ABCC7 p.Gln525*
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PMID: 10439967
Liechti-Gallati S et al: "Two buffer PAGE system-based SSCP/HD analysis: a general protocol for rapid and sensitive mutation screening in cystic fibrosis and any other human genetic disease."
The distribution of analysed known mutations is similar to that of the total number of mutations in the entire CFTR gene: missense mutations account for 35% (G27E, G85E, R117H, A120T, I148T, H199Y, R334W, T338I, R347P, R347H, A455E, M718K, S5449N, S5449I, G551D, R560T, R560S, S945L, S977P, I1005R, R1066C, R1070Q, M1101K, D1152H, S1235R, R1283M, N1303K, N1303H), followed by 28% of frameshift mutations (175delC, 394delTT, 457TAT- > G, 905delG, 1078delT, I507, F508, 1609delCA, 1677delTA, 2143delT, 2176insC, 218delA, 2184insA, 2869insG, 3659delC, 3732delA, 3821delT, 3905insT, 4016insT, 4172delGC, 4382delA), 21% of nonsense mutations (Q30X, Q39X, Q220X, W401X, Q525X, G542X, Q552X, R553X, V569X, E585X, K710X, R792X, Y1092X, R1162X, S1255X, W1282X, E1371X), and 16% of splice site mutations (621 + 1G- > T, 711 + 1G- > T, 711 + 5G- > A, 1717-1G- > A, 1898 + 1G- > A, 1898 + 5G- > T, 2789 + 5G- > A, 3271 + 1G- > A, 3272-26A- > G, 3601-17T- > C, 3849 + 4A- > G, 3849 + 10kbC- > T, 4374 + 1G- > T).
ABCC7 p.Gln525* 10439967:20:664
status: NEW92 The technique developed demonstrates excellent single-strand separation and non-radioactive visualisation on polyacrylamide gels, and is time-saving and directly Table 2 Known mutations identified in 198 CF patients analysed investigatively Exon (E) Number of CFTR mutations intron (I) chromosomes Patient`s nationality Highest prevalence ∆F508 E10 212 miscellaneous 3905insT E20 025 Swiss Swiss, Amish, Arcadian R553X E11 020 Swiss, German German 1717-1G->A I10 017 Swiss, Italian Italian N1303K E21 011 Swiss, French, Italian Italian W1282X E20 014 Swiss, Italian, Israelit Jewish-Askhenazi G542X E11 009 Swiss, Spanish, Italian Spanish 2347delG E13 008 Swiss R1162X E19 006 Swiss, Italian, Russian Italian 3849+10kbC->T I19 005 German, French R347P E07 004 Swiss T5 I08 004 Swiss R334W E07 003 Swiss Q525X E10 003 Swiss 3732delA E19 003 Swiss S1235R E19 003 Italian, Turkish G85E E03 002 Italian, Greek I148T E04 002 Austrian, Turkish French-Canadian 621+1G->T I04 002 French French-Canadian 1078delT E07 002 Swiss E585X E12 002 Italian 2176insC E13 002 Swiss, Italian 2789+5G->A I14b 002 Italian Spanish D1152H E18 002 Swiss, French 4016insT E21 002 Turkish Q39X E02 001 Swiss 394delTT E03 001 Swiss Nordic, Finnish R117H E04 001 Swiss A120T E04 001 Swiss G126D E04 001 Swiss 711+5G->A I05 001 Russian M348K E07 001 Italian L568F E12 001 Italian 2183AA->G E13 001 Italian Italian K710X E13 001 Swiss S945L E15 001 French 3272-26A.->G I17a 001 Swiss M1101K E17b 001 Swiss Huttite 3601-17C->T I18 001 Swiss R1158X E19 001 Swiss 4005+1G-A I20 001 Italian applicable to early diagnostic testing, carrier detection and prenatal diagnosis.
ABCC7 p.Gln525* 10439967:92:810
status: NEW
PMID: 15531750
Kraemer R et al: "Ventilation inhomogeneities in relation to standard lung function in patients with cystic fibrosis."
Ten patients died during the observation period (four ⌬F508(2) homozygotes at mean age 14.2 Ϯ 6.9 years; five 3905insT/⌬F compound heterozygotes at mean age 14.7 Ϯ 4.8 years; and one Q525X/⌬F at age 18.4 years).
ABCC7 p.Gln525* 15531750:47:209
status: NEW
PMID: 22300503
Barben J et al: "Retrospective analysis of stored dried blood spots from children with cystic fibrosis and matched controls to assess the performance of a proposed newborn screening protocol in Switzerland."
