ABCB6 p.Cys26Ala

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PMID: 21199866 [PubMed] Fukuda Y et al: "Conserved intramolecular disulfide bond is critical to trafficking and fate of ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters ABCB6 and sulfonylurea receptor 1 (SUR1)/ABCC8."
No. Sentence Comment
59 The pcDNA3.1- hABCB6-C8S/C26A-V5-His was generated by introducing a point mutation into pcDNA3.1-hABCB6-C8S-V5-His at Cys-26.
ABCB6 p.Cys26Ala 21199866:59:25
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142 Therefore, we next determined whether ABCB6 engineered to contain free thiols in the ER was ER-retained by generating the ABCB6 mutants C26A and C26S as well the mutants lacking both cysteine residues, C8S/C26S.
ABCB6 p.Cys26Ala 21199866:142:136
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157 To determine whether ABCB6 with cysteine substitutions at either position 8 or 26 was unstable, we performed pulse-chase experiments using K562 cells expressing either ABCB6, C8S, or C26A.
ABCB6 p.Cys26Ala 21199866:157:183
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160 In contrast, both C8S-ABCB6 and C26A- ABCB6 had almost identical decay curves with an estimated half-life of 9.4 and 8.0 h, respectively (Fig. 3D).
ABCB6 p.Cys26Ala 21199866:160:32
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174 ABCB6 was still glycosylated when Cys-8 was substituted with Ser to make a consensus N-glycosylation motif. B, K562 cells were transduced with plasmids containing IRES-GFP and wild-type ABCB6-, Walker A mutant (mt)-, C8S-, or C26A-FLAG.
ABCB6 p.Cys26Ala 21199866:174:226
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176 Cysteine mutants C8S and C26A were expressed at low levels.
ABCB6 p.Cys26Ala 21199866:176:25
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180 D, K562 cells stably expressing wild-type ABCB6, C8S, or C26A were labeled with [35 S]Met/Cys for 5 min, washed, and chased for the indicated times.
ABCB6 p.Cys26Ala 21199866:180:57
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229 As ABCB6 is expressed almost exclusively in the mitochondria of K562 cells (13, 37), these cells were transduced with retroviruses expressing ABCB6-FLAG, ABCB6- K629G-FLAG (a non-functional Walker A lysine mutant (13)), or ABCB6-C26A/S-FLAG by using plasmids containing IRES-GFP.
ABCB6 p.Cys26Ala 21199866:229:229
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231 The mean PPIX fluorescence in cells expressing the ABCB6-C26A mutant or nonfunctional ABCB6 was reduced in cells expressing ABCB6 (Fig. 6C and supplemental Fig. 4), indicating a loss of ability to stimulate porphyrin synthesis.
ABCB6 p.Cys26Ala 21199866:231:57
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262 Representative images from two separate experiments are shown. C, intracellular PPIX content in K562 cells transduced with GFP and with ABCB6-FLAG, the Walker A mutant (mt)-FLAG, or ABCB6-C26A-FLAG was measured by flow cytometric analysis of GFP-positive cells.
ABCB6 p.Cys26Ala 21199866:262:188
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