ABCC7 p.Ile1027Thr
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PMID: 10746558
Bombieri C et al: "A new approach for identifying non-pathogenic mutations. An analysis of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator gene in normal individuals."
Many (13 out of 20) of the missense mutations change highly conserved (5/5 species analyzed) amino acid residues (R75Q, G85E, I148T, I506V, R668C, G622D, L997F, I1027T, F1052V, L1096R, I1131V, R1162L, N1303K); others affect amino acid residues conserved in 4/5 species (K68 E, R170H, M470V, V562L, S1235R), or in 3/5 species (R31C and G576A; Tucker et al. 1992).
ABCC7 p.Ile1027Thr 10746558:80:161
status: NEW88 In three further cases where more than one sporadic mutation was observed in the same individual (1341+28 C/T and F1052V and S1235R; ∆F508 and I1027T; 1716G/A and N1303K), data from the literature were not available, and segregation analysis was not possible; thus, their phase could not be established.
ABCC7 p.Ile1027Thr 10746558:88:150
status: NEW96 Moreover, 1525-61 A/G (i 9) and 3601-65 C/A (i 18) were detected by SSCA performed in the Spanish sample only (14/82 and 12/80, respectively); these mutations were not identifiable by DGGE as used in the present work The totals are: a378; b362; c380; d356 genes eCertainly a CF-causing mutations fThe most common allele at this site is (TTGA)7 gThe most common allele at this site is T7 hThe frequency shown is that of the M allele Mutation Position North-Central Southern Spain Total East Italy Italy France 82 genes 100 genes 100 genes 100 genes 382 genes % 125 G/C 5`UTR 1 2 7 3 13 3.4 R31C 2 1 1 1 0 3 0.8 K68E 3 1 0 0 0 1 0.3 R75Q 3 1 1 2 0 4 1.0 G85Ee 3 0 1 0 0 1 0.3 406-6 T/C i 3 0 0 1 0 1 0.3 I148T 4 1 0 0 0 1 0.3 621+3 A/G i 4 0 1 0 0 1 0.3 R170H 5 1 0 0 0 1 0.3 875+40 A/G i 6a 11 5 5 2 23 6.0 (TTGA)6 f i 6a 17 11 7 13 48 12.6 1341+28 C/T i 8 1 0 0 0 1 0.3 IVS8-6g T5 i 8 8 2 4 3/78 17a 4.5 IVS8-6g T9 i 8 10 7 10 11/78 38a 10.0 M470Vh 10 42 30 39 27 138 36.1 I506V 10 1 0 0 0 1 0.3 ∆F508e 10 1 0 2 0 3 0.8 1716 G/A 10 2 1 0 5 8 2.1 V562L 12 0 0 1 0 1 0.3 G576A 12 1 0/80 1 0 2b 0.6 G622D 13 0 0/80 1 0 1b 0.3 R668C 13 1 0/80 1 0 2b 0.6 2082 C/T 13 1 0/80 0 0 1b 0.3 2377 C/T 13 0 0/80 0 1 1b 0.3 2694 T/G i 14a 33 23 33 14/80 103c 27.1 2752-15 C/G i 14b 0 3 0 0 3 0.8 3041-71 G/C i 15 0 1 2 0 3 0.8 L997F 17a 0 2 0 0 2 0.5 I1027T 17a 1 0 0 0 1 0.3 F1052V 17b 1 0 0 0 1 0.3 L1096R 17b 0 0 1 0 1 0.3 3417 A/T 17b 1 0 1 0 2 0.5 I1131V 18 0 1 0 0 1 0.3 R1162L 19 0 1 0 0 1 0.3 3690 A/G 19 0 0 0 1/80 1c 0.3 S1235R 19 1 0 0 0 1 0.3 4002 A/G 20 2 3 3 3/80 11c 2.9 4005+28insA i 20 0 1 0 0 0.3 4029 A/G 21 1 0 0 0 1 0.3 N1303Ke 21 1 0 0 0 1 0.3 4404 C/T 24 1 0 1 0 2 0.5 4521 G/A 24 21 16 14/80 15/76 66d 18.5 Total 165 113 137 98 513 encountered in the present survey are possible.
ABCC7 p.Ile1027Thr 10746558:96:1344
status: NEW
PMID: 11354633
Tzetis M et al: "CFTR gene mutations--including three novel nucleotide substitutions--and haplotype background in patients with asthma, disseminated bronchiectasis and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease."
48 as disease-causing mutations, while 3 (R668C, R75Q, I1027T) have been listed as sequence polymorphisms.
ABCC7 p.Ile1027Thr 11354633:48:59
status: NEW60 of CFTR gene IVS8-(T)n IVS8-(TG)m M470 V tested cases mutationa Asthma 20 1 L997F, T338Mb 9/7 10/12 M/V 1 Y301C 7/7 11/11 V/V 1 M1Rb, V11Ib 7/7 12/10 M/M 1 I148T/- 9/9 10/10 M/V 1 L997F/- 9/9 11/9 M/V 1 R297Q/- 5/5 13/11 M/M 1 R297Q/- 7/7 11/11 V/V 1 R75Q/- 7/7 11/11 V/V 1 A120T/ 5/7 11/11 V/V 1 -/- 7/7 11/12 M/V 1 -/- 7/9 11/11 M/M 2 -/- 7/7 12/10 M/V 7 -/- 7/7 11/11 V/V DB 19 1 F508del, I1027T 9/9 10/10 M/M 1 D565G, R668C 7/7 11/11 M/V 1 T896I/- 7/7 11/10 M/V 1 I148T/- 7/9 11/10 M/V 1 F508del/S977F 5/9 12/10 M/V 1 -/- 7/9 12/10 V/V 1 -/- 7/9 10/10 M/V 1 -/- 7/7 11/12 M/M 2 -/- 7/7 11/10 1 M/V, 1 V/V 2 -/- 7/7 12/10 1 V/V, 1 M/M 3 -/- 7/9 11/10 1 M/M, 2 V/V 4 -/- 7/7 11/11 1 V/V, 3 M/V COPD 12 1 F1052 V/- 7/7 11/10 M/V 1 S1235R/- 7/9 12/10 M/M 1 -/- 5/5 11/12 M/V 1 -/- 7/9 10/10 M/M 2 -/- 7/9 11/10 1 M/M,1 M/V 3 -/- 7/7 11/10 M/V 3 -/- 7/7 11/11 1 M/V, 2 M/M Controls 52 1 F508del/- 7/9 10/10 M/M 1 F1052 V/- 5/7 10/11 M/V 1 F1052 V/- 7/7 11/11 M/M 1 R668C, D565G/- 7/7 11/11 M/M 1 R688C, D565G/- 7/7 11/10 M/V 1 R75Q/- 7/7 11/11 V/V 1 R297Q/- 7/7 11/10 M/V 1 L997F/- 7/9 10/10 M/V 1 -/- 7/7 10/10 M/V 1 -/- 7/9 10/10 M/M 1 -/- 7/9 12/10 M/M 4 -/- 7/9 11/10 1 M/M, 1 V/V, M/V 15 -/- 7/7 11/10 13 M/V, 2 V/V 22 -/- 7/7 11/11 18 V/V, 3 M/V, 1 M/M been found that affect the same codon, of which M1 K affects the same nucleotide (T>A) (Cystic Fibrosis Genetic Analysis Consortium website).
ABCC7 p.Ile1027Thr 11354633:60:392
status: NEW72 The proportion of CFTR alleles in each group is expressed as c/d (e), where c indicates the number of alleles with the genotype indicated at left, d indicates the number of total alleles examined in each group and e represents the percentage aMutation name according to the Cystic Fibrosis Genetic Analysis Consortium bNovel mutations, reported for the first time in this study Mutationa Control Pulmonary disease patients Greek CF population patients (PS; PI) (n=52) Asthma DB COPD (n=426) (n=20) (n=19) (n=12) R75Q (356 G/A, exon 3) 1 (0.96%) 1 (2.5%) - - 1 (0.1%) R668C (2134 C/T, exon 13) 2 (1.9%) - 1 (2.6%) - 1 (0.1%) L997F (3123 G>C, exon 17a) 1 (0.96%) 2 (5%) - - - F508del 1 (0.96%) - 2 (5.3%) - 465 (54.6%) D565G (A>G at 1825, exon 12) 2 (1.9%) - 1 (2.6%) - 1 (0.1%) F1052 V (T>G at 3286, exon 17b) 2 (1.9%) - - 1 (4.2%) 1 (0.1%) R297Q (G>A at 1022, exon 7) 1 (0.96%) 2 (5%) - - - Y301C (A>G at 1034, exon 7) - 1 (2.5%) - - - I148T (T>C at 575, exon 4) - 2 (5%) - - 1 (0.1%) T388Mb (C>T at 1295, exon 8) - 1 (2.5%) - - - M1Rb (T>G at 134, exon 1) - 1 (2.5%) - - - V11Ib (G>A at 163, exon 1) - 1 (2.5%) - - - I1027T (3212 T/C, exon 17a) - - 1 (2.6%) - 1 (0.1%) T896I (C>T at 2819, exon 15) - - 1 (2.6%) - - S977F (C>T at 3062, exon 16) - - 1 (2.6%) - - A120T (G>A at 490, exon 4) - 1 (2.5%) - - - S1235R (T>G at 3837, exon 19) - - - 1 (4.2%) - Table 3 Frequency of M470 and (TG)mTn alleles in pulmonary disease patients and controls (DB disseminated bronchiectasis, COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, n number of cases, ND not detected) Clinical status Allele M470 TG11/T7 TG10/T7 TG12/T7 TG10/T9 TG11/T5 TG12/T5 TG13/T5 Asthmaa (n=20) 13 (32.5%) 23 (57.5%) 3 (7.5%) 5 (12.5%) 3 (7.5%) 2 (5%) ND 1 (2.5%) DB (n=19) 17 (44.7) 18 (47.4%) 6 (15.8%) 4 (10.5%) 9 (23.7%) ND 1 (2.6%) ND COPD (n=12) 17 (70.8) 12 (50%) 5 (20.8%) 1 (4.2%) 4 (16.7%) 1 (4.2%) 1 (4.2%) ND Controls (n=52) 37 (35.5%) 71 (68.%) 23 (22.1%) 1 (0.96%) 6 (5.8%) 1 (0.96%) ND ND aAlleles TG11/T9 (2) and TG9/T9 (1) also detected alleles, P<0.01) were both found more frequently in patients with COPD.
ABCC7 p.Ile1027Thr 11354633:72:1118
status: NEW81 Two patients had two mutations each (F508del and I1027T; D565G and R668C).
ABCC7 p.Ile1027Thr 11354633:81:49
status: NEW
PMID: 12000363
Visich A et al: "Complete screening of the CFTR gene in Argentine cystic fibrosis patients."
Frequency of cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator mutations in the Argentine population: 440 chromosomes analysed Mutation Localization Chromosome Number Percentage DF508 Exon 10 258 58.64 G542X Exon 11 18 4.10 W1282X Exon 20 12 2.73 N1303K Exon 21 12 2.73 R334W Exon 7 5 1.14 1717-1G»A Intron 10 5 1.14 3849π10KbC»T Intron 19 4 0.91 1811π1.6KbA»G Intron 11 4 0.91 IVS8-5T Intron 8 4 0.91 G85E Exon 3 3 0.68 621π1G»T Intron 4 3 0.68 2789π5G»A Intron 14b 3 0.68 DI507 Exon 10 3 0.68 2184delA Exon 13 2 0.45 2566insT Exon 13 2 0.45 2686insT Exon 14a 2 0.45 3659delC Exon 19 2 0.45 R1162X Exon 19 2 0.45 4016insT Exon 21 2 0.45 2789π2insA Intron 14b 2 0.45 L6V Exon 1 1 0.23 297π2A»G Intron 2 1 0.23 W57X Exon 3 1 0.23 R75Q Exon 3 1 0.23 Q220X Exon 6a 1 0.23 Y362X Exon 7 1 0.23 D426C Exon 9 1 0.23 1460delAT Exon 9 1 0.23 1353insT Exon 9 1 0.23 1782delA Exon 11 1 0.23 R553X Exon 11 1 0.23 S549R Exon 11 1 0.23 1898π3A»G Intron 12 1 0.23 2594delGT Exon 13 1 0.23 2183AA»G Exon 13 1 0.23 I1027T Exon 17a 1 0.23 R1066C Exon 17b 1 0.23 G1061R Exon 17b 1 0.23 4005-1G»A Intron 20 1 0.23 Total 367 83.45 209 nificant differences were observed among the compared populations (Table2).