CFTR mutations Alleles found Percentage of total Homozygous (n) F508del a 86 68.2 30 3905insT a 4 3.2 1 G542X a 3 2.4 - R553X a 3 2.4 1 W1282X a 2 1.6 - 1717-1 GNA a 2 1.6 - N1303K a 0 0.0 - S549R 3 2.4 1 Q525X 3 2.4 - Y1092X 2 1.6 - 3120+1 GNA b 2 1.6 1 2347delG 2 1.6 - 2176insC 1 0.8 - 3659delC 1 0.8 - 3359delCTCTG 1 0.8 - W1089X 1 0.8 - 711+1 GNT 1 0.8 - D1152H 1 0.8 - G1244E 1 0.8 - R1066C 1 0.8 - R31C 1 0.8 - R347P 1 0.8 - R74W 1 0.8 - S945L 1 0.8 - T501I 1 0.8 - K68X 1 0.8 - Total 126 100.0% 34 a Seven most common CF-gene mutations in Switzerland ("Swiss panel")=79.4% (100/126) of alleles.
ABCC7 p.Gln525* 22300503:80:205
status: NEW
PMID: 19909502
Kraemer R et al: "Long-term gas exchange characteristics as markers of deterioration in patients with cystic fibrosis."
According to the frequencies in our Table 1: Patient cohort (A), data base characteristics (B), and distribution of CFTR mutations (C) taken from the Bernese CF Registry (n = 178, 87.3% of a total number of 204 CF patients) A Patient cohort follow-up statistics Gender distribution of patients Blood gas tests within age periods n % - males 88 49.4 5 to 8 y 427/1457 29,3% - females 90 50.6 9 to 14 y 527/1457 36.2% 178 100 15 to 18 y 503/1457 34.5% From entire database, 26 patients (12.7%) excluded because of insufficient number of tests, (6) or age < 6 years (20) B Blood gas test and lung function measurement follow-up statistics Number of blood gas tests median (range) Blood gas tests per year of observation Total of tests 1457 1987 to 1993 326/1457 22.4% per child 8.1 (3-15) 1994 to 2000 539/1457 37.0% per year of observation 68.2 (37-90) 2001 to 2008 592/1457 40.6% C Distribution of CFTR mutations n % Inframe/inframe (F508del[2]) a 103 57.9 Inframe/nonsense b 22 12.4 Frameshift/F508del c 19 10.7 Frameshift/non-F508del d 12 6.7 Inframe/splicesite e 7 3.9 Miscellaneous f 15 8.4 Total 178 100.0 Equal distribution of CFTR genotypes over age range and over years of observation CFTR: cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator population-specific CFTR genotype distribution, the patients were stratified into 6 groups consisting of (a) F508del homozygotes F508del[2| (inframe/inframe): n = 103 (57.9%), (b) R553X, G542X, Q525X and E585X compound heterozygotes with F508del (inframe/nonsense mutations): n = 22, (12.4%), (c) 3905insT compound heterozygotes 3905insT/F508del (frameshift/F508del): n = 19, (10.7%), (d) 3905insT compound heterozygotes with other than F508del (frameshift/non-F508del): n = 12, (6.7%), (e) 1717-1G>A, 621+1G<T and 4005+1G>A compound heterozygotes with F508del (inframe/splicesite): n = 7 (3.9%), and (f) miscellaneous genotypes n = 15, (8.4%).
ABCC7 p.Gln525* 19909502:84:1434
status: NEW
PMID: 25674778
Baker MW et al: "Improving newborn screening for cystic fibrosis using next-generation sequencing technology: a technical feasibility study."
