ABCC2 p.Arg1150His
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PMID: 18464048
Gradhand U et al: "Pharmacogenomics of MRP transporters (ABCC1-5) and BCRP (ABCG2)."
Several molecular defects in MRP2 have been suggested to result in DJS including those which produce deficient protein maturation (Hashimoto et al., 2002; Keitel et al., 2003), proteasomal degradation (Keitel, 2003), impaired membrane sorting (Hashimoto et al., 2002; Mor-Cohen et al., 2001), loss in transport activity (Mor-Cohen et al., 2001), Figure 2 Predicted membrance topology of MRP2 (ABCC2) based on hydrophobicity analysis. Locations of the non-synonymous polymorphisms are indicated with arrows. See Table 2 for allele frequencies and description of funtional consequences. NH2 COOH NBD NBD in out Membrane Pro19Leu Phe39Tyr Arg100* Arg100Gln Ser281Asn Ser325* Asp333Gly Arg353His Arg412Gly Val417Ile Lys430Arg Thr486Ile Gly676Arg Trp709Arg Asn718Ser Ser789Phe Arg768Trp Asp833Asn Glu893Gln Leu927Arg Lys961Arg Tyr967* Phe981Leu Gln1019His Arg1066* Arg1150His Arg1100Cys Arg1100His Ile1137Phe Ile1173Phe Val1188Glu Arg1174His Arg1181Leu Asn1244Lys Thr1273Ala Pro1291Leu Lys1299Gln Arg1310* Ser1367Cys Gln1382Arg Arg1392del Met1393del Ala1450Thr Thr1476Met Cys1515Tyr MRP2 (ABCC2) NBD NBD Asp833Asn Glu893Gln Leu927Arg Lys961Arg Tyr967* NBD NBDNBD Asp833Asn Glu893Gln Leu927Arg Lys961Arg Tyr967* 325 Table2MRP2(ABCC2)singlenucleotidepolymorphisms.Location,allelefrequencyandfunctionaleffects. Positionin codingsequence Amino acidexchangeLocation Allelefrequency EffectNCBIIDReferenceAfCaJpothers 56C>TPro19LeuExon2--1[1]b -- 116T>APhe39TyrExon2--0[2]--rs927344 298C>TArg100*Exon3--[3]-DJS[3] 299G>AArg100GlnExon3--1[1]b -- 842G>ASer281AsnExon7-0[4]1[1]b -- 974C>GSer325*Exon8---Malayan[5]DJS[5] 998A>GAsp333GlyExon8--0[2]--rs17222674 1058G>AArg353HisExon9--0[2]--rs7080681 1271A>GArg412GlyExon10-[6]0[2]-DJS;Decreaseinmethotrexateelimination[6] 1249G>AVal417IleExon10-22[7]13[9]-lowermRNAand(protein)expressioninpreterm placenta[11] rs2273697 26[8]16[4]noeffectonRNAandproteinininduodenum[12] 19[10]noeffectonproteininliver[8] noeffectonconjugatedbilirubinlevelinserum[13] changesinlocalizationinneuroepithelialtumors[14] possibleassociationwithtenofovir-inducedrenal proximaltubulopathy[15] 1289A>GLys430ArgExon10-4[16]0[2]-- 1457C>TThr486IleExon10-0[4]3[1]b -- 2026G>CGly676Arg--0[2]-DJS[17] 2125T>CTrp709Arg--0[2]-DJS[17] 2153A>GAsn718SerExon17-0[4]0[2]--rs3740072 2302C>TArg768TrpExon18-0[18]1[9]-DJS;deficientmaturationandimpairedsorting[19] 2366C>TSer789PheExon18-0[18]1[9]-lowerexpressionandmembranelocalization[20] noeffectonconjugatedbilirubinlevelinserum[13]/ heterozygous 2647G>AAsp883AsnExon20--1[1]b -- 2677G>CGlu893GlnExon20--0[2]--rs3740071 2780T>GLeu927ArgExon21-1[10]0[2]-- (Continued) Table2(Continued) Positionin codingsequence Aminoacid exchangeLocation Allelefrequency EffectNCBIIDReferenceAfCaJpothers 2882A>GLys961ArgExon21--1[1]b --- 2901C>ATyr967*Exon22--0[2]--rs17222547 2943C>GPhe981LeuExon22-2[21]0[2]-Noinfluenceonpravastatinkinetics[21] 3057G>TGln1019HisExon22--1[1]b -- 3196C>TArg1066*Exon23-[22]0[2]-DJS;truncatedprotein[22][23] 3298C>TArg1100CysExon24-1[10]0[2]-- 3299G>AArg1100HisExon24-1[10]0[2]-- 3449G>AArg1150HisExon25--0[2]Israeli[24]DJS;impairedtransportactivityintransfectedcells althoughnormalexpressionandlocalization[24] 3517A>TIle1173PheExon25--0[2]Israeli[24]DJS;impairedproteinmaturationandproteasomal degradation[25] lowexpression,mislocation,andimpairedtransport activityintransfectedcells[24] 3521G>AArg1174HisExon25-0[4]1[1]b -- 3542G>TArg1181LeuExon25-0[4]0[2]--rs8187692 3563T>AVal1188GluExon25-7[4]1[1]b -noeffectonnelfinaviraccumulationinPBMC[4],rs17222723 4[16]associatedwithanthracycline-induced cardiotoxicity[26] 6[8] 3732C>TAsn1244LysExon26--0[1]b -- 0[2] 3817A>GThr1273AlaExon27--0[2]--rs8187699 3872C>TPro1291LeuExon28--0[2]--rs17216317 3897A>CLys1299GlnExon28--0[2]--rs4148400 3928C>TArg1310*Exon28--0[2]-DJS[17,27] 4100C>GSer1367CysExon29--1[1]b -- 4145A>GGln1382ArgExon29--[28]-DJS;noeffectonmaturationorsorting,impaired substrate-inducedATPhydrolysis[19] 4175-80delArg1392delExon30--0[2]-DJS;deficientMRP2maturationandimpaired sortingtoapicalmembraneintransfectedcells[29] 327 4348G>AAla11450ThrExon31-0[18]1[9]-lowerexperssionandmembracelocalizationin transfectedcells[20] 4461C>TThr1476MetExon31-[30]1[2]-- 4544G>ACys1515TyrExon32-9[4]1[1]b -noeffectonnelfinaviraccumulationinPBMC[4]rs8187710 5[10]associatedwithanthracycline-induced cardiotoxicity[26] 4[16] 6[8] ReferencewithoutfrequencymeansthatSNPwasdetectedbutnofrequencydetermined.
