ABCC8 p.Arg1379His

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PMID: 17389331 [PubMed] Vaxillaire M et al: "New ABCC8 mutations in relapsing neonatal diabetes and clinical features."
No. Sentence Comment
38 We identified eight heterozygous missense ABCC8 mutations in 8 of the 16 patients with neonatal diabetes, six of which have not yet been reported: E208K (c.622GϾA), A269D (c.806CϾA), V324M (c.970GϾA), R825W (c.2473CϾT), R1379H (c.4136GϾA), and V1523M (c.4567GϾA) (Fig. 1).
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39 The two other mutations, L582V (c.1744CϾG) and R1182Q (c.3545GϾA), had been previously described by our group in three independent families with TND cases (13).
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44 V324M is located in the transmembrane domain (TMD)6 of TMD1, and R1379H and V1523M are in the nucleotide-binding domain 2, the domain argued to hydrolyze MgATP.
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45 A269D and R825W lie in the helical intracellular coupling domains (4).
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48 We have sequenced both parents of the patients (those carrying an ABCC8 mutation, except in two families of probands CD-R1379H and GK-V324M [only the mother sample was available for genetic testing; see Table 1]).
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52 The V324M and R1379H mutations tested negative in the mothers, and the two fathers were not available for genetic testing.
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63 One patient (CD-R1379H) has a hyperactivity disorder with attention deficit disorder associated with speech developmental delay and feeding behavior anomalies.
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77 In the ND-SUR1 patients, an apparently mild phenotype, i.e., without neurological features, is observed in the TND families, except in a few cases presenting with PND (13) TABLE1 ClinicalfeaturesinneonataldiabeticpatientsscreenedpositiveforABCC8mutations Patient SGMGKKSLMCNCDDLNJ MutationE208KV324ML582VR825WR1182QR1379HV1523MA269D SexFemaleMaleMaleFemaleFemaleMaleMaleFemale TypeofdiabetesTNDTNDTNDTNDTNDTNDPND Notyet known Atbirth Weight(g/percentile)1,790/321,660/Ͻ33,250/282,300/Ͻ32,930/103,150/432,710/312,390/Ͻ3 Gestationweek33.53739394138.53739 Atpresentation Age(days)1112361013426766 Weight(g)1,7904,2904,3002,5203,0003,6903,6605,100 PresentationGlucose monitoring KetoacidosisKetoacidosisGlucose monitoring WeightlossKetoacidosisKetoacidosisKetoaciduria Glucose(mmol/l)12.424.160.516.824.164.23627.5 Autoantibodies00000000 Insulindose(units⅐kg-1 ⅐day-1 )0.1012.400.300.720.502.500.72 PancreasultrasonographyNANANNNNNN Currentstatus Age(months)712728134833188.7 Height(cm/SD)63/-1.6134.5/-0.790.2/0.672.5/-0.4101.2/0.296/184/1.370/0.8 Weight(kg/percentile)6.15/323.6/Ͻ313.5/759.62/5614.9/5017.5/Ͼ9711/318.52/50 Diabetes(yes[ϩ],no[-])-ϩ(9)*----ϩϩ Insulindose(units⅐kg-1 ⅐day-1 )00†00000.600.62 A1Catlastexamination(%) Neurologicalfeatures MuscleweaknessNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo MotordevelopmentaldelayNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo EpilepsyNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo MentaldevelopmentaldelayNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo SpeechdevelopmentaldelayNoYesNoNoNoYesNoNo DysmorphicfeaturesNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo OtherfeaturesNoNoNoNoNoHyperkinesia, troubleof feeding behavior NoHypotonia ParentwithamutationFatherNone‡FatherFatherNoneNone‡NoneMother Glucosetolerance§IGT-NN---N Ageatexamination(year)41-3129---25 A1Catlastexamination(%)¶5.4-6.1NA---5.2 BMIatlastexamination(kg/m2 )27-2422---NA *Ageatrelapse,inyear.†PatientGK-V324Mwassuccessfullyswitchedtoglibenclamide(gliburide)attheageof9.5years(currentdose2.5mg/day;weight25kg).‡Onlythemotherwas screenedforthemutation;thefatherofGK-V324Mdied,andnoinformationisavailableonthebiologicalfatherofCD-R1379H.§Assessedbyanoralglucosetolerancetest.¶Upperlimit ofnormalvaluesforA1C:5.6%.IGT,impairedglucosetolerance;N,normal;NA,notavailable.
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ABCC8 p.Arg1379His 17389331:77:2153
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49 We have sequenced both parents of the patients (those carrying an ABCC8 mutation, except in two families of probands CD-R1379H and GK-V324M [only the mother sample was available for genetic testing; see Table 1]).
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53 The V324M and R1379H mutations tested negative in the mothers, and the two fathers were not available for genetic testing.
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64 One patient (CD-R1379H) has a hyperactivity disorder with attention deficit disorder associated with speech developmental delay and feeding behavior anomalies.
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79 ߥOnly the mother was screened for the mutation; the father of GK-V324M died, and no information is available on the biological father of CD-R1379H.
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