Correspondence: Mei W. Baker ( Improving newborn screening for cystic fibrosis using next-generation sequencing technology: a technical feasibility study Mei W. Baker, MD1,2 , Anne E. Atkins, MPH2 , Suzanne K. Cordovado, PhD3 , Miyono Hendrix, MS3 , Marie C. Earley, PhD3 and Philip M. Farrell, MD, PhD1,4 Table 1ߒ CF-causing or varying consequences mutations in the MiSeqDx IUO Cystic Fibrosis System c.1521_1523delCTT (F508del) c.2875delG (3007delG) c.54-5940_273ߙ+ߙ10250del21kb (CFTRdele2,3) c.3909C>G (N1303K) c.3752G>A (S1251N) Mutations that cause CF when combined with another CF-causing mutation c.1624G>T (G542X) c.2988ߙ+ߙ1G>A (3120ߙ+ߙ1G->A) c.3964-78_4242ߙ+ߙ577del (CFTRdele22,23) c.613C>T (P205S) c.1021T>C (S341P) c.948delT (1078delT) c.2988G>A (3120G->A) c.328G>C (D110H) c.200C>T (P67L) c.1397C>A (S466X(C>A)) c.1022_1023insTC (1154insTC) c.2989-1G>A (3121-1G->A) c.3310G>T (E1104X) c.3937C>T (Q1313X) c.1397C>G (S466X(C>G)) c.1081delT (1213delT) c.3140-26A>G (3272-26A->G) c.1753G>T (E585X) c.658C>T (Q220X) c.1466C>A (S489X) c.1116ߙ+ߙ1G>A (1248ߙ+ߙ1G->A) c.3528delC (3659delC) c.178G>T (E60X) c.115C>T (Q39X) c.1475C>T (S492F) c.1127_1128insA (1259insA) c.3659delC (3791delC) c.2464G>T (E822X) c.1477C>T (Q493X) c.1646G>A (S549N) c.1209ߙ+ߙ1G>A (1341ߙ+ߙ1G->A) c.3717ߙ+ߙ12191C>T (3849ߙ+ߙ10kbC->T) c.2491G>T (E831X) c.1573C>T (Q525X) c.1645A>C (S549R) c.1329_1330insAGAT (1461ins4) c.3744delA (3876delA) c.274G>A (E92K) c.1654C>T (Q552X) c.1647T>G (S549R) c.1393-1G>A (1525-1G->A) c.3773_3774insT (3905insT) c.274G>T (E92X) c.2668C>T (Q890X) c.2834C>T (S945L) c.1418delG (1548delG) c.262_263delTT (394delTT) c.3731G>A (G1244E) c.292C>T (Q98X) c.1013C>T (T338I) c.1545_1546delTA (1677delTA) c.3873ߙ+ߙ1G>A (4005ߙ+ߙ1G->A) c.532G>A (G178R) c.3196C>T (R1066C) c.1558G>T (V520F) c.1585-1G>A (1717-1G->A) c.3884_3885insT (4016insT) c.988G>T (G330X) c.3197G>A (R1066H) c.3266G>A (W1089X) c.1585-8G>A (1717-8G->A) c.273ߙ+ߙ1G>A (405ߙ+ߙ1G->A) c.1652G>A (G551D) c.3472C>T (R1158X) c.3611G>A (W1204X) c.1679ߙ+ߙ1.6kbA>G (1811ߙ+ߙ1.6kbA->G) c.274-1G>A (406-1G->A) c.254G>A (G85E) c.3484C>T (R1162X) c.3612G>A (W1204X) c.1680-1G>A (1812-1G->A) c.4077_4080delTGTTinsAA (4209TGTT->AA) c.2908G>C (G970R) c.349C>T (R117C) c.3846G>A (W1282X) c.1766ߙ+ߙ1G>A (1898ߙ+ߙ1G->A) c.4251delA (4382delA) c.595C>T (H199Y) c.1000C>T (R334W) c.1202G>A (W401X) c.1766ߙ+ߙ3A>G (1898ߙ+ߙ 3A->G) c.325_327delTATinsG (457TAT->G) c.1007T>A (I336K) c.1040G>A (R347H) c.1203G>A (W401X) c.2012delT (2143delT) c.442delA (574delA) c.1519_1521delATC (I507del) c.1040G>C (R347P) c.2537G>A (W846X) c.2051_2052delAAinsG (2183AA->G) c.489ߙ+ߙ1G>T (621ߙ+ߙ 1G->T) c.2128A>T (K710X) c.1055G>A (R352Q) c.3276C>A (Y1092X (C>A)) c.2052delA (2184delA) c.531delT (663delT) c.3194T>C (L1065P) c.1657C>T (R553X) c.3276C>G (Y1092X (C>G)) c.2052_2053insA (2184insA) c.579ߙ+ߙ1G>T (711ߙ+ߙ 1G->T) c.3230T>C (L1077P) c.1679G>A (R560K) c.366T>A (Y122X) c.2175_2176insA (2307insA) c.579ߙ+ߙ3A>G (711ߙ+ߙ 3A->G) c.617T>G (L206W) c.1679G>C (R560T) - c.2215delG (2347delG) c.579ߙ+ߙ5G>A (711ߙ+ߙ 5G->A) c.1400T>C (L467P) c.2125C>T (R709X) - c.2453delT (2585delT) c.580-1G>T (712-1G->T) c.2195T>G (L732X) c.223C>T (R75X) - c.2490ߙ+ߙ1G>A (2622ߙ+ߙ1G->A) c.720_741delAGGGAG AATGATGATGAAGTAC (852del22) c.2780T>C (L927P) c.2290C>T (R764X) - c.2583delT (2711delT) c.1364C>A (A455E) c.3302T>A (M1101K) c.2551C>T (R851X) - c.2657ߙ+ߙ5G>A (2789ߙ+ߙ5G->A) c.1675G>A (A559T) c.1A>G (M1V) c.3587C>G (S1196X) - Mutations/variants that were validated in this study are in bold. CF, cystic fibrosis. Table 1ߒ Continued on next page reduce carrier detection and potentially improve the positive predictive value (PPV), the NBS goals of equity and the highest possible sensitivity become more difficult to achieve.
ABCC7 p.Gln525* 25674778:15:1484
status: NEW