ABCC8 p.Leu1148Arg

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PMID: 16429405 [PubMed] Fernandez-Marmiesse A et al: "Mutation spectra of ABCC8 gene in Spanish patients with Hyperinsulinism of Infancy (HI)."
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137 Clinical characteristics of HI Spanish patients that carry at least one mutation in ABCC8 Mutationsg Pa Ob Sex Mc Td PCe PTf Pchrh Mchrh 1a Gal M >p90 DZ 5 (>90%) OT, NF, GC p.R248X c.3576delG 1b Gal F >p50 DZ, OT, NF - OT, NF, NGT p.R248X c.3576delG 3 Gal F >p90 DZ 2 (95%) - c.584 585insA c.584 585insA 4 Gal M >p75 DZ 4 (95%) DZ, NGT c.584 585insA c.584 585insA 5 Gal M >p50 OT, DZ 16 (90%) - c.1347 1348delGA - 8 Cast M >p75 DZ, OT, GC - - p.M233R - 9 Cast F >p75 DZ 0.5 (85%) DZ, OT, PC (99%) p.G111R - 12 And M - - - - c.4612 -2 A>T p.D310N 14 Cat M >p75 DZ - - p.R934X c.3992-9 G>A 17 Cat F >p90 DZ, OT - - c.3133 3152del c.4619 4620insT 18 Cat M <p50 DZ, CNF 0.5 (95%) DZ c.1732 1746dup - 19 Can M <p50 DZ, NF, OT 2 (99%) - c.1332+4438 1631-9207del c.1332+4438 1631-9207del 20 Cat M - DZ, NF, GC - - c.2142delG p.T1131P 21 Cat F >p50 DZ, NF - - - i - i 23 Bal M >p90 CNF - - c.4310 G>A c.1732 1746dup 25 Mor M - DZ, OT yes (EXITUS) p.N188S, c.4123-19 C>T p.N188S, c.4123-19 C>T 27 Cast F >p75 DZ, CNF 24 (75%) PC (99%) p.R598X p.L1451P 28 Cat M >p90 DZ, CNF - - p.R1251X p.L1148R 30 Cast M >p90 DZ, OT 5 (95%) DZ, OT (EXITUS) p.R74W - 31 Gal F >p90 DZ 0.5 (95%) DZ - p.K719T 32 Cat F >p90 DZ - - - p.N1296K 33 Cast F >p75 DZ, OT 1 (95%) DZ, OT c.3291 3292delGC - 34 Val F >p90 DZ, NF - (EXITUS) p.P551R - a P = patient.
ABCC8 p.Leu1148Arg 16429405:137:1081
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147 Genetic variants found in ABCC8 gene from HI Spanish cohort Mutations considered pathogenic nt change a aa change a Type E/Ic Domaind Patient Refe PSIC f Polypheng C h c.220C>T p.R74W MIS E2 CL1 P30 NR 2.257 PrD Highly c.331G>C p.G111R MIS E3 TM3 P9 [1] 1.672 PsD Moderately c.563A>G p.N188S MIS E4 TM5 P25 [2] 1.494 Benign Highly c.698T>G p.M233R MIS E5 CL3 P8 NR 2.428 PrD Highly c.584_585insA p.Y195X FS E5 ─ P3, P4 NR ─ ─ ─ c.742C>T p.R248X NON E5 ─ P1a, P1b [3] ─ ─ ─ c.928G>A p.D310N MIS E6 CL3 P12 NR 1.614 PsD Highly c.1347_1348delGA p.V449VfsX493 FS E9 ─ P5 NR ─ ─ ─ c.1332+4438_1631-9207del p.I445FfsX447 FS ─ ─ P19 NR ─ ─ ─ c.1652C>G p.P551R MIS E11 TM10 P34 NR 2.1 PsD Highly c.1732_1746dup p.A578_L582dup IFins E12 ─ P18, P23 NR ─ ─ ─ c.1792C>T p.R598X NON E12 ─ P27 NR ─ ─ ─ c.2156 A>C p.K719T MIS E16 CL6 P31 NR 1.927 PsD Highly c.2142delG p.Q714QfsX724 FS E16 ─ P20 NR ─ ─ ─ c.2394-2A>G ─ AS I19 ─ P21 NR ─ ─ ─ c.2800C>T p.R934X NON E23 ─ P14 NR ─ ─ ─ c.3133_3152del p.L1045LfsX1107 