ABCC1 p.Ser1512Leu

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PMID: 16766035 [PubMed] Cascorbi I et al: "Role of pharmacogenetics of ATP-binding cassette transporters in the pharmacokinetics of drugs."
No. Sentence Comment
831 R1058Q and S1512L was performed recently by Letourneau et al. (2005) in transfected HEK293T cells.
ABCC1 p.Ser1512Leu 16766035:831:11
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852 Table 5 Frequency of ABCC1 genetic variants in different populations, position on DNA, putative effect, and frequencies (according to Le Saux et al., 2000; Ito et al., 2001; Moriya et al., 2002; Conrad et al., 2002; Oselin et al., 2003b; Wang et al., 2004) Position/ Nucleotide Aminoacid or effect Orientals Caucasians Function 128G>C C43S 0.01 - elevateda 218C>T T73I 0.00-0.04 - 257C>T S92F 0.00 0.00 decreaseda 350C>T T117M - 0.02 (decreased)a 689G>A R230N 0.00 0.00 (decreased)a 816G>A synonymous - 0.04 825T>C synonymous - 0.30 1057G>A V353M 0.00 0.005 elevateda 1299G>T R433S - 0.01 elevated Vmax of doxorubicin, decreased transport of LTC4 a,b 1684T>C synonymous - 0.80 1898G>A R633Q - 0.01 (decreased)a 2012G>T G671V - 0.03 doxorubicine-induced cardiomyopathyc 2168G>A R723Q 0.01-0.07 - decreaseda 2965G>A A989T 0.00 0.005 (decreased)a 3140G>C C1047S 0.00 0.00 3173G>A R1058Q 0.01 - 4002G>A synonymous - 0.28 4535C>T S1512L - 0.03 decreaseda a Letourneau et al. (2005).
ABCC1 p.Ser1512Leu 16766035:852:925
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PMID: 18464048 [PubMed] Gradhand U et al: "Pharmacogenomics of MRP transporters (ABCC1-5) and BCRP (ABCG2)."
No. Sentence Comment
71 Letourneau et al. (2005) studied the influence of 10 non-synonymous variations (Thr73Ile, Ser92Phe, Thr117Met, Arg230Gln, Arg633Gln, Arg723Gln, Ala989Thr, Cys1047Ser, Arg1056Gln, and Ser1512Leu) on MRP1 expression using membrane vesicles isolated from transfected cells and assesed transport activity for 3 known MRP1 substrates (LTC4, estradiol-17-β-glucuronide, and methotrexate).
ABCC1 p.Ser1512Leu 18464048:71:186
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81 MRP1 (ABCC1) NH2 NBD NBD in out Membrane Cys43Ser Ser92Phe Thr117Met Arg230Gln Val353Met Arg633Gln Gly671Val Arg723Gln Arg433Ser Ala989Thr Cys1047Ser Val1146Ile Arg1058Gln Thr1401Met Ser1512Leu Thr73Ile COOH NBD NBD COOH NBD COOH NBD NBD Table1MRP1(ABCC1)singlenucleotidepolymorphisms.Location,allelefrequencyandfunctionaleffects. Positionin codingsequence Aminoacid exchangeLocation Allelefrequency EffectNCBIIDReferenceAfCaJpothers 128G>CCys43SerExon2--1[1]-Decreaseinvincristineresistance[2]rs41395947 Disruptedplasmamembranetraffickingin transfectedcells[2] 218C>TThr73IleExon2--1[1]3.7Chinese[3]Noinfluenceonexpressionandtransportin membranevesicles[4] rs41494447 257C>TSer92PheExon30a 0a 0a 0Chinese[3]Noinfluenceonexpressionandtransportin membranevesicles[4] 350C>TThr117MetExon3-100[5]--Noinfluenceonexpressionandtransportin membranevesicles[4] 689G>AArg230GlnExon70a 0a 0a 0Chinese[3]Noinfluenceonexpressionandtransportin membranevesicles[4] 1057G>AVal353MetExon90a 0.5a 0a -- 