ABCC7 p.Ile1027Thr 12000363:56:1070
status: NEW
PMID: 12167682
Groman JD et al: "Variant cystic fibrosis phenotypes in the absence of CFTR mutations."
MUTATION IDENTIFIED BY SCREENING FOR COMMON MUTATIONS MUTATION IDENTIFIED BY DNA SEQUENCING NO. OF PATIENTS ∆F508 5T* 3 ∆F508 D1152H 2 ∆F508 2789+2insA 2 ∆F508 R117C 2 ∆F508 D110H 1 ∆F508 2789+5G→A 1 ∆F508 P205S 1 ∆F508 L967S 1 ∆F508 I1027T 1 ∆F508 L206W 1 ∆F508 T1053I and 5T 1 ∆F508 V920M and 5T 1 ∆F508 R1070W 1 ∆F508 D579G 1 ∆F508 P67L 1 ∆F508 2811G→T†‡ 1 G85E F191V† 1 R117H G103X and 5T 1 I148T I556V 1 G542X R1162L 1 W1282X D1152H 1 None L138ins and 3272-26 A→G 1 None G463D† and 5T 1 None F693L and 5T 1 ∆F508 None 6 G551D None 1 W1282X None 1 None 5T 4 None 2307insA 1 None L997F 1 None V520I 1 None None 30 in Subject II-2 in Family 1.
ABCC7 p.Ile1027Thr 12167682:71:304
status: NEW
PMID: 14586256
Reboul MP et al: "Isolated idiopathic chronic pancreatitis associated with a compound heterozygosity for two mutations of the CFTR gene."
In five patients (no 5, 9, 10, 11, 15) who bear a frequent mutation well known for its severity (F508del or G542X), the involvement of the ICP phenotype could lie in their "second" missense mutation, i.e. L997F in exon 17b (Patient no 5), I1027T in exon 17a (Patient no 9), D1152H in exon 18 (Patients no 10 and 11) and S1235R in exon 19 (Patient no 15); and the presence of 2 of these 4 missense mutations in patient no 7 could actually strengthen this hypothesis but to date little is known about the possible impact of his 5T allele on the phenotype (possible sterility).
ABCC7 p.Ile1027Thr 14586256:67:239
status: NEW80 Patient CFTR no PolyT genotype Sex genotype Age (years) Sweat chloride (mmol/L) Anamnestic features known to be associated with atypical CF Reference 1 F508del/R117H 9T/7T M 45 29 CBAVD [4] 2 N1303K/R117H 9T/7T F n.a. 37 bronchiectasis, sinusitis, positive NPD [5] 3 R1162X/2789+5G>A 7T/7T F n.a. 108 chronic cough [5] 4 I336K/R75Q 7T/7T F 26 26 nasal polyposis [7] 5 F508del/L997F 9T/7T M 17 24 none [11] 6 3849+10kbC>T/3878delG 7T/7T M 14 n.a. none [11] 7 S1235R/L997F 5T/7T M 27 25 none [11] 8 F508del/R117H n.a. M 45 29 CBAVD, smooth P. aeruginosa [12] 9 F508del/I1027T n.a. F 32 59 none [12] 10 F508del/D1152H n.a. M 8 62 none [12] 11 F508del/D1152H n.a. F 15 32 none [12] 12 F508del/P574H n.a. F 26 81 sinus surgery, S. aureus, S. maltophilia [12] 13 F508del/3120G>A n.a. F 40 n.a. n.a. [12] 14 F508del/G1069R n.a. M 16 n.a. n.a. [12] 15 G542X/S1235R 7T/7T M 35 15 none [this study] n.a.: not available.
ABCC7 p.Ile1027Thr 14586256:80:567
status: NEW
PMID: 15536480
Modiano G et al: "A large-scale study of the random variability of a coding sequence: a study on the CFTR gene."
In the Tajima`s test,19 the null hypothesis of neutrality is rejected if a statistically significant difference between p Common and rare nonsynonymous and synonymous cSNSs G Modiano et al European Journal of Human Genetics Table 1 List of the 61 cSNSsa encountered in the present survey The random samples of genes (and the technique utilized) cSNS variants found NE Italy (DGGE) Central Italy (DGGE) Southern France (DGGE) Northern France (DHPLC) Spain (SSCA) Czechia (DGGE) Hb  104 Exon Exon Length (bp) Ref. no. SNS SASc 1st 100d 2nd 500 1st 100d 2nde 1st 100d 2nd 500 1st 100 2nde 82d 72 Abs. Freq. Total sample size q  104 se  104 NSf Sf 1g 53 0 0 0 0 0/452 0 924 2 111 1 223C4T R31C 1 1 1/500 1 1 0 0/450 0 5 (11) 1 932 (2 432) 45.23 13.61 90 2 224G4T R31L 0 0 0/500 0 0 0 1/450 0 1 1 932 5.17 5.17 10 3 257C4T S42F 0 0 1/500 0 0 0 0/450 0 1 1 932 5.17 5.17 10 3 109 4 334A4G K68E 1 0 0 0/498 0 0 0 0/452 0 0 1 2 504 3.99 3.99 8 5 352C4T R74W 0 0 0 0/498 0 0 0 1/452 0 0 1 2 504 3.99 3.99 8 6 356G4A R75Q 1 7 1 7/498 2 9 2 9/452 0 2 40 (40) 2 504 (2 544) 157.23 24.66 310 7 386G4A G85E 0 0 1 1/498 0 0 0 0/452 0 0 2 2 504 7.99 5.65 16 4 216 8 482G4A R117H 0 0 0 0/292 0 2 0 1/456 0 0 3 2 302 13.03 7.52 26 9 528T4G I132M 0 0 0 0/292 0 0 0 1/456 0 0 1 2 302 4.34 4.34 8 10 575T4C I148T 1 2 0 1/292 0 0 0 1/456 0 1 6 2 302 26.06 10.63 52 5 90 11 640C4T R170C 0 0 0 0/6 0 0 1/448 0 1 1 436 6.96 6.96 14 12 641G4A R170H 1 1 0 0/6 0 0 2/448 0 4 (4) 1 436 (1 930) 20.73 10.35 41 6a 164 0 0 0/6 0 0 0/432 0 0 992 6b 126 0 0 0/6 0 0 0/454 0 942 7 247 0 0 0/6 0 0 0/796 0 1 284 8 93 13 1281G4A L383 0 0 0 0/6 0 0 1/456 0 0 1 1 516 6.60 6.60 13 9 183 14 1402G4A G424S 0 0 0/6 0 0 1/454 0 1 940 10.64 10.64 21 15 1459G4T D443Y 0 0 0/6 0 0 1/454 0 1 940 10.64 10.64 21 10 192 16 1540A4G M470Vh 42 197 30 37/96 39 199 (i) (i) 27 571(736) 1 484 (1 912) 3849.37 111.28 4 735 17 1598C4A S489X 0 0 0 0/96 0 0 0 1/796 0 1 2 374 4.21 4.21 8 18 1648A4G I506V 1 0 0 0/96 0 0 0 0/796 0 1 2 374 4.21 4.21 8 19 1655T4G F508C 0 1 0 0/96 0 0 0 1/796 0 2 2 038 8.42 5.96 17 20 1716G4A Q528 2 16 1 0/96 0 19 i I 5 43 (58) 1 478 (2 024) 286.56 37.08 557 11 95 21 1756G4T G542X 0 2 0 0/134 0 0 0/796 0 0 2 1 984 10.08 7.12 20 22 1764T4G G544 0 0 0 0/134 0 0 1/796 0 0 1 1 984 5.04 5.04 10 23 1784G4A G551D 0 0 0 0/134 0 0 1/796 0 0 1 1 984 5.04 5.04 10 12 87 24 1816G4A V562I 0 0 0 0 1 0 0/450 0 0 1 (1) 2 004 (2 504) 3.99 3.99 8 25 1816G4C V562L 0 0 0 1 0 0 1/450 0 0 2 (3) 2 004 (2 504) 11.98 6.91 24 26 1859G4C G576A 1 2 0 1 11 0 8/450 0 0 23 (27) 2 004 (2 538) 106.38 20.36 213 13 724j 449 27 1997G4A G622D 0 0 0/80 0/96 1 0 0 0/444 0 1 2 002 5.00 5.00 10 28 2082C4T F650 1 0 0/80 0/20 0 0 0 0/444 0 1 (1) 1 926 (2 412) 4.15 4.15 8 29 2134C4T R668C 1 2 0/80 0/96 1 11 0 12/444 0 27(32) 2 002 (2 558) 125.10 21.98 247 275 30 2377C4T L748 0 0 0/6 0 1 1 388 25.77 25.77 52 14a 129 31 2670G4A W846X 0 0 0/6 0 1 0/452 0/80 0 1 1 010 9.90 9.90 20 32 2694T4G T854 33 23 0/6 33 38 149/452 14/80 11 301 1 010 2980.20 143.92 4 184 33 2695G4A V855I 0 0 0/6 0 0 1/452 0/80 0 1 1 010 9.90 9.90 20 14b 38 0 0 0 0/520 0 0 0 0/446 0 2 448 15 251 34 2816G4C S895T 0 0 0/6 0 0 2/436 0 0 2 996 20.08 14.18 40 35 2831A4C N900T 0 0 0/6 0 0 1/436 0 0 1 996 10.04 10.04 20 36 2988G4C M952I 0 0 0/6 0 0 1/436 0 0 1 996 10.04 10.04 20 37 3030G4A T966 (2)k (1)k 0 6/436 0 6 (25)k 618 (1814)k 137.82 27.37 272 38 3032T4C L967S 0 0 0/6 0 0 1/436 0 0 1 996 10.04 10.04 20 16 80 0 0 0/498 0 0 0/450 0 0 1 502 17a 151 39 3123G4C L997F 0 2 2 1/494 0 7 1 4/454 0 0 17 2 502 67.95 16.42 135 40 3157G4A A1009T 0 2 0 0/494 0 0 0 0/454 0 0 2 2 502 7.99 5.65 16 41 3212T4C I1027T 1 0 0 0/494 0 0 0 0/454 0 0 1 2 502 4.00 4.00 8 17b 228 42 3286T4G F1052V 1 1 0 1/194 0 0 0 0/452 0 0 3 (3) 2 200 (2 240) 13.39 7.73 27 43 3337G4A G1069R 0 1 0 0/194 0 0 0 0/452 0 0 1 2 200 4.55 4.55 9 CommonandrarenonsynonymousandsynonymouscSNSs GModianoetal 186 EuropeanJournalofHumanGenetics 44 3345G4T Q1071H 0 0 0 0/194 0 1 0 0/452 0 0 1 2 200 4.55 4.55 9 45 3417A4T T1995 1 3 0 0/194 1 1 0 0/452 0 0 6 (8) 2 200 (2 506) 31.92 11.27 64 46 3419T4G L1096R 0 0 0 0/194 1 0 0 0/452 0 0 1 2 200 4.55 4.55 9 47 3477C4A T1115 0 0 0 0/194 0 0 0 1/452 0 0 1 2 200 4.55 4.55 9 18 101 48 3523A4G I1131V 0 0 1 0/10 0 0 0/448 0 0 1 (2) 1 512 (1 908) 10.48 7.07 21 49 3586G4C D1152H 0 0 0 0/10 0 0 1/448 0 0 1 1 512 6.61 6.61 13 19 249 50 3617G4T R1162L 0 0 1 1/494 0 0/260 0 0/454 0 0 2 2 262 8.84 6.25 18 51 3690A4G Q1186 0 0 0 0/494 0 0/260 0 0/454 1 0 1 2 262 4.42 4.42 9 52 3813A4G L1227 0 1 0 0/494 0 0/260 0 0/454 0 0 1 2 262 4.42 4.42 9 53 3837T4G S1235R 1 1 0 1/494 0 4/260 0 7/454 0 1 15 (15) 2 262 (2 310) 69.94 16.71 140 20 156 54 4002A4G P1290 2 3 0/6 3 5 18/454 3/80 2 36 1 012 357.73 58.22 690 21 90 55 4009G4A V1293I 0 0 0/6 0 0/300 0 1/456 0 0 1 1 316 7.60 7.60 15 56 4029A4G T1299 1 0 0/6 0 1/300 0 1/456 0 0 3 (8) 1 316 (2 330) 34.33 12.12 69 57 4041C4G N1303K 1 0 0/6 0 0/300 0 0/456 0 0 1 1 316 7.60 7.60 15 58 4085T4C V1318A 0 0 0/6 0 0/300 0 1/456 0 0 1 1 316 7.60 7.60 15 22 173 0 0 0/18 0 0 0/450 0 0 1 022 23 106 0 0 0 0/6 0 0 0/448 0 1 436 24l 198+3 59 4404C4T Y1424 1 0 0/6 1 2 5/420 0 2 11 (32) 980 (2 516) 127.19 22.34 251 60m 4521G4A Q1463 (21) (16) (3/32) (14/80) (30) (94/420) 15/76 (17) 15 (227) 76 (1052) 2142.86 131.07 3 367 61 4563T4C D1477 0 0 0/6 0 1 0/420 0 0 1 980 10.20 10.20 20 Totals 6 525 9 584 16 109 The bracketed figures include also the RFLP analysis data (see Materials and methods); the NE Italy, Central Italy, Southern and Northern France are each subdivided into two samples where the 1st is made up of 100 genes.
