ABCC1 p.Pro1150Leu

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PMID: 18336795 [PubMed] Letourneau IJ et al: "Role of proline 1150 in functional interactions between the membrane spanning domains and nucleotide binding domains of the MRP1 (ABCC1) transporter."
No. Sentence Comment
52 Mutagenesis was performed according to the manufacturer`s instructions with the following sense primers (the substituted nucleotides causing the mutation are underlined; silent nucleotide substitutions added to introduce or disrupt a restriction site are in bold; other nucleotide substitutions are in lowercase typeface; and diagnostic restriction enzymes are indicated in parentheses): MRP1-Pro1150Gly (50 -G TCG GTC AGC CGG TCg GGG GTC TAT TCC C-30 ) (BsrFI), MRP1-Pro1150Ile (50 -C AGC CGC TCC ATC GTC TAC TCC CAT TTC AAC-30 ) (AccI), MRP1- Pro1150Leu (50 -CG GTC AGC CGG TCC CTC GTC TAC TCC CAT TTC-30 ) (AccI) and MRP1-Pro1150Val (50 -CG GTC AGC CGG TCC GTG GTC TAT TCC C-30 ) (RsrII).
ABCC1 p.Pro1150Leu 18336795:52:545
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109 Levels of [3 H]LTC4 labeling of the Pro1150Gly, Pro1150Ile, Pro1150Leu and Pro1150Val mutants were also comparable to wild-type MRP1 (Fig. 3A).
ABCC1 p.Pro1150Leu 18336795:109:60
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144 b i o c h e m i c a l p h a r m a c o l o g y 5 ( 2 0 0 8 ) 1 6 5 9 - 1 6 6 9 1663 (5 mM) to MRP1 was not affected by mutation of Pro1150 to Gly, Ile, Leu or Val.
ABCC1 p.Pro1150Leu 18336795:144:132
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147 Under these conditions, the Pro1150Gly, Pro1150Ile and Pro1150Leu mutants exhibited similar levels of [a32 P]8N3ADP trapping (50-70% reduction) (Fig. 5B), while trapping by the Pro1150Val mutant was only slightly reduced (20%) relative to wild-type MRP1 (Fig. 5B).
ABCC1 p.Pro1150Leu 18336795:147:55
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PMID: 21143116 [PubMed] He SM et al: "Structural and functional properties of human multidrug resistance protein 1 (MRP1/ABCC1)."
No. Sentence Comment
758 The Pro1150Gly, Pro1150Ile, Pro1150Leu and Pro1150Val mutants exhibited a phenotype similar to the Pro1150Ala mutant with respect to organic anion transport and [ 32 P]8N3ATP photolabeling [347].
ABCC1 p.Pro1150Leu 21143116:758:28
status: NEW
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