ABCA1 p.Cys1110Ser

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PMID: 20656214 [PubMed] Kang MH et al: "Adenosine-triphosphate-binding cassette transporter-1 trafficking and function."
No. Sentence Comment
133 Inhibiting this modification either pharmacologically or by mutating the sites of palmitoylation (C3S/C23S/C1110S/C1111S) (Figure 2) dramatically reduces ABCA1 at the cell surface and decreases cholesterol and phospholipid efflux to apoA-I.
ABCA1 p.Cys1110Ser 20656214:133:107
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134 Inhibiting this modification either pharmacologically or by mutating the sites of palmitoylation (C3S/C23S/C1110S/C1111S) (Figure 2) dramatically reduces ABCA1 at the cell surface and decreases cholesterol and phospholipid efflux to apoA-I.
ABCA1 p.Cys1110Ser 20656214:134:107
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PMID: 19556522 [PubMed] Singaraja RR et al: "Palmitoylation of ATP-binding cassette transporter A1 is essential for its trafficking and function."
No. Sentence Comment
129 We generated stable cell lines harboring each of the C3S, C23S, C1110S, and C1111S mutants singly and in combination and determined the extent of both cholesterol and phospholipid efflux to ApoA-I facilitated by these cell lines.
ABCA1 p.Cys1110Ser 19556522:129:64
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136 C3S/C23S .....S.…………….……….…….…......S…………………..………..…..………………… C1110S/C1111S ....……………………………………………………..………………..…..….SS……….…….
ABCA1 p.Cys1110Ser 19556522:136:265
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137 C3S/C23S/ C1110S/C1111S .....S.………………………......…......S……………..…..…..….....SS…..………….
ABCA1 p.Cys1110Ser 19556522:137:10
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138 B C3/C23/C1110/C1111S C3/C23SC 100KDa W T C3S C23S IP: α-His WB: α-Myc 75KDa 100KDa 75KDa 3H fluorogram W T C3S C23S C3/C23S C1110/C1111S WB: α-ABCA1 3H fluorogram 250KDa 250KDa D COOHH2N B A B A C C C3S C23S C1110S C1111S WT C3/C23/C1110/C1111S Palmitoylation (Normalizedtototalprotein) E 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 p=0.000002 W T C3/23/1110/1111SW T C3/23/1110/1111SW T C3/23/1110/1111S 3H fluorogram ABCA1 ABCA1 250KDa 250KDa WB: α-ABCA1 Figure 3.
ABCA1 p.Cys1110Ser 19556522:138:227
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124 We generated stable cell lines harboring each of the C3S, C23S, C1110S, and C1111S mutants singly and in combination and determined the extent of both cholesterol and phospholipid efflux to ApoA-I facilitated by these cell lines.
ABCA1 p.Cys1110Ser 19556522:124:64
status: NEW
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131 C3S/C23S .....S.ߪߪߪߪߪ.ߪߪߪ.ߪߪ.ߪ......Sߪߪߪߪߪߪߪ..ߪߪߪ..ߪ..ߪߪߪߪߪߪߪ C1110S/C1111S ....ߪߪߪߪߪߪߪߪߪߪߪߪߪߪߪߪߪߪߪߪ..ߪߪߪߪߪߪ..ߪ..ߪ.SSߪߪߪ.ߪߪ.
ABCA1 p.Cys1110Ser 19556522:131:236
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132 C3S/C23S/ C1110S/C1111S .....S.ߪߪߪߪߪߪߪߪߪ......ߪ......Sߪߪߪߪߪ..ߪ..ߪ..ߪ.....SSߪ..ߪߪߪߪ.
ABCA1 p.Cys1110Ser 19556522:132:10
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133 B C 3 / C 2 3 / C 1 1 1 0 / C 1 1 1 1 S C3/C23S C 100KDa W T C3S C23S IP: b1;-His WB: b1;-Myc 75KDa 100KDa 75KDa 3H fluorogram W T C 3 S C 2 3 S C 3 / C 2 3 S C 1 1 1 0 / C 1 1 1 1 S WB: b1;-ABCA1 3H fluorogram 250KDa 250KDa D COOH H2N B A B A C C C3S C23S C1110S C1111S WT C3/C23/C1110/C1111S Palmitoylation (Normalized to total protein) E 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 p=0.000002 W T C 3 / 2 3 / 1 1 1 0 / 1 1 1 1 S W T C 3 / 2 3 / 1 1 1 0 / 1 1 1 1 S W T C 3 / 2 3 / 1 1 1 0 / 1 1 1 1 S 3H fluorogram ABCA1 ABCA1 250KDa 250KDa WB: b1;-ABCA1 Figure 3.
ABCA1 p.Cys1110Ser 19556522:133:266
status: NEW
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