ABCC7 p.Ile1027Thr 15536480:33:3636
status: NEW
Greek M/F 11/12 5/16 na Mean age (yrs) 53 Ϯ 15 53 Ϯ 14 na CFTR gene 1 G576A-R668C/L997F 1 ⌬F508/D192N 1 ⌬F508,I1027T mutation 1 ⌬F508/L997F 1 ⌬I507/3849 + 10kb C → T 1 D565G, R668C 1 ⌬F508/- 1 ⌬F508/3849 + 10kb C → T 1 T896I/- 1 R1066C/- 1 H949Y/T1220I 1 I148T/- 1 3667ins4/- 1 ⌬F508/- 1 ⌬F508/S977F 1 R75Q/- 1 2183AA→G 1 M1137V/- 1 L997F/- IVS8-5T 5 5/7 1 5/9 1 5/5 CFTR, cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator; na, not available.
ABCC7 p.Ile1027Thr 16088537:42:136
status: NEW
PMID: 16283887
Epaud R et al: "Mild cystic fibrosis revealed by persistent hyponatremia during the French 2003 heat wave, associated with the S1455X C-terminus CFTR mutation."
The rare sequence variation 3212T>C (I1027T) (exon 17a) found in cis of F508del has already been reported.
ABCC7 p.Ile1027Thr 16283887:14:37
status: NEW
PMID: 16980811
Kammesheidt A et al: "Comprehensive genetic analysis of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator from dried blood specimens--implications for newborn screening."
In states with single specimenmodels,originalspecimensaretestedforthepresenceof themostcommonmutation,deltaF508,and/orotherdeleterious Table 1 Genotype data from panel testing and comprehensive Ambry TestTM : CF analysis Case Ethnicity ABI-31 Mutation 1 ABI-31 Mutation 2 Genzyme-87 Mutation 1 Genzyme-87 Mutation 2 Ambry Mutation 1 Ambry Mutation 2 Ambry Mutation 3 1 Hispanic delF508a 4382delAa 2 Hispanic delF508 N/I delF508 N/I delF508a 1248ϩ1GϾAa 3 African-American N/I N/I N/I N/I M150K CFTRdele17A,17Bb 4 Hispanic G542X N/I G542X N/I G542Xa 1288insTAa 5 African-American N/I N/I 3120ϩ1GϾA N/I 3120ϩ1GϾAa Q98Xa 3849؉72G>A 6 Hispanic delF508 N/I delF508 N/I delF508a 2289del10ins5a 7c Hispanic N/I N/I N/I N/I H199Ya 406-1GϾAa 8 Hispanic delF508 N/I delF508 N/I delF508a CFTRdele2,3(21kbb 9 Hispanic delF508 N/I delF508 N/I delF508a 2105-2117del13insAGAAAa 10 Hispanic G542X N/I G542X N/I G542X M952I Y914X 11 Hispanic N/I N/I N/I N/I 663delT L558S 12 Hispanic N/I N/I delF311 N/I delF311a 406-1GϾAa 13 Hispanic N/I N/I 2055del9insAa 2055del9insAa 14 Hispanic delF508 N/I delF508 N/I delF508 2055del9insA 15 Hispanic delF508 N/I delF508 N/I delF508 E257X 16 Hispanic N/I N/I N/I N/I V232D V232D 17 Hispanic delF508 N/I delF508 N/I delF508 H199Y 18 Hispanic delF508 N/I delF508 4160insGGGG 19 Caucasian delF508 N/I delF508 297-1GϾA 20 Hispanic 2183delAAϾG N/I 2183delAAϾG N/I 2183de1AAϾG 3500-2AϾG 21 Hispanic delF508 N/I delF508 S492F 22 Hispanic delF508 N/I delF508 N/I delF508 935delA 23 Caucasian R1162X N/I R1162X N/I R1162X 3940delG 24 Hispanic 711ϩ1GϾT N/I 711ϩ1GϾT T465N 25 Hispanic delF508 N/I delF508 N/I delF508 406-1GϾA 26 Hispanic delF508 N/I delF508 2055del9insA 27 Hispanic delF508 N/I delF508 N/I delF508 V232D 28 Hispanic delF508 N/I delF508 N/I delF508 S1235R 29 Hispanic G542X N/I G542X N/I G542X 297-1GϾA 30 Hispanic delF508 N/I delF508 N/I delF508 Q1100P 31 Hispanic delF508 N/I delF508 W216X 32 Hispanic N/I N/I N/I N/I 406-1GϾA H199Y 33 Hispanic N/I N/I N/I N/I 3272-26AϾG R75X 34 Hispanic N/I N/I Q890X N/I Q890X 2055del9insA 35 Hispanic delF508 N/I delF508 N/I delF508 W216X 36 Hispanic delF508 N/I delF508 N/I delF508 H199Y 37 Hispanic delF508 N/I delF508 N/I delF508 1288insTA I1027T 38 Hispanic G542X N/I G542X N/I G542X 663delT 39 Hispanic delF508 N/I delF508 N/I delF508 1288insTA 40 Hispanic delF508 N/I delF508 1288insTA mutations using mutation panels.
ABCC7 p.Ile1027Thr 16980811:98:2341
status: NEW
PMID: 17003641
Keiles S et al: "Identification of CFTR, PRSS1, and SPINK1 mutations in 381 patients with pancreatitis."
Patients With More Than 1 CFTR Mutation CFTR Mutation 1 CFTR Mutation 2 CFTR Mutation 3 No. of Patients deltaF508 5T 3 deltaF508 D1152H 1 deltaF508 deltaF508 1 deltaF508 F575Y 1 deltaF508 K598E 1 deltaF508 T164S 1 deltaF508 R74W D1270N 1 deltaF508 Q1476X 1 deltaF508 L997F 1 R553X D1152H 1 R553X G1069R 1 2789+5 G9A 2183 AA9G 1 3849+10kb C9T L1260P 1 711+3 A to G I1139V 1 1341+1 G9A G194R 5T 1 621+25 A9G 3500-19 C9T 1 R74W V855I 1 G542X R117H 1 G551D F311L 1 G576A R668C 2 K710X L997F 1 L997F L320V 1 G1069R 5T 1 1818+18 G9A 5T 1 F1074L 5T 1 F834L 5T 1 R74Q R297Q 1 R74Q R297Q 5T 1 R785Q 5T 1 R117H 5T 3 deltaF508 I1027T 1 Total patients 36 MutationsinboldfacewouldnothavebeendetectedbytheAmericanCollegeofObstetrics and Gynecology (ACOG)/American College of Medical Genetics (ACMG) mutation panel.
ABCC7 p.Ile1027Thr 17003641:54:616
status: NEW
PMID: 17035430
Ziedalski TM et al: "Prospective analysis of cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator mutations in adults with bronchiectasis or pulmonary nontuberculous mycobacterial infection."
Other known CFTR mutations identified were V456A, G542X, R668C, I1027T, D1152, R1162L, W1282X, and L183I.
ABCC7 p.Ile1027Thr 17035430:11:64
status: NEW79 Other identified mutations included R75Q, G542X, V4566A, D1152H, F650L, I1027T, W1282X, and the intron 8 polymorphism IVS 8 5T.
ABCC7 p.Ile1027Thr 17035430:79:72
status: NEW94 Comparison of pulmonary function test data did not demonstrate significant differences between the Table 1-Subjects With Diagnosis of CF* Patient No. Age, yr Sex Bronch NTM† Other Infection‡ CFTR Mutations M470V Alleles IVS8 PolyT§ Sweat Chloride Level, mEq/dL 1 63 F Y MAC, Mch ⌬F508, I1027T 1 7T/9T 41 2 58 F Y MAC 2 7T/7T 65 3 66 F Y MAC, Mka PA 1 7T/7T 70 4 62 F Y MAC R75Q 2 5T/7T 67 5 53 F Y MAC G542X 0 5T/7T 60 6 74 F Y MAC SA ⌬F508, D1152H 1 9T/9T 46 7 33 F Y N PA ⌬F508, V456A 1 9T/9T 74 8 49 M Y N 1 7T/7T 77 9 73 F Y N S malto W1282X 1 7T/7T 63 10 52 F N Msi 2 2 7T/7T 68 *Bronch ϭ bronchiectasis (Bronch); F ϭ female; M ϭ male; Y ϭ yes; N ϭ no.
ABCC7 p.Ile1027Thr 17035430:94:312
status: NEW
PMID: 18344710
Madore AM et al: "Distribution of CFTR mutations in Saguenay- Lac-Saint-Jean: proposal of a panel of mutations for population screening."
Altogether, the six mutations represent 95.89% of the CFTR allele of CF patients in the SLSJ population, whereas the proportions are 86.85, 85.27, and Table 2 Cystic fibrosis mutations present in the four populations studied Mutationa Allelic frequency (number of alleles [%]) Populationb 1 2 3 4 „F508 106 (62.35) 55 (72.37) 398 (72.36) 67 (57.78) 621 ؉ 1G>T 42 (24.71) 6 (7.89) 30 (5.45) 1 (0.85) A455E 12 (7.06) 2 (2.63) 14 (2.55) 1 (0.85) 3199del6 1 (0.59) 1 (1.32) 7 (1.27) 1 (0.85) 711 ؉ 1G>T 1 (0.59) 1 (1.32) 15 (2.73) 1 (0.85) Y1092X 1 (0.59) 1 (1.32) 5 (0.91) 0 R117C 2 (1.18) 0 0 0 ‚I507 1 (0.59) 2 (2.63) 10 (1.82) 0 L206W 1 (0.59) 1 (1.32) 9 (1.64) 0 R1158X 1 (0.59) 0 0 0 S489X 1 (0.59) 0 1 (0.18) 0 R553X 0 2 (2.63) 2 (0.36) 0 R334W 0 1 (1.32) 2 (0.36) 0 G542X 0 0 10 (1.82) 0 G85E 0 0 6 (1.09) 5 (4.24) N1303K 0 0 5 (0.91) 1 (0.85) IVS8-5T 0 0 4 (0.73) 0 W1282X 0 0 3 (0.55) 7 (5.93) R347P 0 0 1 (0.18) 2 (1.69) V520F 0 0 1 (0.18) 0 I1027T 0 0 1 (0.18) 0 R1066C/IVS 0 0 1 (0.18) 0 Q1313X 0 0 1 (0.18) 0 1898ϩ3GϾA 0 0 1 (0.18) 0 2183AAϾG 0 0 1 (0.18) 0 2951insA 0 0 1 (0.18) 0 G551D 0 0 0 2 (1.69) 1525-iG-A 0 0 0 2 (1.69) Y109C 0 0 0 1 (0.85) S549N 0 0 0 1 (0.85) 3154del1G 0 0 0 1 (0.85) UNKNOWN 1 (0.59) 4 (5.26) 20 (3.82) 25 (21.19) Number of alleles genotypedc 170 (100) 76 (100) 550 (100) 118 (100) a The six mutations included in the panels proposed are in bold.
ABCC7 p.Ile1027Thr 18344710:48:975
status: NEW
PMID: 18716917
George Priya Doss C et al: "A novel computational and structural analysis of nsSNPs in CFTR gene."
