ABCC7 p.Thr908Asn

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PMID: 11278813 [PubMed] Hammerle MM et al: "Disease-associated mutations in the extracytoplasmic loops of cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator do not impede biosynthetic processing but impair chloride channel stability."
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ABCC7 p.Thr908Asn 11278813:75:515
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91 Exceptions are S108F, which matures as efficiently as the wild type, and T908N, which matures even more efficiently.
ABCC7 p.Thr908Asn 11278813:91:73
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120 D, squares, E217G; circles, T908N; triangles, P1013L.
ABCC7 p.Thr908Asn 11278813:120:28
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153 The T908N mutation in EL4, the second of the two larger extracytoplasmic loops of CFTR, has a somewhat similar effect on the single channel behavior as those in EL1 that cause a very unstable open state.
ABCC7 p.Thr908Asn 11278813:153:4
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156 As seen in the T908N trace, there are in fact relatively long openings with several brief closings within to generate burstlike behavior.
ABCC7 p.Thr908Asn 11278813:156:15
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171 For example a nucleotide binding domain mutation, G551D, precludes virtually all TABLE II Relative charge transport capacity of mutants Mutants S108F Y109C D110H P111L P111A E116K R117H R117C R117L R117P E217G T908N P1013L Imutant/Iwt 100% 11 15 27 173 105 12 80 27 5 11 10 48 170 FIG. 5.
ABCC7 p.Thr908Asn 11278813:171:210
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190 The T908N mutation in EL4, which is novel in that it results in the introduction of an additional consensus site for N-glycosylation that is used (17), also alters channel gating.
ABCC7 p.Thr908Asn 11278813:190:4
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PMID: 11443282 [PubMed] Hammerle MM et al: "A novel CFTR disease-associated mutation causes addition of an extra N-linked oligosaccharide."
No. Sentence Comment
3 This substitution (T908N) creates a consensus sequence (N X S=T) for addition of an N-linked oligosaccharide chain near the C-terminal end of EL4.
ABCC7 p.Thr908Asn 11443282:3:19
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5 However, the T908N site is used, even though it is within four residues of the predicted membrane interface and the oligosaccharide chain added binds calnexin, a resident chaperone of the ER membrane.
ABCC7 p.Thr908Asn 11443282:5:13
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13 However, while analyzing the functional impact of missense mutations in the putative extracytoplasmic loops (ELs) of the protein [7], we realized that one (T908N) created a consensus sequence (N X S=T) for N-glycosylation.
ABCC7 p.Thr908Asn 11443282:13:156
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20 BHK cells stably expressing T908N-CFTR were similarly established.
ABCC7 p.Thr908Asn 11443282:20:28
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23 Tel.: 480-301-6206; Fax: 480-301-7017; E-mail: N900D, T908N or T910N to produce a CFTR with different numbers or no consensus site for glycosylation on extracytoplasmic loop 4.
ABCC7 p.Thr908Asn 11443282:23:72
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46 Single channel records Microsomal vesicles were isolated from BHK cells expressing wildtype and T908N CFTR and phosphorylated with protein kinase A [17].
ABCC7 p.Thr908Asn 11443282:46:96
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52 Reconstruction and expression of the T908N variant in BHK cells resulted in the synthesis of a protein which ran with reduced mobility in SDS-PAGE (Figure 1B) consistent with the possibility that this additional N-glycosylation site had been used.
ABCC7 p.Thr908Asn 11443282:52:37
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54 The sialidase treatment increased the mobility of both the wild-type and the T908N variant substantially, indicating that the oligosaccharide chains are highly sialylated.
ABCC7 p.Thr908Asn 11443282:54:77
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55 After N-glycosidase F treatment the mobility is increased further and the deglycosylated form of both the wild-type and T908N migrate to the same position.
ABCC7 p.Thr908Asn 11443282:55:120
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57 The difference in mobility between wild-type and T908N was entirely eliminated after cells were grown in presence of the inhibitor.
ABCC7 p.Thr908Asn 11443282:57:49
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60 (A) Sketch of CFTR topology indicating position of T908N relative to the membrane and native glycosylation sites at N894 and N900.
ABCC7 p.Thr908Asn 11443282:60:51
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61 (B) Cells stably expressing wild type and T908N-CFTR were lysed in NP-40 lysis buffer (see Materials and methods).
ABCC7 p.Thr908Asn 11443282:61:42
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65 Cells expressing wild-type and T908N-CFTR were pulse labeled and chased as described in Methods. oligosaccharyl transferase and is an acceptor of an N-linked oligosaccharide chain.
ABCC7 p.Thr908Asn 11443282:65:31
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69 Conversion of precursor to product occurs with low efficiency ($ 30%) but this also is similar with wild-type and the T908N variant.
ABCC7 p.Thr908Asn 11443282:69:118
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70 Hence the additional oligosaccharide in T908N does not have a profound effect on the biosynthetic processing of CFTR.
ABCC7 p.Thr908Asn 11443282:70:40
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89 As already noted in Figure 1 the T908N variant in the wild-type background has substantially decreased mobility.