ABCC2 p.Arg1150His 18464048:101:860
status: NEW
Two mutations 3517A>T and 3449G>A, predicting the substitution Ile1173Phe and Arg1150His, respectively, impaired the transport of carboxyfluorescein by ABCC2, while the 3517A>T mutation induced weaker ABCC2 expression and mislocation to the ER [39, 41].
ABCC2 p.Arg1150His 18673259:33:78
status: NEW
PMID: 14965249
Haimeur A et al: "The MRP-related and BCRP/ABCG2 multidrug resistance proteins: biology, substrate specificity and regulation."
Two other DJS mutations that are not in the NBDs are Arg1150His and Ile1173Phe [276, 277].
ABCC2 p.Arg1150His 14965249:380:53
status: NEW381 When recreated in vitro, MRP2-Arg1150His correctly localized to the apical membrane, but its transport activity was impaired.
ABCC2 p.Arg1150His 14965249:381:30
status: NEW383 The Ile1173Phe and Arg1150His mutations are both in MSD3 but their precise location varies according to different topological models of the protein.
ABCC2 p.Arg1150His 14965249:383:19
status: NEW
PMID: 16006996
Conseil G et al: "Polymorphisms of MRP1 (ABCC1) and related ATP-dependent drug transporters."
The G3449A mutation (which results in a substitution of His for Arg1150 ) is found in Moroccan- Jewish DJS patients whereas the MRP2-Ile1173Phe (A3517T) mutation is mainly found in Iranian-Jewish patients.
ABCC2 p.Arg1150His 16006996:167:56
status: NEW168 Although both the Arg1150His and Ile1173Phe mutations eliminate MRP2 transport activity in vitro, the Ile1173Phe variant protein also exists predominantly in an underglycosylated form that is retained in the endoplasmic reticulum [47,48].
ABCC2 p.Arg1150His 16006996:168:18
status: NEW
PMID: 16041239
Colombo S et al: "Influence of ABCB1, ABCC1, ABCC2, and ABCG2 haplotypes on the cellular exposure of nelfinavir in vivo."
- 24C > T exon 1 Itoda et al., 2002 mp-v-004 rs717620 IVS 6-30 G > T intron 6 Epidauros mp-v-051 rs8187666 c.842G > A exon 7 p.S281N Epidauros mp-v-115 c.998G > A intron 7 Epidauros mp-v-083 c.1219C > T exon 10 synonymous (p.L407L) Epidauros mp-v-007 rs8187669 c.1249G > A exon 10 p.V417I Itoda et al., 2002 mp-v-008 rs2273697 c.1346C > G exon 10 synonymous (p.T482T) Epidauros mp-v-114 c.1457C > T exon 10 p.T486I Epidauros mp-v-055 rs8187670 IVS 16 - 47 G > A intron 16 Epidauros mp-v-118 IVS 16 - 30 T > A intron 16 Epidauros mp-v-119 c.2153A > G exon 17 p.N718S Epidauros mp-v-093 rs3740072 c.2216T > C exon 17 p.L739P Epidauros mp-v-108 c.3449G > A exon 25 p.R1150H Mor-Cohen et al., 2001 mp-v-085 c.3517A > T exon 25 p.I1173F Keitel et al., 2003 mp-v-096 c.3521G > A exon 25 p.R1174H Epidauros mp-v-068 c.3542G > T exon 25 p.R1181L Epidauros mp-v-069 rs8187692 c.3563T > A exon 25 p.V1188E Epidauros mp-v-025 rs8187694 IVS 30 - 53 C > T intron 30 Epidauros mp-v-105 rs3824610 c.4348G > A exon 31 p.A1450T Suzuki et al. 2002 mp-v-106 c.4410G > A exon 31 synonymous (p.E1470E) Epidauros mp-v-077 rs8187706 c.4488C > T exon 31 synonymous (p.H1496H) Epidauros mp-v-038 rs8187707 IVS 31 + 12 G > A intron 31 Epidauros mp-v-039 rs8187708 IVS 31 + 74 C > T intron 31 Epidauros mp-v-040 IVS 31 - 9 T > C intron 31 Epidauros mp-v-042 c 4527C > T exon 32 synonymous (p.A1509A) Epidauros mp-v-048 rs8187709 c.4544G > A exon 32 p.C1515Y Epidauros mp-v-043 rs8187710 + 259 G > T 30 flanking Epidauros mp-v-120 Transporter polymorphisms and HIV treatment Colombo et al. 601 BCRP (ABCG2) g.
ABCC2 p.Arg1150His 16041239:71:664
status: NEW
PMID: 16230346
Conseil G et al: "Functional importance of three basic residues clustered at the cytosolic interface of transmembrane helix 15 in the multidrug and organic anion transporter MRP1 (ABCC1)."
In addition, a His substitution of Arg1150 in MRP2 (also analogous to MRP1-Arg1142 ) has been reported in a group of Moroccan Jewish individuals affected by Dubin-Johnson syndrome (38).
ABCC2 p.Arg1150His 16230346:174:15
status: NEW
PMID: 16442101
Frelet A et al: "Insight in eukaryotic ABC transporter function by mutation analysis."
R1150H and I1173F mutations eliminated transport activity in vitro.
ABCC2 p.Arg1150His 16442101:496:0
status: NEW
PMID: 18220559
Yu XQ et al: "Multidrug resistance associated proteins as determining factors of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of drugs."
Important Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) of MRP Genes MRP Chromosomal location Amino acid variation Nucleotide variation Location References Cys43Ser Thr73Ile G128C C218T Exon2 Exon2 [239] Arg433Ser G1299T Exon10 [258] Gly671Val G2012T Exon16 [259] Arg723Gln G2168A Exon17 [239] MRP1 16p13.11-p13.12 Arg1058Gln G3173A Exon23 [239] C-24T Promoter [100, 239] Val417Ile G1249A Exon10 [100, 238, 239] Gly676Arg G2026C Exon16 [237] Try709Arg T2125C Exon17 [236] Arg768Trp Ser789Phe C2302T C2366T Exon18 Exon18 [100, 238, 239] I1173F R1150H A3517T G3449A Exon25 Exon25 [240] Ile1324Ile C3972T Exon28 [100, 239] MRP2 10q23-24 Ala1450Thr G4348A Exon31 [100, 238, 239] (Table 2) contd….