The nsSNPs which were predicted to be Table 1 List of nsSNPs that were predicted to be deleterious by SIFT and PolyPhen SNPs ID Alleles AA change Tolerance index PSIC rs1800072 G/A V11C 1.00 0.150 rs1800073 C/T R31C 0.18 2.288 rs1800074 A/T D44V 0.01 2.532 rs1800076 G/A R75Q 0.03 1.754 rs1800078 T/C L138P 0.01 2.192 rs35516286 T/C I148T 0.41 1.743 rs1800079 G/A R170H 0.05 1.968 rs1800080 A/G S182G 0.03 1.699 rs1800086 C/G T351S 0.30 1.600 rs1800087 A/C Q353H 0.03 2.093 rs4727853 C/A N417K 1.00 0.015 rs11531593 C/A F433L 0.65 0.694 rs1800089 C/T L467F 0.15 1.568 rs213950 G/A V470M 0.17 1.432 rs1800092 C/A/G I506M 0.00 1.574 rs1801178 A/G I507V 0.38 0.314 rs1800093 T/G F508C 0.00 3.031 rs35032490 A/G K532E 1.00 1.525 rs1800097 G/A V562I 0.13 0.345 rs41290377 G/C G576A 0.33 1.262 rs766874 C/T S605F 0.03 2.147 rs1800099 A/G S654G 0.03 1.611 rs1800100 C/T R668C 0.01 2.654 rs1800101 T/C F693L 0.61 0.895 rs1800103 A/G I807M 0.01 1.554 rs1800106 T/C Y903H 0.52 0.183 rs1800107 G/T S909I 0.10 1.624 rs1800110 T/C L967S 0.07 1.683 rs1800111 G/C L997F 0.24 1.000 rs1800112 T/C I1027T 0.03 1.860 rs1800114 C/T A1067V 0.04 1.542 rs36210737 T/A M1101K 0.05 2.637 rs35813506 G/A R1102K 0.52 1.589 rs1800120 G/T R1162L 0.00 2.038 rs1800123 C/T T1220I 0.22 0.059 rs34911792 T/G S1235R 0.45 1.483 rs11971167 G/A D1270N 0.12 1.739 rs4148725 C/T R1453W 0.00 2.513 Highly deleterious by SIFT and damaging by PolyPhen are indicated as bold deleterious in causing an effect in the structure and function of the protein by SIFT, PolyPhen and Pupasuite correlated well with experimental studies (Tsui 1992; Ghanem et al. 1994; Bienvenu et al. 1998) (Table 3).
ABCC7 p.Ile1027Thr 18716917:125:1080
status: NEW
Genotyping was sent to Ambry Genetics which showed DF508/I1027T on one chromosome and S1118F on the other.
ABCC7 p.Ile1027Thr 19774621:72:57
status: NEW138 Based on these observations, they suggested that TMD11 plays a pore-lining role in the functional CFTR channel.14 We present here a clinical case in which a patient harboringS1118F-CFTR on one chromosome and DF508/ I1027T on the other exhibits atypical CF symptoms.
ABCC7 p.Ile1027Thr 19774621:138:215
status: NEW
PMID: 19812525
de Cid R et al: "Independent contribution of common CFTR variants to chronic pancreatitis."
CFTR Genotypes in Chronic Pancreatitis Patients and General Population Pt/Phenotype CFTR Genotype Pt/Phenotype CFTR Genotype 1/ACP F508del† , I1027T/j 19/ACP* R668C/j 2/ACP* F508del† /j 20/ACP D836Y/j 3/ACP F508del† , I1027T/Y1014C 21/ACP* L997F† /j 4/ACP F508del† /1716G9A 22/ACP* R1162L/j 5/ACP* F508del† /1716G9A 23/ACP 5T-11TG/j 6/ACP* F508del† /S1235R 24/ACP 5T-11TG/j 7/ACP G542X† /j 25/ACP 5T-11TG/j 8/ACP* W1282X† /j 26/ACP* 5T-11TG/j 9/ACP 5T-12TG† /5T-11TG 27/ACP* 5T-11TG/j 10/ACP* 5T-12TG† /j 28/ACP 1716G9A/4374+13A9G 11/ACP R75Q/j 29/ACP 1716G9A/j 12/ACP R75Q/j 30/ACP 1716G9A/j 13/ACP Y122C/Y122C 31/ACP 1716G9A/j 14/ACP* R170C/j 32/ACP 1716G9A/j 15/ACP* R258G/j 33/ACP* 1716G9A/j 16/ACP* M281T/j 34/ACP 2377C9T/j 17/ACP* R297Q† /- 35/ACP* 2377C9T/j 18/ACP T351S/- 36/ACP 3499+37G9A/j 1/ICP F508del† /- 10/ICP* 1716G9A/j 2/ICP D443Y,G576A,R668C† /j 11/ICP* 1716G9A/j 3/ICP* D443Y,G576A,R668C† /j 12/ICP 1716G9A/j 4/ICP* P205S† /j 13/ICP* 1716G9A/j 5/ICP* L997F† /j 14/ICP* 1716G9A/j 6/ICP* R170H/1716G9A 15/ICP* 1716G9A/j 7/ICP 109A9G/j 16/ICP* 1716G9A/j 8/ICP* 5T-11TG/j 17/ICP 1716G9A/j 9/ICP* 5T-11TG/j 1/GP 5T-12TG† /j 8/GP 1716G9A/j 2/GP 5T-12TG† /j 9/GP 1716G9A/j 3/GP A534E† /j 10/GP 1716G/A/j 4/GP 5T-11TG/V562I 11/GP 1716G9A/j 5/GP 5T-11TG/j 12/GP 1716G9A/j 6/GP 5T-11TG/j 13/GP 3690A9G/j 7/GP 1716G9A/j 14/GP 3690A9G/j Corresponding mutation nomenclature (Human Genome Variation Society and Cystic Fibrosis Mutation Data Base): c.1584G9A (1716G9A), c.1210-7_1210-6delTT (5T), 1210-34_1210-13TG (11TG), g.-23A9G (109A9G), c.4242+13A9G (4374+13A9G), c.2245C9T (2377C9T), c.3367+ 37G9A (3499+37G9A), and c.3558A9G (3690A9G).
ABCC7 p.Ile1027Thr 19812525:81:149
status: NEWX
ABCC7 p.Ile1027Thr 19812525:81:239
status: NEW
PMID: 20059485
Dorfman R et al: "Do common in silico tools predict the clinical consequences of amino-acid substitutions in the CFTR gene?"
Mutations in the CFTR gene grouped by clinical category Cystic fibrosis CFTR-related disease No disease T338I D614G L320V V920L L90S M470V H199R S1251N I203M G550R P111A I148T Q1291H R560K L1388Q L183I R170H I1027T S549R D443Y P499A L1414S T908N R668C S549N A455E E1401K Q151K G27E I1234L Y563N R347P C866R S1118C P1290S R75Q A559T V520F P841R M469V E1401G P67L G85E S50Y E1409K R933G G458V G178R Y1032C R248T I980K G85V V392G L973P L137H T351S R334W I444S V938G R792G R560T R555G L1339F D1305E P574H V1240G T1053I D58G G551D L1335P I918M F994C S945L L558S F1337V R810G D1152H G1247R P574S R766M D579G W1098R H949R F200I R352Q L1077P K1351E M244K L206W M1101K D1154G L375F N1303K R1066C E528D D110Y R347H R1070Q A800G P1021S S549K A1364V V392A damaging` (is supposed to affect protein function or structure) and 'probably damaging` (high confidence of affecting protein function or structure).
ABCC7 p.Ile1027Thr 20059485:64:208
status: NEW
Interpretation of Mutations Requires an Understanding of Their Functional Consequences Mutation group Reported mutations Complex allele: These mutations are recognized to occur on a single allele R117H ϩ T G576A ϩ R668C F508del ϩ I1027T Benign sequence alterations: These mutations have no known clinical consequence R74Q R297Q R74W 621 * 25 AϾG 3500-19 CϾT T164S C855I I1139V CFTR-related disorder associated: These mutations have been described in individuals with CF-like single organ disease (such as pancreatitis, sinopulmonary disease, or obstructive azoospermia), but do not fulfill the diagnostic criteria for CF 5T R117H D1270N L320V Q1352H 1818-18 GϾA S1235R CF causing F508del Q1476X R553X K710X G542X G551D F311L 2789-5 GϾA 2183AAϾG 711ϩ3 AϾG 3849ϩ10kb CϾT 1341ϩ1GϾA D1152Ha F1074La R553X Unknown clinical consequence F575Y L1260P G194R G1069R L997F K598E F834L R785Q To illustrate this point, mutations identified by extensive mutation testing in a cohort of patients with recurrent acute or chronic pancre- atitis14 are listed according to their clinical consequences (based on current consensus guidelines13 and functional and/or clinical reports; available:
ABCC7 p.Ile1027Thr 20416310:53:248
status: NEW
PMID: 20706124
Lucarelli M et al: "A new complex allele of the CFTR gene partially explains the variable phenotype of the L997F mutation."
In vivo findings and, in some cases, in vitro functional characterizations have been reported for [F508C; S1251N],38 [R347H; D979A],39,40 [R74W; D1270N],41 [G628R; S1235R],42,43 [M470V; S1235R],42 [S912L; G1244V],44 [R117H; (TG)mTn],45-47 [R117C; (TG)mTn],46 [S1235R; (TG)mT5],48 [G576A; R668C],10,49 [V562I; A1006E],49 [R352W; P750L],49 [1198_1203del TGGGCT; 1204GϾA],49 [V754M; CFTRdele3_10,14b_16],50 and [F508del; I1027T].51 These complex alleles have been found in patients with either CF or CFTR-RD, although more often in the former.
ABCC7 p.Ile1027Thr 20706124:103:424
status: NEW
PMID: 15300780
Wong LJ et al: "Detection of CFTR mutations using temporal temperature gradient gel electrophoresis."
Identification of rare and novel mutations and polymorphisms Base substitution Mutation Exon or intron Homozygote or heterozygote Polymorphism or mutation # Alleles identified 1 c.124_146del23bp Frameshift 1 Heterozygote Mutation 1 2 c.296+2T>A Splice Int 2 Heterozygote Mutation 1 3 c.296+28A/G Int 2 Homozygote Polymorphism 2 4 c.355CT p.R75X 3 Heterozygote Mutation 2 5 c.360_365insT Frameshift 3 Heterozygote Mutation 1 6 c.379_381insT Frameshift 3 Heterozygote Mutation 1 7 c.406-1G>A Splice Int 4 Heterozygote Mutation 2 8 c.424C.T p.Q98X 4 Heterozygote Mutation 1 9 c.425A.G p.Q98R 4 Heterozygote Mutation 3 10 c.586A.G p.M152V 4 Homozygote Mutation 2 11 c.663delT Frameshift 5 Heterozygote Mutation 3 12 c.667C>A p.Q179K 5 Heterozygote Mutation, 1 13 c.745C.T p.P205S 6a Heterozygote Mutation 5 14 c.875140A/G 6a Heterozygote Polymorphism 11 15 c.935delA Frameshift 6b Heterozygote Mutation 2 16 c.124811G.A Splice Int 7 Heterozygote Mutation 2 17 c.1285ins TA Frameshift 8 Heterozygote Mutation 4 Homozygote Mutation 2 18 c.1342+196C/T Int 8 Heterozygote Polymorphism 4 Homozygote 2 19 c.1461insAGAT Frameshift 9 Heterozygote Mutation 1 20 c.1525-61A/G 10 Heterozygote Polymorphism 22 21 c.1529C.A/G p.S466X 10 Heterozygote Mutation 1 22 c.1607C.T p.S492F 10 Heterozygote Mutation 3 23 c.1814C.T p.A561E 12 Heterozygote Mutation 1 24 c.189813A.G Splice Int 12 Heterozygote Mutation 1 25 c.18981152T/A Int 12 Heterozygote Polymorphism 5 26 c.1924del 7bp Frameshift 13 Heterozygote Mutation 1 27 c.1949del84 Frameshift 13 Heterozygote Mutation 1 28 c.2055del9toA Frameshift 13 Homozygote Mutation 2 29 c.2105_2117 Frameshift 13 Heterozygote Mutation 4 del13insAGAAA 30 c.2108delA Frameshift 13 Heterozygote Mutation 1 31 c.2184insA Frameshift 13 Heterozygote Mutation 2 32 c.2184delA Frameshift 13 Heterozygote Mutation 1 33 c.2289_2295 Frameshift 13 Heterozygote Mutation 1 del7insGT 34 c.2694T.G p.T854T 14a Heterozygote Polymorphism 10 35 c.2752+12G/C Int 14a Heterozygote Polymorphism 2 36 c.2800C.T p.Q890X 15 Homozygote Mutation 2 37 c.3171delC Frameshift 17a Heterozygote Mutation 1 38 c.3179T>C p.F1016S 17a Heterozygote Mutation 1 39 c.3199del 6bp Frameshift 17a Heterozygote Mutation 1 40 c.3212T.C p.I1027T 17a Heterozygote Mutation 1 41 c.3272-26A.G Splice Int17a Heterozygote Mutation 4 42 c.3271delGG Frameshift 17a Heterozygote Mutation 1 43 c.3313G.C p.G1061R 17b Heterozygote Mutation 1 44 c.3328C.T p.R1066C 17b Heterozygote Mutation 2 45 c.3362T.C p.L1077P 17b Heterozygote Mutation 1 46 c.3431A.C p.Q1100P 17b Heterozygote Mutation 1 47 c.3500-2A>T Splice Int 17b Heterozygote Mutation 1 48 c.3743G.A p.W1204X 19 Heterozygote Mutation 1 Homozygote Mutation 2 49 c.3601-65C/A Int 19 Heterozygote Polymorphism 14 50 c.3863G.A p.G1244E 20 Heterozygote Mutation 3 Table 3.
