ABCG2 p.Met509*
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PMID: 24777822
Jani M et al: "Structure and function of BCRP, a broad specificity transporter of xenobiotics and endobiotics."
Histone deacetylase inhibitors rescue newly synthesized transporter proteins and prevent aggresome targeting by disturbing TableÊf;1ߒߙMajor non-synonymous single-nucleotide polymorphisms found in the ABCG2 coding region Allele frequencies presented in this table do not reflect interethnic differences Mutation Position in BCRP Cellular effects of SNP Allele frequency % References 34G>A, V12M (rs2231137) N-terminus Lower expression, no impact on function 0-29.8 Tamura et al. (2006), Bosch et al. (2005), Mizuarai et al. (2004), Imai et al. (2002), Kobayashi et al. (2005), Backstrom et al. (2003), Honjo et al. (2002), Kondo et al. (2004) 151G>T, G51C N-terminus Slightly overexpressed, decreased transport activity 0.1 Tamura et al. (2006), Yoshioka et al. (2007) 376C>T, Q126X (rs7255271) NBD No expression, no activity 0-1.7 Tamura et al. (2006), Mizuarai et al. (2004), Itoda et al. (2003), Imai et al. (2002), Kobayashi et al. (2005), Kondo et al. (2004) 421C>A, Q141K (rs2231142) NBD Lower expression, decreased transport activity, substrate specificity altered 0-35.7 Tamura et al. (2006), Bosch et al. (2005), Mizuarai et al. (2004), Imai et al. (2002), Kobayashi et al. (2005), Backstrom et al. (2003), Honjo et al. (2002), Kondo et al. (2004) 458C>T, T153 M NBD Slightly lower expression, no impact on function 3.3 Tamura et al. (2006), Mizuarai et al. (2004) 479G>A, R160Q NBD Not determined 0.5 Bosch et al. (2005), Tamura et al. (2006) 496C>G, Q166E (rs1061017) NBD Slightly lower expression, no impact on function 0-1.1 Tamura et al. (2006), Kondo et al. (2004), Yoshioka et al. (2007) 616A>C, I206L (rs12721643) NBD Well expressed, decreased transport activity 0-10.0 Tamura et al. (2006), Zamber et al. (2003), Vethanayagam et al. (2005), Ieiri (2012a) 623T>C, F208 (rs1061018) NBD No expression, no transport activity 0.9-3.9 Tamura et al. (2006) 742T>C, S248P (rs3116448) NBD Well expressed, no transport activity 0.5 Tamura et al. (2006), Yoshioka et al. (2007) 1000G>T, E334X (rs3201997) NBD No expression, no transport activity Not determined Tamura et al. (2006), Ishikawa et al. (2005) 1291T>C F431L ECL1 Lower expression, substrate specificity altered 0.6-0.8 Tamura et al. (2006), Itoda et al. (2003), Yoshioka et al. (2007) 1322G>A, S441 N ECL1 Slightly lower expression, no transport activity 0.5 Tamura et al. (2006), Kobayashi et al. (2005), Kondo et al. (2004) 1465T>C, F489L TM3 Slightly lower expression, no transport activity 0.5-0.8 Tamura et al. (2006), Itoda et al. (2003), Kobayashi et al. (2005) 1515delC, F506S TM4 Not determined 0.5 Itoda et al. (2003), Kobayashi et al. (2005) 1515delC, F507L 1515delC, V508L 1515delC, M509X 1711T>A, F571I (rs9282571) TM5 Well expressed, substrate specificity altered 0.5 Tamura et al. (2006) 1723C>T, R575X TM5 Not determined 0.5 Tamura et al. (2006) 1768A>T, N590Y (rs34264773) ECL3 Slightly overexpressed, substrate specificity altered 0-9.7 Tamura et al. (2006), Mizuarai et al. (2004), Zamber et al. (2003), Vethanayagam et al. (2005) 1858G>A, D620 N (rs34783571) ECL3 Slightly overexpressed, substrate specificity altered 0-11.1 Tamura et al. (2006), Bosch et al. (2005), Honjo et al. (2002), Vethanayagam et al. (2005) the trafficking along microtubules (Basseville et al. 2012).
ABCG2 p.Met509* 24777822:95:2681
status: NEW