ABCC7 p.Tyr1219Cys
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PMID: 10893239
Berger AL et al: "Differences between cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator and HisP in the interaction with the adenine ring of ATP."
Although modification inactivated CFTR-Y1219C more rapidly than wild-type CFTR, and inactivation of CFTR-F446C was nucleotide-dependent; failure of these mutations to alter gating suggested that Tyr1219 and Phe446 were not important for nucleotide binding.
ABCC7 p.Tyr1219Cys 10893239:9:39
status: NEW77 When expressed in HeLa cells, CFTR-F429C, F430C, F433C, F446C, Y1219C, and F1232C all generated Cl-channel activity in excised, inside-out patches of membrane.
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status: NEW98 CFTR-Y1219C was more rapidly inactivated than wild-type, and CFTR-F1232C showed a tendency for more rapid inactivation (0.05 Ͻ p Ͻ 0.10).
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status: NEW116 In these experiments of modification without ATP, MTSET inhibited CFTR-Y1219C to a greater extent than wild-type CFTR and the other NBD mutants (Fig. 4, A and B).
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status: NEW117 However, because MTSET also inactivated CFTR-Y1219C faster than the other channels in the presence of 1 mM ATP (Table II), we expected a greater inhibition during the timed application of MTSET in the absence of ATP.
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status: NEW118 In the presence of ATP (Fig. 3), a 60-s treatment with MTSET reduced CFTR-Y1219C current to 47 Ϯ 7% (n ϭ 8) of the initial value.
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status: NEW120 When we subtract the measured channel rundown of 37 Ϯ 16% for CFTR-Y1219C (because of the time for washing and the absence of ATP), we expected a current that was 30% of the basal value.
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status: NEW126 Construct Po WT 0.29 Ϯ 0.04 F429C 0.21 Ϯ 0.03 F430C 0.30 Ϯ 0.03 F433C 0.21 Ϯ 0.03 F446C 0.34 Ϯ 0.06 Y1219C 0.26 Ϯ 0.07 F1232C 0.35 Ϯ 0.02 FIG. 2.
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status: NEW142 CFTR variant k M -1 s-1 Wild-type 23.1 Ϯ 6.4 F429C 27.0 Ϯ 16.7 F430C 34.6 Ϯ 22.8 F433C 19.0 Ϯ 5.5 F446C 36.1 Ϯ 15.8 Y1219C 75.5 Ϯ 20.1* F1232C 68.5 Ϯ 19.6 not interfere with the ability of MTSET to inactivate CFTR-Y1219C.
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status: NEWX
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status: NEW143 To confirm more directly that the rate at which MTSET inactivated CFTR-Y1219C was independent of ATP, we examined the rate of inhibition in the presence of 25 M ATP.
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status: NEW146 If ATP interferes with MTSET modification and inactivation of CFTR-Y1219C, we expect to see a faster inactivation rate constant.
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status: NEW148 The rate of inactivation for CFTR-Y1219C in 25 M ATP (140 Ϯ 81 M -1 s-1 , n ϭ 4) was ϳ4 times the rate of inactivation for wild-type CFTR in 25 M ATP (38 Ϯ 3 M -1 s-1 , n ϭ 3), similar to the ratio of CFTR-Y1219C inactivation to wild-type CFTR inactivation in 1 mM ATP.
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status: NEWX
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status: NEW150 These results indicate that ATP did not alter MTSET modification of CFTR-Y1219C.
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status: NEW168 Even though CFTR-Y1219C showed a FIG. 4.
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status: NEW179 MTSET inactivation of wild-type CFTR and CFTR-Y1219C-CFTR in 25 M ATP.
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status: NEW