FS E25 ─ P17 [6] ─ ─ ─ c.3291_3292delGC p.L1097LfsX1113 FS E26 ─ P33 NR c.3391A>C p.T1131P MIS E27 CL7 P20 NR 1.777 PsD Moderately c.3443T>G p.L1148R MIS E28 TM14 P28 NR 1.722 PsD Highly c.3576delG p.L1191LfsX1207 FS E29 ─ P1a, P1b, NR ─ ─ ─ c.3751C>T p.R1251X NON E30 ─ P28 NR ─ ─ ─ c.3888C>G p.N1296K MIS E32 TM17 P32 NR 1.924 PsD Highly c.3992-9G>A ─ AS I 32 ─ P14 [4] ─ ─ ─ c.4123-19C>T ─ AS I33 ─ P25 [5] ─ ─ ─ c.4310G>A ─ AS E35 ─ P23 [4] ─ ─ ─ c.4352T>C p.L1451P MIS E36 CL9 P27 NR 1.797 PsD Highly c.4612-2 A>T ─ AS I38 ─ P12 NR ─ ─ ─ c.4619_4620insT p.H1540AfsX1559 FS E39 ─ P17 NR ─ ─ ─ Polimorphisms and unclassified variants nt change a aa change a Type E/Ic SNPid Patientsi Controls NCBI j Exclusion c. 207T>C p.P69P SYN E2 rs1048099 28/46 ─ 0.50 S c. 330C>T p.A110A SYN E3 rs8192695 2/48 ─ 0.04 S c.
ABCC8 p.Leu1148Arg 16429405:147:1443
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166 ESEfinder score change of some variants of ABCC8 gene nt change aa change ESE changes a SF2-ASF SC35 SRp40 SRp55 Mutations c.220C>T R74W Lost 2.9 Gain 0.64 Gain 1.49 Lost 1.55 c.331G>C G111R M 2.58 - - - c.563A>G N188S - M 0.36 - Gain 0.61 c.2156 A>C K719T - - - Gain 2.14 c.3391A>C T1131P Lost 1.74 c.3443T>G L1148R M +2.12 Gain 2.39 c.3888C>G N1296K ─ ─ Lost 1.73 ─ c.4352T>C L1451P M -0.42 Lost 0.65 Gain 1.54 ─ Polymorphisms and unclassified variants c. 207T>C P69P Gain 1.458 M -0.645 ─ ─ c. 330C>T A110A M -2.524 ─ ─ ─ c. 1686C>T H562H ─ Lost-0.645 M -0.356 M +1.551 c. 1707C>T* A569A Lost 2.397 ─ ─ ─ c. 1947G>A K649K ─ ─ Lost 0.846 M -0.609 c. 2280C>T T760T Lost 2.524 ─ M +0.356 ─ c. 3822G>A R1274R M -2.824 Lost 2.382 ─ c. 4108T>G S1370A ─ M +0.648 ─ ─ c. 4717G>A V1573I ─ ─ M -0.609 a Lost (or gain) of an ESE below (above) the threshold values (SF2-ASF = 1.956; SC35 = 2.383; SRp40 = 2.67; SRp55 =2.676; Cartegni et al. 2003) are indicated.
ABCC8 p.Leu1148Arg 16429405:166:310
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PMID: 18339976 [PubMed] Gussinyer M et al: "Glucose intolerance and diabetes are observed in the long-term follow-up of nonpancreatectomized patients with persistent hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia of infancy due to mutations in the ABCC8 gene."
No. Sentence Comment
14 ABCC8 gene study (39 exons and intron-exon boundaries) showed the following: patient 1, 2800CϾT (R934X; exon 23) and 3992-9GϾA (intron 32), parents not evaluated; patient 2, 3576delG (L1191LfsX1207; exon 29, paternal) and 3751CϾT (R1251X; exon 30, maternal); and patient 3, 3443TϾG (L1148R; exon 28, maternal) and 3751CϾT (R1251X; exon 30, paternal) (4).
ABCC8 p.Leu1148Arg 18339976:14:307
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