ABCC7 p.Ile1027Thr 15300780:133:2218
status: NEW
PMID: 17331079
Alonso MJ et al: "Spectrum of mutations in the CFTR gene in cystic fibrosis patients of Spanish ancestry."
Seven other complex alleles were observed: [c.296 + 3insT; p.V754M], [p.F508del; p.I1027T], [p.S549R; -102T > A], [p.G576A; p.R668C], [p.R1070W; p.R668C], [p.D1270N; p.R74W] and [p.T1299I; p.I148T].
ABCC7 p.Ile1027Thr 17331079:67:83
status: NEW
PMID: 22137130
Cordovado SK et al: "CFTR mutation analysis and haplotype associations in CF patients."
The I1027T mutation, the third mutation in two specimens, has been found in cis with the F508del mutation greater than 5% in the Brittany population (western France) [19].
ABCC7 p.Ile1027Thr 22137130:79:4
status: NEW101 CFTR mutation 1 Gene location CFTR mutation 2 Gene location CFTR mutation 3 Gene location S549N Ex12 3120+1G→A Intron 18 -102T→A Promoter F508del Ex11 G542X Ex12 185+4A→T Intron1 F508del Ex11 F508del Ex11 I1027T Ex19 F508del Ex11 W1282X Ex23 I1027T Ex19 only by the number of repeats of the IVS8CA microsatellite; 32 chromosomes contained 17 repeats and 29 chromosomes contained 23 repeats.
ABCC7 p.Ile1027Thr 22137130:101:226
status: NEWX
ABCC7 p.Ile1027Thr 22137130:101:263
status: NEW
PMID: 18687795
Audrezet MP et al: "Validation of high-resolution DNA melting analysis for mutation scanning of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene."
Continued Exon Primer Sequences GC length Amplicon length (bp) Introns Number of heterozygous- positive controls Number of homozygous- positive controls Recommended control 16 LSCFE16Fmod 5Ј-CCGCTGAATGCGTCTACTGTGATCCA-3Ј 3 299 bp 77 6 G970R LSCFE16Rmod 5Ј-CCGTAGACAGGACTTCAA CCCTCAATCAA-3Ј 3 87 3120ϩ1GϾA 17a LSCFE17AFmod 5Ј-CCGCCGGACACACTTTG TCCACTT-3Ј 6 286 bp 49 13 3121-1GϾA LSCFE17ARmod 5Ј-CCGCCGTCAAATAGCTCTTATAGCTTTTTT ACAAGATG-3Ј 6 25 I1027T 17b LSCF17BAFmod 5Ј-CCGCCGCCCCGCCGTCAGGTACA AGATATTATG-3Ј 14 56 11 3272-26AϾG LSCF17BARmod 5Ј-CCGCCGCCGCAGTGTTGACAGGT ACAAGAAC-3Ј 7 247 bp A1067T LSCF17BBFmod 5Ј-CCGCCCTTACTTTGAAACTCTGTT CCACAAAGC-3Ј 4 247 bp T1095T LSCF17BBRmod 5Ј-CCGCCGTTGATAACCTATAGAATG CAG-3Ј 6 62 E1104X 18 LSCFE18Fmod 5Ј-CCGCCGAGTCGTTCACAGAAGA GAGAAATAAC-3Ј 6 236 bp 34 2 D1152H LSCFE18Rmod 5Ј-CCGCCGCCGCGGTACTTTGTT ACTTGTCTGAATTTTTTT-3ЈCATAA 12 25 3547delA 19 LSCF19i5mod 5Ј-CCGCCGCCGCGCATCAAACTA ATTGTGAAATTGTCTGCC-3Ј 10 408 bp 73 10 S1235R LSCF19i3mod 5Ј-CCGCCGCCGCACACATTGCT TCAGGCTACTGGGA-3Ј 11 49 R1162L 20 LSCF20i5mod 5Ј-CCGCCGCCGCCGCTACTGAATTATGT TTATGGCATGG-3Ј 13 323 bp 44 13 W1282X LSCF20i3mod 5Ј-CCGCCGCCGCTCTTGAGTACAAGTA TCAAATAGCAG-3Ј 10 50 4005ϩ33GϾA 21 LSCFe21F 5Ј-CCGCCGCCGCGCAAGTTATTCATA CTTTCTTCTTCTTT-3Ј 12 217 bp 15 5 1 N1303K LSCFe21R 5Ј-CCGCCGCCGCTATATCAGCCA TTTGTG-3Ј 8 47 Q1313X 22 LSCFe22FmodC LSCFe22 RmodD 5Ј-CCGCCGAGAATGTCAAC TGCTTGAGTGT-3Ј 6 311 bp 41 2 R1358S 5Ј-CCGCCGGCAGGCATAATGA TTCTGTTCCCAC-3Ј 10 51 I1366T 23 LSCFE23Fmod 5Ј-CCGCCGCCGCAAGGTAAAT ACAGATCAT-3Ј 9 259 bp 44 3 4374ϩ1GϾT 4374ϩ13AϾG LSCFE23Rmod: 5Ј-CCGGCAGGAACTATCACAT GTGAGATTG-3Ј 3 53 24 LSCFE24FmodB 5Ј-CCGCCGCTTTGAGCCTGT GCCAGTTTCTGT-3Ј 6 378 bp 58 5 1 Q1463Q LSE24RmodB 5Ј-CCGCCGACGAGCTCCAATTC CATGAGGTGA-3Ј 6 62 Y1424Y the same technique: the majority of our samples were extracted by a classical saline technique or an automated extraction and their quality was adequate.
ABCC7 p.Ile1027Thr 18687795:63:509
status: NEW
PMID: 17825628
Fichou Y et al: "Estimating the age of CFTR mutations predominantly found in Brittany (Western France)."
The W846X2, 1078delT and G551D mutations, as well as the I1027T polymorphism in cis with the ΔF508 mutation (currently referred to as p.F508del) are particularly frequent in this area.
ABCC7 p.Ile1027Thr 17825628:2:57
status: NEW25 A haplotype we have also been interested in is the ΔF508-I1027T haplotype.
ABCC7 p.Ile1027Thr 17825628:25:62
status: NEW26 It consists of the cis-association of the ΔF508 mutation and the I1027T polymorphism.
ABCC7 p.Ile1027Thr 17825628:26:70
status: NEW39 CF patients Unrelated CF patients (and relatives when available) from Brittany carrying at least one of the following mutations W846X2, 1078delT, G551D and ΔF508-I1027T were selected for the study, accounting for 13, 31, 32 and 10 families, respectively (Table 1).
ABCC7 p.Ile1027Thr 17825628:39:167
status: NEW40 It should be noted that the notations ΔF508, G551D, W846X2 and I1027T should no longer be used and be replaced respectively by p.F508del, p.G551D, p.W846X and p.I1027T at the protein level; and c.1521_1523delCTT, c.1652GNA, c.2538GNA, c.3080TNC, as well as c.946delT for the 1078delT mutation at the DNA level according to the recommended nomenclature (
ABCC7 p.Ile1027Thr 17825628:40:68
status: NEWX
ABCC7 p.Ile1027Thr 17825628:40:69
status: NEW66 Table 3 Estimation of the age of the CFTR mutations Mutation Number of chromosomes Age in generations [95% CI] Age in yearsa [95% CI] Assumed ancestral haplotypeb W846X2 13 25 [15;41] 625 [375;1025] 201-123-195-275-306-250-Mut-226-318-277-243 1078delT 32 40 [30;53] 1000 [750;1325] 199-123-201-279-310-250-Mut-228-308-281-243 G551D 33 48 [36;62] 1200 [900;1550] 207-113-197-275-302-264-Mut-224-322-293-239 ΔF508 45 115 [91;148] 2875 [2275;3700] 209-117-201-283-308-256-Mut-224-308-281-243 I1027T 10 24 [13;44] 600 [325;1100] 209-123-203-271-308-256-Pol-228-308-289-243 Mut and Pol respectively indicate the relative position of the mutation and the polymorphism within each haplotype of interest.
ABCC7 p.Ile1027Thr 17825628:66:494
status: NEW91 Among these chromosomes, 2/45 (4.4%) carry the I1027T polymorphism in CFTR exon 17a.
ABCC7 p.Ile1027Thr 17825628:91:47
status: NEWX
ABCC7 p.Ile1027Thr 17825628:91:230
status: NEW92 An additional set of ΔF508 chromosomes was screened for the polymorphism, accounting for a total of ten chromosomes carrying the ΔF508-I1027T haplotype.
ABCC7 p.Ile1027Thr 17825628:92:147
status: NEW102 The G551D and 1078delT mutations are assumed to be appeared in Brittany at the end of the First Millenium while W846X2 and I1027T are very likely the most recent (~600 years).
ABCC7 p.Ile1027Thr 17825628:102:123
status: NEW106 Although relatively rare, W846X2, 1078delT, G551D and I1027T are found at higher frequency in the population from Brittany than in the other French regions.
ABCC7 p.Ile1027Thr 17825628:106:54
status: NEW109 The W846X2 mutation as well as the I1027T polymorphism were estimated to be ~600 years old, while 1078delT was found to be older (~1000 years old) in Brittany.
ABCC7 p.Ile1027Thr 17825628:109:35
status: NEW101 The G551D and 1078delT mutations are assumed to be appeared in Brittany at the end of the First Millenium while W846X2 and I1027T are very likely the most recent (~600 years).
ABCC7 p.Ile1027Thr 17825628:101:123
status: NEW105 Although relatively rare, W846X2, 1078delT, G551D and I1027T are found at higher frequency in the population from Brittany than in the other French regions.
ABCC7 p.Ile1027Thr 17825628:105:54
status: NEW108 The W846X2 mutation as well as the I1027T polymorphism were estimated to be ~600 years old, while 1078delT was found to be older (~1000 years old) in Brittany.
ABCC7 p.Ile1027Thr 17825628:108:35
status: NEW
PMID: 15858154
Schrijver I et al: "Diagnostic testing by CFTR gene mutation analysis in a large group of Hispanics: novel mutations and assessment of a population-specific mutation spectrum."
Other than ⌬F508 itself and I1027T, typically occurring in cis-, only two individual mutations, W1204X and L206W, were observed with ⌬F508 more than once (twice each) in this study.
