ABCB1 p.Thr209Cys

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PMID: 17848563 [PubMed] Loo TW et al: "Suppressor mutations in the transmembrane segments of P-glycoprotein promote maturation of processing mutants and disrupt a subset of drug-binding sites."
No. Sentence Comment
168 Fold-stimulation 1 2 3 4 5 6 Cys-less I190C G191C M192C F193C F194C Q195C S196C M197C A198C T199C F200C F201C T202C G203C F204C I205C V206C G207C F208C T209C A 7 Fold-stimulation 1 2 3 4 5 6 Cys-less B _ + MTS-rhod Rhod B+ _ + Q195C + + _ + T199C + + _ + _ _+ + + 7 FIGURE 2.
ABCB1 p.Thr209Cys 17848563:168:152
status: NEW
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PMID: 9841738 [PubMed] Jones PM et al: "A new structural model for P-glycoprotein."
No. Sentence Comment
149 Six substitutions on the putative extracellular loops between TMs 3 and 4 (T209C, G211C, T215C) and TMs 9 and 10 (S850C, G854C, W855C) unexpectedly failed to react with the labeling reagent.
ABCB1 p.Thr209Cys 9841738:149:75
status: NEW
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