ABCC2 p.Arg1150His 18220559:405:536
status: NEW
PMID: 12673275
Hu X et al: "ABCC6/MRP6 mutations: further insight into the molecular pathology of pseudoxanthoma elasticum."
Further alignment showed that the R765Q mutation in ABCC6/MRP6 is the positional equivalent of both the R560T mutation in ABCC7,28 and the R842G mutation in ABCC8.29 Similarly, additional possible positional equivalent clusters of conserved and mutated residues were found between ABCC6/ MRP6 and ABCC2 (R1114H and R1150H),30 ABCC6/MRP6 and ABCC7 (3775 del T and W1204X),31 ABCC6/MRP6 and ABCR (R1459C and H2128R, 4220InsAGAA and R2077W, R1141X and L1631P).32,33 Interestingly, for both ABCC7 and ABCR, models were postulated in which the severity of the disease shows an inverse correlation with the predicted transport activity of the ABC protein.
ABCC2 p.Arg1150His 12673275:128:315
status: NEW
PMID: 16086317
Miksch S et al: "Molecular genetics of pseudoxanthoma elasticum: type and frequency of mutations in ABCC6."
R1150H in ABCC2 aligns with R1114H in ABCC6 within the second cytosolic loop of TMD2.
ABCC2 p.Arg1150His 16086317:293:0
status: NEW
PMID: 22565165
Grover S et al: "Genetic association analysis of transporters identifies ABCC2 loci for seizure control in women with epilepsy on first-line antiepileptic drugs."
- 24C > T 50 UTR k Promoter activity [haplotype containing (- 1549A)-(- 24T)] [33] k mRNA expression [29] m Expression and activity [35] m Expression [haplotype containing (- 24C)-1249A- 3972C] [36] k Expression [haplotype containing (- 24C)- 1249G- 3972T, (-24T)-1249G- 3972C or (-24T)-1249G- 3972T] [36] k Clearance of mycophenolic acid [35] k Clearance of methotrexate [37] k Clearance of irinotecan (ABCC2*2 containing the wild-type C allele) [29] 0.137 5 rs4919395 chr10:101542963 c.33 + 329G > A Intron 1 0.384 6 rs2756104 chr10:101544026 c.34 - 339C > T Intron 1 0.392 7 rs927344 chr10:101544447 c.116T > A Exon 2 (Phe39Tyr) 0.000 8 rs4148385 chr10:101548177 c.207+ 3639C > A Intron 2 0.382 9 rs2180990 chr10:101548974 c.208 - 3017C > G Intron 2 0.392 10 rs35191126 chr10:101549533:34 c.208 - 2458_208 - 2457G > delG Intron 2 0.384 11 rs4148389 chr10:101549911 c.208 - 2080A > G Intron 2 0.396 12 rs2804400 chr10:101553259 c.334 - 49C > T Intron 3 0.394 13 rs2756109 chr10:101558746 c.868 - 218T > G Intron 7 0.364 14 rs7080681 chr10:101560169 c.1058G > A Exon 9 (Arg353His) 0.000 15 rs2273697 chr10:101563815 c.1249G > A Exon 10 (Val417Ile) m mRNA expression [38] m Expression [haplotype containing (- 24C)-1249A- 3972C] [36] k Expression [haplotype containing (- 24C)- 1249G- 3972T, (-24T)-1249G- 3972C or (-24T)-1249G- 3972T] [36] k Clearance of irinotecan (ABCC*2 containing G allele) [34] 0.271 16 rs113646094 chr10:101564012 c.1446C > G Exon 10 (Thr482Thr) m mRNA expression [39] 0.002 17 rs2073337 chr10:101567426 c.1668 + 148A > G Intron 12 0.388 18 rs2756114 chr10:101569483 c.1816 - 408T > C Intron 13 0.393 19 rs3740074 chr10:101571528 c.1967+ 169T > C Intron 15 0.368 20 rs4148394 chr10:101572343 c.1968 - 432A > C Intron 15 0.206 21 rs3740072 chr10:101577123 c.2153A > G Exon 17 (Asn718Ser) 0.000 22 rs56199535 chr10:101578577 c.2302C > T Exon 18 (Arg768Trp) 0.000 23 rs56220353 chr10:101578641 c.2366C > G/T Exon 18 (Ser789Cys/Phe) k Activity, k expression and impaired membrane localization [40] 0.000 24 rs2002042 chr10:101587931 c.2621 - 2133C > T Intron 19 0.204 25 rs11442349 chr10:101589215:16 c.2621 - 849_2621 - 848T > delT Intron 19 0.375 26 rs3740071 chr10:101590120 c.2677C > G Exon 20 (Gln893Glu) 0.000 27 rs7898096 chr10:101593385 c.3259 -752G > A Intron 23 0.000 28 rs17216345 chr10:101594274 c.3396T > C Exon 24 (Ile1132Ile) 0.027 29 rs72558200 chr10:101595882 c.3449 G > A Exon 25 (Arg1150His) 0.000 30 rs72558201 chr10:101595950 c.3517 A > T Exon 25 (Ile1173Phe) 0.000 31 rs8187692 chr10:101595975 c.3542G > T Exon 25 (Leu1181Arg) 0.000 32 rs17222723 chr10:101595996 c.3563T > A Exon 25 (Val1188Glu) m Expression [41] 0.016 ABCC2 polymorphism and response to AEDs Grover et al. 451 or liver functioning.
ABCC2 p.Arg1150His 22565165:89:2419
status: NEW
PMID: 22290738
Arlanov R et al: "Functional characterization of protein variants of the human multidrug transporter ABCC2 by a novel targeted expression system in fibrosarcoma cells."