ABCC7 p.Ile1027Thr 15858154:76:35
status: NEW98 Spectrum of CFTR Sequence Variants in 257 Hispanic Patients Who Underwent Diagnostic DNA Testing for CF Mutations in 257 patients Allele counts of each mutation % of variant alleles (183) % of all alleles tested (514) ACMG/ACOG recommended 25 mutation panel* DeltaF508 53 28.96 10.31 G542X 7 3.83 1.36 R334W 2 1.09 0.39 R553X 2 1.09 0.39 DeltaI507 1 0.55 0.19 1717 - 1 GϾA 1 0.55 0.19 3120 ϩ 1 GϾA 1 0.55 0.19 7 different mutations 67 36.61 13.04 All mutations included ACMG/ACOG 1248 ϩ 1 GϾA 1 0.55 0.19 1249 - 29delAT 1 0.55 0.19 1288insTA1288insTA 1 0.55 0.19 1341 ϩ 80 GϾA1341 ϩ 80 GϾA 1 0.55 0.19 1429del71429del7 1 0.55 0.19 1525 - 42 GϾA1525 - 42 GϾA 1 0.55 0.19 1717 - 1 GϾA 1 0.55 0.19 1717 - 8 GϾA 2 1.09 0.39 1811 ϩ 1 GϾA1811 ϩ 1 GϾA 1 0.55 0.19 2055del9-ϾA 3 1.64 0.58 2105-2117del13insAGAAA 1 0.55 0.19 2215insG 1 0.55 0.19 2585delT2585delT 1 0.55 0.19 2752 - 6 TϾC 1 0.55 0.19 296 ϩ 28 AϾG 1 0.55 0.19 3120 ϩ 1 GϾ A 1 0.55 0.19 3271 ϩ 8 AϾG3271 ϩ 8 AϾG 1 0.55 0.19 3271delGG 1 0.55 0.19 3272 - 26 AϾG 2 1.09 0.39 3876delA 2 1.09 0.39 4016insT 1 0.55 0.19 406 - 1 GϾA 6 3.28 1.17 406 - 6 TϾC 1 0.55 0.19 4374 ϩ 13 A ϾG 1 0.55 0.19 663delT 1 0.55 0.19 874insTACA874insTACA 1 0.55 0.19 A1009T 2 1.09 0.39 A559T 1 0.55 0.19 D1152H 1 0.55 0.19 D1270N 3 1.64 0.58 D1445N 2 1.09 0.39 D836Y 1 0.55 0.19 DeltaF311 1 0.55 0.19 DeltaF508 53 28.96 10.31 DeltaI507 1 0.55 0.19 E116K 2 1.09 0.39 E585X 1 0.55 0.19 E588VE588V 2 1.09 0.39 E831X 1 0.55 0.19 F311L 1 0.55 0.19 F693L 1 0.55 0.19 G1244E 1 0.55 0.19 G542X 7 3.83 1.36 G576A 1 0.55 0.19 H199Y 3 1.64 0.58 I1027T 3 1.64 0.58 I285FI285F 1 0.55 0.19 L206W 3 1.64 0.58 L320V 1 0.55 0.19 L967S 1 0.55 0.19 L997F 3 1.64 0.58 P1372LP1372L 1 0.55 0.19 P205S 1 0.55 0.19 P439SP439S 1 0.55 0.19 Q1313X 1 0.55 0.19 Q890X 2 1.09 0.39 Q98R 1 0.55 0.19 R1066C 1 0.55 0.19 R1066H 1 0.55 0.19 (Table continues) missense variant, I1027T (3212TϾC), in exon 17a.25 Family studies have not been performed to identify which allele carries two mutations.
ABCC7 p.Ile1027Thr 15858154:98:1756
status: NEWX
ABCC7 p.Ile1027Thr 15858154:98:2066
status: NEW99 However, I1027T has been reported in cis with the ⌬F508 mutation in the Human Gene Mutation Database26 and has been observed in this phase in several family studies at Ambry, as well.
ABCC7 p.Ile1027Thr 15858154:99:9
status: NEW100 Moreover, if I1027T is in cis with ⌬F508, little additional effect would be expected as ⌬F508 is a "severe" allele, whereas if it is in cis with the novel Y913X, the premature termination of translation would occur before reaching I1027T, and no additional effect might result.
ABCC7 p.Ile1027Thr 15858154:100:13
status: NEWX
ABCC7 p.Ile1027Thr 15858154:100:245
status: NEW102 Novel Variants Detected in 257 Hispanic Patients Patient Novel variant 1 Other variants Age and symptoms 1 1429del7bp G542X Newborn with intestinal blockage 2 S573C None 9 years old, pancreatitis, limited clinical history 3 Y913X deltaF508/I1027T 1 month old, vomiting, weight loss, diarrhea 4 E588V deltaF508/R1438W Identified one time in a family, family studies revealed deltaF508 and R1438W are in cis 5 E588V G542X Newborn with pneumonia and sweat chloride of 59 mmol/L 6 P439S R668C 10 years old with mild CF symptoms; another patient with CBAVD has P439S/R334W 7 T604S deltaF508 1 month old 8 874insTACA deltaF508 Newborn with meconium ileus and IUGR 9 2585delT deltaF508/I1027T 13 years old with CF 10 1811 ϩ 1 G to A None 44 years old with positive sweat chloride; also seen in 5-year-old CF patient with 3821delT mutation 11 I285F None 1 year old with chronic respiratory problems, also carries a silent mutation at A455 12 P1372L None 1 month old, rule out CF 13 3271 ϩ 8 A to G None 16 years old, borderline sweat test 14 1341 ϩ 80 G to A None Recurrent sinusitis 15 1525 - 42 G to A None Two patients, one 9 years old with FTT, and one 18 months old with chronic lung disease, pulmonary hypotension, hypoxia CBAVD, congenital bilateral absence of the vas deference; IUGR, intrauterine growth retardation.
ABCC7 p.Ile1027Thr 15858154:102:240
status: NEWX
ABCC7 p.Ile1027Thr 15858154:102:679
status: NEW130 This patient carries two additional mutations including a ⌬F508 mutation and I1027T.
ABCC7 p.Ile1027Thr 15858154:130:84
status: NEW165 Due to ascertainment bias, six mutations not included in the recommended panel occurred with a relative frequency greater than 1%: E60X, G576A, I1027T, P67L, R668C, and S1235R.
ABCC7 p.Ile1027Thr 15858154:165:144
status: NEW187 CFTR Sequence Variants Identified in Five Comprehensive CFTR Studies in US Hispanics CFTR mutations Alleles Relative mutation frequency (%) (of 317) deltaF508 123 38.80 3876delA 15 4.70 G542X 12 3.80 406 - 1GϾA 8 2.50 3849 ϩ 10kbCϾT 5 1.60 R75X 4 1.30 935delA 4 1.30 S549N 4 1.30 W1204X 4 1.30 R334W 4 1.30 2055del9ϾA 3 1 R74W 3 1 H199Y 3 1 L206W 3 1 663delT 3 1 3120 ϩ 1GϾA 3 1 L997F 3 1 I1027T 3 1 R1066C 3 1 W1089X 3 1 D1270N 3 1 2105del13insAGAAA 3 1 Q98R 2 Ͻ1 E116K 2 Ͻ1 I148T 2 Ͻ1 R668C 2 Ͻ1 P205S 2 Ͻ1 V232D 2 Ͻ1 S492F 2 Ͻ1 T501A 2 Ͻ1 1949del84 2 Ͻ1 Q890X 2 Ͻ1 3271delGG 2 Ͻ1 3272 - 26AϾG 2 Ͻ1 G1244E 2 Ͻ1 D1445N 2 Ͻ1 R553X 2 Ͻ1 E588V 2 Ͻ1 1717 - 8GϾA 2 Ͻ1 A1009T 2 Ͻ1 S1235R 2 Ͻ1 G85E 1 Ͻ1 296 ϩ 28AϾG 1 Ͻ1 406 - 6TϾC 1 Ͻ1 V11I 1 Ͻ1 Q179K 1 Ͻ1 V201 mol/L 1 Ͻ1 874insTACA 1 Ͻ1 I285F 1 Ͻ1 deltaF311 1 Ͻ1 F311L 1 Ͻ1 L320V 1 Ͻ1 T351S 1 Ͻ1 R352W 1 Ͻ1 1248 ϩ 1GϾA 1 Ͻ1 1249 - 29delAT 1 Ͻ1 1288insTA 1 Ͻ1 1341 ϩ 80GϾA 1 Ͻ1 1429del7 1 Ͻ1 1525 - 42GϾA 1 Ͻ1 P439S 1 Ͻ1 1717 - 1GϾA 1 Ͻ1 1811 ϩ 1GϾA 1 Ͻ1 deltaI507 1 Ͻ1 G551D 1 Ͻ1 A559T 1 Ͻ1 Y563N 1 Ͻ1 (Table continues) In this study, we used temporal temperature gradient gel electrophoresis (TTGE) and direct DNA sequencing to increase the sensitivity of mutation detection in U.S. Hispanics, and to determine whether additional mutations are recurrent.
ABCC7 p.Ile1027Thr 15858154:187:425
status: NEW201 Comparison of Relative Frequencies of CFTR Sequence Variants in Comprehensive CFTR Studies in US and Mexican Hispanics This study % Orozco 2000 % US/ Mexican % deltaF508 28.96 54.48 43.72 G542X 3.83 8.28 5.19 406 - 1GϾA 3.28 2.07 2.38 W1204X 2.19 Ͻ1 1.08 R74W 1.64 Ͻ1 R75X 1.64 2.07 1.51 H199Y 1.64 Ͻ1 Ͻ1 L206W 1.64 Ͻ1 L997F 1.64 Ͻ1 I1027T 1.64 Ͻ1 2055del9ϾA 1.64 1.38 1.27 D1270N 1.64 Ͻ1 E116K 1.09 Ͻ1 V232D 1.09 Ͻ1 R334W 1.09 Ͻ1 S492F 1.09 Ͻ1 T501A 1.09 Ͻ1 R553X 1.09 Ͻ1 Ͻ1 E588V 1.09 Ͻ1 R668C 1.09 Ͻ1 Q890X 1.09 Ͻ1 W1089X 1.09 Ͻ1 S1235R 1.09 Ͻ1 D1445N 1.09 Ͻ1 3876delA 1.09 3.24 1717 - 8GϾA 1.09 Ͻ1 3272 - 26AϾG 1.09 Ͻ1 A1009T 1.09 Ͻ1 deltaI507 Ͻ1 3.45 1.30 S549N Ͻ1 3.45 1.95 G567A Ͻ1 Ͻ1 I148T 2.07 1.08 I506T 1.38 Ͻ1 N1303K 2.76 1.08 935delA 1.38 1.30 2183AAϾG 1.38 Ͻ1 3199del6 1.38 Ͻ1 3849 ϩ 10kbCϾT Ͻ1 1.30 ACMG/ACOG italicized.
ABCC7 p.Ile1027Thr 15858154:201:375
status: NEW
of patients with IGT 2 10 2 0 0 1/1 16 No of patients with CFRD without FH 0 4 0 0 0 0 4 *Genotype class based on mutation with ∆F508: Class I, 621+1G→T, G542X, 441delA, R553X, W1282X, 3120+1G→A, 4016insT, 1154insTC, I1027T; Class II, ∆F508; Class III, G551D, G85E, S549N, L1077P, H199R; Class IV, Class V, 3849+10kbC→T, 5T; Unknown, G85E/-, ∆F508/-; Other, G551D/R506T, W1282X/W1282X.
ABCC7 p.Ile1027Thr 12584532:118:235
status: NEW
PMID: 10923036
Claustres M et al: "Spectrum of CFTR mutations in cystic fibrosis and in congenital absence of the vas deferens in France."
However, at least three of these changes are listed as neutral polymorphisms in the CFGAC: L467F (1531C/T), F508C (1655T/G), and I1027T (3212T/C).
ABCC7 p.Ile1027Thr 10923036:68:129
status: NEW152 Twenty-four non F508del mutations were found associated with the 9T allele: 394delTT, L90S, D110H, R117G, 621+1G>T, V232D, A455E, G542X, R851L, T908N, 2789+5G>A, 2896insAG, H939R, 3007delG, I980K, I1027T, R1066H, A1067T, D1154G, 3737delA, R74W+D1270N, N1303I, N1303K, D1377H.
ABCC7 p.Ile1027Thr 10923036:152:197
status: NEW
PMID: 16963320
Perez MM et al: "CFTR gene analysis in Latin American CF patients: heterogeneous origin and distribution of mutations across the continent."
Some have concentrated in the search of specific mutations that are Table 1 Mutations found in the Latin American CF patients Exon 1 p.L6VÌe; Exon 3 p.W57X, p.R75X, p.G85E Exon 4 p.R117H Exon 6a p.H199Y, p.V201M, p.L206W, p.Q220X, p.V232D, c.846delTÌe; Exon 6b p.Y275XÌe;, c.935delA Exon 7 p.R334W, p.R347P, p.Y362XÌe;, c.1078delT, c.1215delG Exon 8 c.1323_1324insAÌe; Exon 9 c.1460_1461delATÌe;, c.1353_1354insTÌe;,# Exon 10 p.I506T, p.I507del, p.F508del Exon 11 p.G542X, p.S549N, p.S549R, p.G551D, p.G551S, p.R553X, p.L558S, p.A559T, c.1782delA Exon 12 p.S589I Exon 13 p.H609RÌe;, p.P750L, p.V754M, c.1924_1930del, c.2055_2063del, c.2183AA NG;c.2184delA, c.2184delA, c.2185_2186insC, c.2347delG, c.2566_2567insTÌe;, c.2594_2595delGTÌe; Exon 14a p.R851L, c.2686_2687insTÌe; Exon 15 c.2869_2870insG Exon 16 c.3120+1GNA Exon 17a p.I1027T, c.3171delC, c.3199_3204del Exon 17b p.G1061R, p.R1066C, p.W1069X#, p.W1089X, p.Y1092X, p.W1098CÌe; Exon 19 p.R1162X, p.W1204X, p.Q1238X, c.3617_3618delGAÌe;#, c.3659delC Exon 20 p.W1282X, p.R1283M Exon 21 p.N1303K, c.4016_4017insT Exon 22 c.4160_4161insGGGGÌe; 5' flanking c.-834GNT Intron 2 c.297-1GNAÌe;, c.297-2ANG Intron 3 c.406-1GNA Intron 4 c.621+1GNT Intron 5 c.711+1GNT Intron 8 c.IVS8-5T Intron 10 c.1716GNA, c.1717-1GNA Intron 11 c.1811+1.6KbANG, c.1812-1GNA Intron 12 c.1898+1GNA, c.1898+3ANG Intron 14 c.2789+2_2789+3insA, c.2789+5GNA Intron 17a c.3272-26ANG Intron 17b c.3500-2ANGÌe; Intron 19 c.3849+1GNA, c.3849+10KbCNT Intron 20 c.4005+1GNA, c.4005-1GNA# Mutations are listed according to their position in the gene.
