ABCB1 p.Met450Cys

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PMID: 12820887 [PubMed] Gabriel MP et al: "Communication between the nucleotide binding domains of P-glycoprotein occurs via conformational changes that involve residue 508."
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70 In each case, the primer introduced the desired cysteine residue (underlined) and also a silent, Table 1: Oligonucleotide Sequences Employed to Introduce Single Cysteine Mutations into Pgpa mutation restriction site sequence (5'-3') E393C -EcoRI GA AAT TTG tgt TTC AGA AAT R395C -EcoRI TTG GAg TTC tGt AAT GTT CAC M450C +HinCII GAG GGG tgt GTC AGT GTT GAc GGA CAG S452C +HinCII GGG ATG GTC tGT GTT GAc GGA CAG a Lowercase is used to denote mutated bases, while underlined triplets denote introduced codons for cysteine.
ABCB1 p.Met450Cys 12820887:70:314
status: NEW
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147 Although recombinant virus was produced for R395C, M450C, D498C, and K515C (determined by hybridization of radiolabeled anti-mdr1 oligonucleotides to DNA isolated from recombinant virus), we were unable to detect Pgp expression following insect cell infection.
ABCB1 p.Met450Cys 12820887:147:51
status: NEW
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