Computational comparative genomic studies using PolyPhen 2 predicted that nine of these ABCC2 variants (F39Y, D333G, I670T, I1036T, R1174H, R1181L, V1188E, N1244K, and P1291L) would be located within the transmembrane regions, close to the ATP-binding domain of ABCC2 or close to two missense variants (I1173F, R1150H) causing Dubin-Johnson syndrome [Keitel et al., 2003; Mor-Cohen et al., 2001].
ABCC2 p.Arg1150His 22290738:169:311
status: NEW272 The selected variants R1174H, R1181L, and V1188E (linked to C1515Y) from the present study, in addition to two recently identified variants that cause Dubin-Johnson syndrome (R1150H, I1173F), are located at the same gene region between the transmembrane helices TM15 and TM16.
ABCC2 p.Arg1150His 22290738:272:175
status: NEW
PMID: 20082599
Jemnitz K et al: "ABCC2/Abcc2: a multispecific transporter with dominant excretory functions."
Among these mutations recently compiled by Nies and Keppler (2007), of the five amino acids affected that are located outside the nucleotide-binding domains, four are basic (R100X, R393W, R1066X, and R1150H) and one is neutral (I1173F).
ABCC2 p.Arg1150His 20082599:113:200
status: NEW114 R1150H is normally processed, but nonfunctional (Mor-Cohen et al., 2001).
ABCC2 p.Arg1150His 20082599:114:0
status: NEW
PMID: 17287630
Mor-Cohen R et al: "Age estimates of ancestral mutations causing factor VII deficiency and Dubin-Johnson syndrome in Iranian and Moroccan Jews are consistent with ancient Jewish migrations."
FVII deficiency in both populations is caused by a founder A244V mutation in the F7 gene and DJS is caused by two founder mutations, I1173F and R1150H in the MRP2 gene that are specific for Iranian and Moroccan Jewish patients, respectively.
ABCC2 p.Arg1150His 17287630:2:144
status: NEW19 We previously reported two distinct missense mutations, I1173F and R1150H, causing DJS in Iranian and Moroccan Jewish patients, respectively.
ABCC2 p.Arg1150His 17287630:19:67
status: NEW67 We also showed that DJS is prevalent in both populations and is caused by distinct mutations, I1173F in Iranian Jews and R1150H in Moroccan Jews [17].
ABCC2 p.Arg1150His 17287630:67:121
status: NEW74 An age estimate was not performed for the R1150H mutation due to the small number of available patients (five patients from four unrelated families).
ABCC2 p.Arg1150His 17287630:74:42
status: NEW75 The fact that R1150H is a founder mutation unique for Moroccan Jews, however, indicates that it probably occurred after the separation of the two populations.
ABCC2 p.Arg1150His 17287630:75:14
status: NEW
Although all sequence variants associated with Dubin-Johnson syndrome result in the absence of a Table 3 Nucleotide sequence variants in the human ABCC2 gene (NM_000392) leading to amino acid changes in the ABCC2/MRP2 protein (NP_000383) Location Nucleotide changea Deduced effect on proteina Causing Dubin-Johnson syndromeb Predicted effect by PolyPhen databasec Experimentally proven functional consequence Average frequency of indicated nucleotide exchange in population NCBI SNP IDd and/or references Exon 2 c.56 C>Te p.P19L Probably damaging T: 0.007 [63] Exon 2 c.116 T>A p.F39Y Benign A: 0.010 rs927344 A: 0.008 rs17222603 Exon 3 c.298 C>T p.R100Xf DJS [154] Exon 3 c.299 G>Ae p.R100Q Possibly damaging A: 0.007 [63] Exon 7 c.736 A>C p.M246L Benign C: 0.002 rs8187667 C: 0.002 rs17222744 Exon 7 c.842 G>A p.S281N Benign A: 0.0060.056 [117] Exon 8 c.998 A>G p.D333G Possibly damaging G: 0.002 rs8187668 G: 0.004 rs17222674 Exon 9 c.1058 G>A p.R353H Benign A: 0.009 rs7080681 A: 0.014 rs17216205 Exon 9 c.1177 C>T p.R393W DJS Probably damaging [104, 112] Exon 10 c.1234 A>G p.R412G Probably damaging Deficient methotrexate transport function [56] Exon 10 c.1249 G>A p.V417I Benign None apparent [50] A: 0.163 rs2273697, [146] A: 0.158 rs17216184 A: 0.125 [62] A: 0.1830.312 [117] Exon 10 c.1457 C>T p.T486I Benign T: 0.002 rs8187670 T: 0.002 rs17222589 Exon 11 c.1483 A>G p.K495E Possibly damaging G: 0.002 rs8187672 G: 0.002 rs17222561 Exon 13 c.1686 T>G p.F562L Benign G: 0.002 rs8187673 G: 0.002 rs17216233 Exon 16 c.2009 T>C p.I670T Benign rs8187676 C: 0.006 rs17222632 Exon 16 c.2026 G>C p.G676R DJS Probably damaging [181] Exon 17 c.2125 T>C p.W709R DJS Probably damaging [111] Exon 17 c.2153 A>G p.N718S Possibly damaging rs3740072 Exon 17 c.2215 C>T p.L739F Probably damaging T: 0.006 [51] Exon 18 c.2302 C>T p.R768W DJS Probably damaging Deficient maturation and impaired sorting [47] T: 0.010 [62] [168, 180] Exon 18 c.2366 C>T p.S789F Probably damaging Reduced protein levels [50] T: 0.010 [62] Exon 19 c.2546 T>G p.L849R Benign G: 0.002 rs8187689 G: 0.006 rs17222617 Exon 20 c.2647 G>Ae p.D883N Benign A: 0.007 [63] Exon 20 c.2677 G>C p.E893Q Benign rs3740071 Exon 21 c.2882 A>Ge p.K961R Benign G: 0.007 [63] Exon 22 c.2901 C>A p.Y967Xf A: 0.002 rs8187683 A: 0.002 rs17222547 Exon 22 c.2944 A>G p.I982V Benign G: 0.002 rs8187684 G: 0.002 rs17222554 Exon 22 c.3057 G>Te p.Q1019H Benign T: 0.007 [63] Exon 23 c.3107 T>C p.I1036T Possibly damaging C: 0.002 rs8187685 C: 0.004 rs17216149 Exon 23 c.3188 A>G p.N1063S Benign G: 0.002 rs8187686 G: 0.002 rs17222540 Exon 23 c.3196 C>T p.R1066Xf DJS No ABCC2 protein in liver [134] Exon 25 c.3449 G>A p.R1150H DJS Probably damaging Deficient transport function A: 00.009 [117] Exon 25 c.3517 A>T p.I1173F