ABCC7 p.Ile1027Thr 16963320:42:874
status: NEW51 Table 2 p.I507del p.S549N p.S549R p.G551D p.G551S p.R553X p.L558S p.A559T p.S589I p.H609RÌe; p.P750L p.V754M p.R851L p.I1027T p.G1061R p.R1066C p.W1069X# p.W1089X p.Y1092X p.W1098CÌe; p.W1204X 3 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 4 1 2 3 1 3 0.24 1 0.08 1 0.08 6 0.48 2 0.16 1 0.08 1 0.08 4 0.32 1 0.08 1 4 1 2 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 2 0 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0.05 1 0.05 1 0.05 10 0.54 1 0.05 2 0.11 3 0.16 3 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 2 0.79 4 1.58 4 1 1 1 1 4 1.83 1 0.46 1 0.46 1 0.46 1 0.46 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 1.82 6 2.19 1 0.36 1 0.36 1 0.36 1 0.36 1 0.36 1 0.36 1 0.36 1 0.36 1 0.36 1 0.36 1 1.31 1 1.31 1 1.31 10 6 6 6 1 22 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 3 5 1 1 0.23 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.02 0.51 0.02 0.02 0.05 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.14 0.02 0.07 0.11 0.02 0.02 (continued on next page) Table 2 Mutation frequencies in Latin American CF patients Country p.Q1238X p.R1283M c.-834GNT c.297-1GNA* c.297-2ANG c.406-1GNA c.621+1GNT c.711+1GNT c.846delT* c.935delA c.1078delT c.1215delG c.1323_1324insA* c.1353_1354insT*# c.1460_1461delAT* Argentina 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 Subtotal and frequency (%) 1 0.08 1 0.08 4 0.32 1 0.08 1 0.08 1 0.08 Brazil 1 1 1 1 0 0 Subtotal and frequency (%) 1 0.05 2 0.11 1 0.05 Chile 0 0 Subtotal and frequency (%) Colombia 1 1 Subtotal and frequency (%) 1 0.46 1 0.46 Costa Rica Frequency (%) 0 Cuba Frequency (%) Ecuador Subtotal and frequency (%) Mexico 1 3 1 2 1 1 Subtotal and frequency (%) 1 0.36 3 1.09 1 0.36 1 0.36 2 0.73 1 0.36 Uruguay Frequency (%) 1 1.31 Venezuela Subtotal and frequency (%) Total 1 1 1 1 1 3 7 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 Frequency (%) 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.07 0.16 0.05 0.02 0.05 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 (continued ) Table 2 c.1716GNA c.1717-1GNA c.1782delA c.1811+1,6KbANG c.1812-1GNA c.1898+1GNA c.1898+3ANG c.1924_1930del c.2055_2063del c.2183AANG;c.2184delA c.2184delA c.2185_2186insC 5 1 4 1 1 1 0 1 2 2 6 0.48 1 0.08 6 0.48 2 0.16 1 0.08 1 0.08 1 0.08 1 0 6 5 1 3 0 0 0 0 7 0.37 5 0.27 1 0.05 3 0.16 0 0 12 1 12 5.50 1 0.46 0 0 1 1 2 2 1 0.36 1 0.36 2 0.73 2 0.73 1 1.31 1 14 1 18 5 3 1 1 2 6 1 1 0.02 0.32 0.02 0.41 0.11 0.07 0.02 0.02 0.05 0.14 0.02 0.02 (continued on next page) Table 2 Mutation frequencies in Latin American CF patients Country c.2347delG c.2566_2567insT* c.2594_2595delGT* c.2686_2687insT* c.2789+2_2789+3insA c.2789+5GNA c.2869_2870insG c.3120+1GNA c.3171delC c.3199_3204del c.3272-26ANG c.3500-2ANG* Argentina 2 1 2 2 3 3 1 1 2 Subtotal and frequency (%) 2 0.16 1 0.08 2 0.16 2 0.16 6 0.48 1 0.08 1 0.08 2 0.16 Brazil 2 1 1 1 6 0 0 4 0 Subtotal and frequency (%) 2 0.11 1 0.05 1 0.05 10 0.54 1 0.05 Chile Subtotal and frequency (%) Colombia 1 1 1 Subtotal and frequency (%) 1 0.46 1 0.46 1 0.46 Costa Rica Frequency (%) Cuba Frequency (%) Ecuador Subtotal and frequency (%) Mexico 2 Subtotal and frequency (%) 2 0.73 Uruguay Frequency (%) 1 1.31 Venezuela Subtotal and frequency (%) Total 2 2 1 3 2 9 1 12 1 2 2 1 Frequency (%) 0.05 0.05 0.02 0.07 0.05 0.21 0.02 0.28 0.02 0.05 0.05 0.02 (continued ) Table 2 c.3617_3618delGA*,# c.3659delC c.3849+1GNA c.3849+10kbCNT c.4005+1GNA c.4005-1GNA# c.4016_4017insT c.4160_4161insGGGG* c.IVS8-5T Unknown Authors 37 Aulehla-Scholz [17] 2 4 1 2 4 76 Visich [12] 1 78 Iba&#f1;ez [18] 54 Varela 2004 8 Prieto [19] 2 1 1 1 18 Oller-Ramirez 2004 4 0.32 6 0.48 1 0.08 1 0.08 2 0.16 5 0.40 271 21.75 205 Raskin [20] 32 Chiba [21] 1 89 Bernardino [22] 60 Marostica [23] 69 Parizotto [24] 99 Cabello [25,26] 33 Martins [27] 70 Streit [28] 0 5 120 Raskin [15] 0 0 12 Goloni-Bertollo [29] 1 0.05 5 0.27 789 42.46 48 Rios [30] 22 Molina [31] 1 11 Navarro [32] 0 3 34 Repetto [33] 4 1.58 115 45.63 1 67 Keyeux [14] 17 Restrepo [34] 1 0.46 84 38.53 0 25 52.08 Venegas [35] 95 65.97 Collazo [36] 20 Merino [37] 30 Cassiman 2004 15 Paz-y-Mino [38] 65 63.72 1 1 53 Orozco [13] 2 35 Villalobos [39] 3 1.09 1 0.36 88 32.11 11 14.47 Luzardo [40,41] 36 Restrepo [34] 41 Alvarado [42] 77 56.62 1 4 1 18 1 1 2 1 5 1620 0.02 0.09 0.02 0.41 0.02 0.02 0.05 0.02 0.11 37.21 Mutation frequencies in Latin American CF patients most frequently found in Caucasians, by allele specific polymerase chain reaction (AS-PCR), enzymatic digestion, allele specific oligonucleotide hybridization (ASO), or using mainly commercial kits, whereas other studies used a systematic approach to analyse the promoter, coding and exon/ intron boundaries of the CFTR region in the search for any possible mutation.
ABCC7 p.Ile1027Thr 16963320:51:123
status: NEW98 As an example, in the case of Argentina and Uruguay, the p.F508del mutation shows the highest frequencies (59% and Table 5 Mutations with frequencies less than 0.1% Panel A Mutation Number of chromosomes % Country p.R75X 3 0.07 Mexico c.W1089X 3 0.07 Argentina, Brazil c.406-1GNA 3 0.07 Mexico c.1898+1GNA 3 0.07 Argentina, Brazil c.2686_2687insTÌe; 3 0.07 Argentina, Brazil p.L206W 2 0.05 Brazil p.I506T 2 0.05 Mexico p.S589I 2 0.05 Argentina c.711+1GNT 2 0.05 Argentina c.935delA 2 0.05 Mexico c.2055_2063del 2 0.05 Mexico c.2347delG 2 0.05 Brazil c.2566_2567insTÌe; 2 0.05 Argentina c.2789+2_2789+3insA 2 0.05 Argentina c.3199_3204del 2 0.05 Mexico c.3272-26ANG 2 0.05 Argentina c.4016_4017insT 2 0.05 Argentina Panel B Mutation N % each Country p.L6VÌe;, p.W57X, p.Q220X, p.Y362XÌe;, p.I1027T, p.G1061R, p.R1283M, c.297-2ANG, c.1353_1354insTÌe;, c.1460_1461delATÌe;, c.1782delA, c.1898+3ANG, c.2184delA, c.2594_2595delGTÌe;, c.2869_2870insG, c.4005Ìe;1GNA, c.4005-1GNA# 17 0.02 Argentina p.R117H, p.H199Y, p.G551S, p.L558S, p.P750L, p.V754M, p.W1069X#, p.W1098CÌe;, p.W1204X, c.297-1GNAÌe;, c.846delTÌe;, c.1078delT, c.1716GNA, c.1924_1930del, c.4160_4161insGGGGÌe; 15 0.02 Mexico p.V201M, p.V232D, p.Y275XÌe;, p.R347P, p.R851L, p.Q1238X, c.3171delC, c.3617_3618delGAÌe;# 8 0.02 Brazil p.A559T, p.H609RÌe;, c.1215delG, c.1323_1324insAÌe;, c.2185_2186insC, c.3500-2ANGÌe;, c.3849+1GNA, 7 0.02 Colombia c.-834GNT 1 0.02 Uruguay The upper part (Panel A) shows the mutations found in more than one patient, whereas the lower part (Panel B) of the table shows all the mutations that are present only once in each country.
ABCC7 p.Ile1027Thr 16963320:98:806
status: NEW
PMID: 23523379
Rechitsky S et al: "PGD for cystic fibrosis patients and couples at risk of an additional genetic disorder combined with 24-chromosome aneuploidy testing."
[1075C>A; 1079C>A] p.[Gln359Lys; Thr360Lys] Exon 8 1 1 1 4 1 1 R297Q c.890G>A p.Arg297Gln Exon 8 1 1 1 2 0 0 R347P c.1040G>C p.Arg347Pro Exon 8 3 5 2 4 1 1 T338I c.1013C>T p.Thr338Ile Exon 8 1 1 1 2 1 1 DF508 c.1521_1523delCTT p.Phe508del Exon 11 130 195 172 345 88 (4) 92 DI507 c.1519_1521delATC p.Ile507del Exon 11 1 5 5 11 2 1 Q493R c.1478A>G p.Gln493Arg Exon 11 5 5 2 2 2 2 1717-1G-A c.1585-1G>A - Intron 11 6 10 9 18 6 8 G542X c.1624G>T p.Gly542X Exon 12 14 17 15 34 10 10 G551S c.1651G>A p.Gly551Ser Exon 12 1 1 1 2 1 1 G551D c.1652G>A p.Gly551Asp Exon 12 12 22 19 33 7 8 I556V c.1666A>G p.Ile556Val Exon 12 1 2 2 4 1 1 R553X c.1657C>T p.Arg553X Exon 12 3 4 2 4 0 0 R560T c.1679G>C p.Arg560Thr Exon 12 1 1 1 2 1 2 1898+1G-A c.1766 &#b1; 1G>A - Intron 13 1 1 1 2 1 1 2184delA c.2052delA p.Lys684AsnfsX38 Exon 14 1 1 0 0 0 0 G622D c.1865G>A p.Gly622Asp Exon 14 1 1 1 3 0 0 N703S c.2108A>G p.Asn703Ser Exon 14 1 2 2 3 2 2 S737F c.2210C>T p.Ser737Phe Exon 14 1 1 0 0 0 0 2622+1G-A c.2490 &#b1; 1G>A - Intron 14 1 5 5 13 1 1 2752-26A-G c.2620-26A>G - Intron 15 1 2 2 4 0 0 2789+5G-A c.2657 &#b1; 5G>A - Intron 16 3 5 4 8 0 0 3120G-A c.2988G>A - Exon 18 2 2 1 2 1 0 3067-72del c.3067_3072del p.Ile1023_Val1024del Exon 19 1 1 1 1 0 0 I1027T c.3080T>C p.Ile1027Thr Exon 19 1 1 1 1 0 0 L997F c.2991G>C p.Leu997Phe Exon 19 1 2 2 4 1 (1) 0 M1028R c.3083T>G p.Met1028Arg Exon 19 1 1 1 2 1 2 F1052V c.3154T>G p.Phe1052Val Exon 20 1 1 0 0 0 0 Y1092X c.3276C>A p.Tyr1092X Exon 20 1 2 1 2 1 1 A1136T c.3406G>A p.Ala1136Thr Exon 21 1 2 1 2 1 0 D1152H c.3454G>C p.Asp1152His Exon 21 3 7 7 15 1 1 3659 del C c.3528delC p.Lys1177SerfsX15 Exon 22 2 4 3 7 3 3 R1162X c.3484C>T p.Arg1162X Exon 22 1 3 2 5 2 2 S1235R c.3705T>G p.Ser1235Arg Exon 22 2 3 3 5 2 1 3849+10kbC>T c.3717 &#b1; 12191C>T - Intron 22 2 4 4 5 0 0 W1282X c.3846G>A p.Trp1282X Exon 23 15 20 20 42 11 11 N1303K c.3909C>G p.Asn1303Lys Exon 24 9 12 11 24 4 5 Q1352H c.4056G>C p.Gln1352His Exon 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 Total 265 404 345 685 172 (6a ) 175 Values are n unless otherwise stated.