ABCC7 p.Thr908Asn 11443282:89:33
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98 T908N reduces the rate of 36 Cl7 efflux and alters both the single channel gating kinetics and conductance of CFTR.
ABCC7 p.Thr908Asn 11443282:98:0
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108 As shown in Figure 1B, removal of sialic acid from complex glycosylated CFTR results in a higher mobility of wild-type and T908N.
ABCC7 p.Thr908Asn 11443282:108:123
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114 Similar amounts of calnexin were detected in CFTR immunoprecipitates containing wild-type and T908N, and 894N and 900N alone whereas much less was detected when single oligosaccharide chains were present at 908N and especially at 910N (Figure 3).
ABCC7 p.Thr908Asn 11443282:114:94
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116 To assess how the presence of a third oligosaccharide chain influences CFTR function, the rate of 36 Cl7 efflux from cells expressing the T908N variant was compared with wild-type and was found to be reduced about 50% (Figure 4A).
ABCC7 p.Thr908Asn 11443282:116:138
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119 Thus both measures of the T908N CFTR chloride channel indicate that while still active, it is substantially altered from the wild-type.
ABCC7 p.Thr908Asn 11443282:119:26
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120 Discussion Although all types of mutations have been detected in the CFTR gene of patients with cystic fibrosis, T908N is the only example of a single residue substitution that introduces a consensus site for glycosylation.
ABCC7 p.Thr908Asn 11443282:120:113
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PMID: 17003641 [PubMed] Keiles S et al: "Identification of CFTR, PRSS1, and SPINK1 mutations in 381 patients with pancreatitis."
No. Sentence Comment
112 However, this patient also carries a T908N mutation in the CFTR gene.
ABCC7 p.Thr908Asn 17003641:112:37
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116 Patients With CFTR and PRSS1 Mutations CFTR Mutation 1 CFTR Mutation 2 PRSS1 Mutation 1 PRSS1 Mutation 2 No. of Patients 5T E79K 1 5T R122H 1 2789+17 C9T C139S 1 deltaF508 N29I 1 deltaF508 Q1352H G208A G208A 1 G551D R122H 1 T908N IVS4-8 C9T IVS4-11 C9T 1 Total patients 7 CFTR mutations in boldface would not have been detected by the ACOG/ACMG mutation panel.
ABCC7 p.Thr908Asn 17003641:116:224
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PMID: 19307599 [PubMed] Glozman R et al: "N-glycans are direct determinants of CFTR folding and stability in secretory and endocytic membrane traffic."
No. Sentence Comment
263 In accord, with the localized effect of the glycan chain, partial reversion of the expression and folding defect of the 900D- and 2D-CFTR was observed by introducing a validated glycosylation site (T908N) in the fourth extracellular loop (Hammerle et al., 2000; Fig. S5).
ABCC7 p.Thr908Asn 19307599:263:198
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PMID: 20059485 [PubMed] Dorfman R et al: "Do common in silico tools predict the clinical consequences of amino-acid substitutions in the CFTR gene?"
No. Sentence Comment
64 Mutations in the CFTR gene grouped by clinical category Cystic fibrosis CFTR-related disease No disease T338I D614G L320V V920L L90S M470V H199R S1251N I203M G550R P111A I148T Q1291H R560K L1388Q L183I R170H I1027T S549R D443Y P499A L1414S T908N R668C S549N A455E E1401K Q151K G27E I1234L Y563N R347P C866R S1118C P1290S R75Q A559T V520F P841R M469V E1401G P67L G85E S50Y E1409K R933G G458V G178R Y1032C R248T I980K G85V V392G L973P L137H T351S R334W I444S V938G R792G R560T R555G L1339F D1305E P574H V1240G T1053I D58G G551D L1335P I918M F994C S945L L558S F1337V R810G D1152H G1247R P574S R766M D579G W1098R H949R F200I R352Q L1077P K1351E M244K L206W M1101K D1154G L375F N1303K R1066C E528D D110Y R347H R1070Q A800G P1021S S549K A1364V V392A damaging` (is supposed to affect protein function or structure) and 'probably damaging` (high confidence of affecting protein function or structure).
ABCC7 p.Thr908Asn 20059485:64:240
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PMID: 10923036 [PubMed] Claustres M et al: "Spectrum of CFTR mutations in cystic fibrosis and in congenital absence of the vas deferens in France."
No. Sentence Comment
152 Twenty-four non F508del mutations were found associated with the 9T allele: 394delTT, L90S, D110H, R117G, 621+1G>T, V232D, A455E, G542X, R851L, T908N, 2789+5G>A, 2896insAG, H939R, 3007delG, I980K, I1027T, R1066H, A1067T, D1154G, 3737delA, R74W+D1270N, N1303I, N1303K, D1377H.
ABCC7 p.Thr908Asn 10923036:152:144
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PMID: 23248597 [PubMed] Kim SJ et al: "Mechanisms of CFTR Folding at the Endoplasmic Reticulum."
No. Sentence Comment
96 The CF mutation T908N, however, creates a glycosylation site that is recognized by OST even though it is only four-residues from the predicted N-terminus of TM8.
ABCC7 p.Thr908Asn 23248597:96:16
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