DJS Probably damaging Deficient maturation and impaired sorting, deficient transport function T: 00.029 [117] [80, 117] Exon 25 c.3521 G>Ae p.R1174H Probably damaging A: 0.007 [63] Exon 25 c.3542 G>T p.R1181L Possibly damaging T: 0.039 rs8187692 T: 0.034 rs17222702 Exon 25 c.3563 T>A p.V1188E Benign A: 0.059 rs8187694 A: 0.059 rs17222723 Exon 26 c.3732 T>Ge p.N1244K Possibly damaging G: 0.014 [63] Exon 27 c.3817 A>G p.T1273A Benign G: 0.002 rs8187699 G: 0.004 rs17222582 Exon 27 c.3825 C>G p.Y1275Xf DJS No ABCC2 protein in liver [104] Exon 28 c.3872 C>T p.P1291L Possibly damaging T: 0.012 rs8187700 T: 0.010 rs17216317 Exon 28 c.3895 A>C p.K1299Q Benign rs4148400, [146] Exon 28 c.3928 C>T p.R1310Xf DJS [166] Exon 29 c.4100 C>Ge p.S1367C Possibly damaging G: 0.007 [63] Exon 29 c.4145 A>G p.Q1382R DJS Probably Deficient [47, 168] Table 3 (continued) Location Nucleotide changea Deduced effect on proteina Causing Dubin-Johnson syndromeb Predicted effect by PolyPhen databasec Experimentally proven functional consequence Average frequency of indicated nucleotide exchange in population NCBI SNP IDd and/or references functionally active ABCC2 protein from the canalicular membrane, their effects on the synthesis and function of the ABCC2 protein differ.
ABCC2 p.Arg1150His 16847695:139:2664
status: NEW140 Although all sequence variants associated with Dubin-Johnson syndrome result in the absence of a Table 3 Nucleotide sequence variants in the human ABCC2 gene (NM_000392) leading to amino acid changes in the ABCC2/MRP2 protein (NP_000383) Location Nucleotide changea Deduced effect on proteina Causing Dubin-Johnson syndromeb Predicted effect by PolyPhen databasec Experimentally proven functional consequence Average frequency of indicated nucleotide exchange in population NCBI SNP IDd and/or references Exon 2 c.56 C>Te p.P19L Probably damaging T: 0.007 [63] Exon 2 c.116 T>A p.F39Y Benign A: 0.010 rs927344 A: 0.008 rs17222603 Exon 3 c.298 C>T p.R100Xf DJS [154] Exon 3 c.299 G>Ae p.R100Q Possibly damaging A: 0.007 [63] Exon 7 c.736 A>C p.M246L Benign C: 0.002 rs8187667 C: 0.002 rs17222744 Exon 7 c.842 G>A p.S281N Benign A: 0.0060.056 [117] Exon 8 c.998 A>G p.D333G Possibly damaging G: 0.002 rs8187668 G: 0.004 rs17222674 Exon 9 c.1058 G>A p.R353H Benign A: 0.009 rs7080681 A: 0.014 rs17216205 Exon 9 c.1177 C>T p.R393W DJS Probably damaging [104, 112] Exon 10 c.1234 A>G p.R412G Probably damaging Deficient methotrexate transport function [56] Exon 10 c.1249 G>A p.V417I Benign None apparent [50] A: 0.163 rs2273697, [146] A: 0.158 rs17216184 A: 0.125 [62] A: 0.1830.312 [117] Exon 10 c.1457 C>T p.T486I Benign T: 0.002 rs8187670 T: 0.002 rs17222589 Exon 11 c.1483 A>G p.K495E Possibly damaging G: 0.002 rs8187672 G: 0.002 rs17222561 Exon 13 c.1686 T>G p.F562L Benign G: 0.002 rs8187673 G: 0.002 rs17216233 Exon 16 c.2009 T>C p.I670T Benign rs8187676 C: 0.006 rs17222632 Exon 16 c.2026 G>C p.G676R DJS Probably damaging [181] Exon 17 c.2125 T>C p.W709R DJS Probably damaging [111] Exon 17 c.2153 A>G p.N718S Possibly damaging rs3740072 Exon 17 c.2215 C>T p.L739F Probably damaging T: 0.006 [51] Exon 18 c.2302 C>T p.R768W DJS Probably damaging Deficient maturation and impaired sorting [47] T: 0.010 [62] [168, 180] Exon 18 c.2366 C>T p.S789F Probably damaging Reduced protein levels [50] T: 0.010 [62] Exon 19 c.2546 T>G p.L849R Benign G: 0.002 rs8187689 G: 0.006 rs17222617 Exon 20 c.2647 G>Ae p.D883N Benign A: 0.007 [63] Exon 20 c.2677 G>C p.E893Q Benign rs3740071 Exon 21 c.2882 A>Ge p.K961R Benign G: 0.007 [63] Exon 22 c.2901 C>A p.Y967Xf A: 0.002 rs8187683 A: 0.002 rs17222547 Exon 22 c.2944 A>G p.I982V Benign G: 0.002 rs8187684 G: 0.002 rs17222554 Exon 22 c.3057 G>Te p.Q1019H Benign T: 0.007 [63] Exon 23 c.3107 T>C p.I1036T Possibly damaging C: 0.002 rs8187685 C: 0.004 rs17216149 Exon 23 c.3188 A>G p.N1063S Benign G: 0.002 rs8187686 G: 0.002 rs17222540 Exon 23 c.3196 C>T p.R1066Xf DJS No ABCC2 protein in liver [134] Exon 25 c.3449 G>A p.R1150H DJS Probably damaging Deficient transport function A: 00.009 [117] Exon 25 c.3517 A>T p.I1173F DJS Probably damaging Deficient maturation and impaired sorting, deficient transport function T: 00.029 [117] [80, 117] Exon 25 c.3521 G>Ae p.R1174H Probably damaging A: 0.007 [63] Exon 25 c.3542 G>T p.R1181L Possibly damaging T: 0.039 rs8187692 T: 0.034 rs17222702 Exon 25 c.3563 T>A p.V1188E Benign A: 0.059 rs8187694 A: 0.059 rs17222723 Exon 26 c.3732 T>Ge p.N1244K Possibly damaging G: 0.014 [63] Exon 27 c.3817 A>G p.T1273A Benign G: 0.002 rs8187699 G: 0.004 rs17222582 Exon 27 c.3825 C>G p.Y1275Xf DJS No ABCC2 protein in liver [104] Exon 28 c.3872 C>T p.P1291L Possibly damaging T: 0.012 rs8187700 T: 0.010 rs17216317 Exon 28 c.3895 A>C p.K1299Q Benign rs4148400, [146] Exon 28 c.3928 C>T p.R1310Xf DJS [166] Exon 29 c.4100 C>Ge p.S1367C Possibly damaging G: 0.007 [63] Exon 29 c.4145 A>G p.Q1382R DJS Probably Deficient [47, 168] Table 3 (continued) Location Nucleotide changea Deduced effect on proteina Causing Dubin-Johnson syndromeb Predicted effect by PolyPhen databasec Experimentally proven functional consequence Average frequency of indicated nucleotide exchange in population NCBI SNP IDd and/or references functionally active ABCC2 protein from the canalicular membrane, their effects on the synthesis and function of the ABCC2 protein differ.