ABCC7 p.Ile1027Thr 23523379:42:1233
status: NEWX
ABCC7 p.Ile1027Thr 23523379:42:1252
status: NEW
PMID: 23974870
Sosnay PR et al: "Defining the disease liability of variants in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator gene."
In addition to these ten variants, c.1210-12(7) (legacy name 7T) had already been reported to be non-penetrant48 and was identified as a second variant in numerous fathers, and a twelfth variant, p.Ile1027Thr, was deemed 159 variants ࣙ0.01% frequency in CFTR2 127 variants meet clinical and functional criteria Clinical and functional analysis 13 variants meet neither criteria 14 variants 5 variants 7 variants 6 variants Evidence of non-penetrance No evidence of non-penetrance 19 variants meet clinical or functional criteria 127 variants are CF causing 12 variants are non CF causing 20 variants are indeterminate p.Arg117HisߤC p.Arg75Gln p.Gly576Alaߤ p.Arg668Cys ߤ p.Met470Val C p.IIe1027Thr ߤC p.Val754Met ߤC p.IIe148Thr ߤC p.Arg31Cys C p.Ser1235Arg ߤ p.Leu997Phe ߤ p.Arg1162Leu p.Leu227Arg F p.Gln525* F p.Leu558SerC p.Asp614Gly C c.2657+2_2657+3insA C c.1418delG F c.1210-12(7) ߤ p.Arg1070Gln C p.Asp1270Asn ߤC p.[Gln359Lys; Thr360Lys] p.Gly1069Argߤ p.Asp1152His p.Phe1052Val c.1210-12(5) p.Arg74Trpߤ p.IIe1234Val ߤC p.Arg1070Trp ߤF p.Ser977Phe F p.Asp579Gly C p.Tyr569Asp F Penetrance analysis Figure 4ߒ Assignment of disease liability to the 159 most frequent CFTR variants using three criteria.
ABCC7 p.Ile1027Thr 23974870:137:198
status: NEW
PMID: 24204751
Wine JJ et al: "In vivo readout of CFTR function: ratiometric measurement of CFTR-dependent secretion by individual, identifiable human sweat glands."
ID G Genotype Sweat Cl (mEq) # Tests MCh Glands (n) Cktl Glands (n) C glands/ M glands (%) MCh Rate (nl/gl/ min) Cktl Rate (nl/gl/min) Mean C/M Ratio Ratio (% Control Mean) FEV1 Culture Results Control C2 F no mutations - 1 61 57 93% 2.53 0.538 0.221 83.49% - - C3 M - - 1 46 46 100% 8.47 2.713 0.376 142.02% - - C4 F - - 1 42 41 98% 3.23 0.715 0.244 92.03% - - C5 M - - 4 45 45 100% 4.75 0.606 0.139 52.49% - - C6 M - - 2 35 35 100% 7.35 1.285 0.338 127.56% - - C7 F - - 1 32 32 100% 5.69 1.426 0.272 102.42% - - C Mean 6 SD or sumsR 10 261 256 9963% 5.362.3 1.260.8 0.265 100632% Heterozygotes Hz1 M F508del - 3 37 37 100% 2.76 0.462 0.188 71.00% - - Hz2 F 3659 del C - 1 19 18 95% 1.63 0.215 0.139 52.26% - - Hz3 M F508del - 1 17 17 100% 11.95 1.704 0.150 56.66% - - Hz4 F R553X or N1303K - 1 35 33 94% 3.14 0.196 0.062 23.41% - - Hz Mean 6 SD or sumsR 6 108 105 9763% 4.964.7 0.6460.71 0.135 51620% CF-Pancreatic Insufficient PI1 F F508del/F508del 100 1 31 0 0% 2.52 0.000 0.000 0.00% 70% Pa (mucoid) PI2 F F508del/3659 del C 82 3 27 0 0% 3.35 0.000 0.000 0.00% 103% Aspergillus only PI3 F F508del/F508del 70 1 34 0 0% 0.88 0.000 0.000 0.00% 88% MRSA, Pa (mucoid) PI4 F F508del/I1027T/R851X - 3 47 0 0% 2.65 0.000 0.000 0.00% - - PI5 F R553X/N1303K 80 3 48 0 0% 1.58 0.000 0.000 0.00% Tx Tx PI6 F F508/F508 91 3 73 0 0% 1.35 0.000 0.000 0.00% 64% Pa (mucoid) PI7 M F508/621+1G-.T 133 1 26 0 0% 4.96 0.000 0.000 0.00% 95% Pa (muc.,non-muc.)
ABCC7 p.Ile1027Thr 24204751:97:1182
status: NEW
PMID: 25033378
LaRusch J et al: "Mechanisms of CFTR functional variants that impair regulated bicarbonate permeation and increase risk for pancreatitis but not for cystic fibrosis."
CFTR variant %Cases %Uctrls OR p-value %Cases w/N34S OR w/N34S p-value w/N34S F508C 0.5 0.3 1.58 0.21 0.0 0.00 0.67 R1162L 0.5 0.5 1.13 0.29 1.8 4.03 0.17 I1027T 0.5 0.3 1.99 0.17 0.0 0.00 0.70 R31C 0.3 0.7 0.42 0.088 0.0 0.00 0.52 I148T 0.3 0.4 0.75 0.27 0.0 0.00 0.63 R297Q 0.3 0.2 1.89 0.21 0.0 0.00 0.76 R74W 0.2 0.2 0.85 0.29 0.0 0.00 0.71 F1052V 0.1 0.2 0.63 0.27 0.0 0.00 0.76 I807M 0.1 0.1 1.26 0.30 0.0 0.00 0.83 R258G 0.1 0.1 1.26 0.30 0.0 0.00 0.83 G1069R 0.1 0.0 0.13 0.0 V201M 0.0 0.1 0.17 0.0 0.00 0.83 Of the 81 CFTR mutations tested in the cohort, 43 were observed at least once in cases or controls.
ABCC7 p.Ile1027Thr 25033378:116:155
status: NEW269 67 SNPs (125GtoC, 1716G.A, 1717-1G.A, 1898+1G.A, 2183AA.G, 2184delA, 2789+5G.A, 3120+1G.A, 3659delC, 3849+10kbC.T, 621+ 1G.T, 711+5G.A, A455E, D110H, D1152H, D1270N, D443Y, D579G, F1052V, F1074L, F508C, F508del, G1069R, G1244E, G1349D, G178R, G542X, G551D, G551S, I1131L/V, I148T, I336K/T, I507del, I807M, IVS8T5, K1180T, L1065P, L967S, L997F, M1V, M470V, M952I, M952T, N1303K, P67L, Q1463Q, R1070Q, R1162X, R117C, R117H, R170H, R258G, R297Q, R31C, R352Q, R553X, R668C, R74W, R75Q, S1235R, S1255P, S485R, S977F, T338I, T854T, V201M, W1282X) were multiplexed into 6 wells; 14 SNPs (S492F, S945L, R74Q, R560T, R1162L, G85E, I1027T, R334W, R347P, G576A, 711+1G.T, 1001+11C.T, P1290P, 3199del6) were ascertained separately via TaqMan Gene Expression Assays, with repeat confirmation of all positive results.
ABCC7 p.Ile1027Thr 25033378:269:622
status: NEW
PMID: 25287046
Mornon JP et al: "Full-open and closed CFTR channels, with lateral tunnels from the cytoplasm and an alternative position of the F508 region, as revealed by molecular dynamics."
I1027T faces lipids, but its hydroxyl group likely hides its polarity by establishing a H-bond with the V1024 carbonyl group, within the same helix.
ABCC7 p.Ile1027Thr 25287046:362:0
status: NEW
PMID: 25674778
Baker MW et al: "Improving newborn screening for cystic fibrosis using next-generation sequencing technology: a technical feasibility study."
[1075C>A;1079C>A] (Q359K/T360K) - - - Mutations that do not cause CF when combined with another CF-causing mutation c.1727G>C (G576A) c.3485G>T (R1162L) c.224G>A (R75Q) - - c.3080T>C (I1027T) c.91C>T (R31C) c.3705T>G (S1235R) - - c.2991G>C (L997F) c.2002C>T (R668C) c.2260G>A (V754M) - - Mutations/variants that were validated in this study are in bold. CF, cystic fibrosis. Table 1ߒContinued ( and legacy mutation nomenclature (
ABCC7 p.Ile1027Thr 25674778:32:184
status: NEW
PMID: 26014425
Girardet A et al: "The improvement of the best practice guidelines for preimplantation genetic diagnosis of cystic fibrosis: toward an international consensus."
[Gln359Lys; Thr360Lys] L558S c.1673 T4C p.Leu558Ser Y569D c.1705 T4G p.Tyr569Asp D579G c.1736 A4G p.Asp579Gly D614G c.1841 A4G p.Asp614Gly S977F c.2930C4T p.Ser977Phe F1052V c.3154 T4G p.Phe1052Val G1069R c.3205G4A p.Gly1069Arg R1070Q c.3209G4A p.Arg1070Gln D1152H c.3454G4C p.Asp1152His I1234V c.3700 A4G p.Ile1234Val 5T c.1210 - 12[5] Examples of common not CF-causing variantsc R31C c.91C4T p.Arg31Cys R74W c.220C4T p.Arg74Trp R75Q c.224G4A p.Arg75Gln I148T c.443 T4C p.Ile148Thr M470V c.1408 A4G p.Met470Val G576A c.1727G4C p.Gly576Ala R668C c.2002C4T p.Arg668Cys V754M c.2260G4A p.Val754Met L997F c.2991G4C p.Leu997Phe I1027T c.3080 T4C p.Ile1027Thr R1070W c.3208C4T p.Arg1070Trp R1162L c.3485G4T p.Arg1162Leu Table 1 (Continued) HGVS nomenclature Legacy name cDNA nucleotide name Protein name S1235R c.3705 T4G p.Ser1235Arg D1270N c.3808G4A p.Asp1270Asn 7T c.1210-12[7] Abbreviation: HGVS, Human Genome Variation Society.
ABCC7 p.Ile1027Thr 26014425:87:624
status: NEWX
ABCC7 p.Ile1027Thr 26014425:87:644
status: NEW104 I1027T is usually found in cis with F508del: Notes: (i) Some missense variants classified as either indeterminate or non CF-causing (R74Q, R75Q, R117H, R170H, L967S, L997F, D1152H, S1235R and D1270N) can selectively alter the bicarbonate permeation of the CFTR channel (but not the chloride channel), thus affecting primarily the organs that utilize CFTR for bicarbonate secretion (pancreas, nasal sinus, or vas deferens) and, consequently, they could be involved in the pathogenic mechanisms of CFTR-RDs.14 (ii) In Table 1, the traditional name of common CFTR variants is referenced alongside the HGVS version in order to ensure compatibility with clinical reports and understanding by clinicians and couples.
ABCC7 p.Ile1027Thr 26014425:104:0
status: NEW