G.A 44 130 97 yes yes nd 2116,56 36 M 13 F508del 3849+10 Kb C.T 43 70 65 yes no CF 265,10 37 F 19 F508del unknown 29 95 100 no no nd 240,53 38 M 6 F508del unknown 15 92 87 yes no nd 270,17 39 F 0 G542X N1303K 34 108 97 yes yes nd 296,14 40 M 50 G1249R IVS8 T5TG12 50 61 74 no no nd 2199,15 41 F 10 2183 AA.G IVS8 T5TG15/T7TG10 45 79 29 yes no 1,9 286,27 42 F 1 G85E unknown 43 120 107 yes no nd 249,21 43 F 0 3272-26 A.G I507del 21 113 88 no no nd 236,79 44 M 8 F508del D1152H 10 77 107 no no nd 210,85 *Cystic Fibrosis mutation database reference:
ABCC7 p.Gly1249Arg 21811577:202:2183
status: NEW[hide] Spectrum of CFTR mutations in cystic fibrosis and ... Hum Mutat. 2000;16(2):143-56. Claustres M, Guittard C, Bozon D, Chevalier F, Verlingue C, Ferec C, Girodon E, Cazeneuve C, Bienvenu T, Lalau G, Dumur V, Feldmann D, Bieth E, Blayau M, Clavel C, Creveaux I, Malinge MC, Monnier N, Malzac P, Mittre H, Chomel JC, Bonnefont JP, Iron A, Chery M, Georges MD
Spectrum of CFTR mutations in cystic fibrosis and in congenital absence of the vas deferens in France.
Hum Mutat. 2000;16(2):143-56., [PMID:10923036]
Abstract [show]
We have collated the results of cystic fibrosis (CF) mutation analysis conducted in 19 laboratories in France. We have analyzed 7, 420 CF alleles, demonstrating a total of 310 different mutations including 24 not reported previously, accounting for 93.56% of CF genes. The most common were F508del (67.18%; range 61-80), G542X (2.86%; range 1-6.7%), N1303K (2.10%; range 0.75-4.6%), and 1717-1G>A (1.31%; range 0-2.8%). Only 11 mutations had relative frequencies >0. 4%, 140 mutations were found on a small number of CF alleles (from 29 to two), and 154 were unique. These data show a clear geographical and/or ethnic variation in the distribution of the most common CF mutations. This spectrum of CF mutations, the largest ever reported in one country, has generated 481 different genotypes. We also investigated a cohort of 800 French men with congenital bilateral absence of the vas deferens (CBAVD) and identified a total of 137 different CFTR mutations. Screening for the most common CF defects in addition to assessment for IVS8-5T allowed us to detect two mutations in 47.63% and one in 24.63% of CBAVD patients. In a subset of 327 CBAVD men who were more extensively investigated through the scanning of coding/flanking sequences, 516 of 654 (78. 90%) alleles were identified, with 15.90% and 70.95% of patients carrying one or two mutations, respectively, and only 13.15% without any detectable CFTR abnormality. The distribution of genotypes, classified according to the expected effect of their mutations on CFTR protein, clearly differed between both populations. CF patients had two severe mutations (87.77%) or one severe and one mild/variable mutation (11.33%), whereas CBAVD men had either a severe and a mild/variable (87.89%) or two mild/variable (11.57%) mutations.
Comments [show]
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No. Sentence Comment
108 g D44G, 300delA, W57X, 405+1G>A, D110H, E116K, 541del4, 542del7, L137R, 621+2T>G, I175V, H199R, H199Y, C225X, V232D, Q290X, E292X, G314V, T338I, 1221delCT, W401X, Q452P, I502T, 1716+2T>C, G544S, R560S, A561E, V562I, Y569D, 1898+3A>G, 1898+5G>A, G628R(G>A), 2143delT, G673X, R851X, Q890X, S977F, 3129del4, 3154delG, 3271+1G>A, G1061R, R1066L, R1070W, 3601-17T>C, S1196X, 3732delA, G1249R, 3898insC, 4374+1G>A, del25kb.
ABCC7 p.Gly1249Arg 10923036:108:380
status: NEW