ABCC2 p.Arg1150His 16847695:140:2664
status: NEW
PMID: 16952291
Corpechot C et al: "Identification of a novel 974C-->G nonsense mutation of the MRP2/ABCC2 gene in a patient with Dubin-Johnson syndrome and analysis of the effects of rifampicin and ursodeoxycholic acid on serum bilirubin and bile acids."
Mutations in the MRP2/ABCC2 Gene Associated with DJS Nucleotide Mutation Exon Predicted Effect Reference 298C→T 3 R100X 27 974C→G 8 S325X This article IVS8 + 4A→G Intron 8 Aberrant splicing 28 1177C→T 9 R393W 29 1256insCT/ delAAACAG TGAACCT- GATG 10 Frameshift 30 1271A→G 10 R412G 31 1815 + 2T→A 13 Skipped exon 32, 33 1967 + 2T→C 15 Skipped exon 34, 35 2026G→C 16 G676R 35 2125T→C 17 W709R 36 2302C→T 18 R768W 32, 37, 38 2439 + 2T→C 18 Skipped exon 32, 35, 37 3196C→T 23 R1066X 39, 40 3449Gș2;A 25 R1150H 41 3517A→T 25 I1173F 41 3928C→T 28 R1310X 27, 33 4145A→G 29 Q1382R 37 4175delGGATGA 30 R1392 + M1393 deletion 40 4292delCA 30 Frameshift 30 DISCUSSION Identification of a Novel Nonsense Mutation of the MRP2/ABCC2 Gene Up to now, 18 mutations in the sequence of the MRP2/ABCC2 gene have been reported in DJS, including nonsense mutations, deletions, splicing junction mutations, and missense mutations (Table 1).
ABCC2 p.Arg1150His 16952291:78:575
status: NEWX
ABCC2 p.Arg1150His 16952291:78:588
status: NEW
PMID: 16377077
Wada M et al: "Single nucleotide polymorphisms in ABCC2 and ABCB1 genes and their clinical impact in physiology and drug response."
In Japan, the expected number of Table 1 Summary of mutations identified in Dubin-Johnson syndrome (DJS) Mutation Exon IVS Amino acid alteration Reference 298COT 3 R100X a,b 1815C 2TOA 13 Exon13 skip [38] 1967C 2TOC 15 Exon15 skip [62] 2026GOC 16 G676R [92] 2302COT 18 R768W [49,91]c 2439C 2TOC 18 Exon18 skip [38]a,c 3196COT 23 R1066X [47] 3449GOA 25 R1150H [52] 3517AOT 25 I1173F [52] 3928COT 28 R1310X [50] 4145AOG 29 Q1382R [38] 4175- 4180del 30 RM1392-1393del [48] a Adachi and Wada, unpublished data. b Houkibara and Wada, unpublished data.
ABCC2 p.Arg1150His 16377077:41:352
status: NEW59 [42,49,53,91]c 18 2366COT S789F NBD1 (Transport activity) Not reported 0.9 [42]a 25 3449GOA R1150H MSD3 DJS (transport activity) 0.3 Not reported [52] 25 3517AOT I1173F MSD3 DJS (protein maturation) 1.4 Not reported [52] 28 3895AOC K1299Q NBD2 Unkown Not reported 1?
ABCC2 p.Arg1150His 16377077:59:92
status: NEW66 Immunoblot analysis and immunocytochemistry showed that one mutant ABCC2 (R1150H) matured properly and localized at the plasma membrane of transfected cells.
ABCC2 p.Arg1150His 16377077:66:74
status: NEW
PMID: 16180115
Ito K et al: "Apical/basolateral surface expression of drug transporters and its role in vectorial drug transport."
Similarly, R1150H was also found as the mature glycosylated form on the membrane surface of transfected HEK293 cells but was not functional (123).
ABCC2 p.Arg1150His 16180115:239:11
status: NEW
PMID: 16012956
Cebecauerova D et al: "Dual hereditary jaundice: simultaneous occurrence of mutations causing Gilbert's and Dubin-Johnson syndrome."
3449GϾA 25 R1150H Mor-Cohen R et al, J Biol Chem 2001;276:36923-36930.
ABCC2 p.Arg1150His 16012956:60:17
status: NEW
PMID: 12884082
Wakusawa S et al: "Identification of a novel 2026G-->C mutation of the MRP2 gene in a Japanese patient with Dubin-Johnson syndrome."
