ABCB1 p.Phe777Ala

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PMID: 8104183 [PubMed] Loo TW et al: "Functional consequences of phenylalanine mutations in the predicted transmembrane domain of P-glycoprotein."
No. Sentence Comment
37 We found that changes to three phenylalanineresidues altered the activityof P-glycoprotein. Mutationof either Phe335 or Phe-978to Ala resultedinmutantsthatconferred altereddrugresistance profilessuggesting thatthese two residues play critical roles in drug transport activity.A Phe-777 to Ala changeresultedin a mutantproteinthat was defective in processing, suggesting that this residue is important for the biosynthesisof the protein.
ABCB1 p.Phe777Ala 8104183:37:278
status: NEW
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