ABCB11 p.Val284Asp

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PMID: 23022423 [PubMed] Anzivino C et al: "ABCB4 and ABCB11 mutations in intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy in an Italian population."
No. Sentence Comment
4 Results: Genotyping revealed 11 mutations, 5 of whom were novel variants: 2 localized on ABCB4 (p.I587DfsX603, p.I738LfsX744) and 3 on ABCB11 (p.V284D, p.Q558H, p.P731S).
ABCB11 p.Val284Asp 23022423:4:145
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5 The most severe phenotypes were associated with the variants p.I587DfsX603, p.I738LfsX744 and p.V284D.
ABCB11 p.Val284Asp 23022423:5:96
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91 ABCB11 mutation analysis Among the six variants identified in the coding sequence of the ABCB11 gene, three (p.V284D, p.Q558H, p.P731S) were new mutations.
ABCB11 p.Val284Asp 23022423:91:111
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92 Variants p.E135K, p.D482G and p.R698H were reported in previous studies [12,25-28].
ABCB11 p.Val284Asp 23022423:92:111
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94 The first novel variant (c.851 T > A), localized in exon 6 at position 284 of BSEP protein (p.V284D), was identified in a 30 years old patient (n.7).
ABCB11 p.Val284Asp 23022423:94:94
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101 Nucleotide change and effect on protein Location PSIC scores by PolyPhen-2 analysis Reference 1 c.217 C > G (p. L73V) Exon 4 0.489 [12] 2 c.523 A > G (p.T175A) Exon 6 0.774 [12] 3 c.1529 A > G (p.N510S) Exon 13 2.075 [24] 4 c.1758 1759 ins G (p.I587DfsX603) Exon 15 X This study 5 c.2211(+1) G > T (p.I738LfsX744) 5 Intron 17 X This study ABCB11 mutations 6 c.403 G > A (p.E135K) Exon 6 0.502 [26] 7 c.852 T > A (p.V284D) Exon 9 2.175 This study 8 c.1445 A > G (p.D482G) Exon 14 1.364 [26-28] 9 c.1674 G > C (p.Q558H) Exon 15 1.383 This study 10 c.2093 G > A (p.R698H) Exon 18 0.821 [12,25] 11 c.2191 C > T (p. P731S) Exon 19 0.851 This study New mutations are shown in bold.
ABCB11 p.Val284Asp 23022423:101:416
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129 Table 4 Clinical details of patients with ABCB11 mutations. Parameters Patient 6 E135K Patient7 V284D Patient 8 D482G Patient 9 Q558H Patient 10 R698H Patient 11 P731S Onset of pruritus 3rd trimester 2nd trimester 3rd trimester 2nd trimester 2nd trimester 3rd trimester Parity 2 1 2 2 2 2 Previous ICP Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Peak of AST (U/L) 24 92 29 125 244 105 Peak of ALT (U/L) 26 215 37 315 514 198 Peak of Bilirubin (mg/dL) 0.53 0.49 Nd 0.36 0.3 0.46 Peak of GGT (U/L) 7 25 Nd 23 14 16 Total bile acids (òe;mol/L) 93.6 112.4 28 Nd 20.4 23.4 Delivery Induction of labour (36w+4 )a Caesarean section (38w)a Induction of labour (38w+4 )a Caesarean section (36w)a Caesarean section (38w)a Induction of labour (38w) Cholelithiasis No No No No No No UDCA therapy Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes AST: aspartate aminotransferase; ALT: alanine aminotransferase; GGT: ॹ-glutamyl transpeptidase; Nd: not determined. a Caesarean section or induction of labour due to pregnancy complications related to ICP (foetal distress and/or intolerable pruritus and/or persistent elevation of AST and ALT).
ABCB11 p.Val284Asp 23022423:129:96
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145 The p.V284D mutation determines a substitution of a valine with an aspartic acid; the different nature of the aminoacids and its localization in the intracellular loop between transmembrane domain 4 and 5 might lead to an alteration in protein conformation and/or function.
ABCB11 p.Val284Asp 23022423:145:6
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146 A further demonstration of the importance of the conservation of this valine in the evolution comes from previous evidence which identified other substitutions in the same position (p.V284L and p.V284A) [12,25,29] and analysed them by the mean of an in vitro minigene system reporting no protein formation for the variant p.V284L and an increased amount of protein for the SNP p.V284A [26].
ABCB11 p.Val284Asp 23022423:146:6
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95 The first novel variant (c.851 T > A), localized in exon 6 at position 284 of BSEP protein (p.V284D), was identified in a 30 years old patient (n.7).
ABCB11 p.Val284Asp 23022423:95:94
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102 Nucleotide change and effect on protein Location PSIC scores by PolyPhen-2 analysis Reference 1 c.217 C > G (p. L73V) Exon 4 0.489 [12] 2 c.523 A > G (p.T175A) Exon 6 0.774 [12] 3 c.1529 A > G (p.N510S) Exon 13 2.075 [24] 4 c.1758 1759 ins G (p.I587DfsX603) Exon 15 X This study 5 c.2211(+1) G > T (p.I738LfsX744) 5 Intron 17 X This study ABCB11 mutations 6 c.403 G > A (p.E135K) Exon 6 0.502 [26] 7 c.852 T > A (p.V284D) Exon 9 2.175 This study 8 c.1445 A > G (p.D482G) Exon 14 1.364 [26-28] 9 c.1674 G > C (p.Q558H) Exon 15 1.383 This study 10 c.2093 G > A (p.R698H) Exon 18 0.821 [12,25] 11 c.2191 C > T (p. P731S) Exon 19 0.851 This study New mutations are shown in bold.
ABCB11 p.Val284Asp 23022423:102:416
status: NEW
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130 Table 4 Clinical details of patients with ABCB11 mutations. Parameters Patient 6 E135K Patient7 V284D Patient 8 D482G Patient 9 Q558H Patient 10 R698H Patient 11 P731S Onset of pruritus 3rd trimester 2nd trimester 3rd trimester 2nd trimester 2nd trimester 3rd trimester Parity 2 1 2 2 2 2 Previous ICP Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Peak of AST (U/L) 24 92 29 125 244 105 Peak of ALT (U/L) 26 215 37 315 514 198 Peak of Bilirubin (mg/dL) 0.53 0.49 Nd 0.36 0.3 0.46 Peak of GGT (U/L) 7 25 Nd 23 14 16 Total bile acids (òe;mol/L) 93.6 112.4 28 Nd 20.4 23.4 Delivery Induction of labour (36w+4 )a Caesarean section (38w)a Induction of labour (38w+4 )a Caesarean section (36w)a Caesarean section (38w)a Induction of labour (38w) Cholelithiasis No No No No No No UDCA therapy Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes AST: aspartate aminotransferase; ALT: alanine aminotransferase; GGT: ॹ-glutamyl transpeptidase; Nd: not determined. a Caesarean section or induction of labour due to pregnancy complications related to ICP (foetal distress and/or intolerable pruritus and/or persistent elevation of AST and ALT).
ABCB11 p.Val284Asp 23022423:130:96
status: NEW
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