With respect to the polymorphism )24C fi T, we also employed a restriction enzyme assay with BbsI; the results showed that his spouse and one daughter were heterozygous for this SNP, but other Table 1 Mutations of MRP2 in Dubin-Johnson syndrome (DJS) Nucleotide mutation Predicted effects References Splice site mutation 1815+2T fi A 1669del147 (exon13 skipping) Wada et al. 1998 1967+2T fi C 1901del67 (exon15 skipping) Kajihara et al. 1998 2439+2T fi C 2272del168 (exon18 skipping) Toh et al. 1999 Deletion mutation Del4170-5 Del R1392 , M1393 Tsujii et al. 1999 Missense mutation 2302C fi T R768 W Wada et al. 1998 3449G fi A R1150H Mor-Cohen et al. 2001 3517A fi T I1173F Mor-Cohen et al. 2001 4145A fi G Q1382R Toh et al. 1999 Nonesense mutation 3196C fi T R1066X Paulusma et al. 1997 3928C fi T R1310X Tate et al. 2002 family members did not possess it (Fig. 4).
ABCC2 p.Arg1150His 12884082:43:629
status: NEW
PMID: 12406647
Suzuki H et al: "Single nucleotide polymorphisms in multidrug resistance associated protein 2 (MRP2/ABCC2): its impact on drug disposition."
mutation, and deletion mutation have all been re- Moreover, I1173F and R1150H have been found ported.
ABCC2 p.Arg1150His 12406647:109:71
status: NEW114 In addition, Western blot and immunohistochemical analysis indicated that, Asp1208Asn lost their ability to transport these although R1150H was mature and targeted to the conjugates (Fig. 2) [109].
ABCC2 p.Arg1150His 12406647:114:136
status: NEW116 The mechanism for Met transport monovalent bile salts, which are not the impaired function of R1150H remains to be transported by wt MRP2 (Fig. 2) [110].
ABCC2 p.Arg1150His 12406647:116:94
status: NEW
PMID: 12130697
Gerk PM et al: "Regulation of expression of the multidrug resistance-associated protein 2 (MRP2) and its role in drug disposition."
Unlike other mutations, R1150H mutants of the MRP2 protein mature and are properly localized, but transport activity is impaired (Mor-Cohen et al., 2001).
ABCC2 p.Arg1150His 12130697:38:24
status: NEW53 Site-directed mutagenesis studies substi- TABLE 1 Mutations in human MRP2 Mutation Location Translation Domain Phenotype Reference -24(C-T) Promoter 5Ј-UTR Not reported (Ito et al., 2001e) 1249(G-A)/wt Exon 10 V4171 MSD2 Not reported (Ito et al., 2001e) 1815ϩ2(T-A)/1815ϩ2(T-A) Exon 13 147-bp deletion MSD2 DJS (Wada et al., 1998; Toh et al., 1999) 2002del67/2002del67 Exon 16 Premature termination codon NBD1 DJS (Konig et al., 1999a) 2302(C-T)/2302(C-T) Exon 18 R768W/R768W NBD1 DJS (Wada et al., 1998; Toh et al., 1999; Ito et al., 2001e) 2302(C-T)/2439ϩ2(T-C) Exon 18 R768W/168-bp deletion NBD1 DJS (Toh et al., 1999) 2302(C-T)/wt Exon 18 R768W/wt NBD1 Increased UCP1 (Toh et al., 1999) 2366(C-T)/wt Exon 18 S789F/wt NBD1 Not reported (Ito et al., 2001e) 2439ϩ2(T-C)/2439ϩ2(T-C) Exon 18 168-bp deletion/168-bp deletion NBD1 DJS (Wada et al., 1998; Toh et al., 1999) 2439ϩ2(T-C)/4145(A-G) Exon 18/29 168-bp deletion/Q1328R NBD1/2 DJS (Toh et al., 1999) 2439ϩ2(T-C)/wt Exon 18 168-bp deletion/wt NBD1 Increased UCP1 (Toh et al., 1999) 3196(C-T)/3196(C-T) Exon 23 Premature termination codon MSD3 DJS (Paulusma et al., 1997; Tsujii et al., 1999) 3449(G-A)/3449(G-A) Exon 25 R1150H/R1150H MSD3 DJS (Mor-Cohen et al., 2001) 3517(A-T)/3517(A-T) Exon 25 I1173F/I1173F MSD3 DJS (Mor-Cohen et al., 2001) 3972(C-T)/wt Exon 28 I1324I/wt near NBD2 None (Ito et al., 2001e) 4175del6 Exon 30 Loss of R1392 and M1393 NBD2 DJS (Tsujii et al., 1999) 4348(G-A)/wt Exon 31 A1450T/wt NBD2 Not reported (Ito et al., 2001e) UTR, untranslated region; wt, wild type; bp, base pair; UCP1, urinary coproporphyrin fraction 1. tuting the cationic amino acid Arg586 and Arg1096 in rat Mrp2 with neutral amino acids (R586L, R586I, R1096L, and R1096M) or a cationic amino acid (R1096K) led to acquisition of taurocholate transport and retention of glucuronide and glutathione conjugate transport by Mrp2 (Ito et al., 2001d).
ABCC2 p.Arg1150His 12130697:53:1223
status: NEWX
ABCC2 p.Arg1150His 12130697:53:1230
status: NEW186 Since MRP2 seems to act as a protective barrier in the TABLE 2 Factors altering MRP2/Mrp2 mRNA or protein expression and function in vitro or in vivo, as discussed in the text Regulation of expression Renal failure Pregnancy and lactation Cholestasis MRP2 mutations Sepsis (lipopolysaccharide) Hypo-or hyperosmolarity Phalloidin Bile duct ligation Acute-phase response Rifampin FXR, CAR, and PXR ligands Dibutyryl cAMP Inhibition or stimulation of activity ATP depletion Estrogen glucuronides Cholestasis MRP2 mutation: R1150H Cancer chemotherapeutics: irinotecan, methotrexate, and vinblastine Uricosurics: sulfinpyrazone, probenecid, and benzbromarone brain, intestine, and placenta, MRP2 alterations may also affect the absorption and distribution of these compounds, thus affecting therapeutics or toxicology.
ABCC2 p.Arg1150His 12130697:186:520
status: NEW
PMID: 11477083
Mor-Cohen R et al: "Identification and functional analysis of two novel mutations in the multidrug resistance protein 2 gene in Israeli patients with Dubin-Johnson syndrome."
One mutation, 3517A3T, predicting a I1173F substitution, was found in 22 homozygous Iranian Jewish DJS patients from 13 unrelated families and a second mutation, 3449G3A, predicting a R1150H substitution, was found in 5 homozygous Moroccan Jewish DJS patients from 4 unrelated families.
ABCC2 p.Arg1150His 11477083:3:184
status: NEW7 Immunoblot analysis and immunocytochemistry showed that MRP2 (R1150H) matured properly and localized at the plasma membrane of transfected cells.
ABCC2 p.Arg1150His 11477083:7:62
status: NEW65 The primers used to introduce the R1150H mutation are the forward primer (5Ј-GCCAGCTGAG- GCATCTGGACTCTGTCACCAG-3Ј) and the reverse primer (5Ј-CTG- GTGACAGAGTCCAGATGCCTCAGCTGGC-3Ј).
ABCC2 p.Arg1150His 11477083:65:34
status: NEW105 The mutation predicts an R1150H substitution and results in loss of a BsaHI restriction site.
ABCC2 p.Arg1150His 11477083:105:25
status: NEW157 Carboxyfluorescein Transport of Mutants MRP2-Transfected HEK-293 cells expressing the I1173F- and R1150H-MRP2 mutants were used to study the effect of the mutations on CF transport.
ABCC2 p.Arg1150His 11477083:157:98
status: NEW160 Cells transfected with either I1173F-MRP2 (Fig. 5C) or R1150H-MRP2 (Fig. 5D) showed a slow efflux of CF, which was similar to that measured in control cells (Figs.
ABCC2 p.Arg1150His 11477083:160:55
status: NEW164 The average rate constant of CF efflux (in s-1 ) by WT-MRP2 (562 Ϯ 56, n ϭ 4) was significantly higher than that measured in control cells (151 Ϯ 45, n ϭ 5), R1150H-MRP2 cells (90 Ϯ 40, n ϭ 5) and I1173F-MRP2 cells (104 Ϯ 66, n ϭ 3).
ABCC2 p.Arg1150His 11477083:164:182
status: NEW165 No significant difference was found between the average rate constant of control, R1150H-MRP2, and I1173F-MRP2 cells. These data indicate TABLE III Frequency of haplotypes in Iranian Jewish and Moroccan Jewish controls and DJS patients Haplotype 5Ј-Untranslated region -24C3T Exon 7 842G3A Exon 10 1249G3A IVS29-35 G3A Frequency in Iranian Jewsa Frequency in Moroccan Jewsa Controls (n ϭ 144) Patients (n ϭ 26) Controls (n ϭ 118) Patients (n ϭ 8) % % 1 C G A A 0 100 0 0 2 C A G G 0.7 0 1.7 100 3 C G G G 63.2 0 61 0 4 C G A G 23.6 0 14.4 0 5 T G G G 11.1 0 18.6 0 Seven additional haplotypes 2.1 0 4.3 0 a n indicates number of informative alleles of unrelated individuals.
ABCC2 p.Arg1150His 11477083:165:82
status: NEW178 Panel E shows the irreversible inhibition of efflux by cyclosporine A. that both I1173F and R1150H mutations impair the transport activity of MRP2.
ABCC2 p.Arg1150His 11477083:178:93
status: NEW186 The R1150H-MRP2 behaved similarly to WT-MRP2, showing a very intense band at 190 kDa and a very weak band at 175 kDa when 20 g of protein was used, and no 175-kDa band when 13 g of protein was used.
ABCC2 p.Arg1150His 11477083:186:4
status: NEW188 At 20 g of I1173F-MRP2 protein, staining was much weaker than that observed with either WT or R1150H-MRP2.
ABCC2 p.Arg1150His 11477083:188:102
status: NEW189 When 55 g of protein from cells expressing I1173F-MRP2 was used, the overall amount of protein was comparable to that measured with 13 g of WT or R1150H-MRP2.
ABCC2 p.Arg1150His 11477083:189:162
status: NEW194 In cells transfected with WT-MRP2 and in R1150H-MRP2, the protein was localized at the plasma membrane (Fig. 7, A and B) and a Golgi-like structure.
ABCC2 p.Arg1150His 11477083:194:41
status: NEW195 This suggested that processing and targeting of the R1150H-MRP2 mutant was normal.
ABCC2 p.Arg1150His 11477083:195:52
status: NEW199 Both mutations are located in exon 25 of the MRP2 gene, with 3517A3T predicting I1173F substitution found in a cluster of Iranian Jewish DJS patients, and 3449G3A predicting R1150H substitution found in a cluster of Moroccan Jewish patients.
ABCC2 p.Arg1150His 11477083:199:174
status: NEW218 Cells were transfected with GFP only (control, A), WT-MRP2 (B), I1173F-MRP2 (C), or R1150H-MRP2 (D).
ABCC2 p.Arg1150His 11477083:218:84
status: NEW233 With this assay we showed that both I1173F and R1150H mutations impaired the MRP2 activity (Fig. 5).
ABCC2 p.Arg1150His 11477083:233:47
status: NEW237 The R1150H mutation had no apparent effect on the relative amount of each MRP2 forms.
ABCC2 p.Arg1150His 11477083:237:4
status: NEW240 Indeed, immunolocalization of the different constructs showed that WT and R1150H-MRP2 were properly targeted to the plasma membrane, whereas I1173F-MRP2 remained largely confined to the ER.
ABCC2 p.Arg1150His 11477083:240:74
status: NEW242 Our expression studies suggest that the I1173F mutation causes impaired maturation of MRP2, mislocalization probably to the ER, and augmented degradation, whereas the R1150H mutation does not affect the maturation and localization, but impairs the MRP2 transport activity.
ABCC2 p.Arg1150His 11477083:242:167
status: NEW252 HEK 293 cells transfected with WT-MRP2 (A), R1150H-MRP2 (B), or I1173F-MRP2 (C) were detected by the monoclonal antibody M2III-6 and were examined by confocal laser scanning microscopy.
ABCC2 p.Arg1150His 11477083:252:44
status: NEW
PMID: 16815813
Choudhuri S et al: "Structure, function, expression, genomic organization, and single nucleotide polymorphisms of human ABCB1 (MDR1), ABCC (MRP), and ABCG2 (BCRP) efflux transporters."
Additional missense mutations Ile1173Phe and Arg1150His have been found in Iranian Jewish and Moroccan Jewish DJS patients, respectively.
ABCC2 p.Arg1150His 16815813:340:45
status: NEW