1299G>TArg433SerExon10-1.4[6]--Changesintransportandresistance[7] 1898G>AArg633GlnExon13-[8]--Noinfluenceonexpressionandtransportin membranevesicles[4] 2012G>TGly671ValExon16-2.8[6]--Noinfluenceonexpressionandtransportin membranevesicles[6] Associatedwithanthracycline-induced cardiotoxicity[9] 2168G>AArg723GlnExon17--7.3[1]5.6Chinese[3]Noinfluenceonexpressionandtransportin membranevesicles[4]noinfluenceonmRNA expressioninenterocytes(n=1)[10] rs4148356 2965G>AAla989ThrExon220a 0.5a 0a -Noinfluenceonexpressionandtransportin membranevesicles(non-significantreduction inE17βGtransport)[4] 323 3140G>CCys1047SerExon234.5a 0a 0a -Noinfluenceonexpressionandtransportin membranevesicles[4] rs13337489 3173G>AArg1058GlnExon23--1[1]-Noinfluenceonexpressionandtransportin membranevesicles[4] rs41410450 3436G>AVal1146IleExon24-----rs28706727 4102C>TThr1401MetExon29-----rs8057331 4535C>TSer1512LeuExon31-[5]--Noinfluenceonexpressionandtransportin membranevesicles[4] ReferencewithoutfrequencymeansthatSNPwasdetectedbutnofrequencydetermined.
ABCC1 p.Ser1512Leu 18464048:81:183
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PMID: 19949922 [PubMed] Cascorbi I et al: "Pharmacogenetics of ATP-binding cassette transporters and clinical implications."
No. Sentence Comment
135 R1058Q, and S1512L was performed by Létourneau et al.
ABCC1 p.Ser1512Leu 19949922:135:12
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155 ABCC2 (Multidrug Resistance-Associated Protein 2) Table 6.5 Frequency of ABCC1 genetic variants in different populations, position on DNA, putative effect, and frequencies (according to (33, 77-80, 136)) Position Amino acid or effect Orientals Caucasians Function c.128G>C C43S 0.01 - Elevateda c. 218C>T T73I 0.00-0.04 - c. 257C>T S92F 0.00 0.00 Decreaseda c. 350C>T T117M - 0.02 (Decreased)a c. 689G>A R230N 0.00 0.00 (Decreased)a c. 816G>A Synonymous - 0.04 c. 825T>C Synonymous - 0.30 c. 1057G>A V353M 0.00 0.005 Elevateda c. 1299G>T R433S - 0.01 Elevated vmax of doxorubicin, decreased transport of LTC4 a,b c. 1684T>C Synonymous - 0.80 c. 1898G>A R633Q - 0.01 (Decreased)a c. 2012G>T G671V - 0.03 Doxorubicine-induced cardiomyopathyc c. 2168G>A R723Q 0.01-0.07 - Decreaseda c. 2965G>A A989T 0.00 0.005 (Decreased)a c. 3140G>C C1047S 0.00 0.00 c. 3173G>A R1058Q 0.01 - c. 4002G>A Synonymous - 0.28 c. 4535C>T S1512L - 0.03 Decreaseda References: a [81], b [77], c [84] an inducible expression of ABCC2, which contributes also to the phenomenon of drug resistance.
ABCC1 p.Ser1512Leu 19949922:155:914
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PMID: 19950006 [PubMed] Sissung TM et al: "Pharmacogenetics of membrane transporters: an update on current approaches."
No. Sentence Comment
67 Those studied include C43S, T73I, S92F, T117M, R230Q, V353M, R433S, R633Q, G671V, R723Q, A989T, C1047S, R1058Q, A1337T, and S1512L.
ABCC1 p.Ser1512Leu 19950006:67:124
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PMID: 16006996 [PubMed] Conseil G et al: "Polymorphisms of MRP1 (ABCC1) and related ATP-dependent drug transporters."
No. Sentence Comment
148 Fig. 3 Exon 1 2 3 MSDMSD NBD1 MSD NBD2 C4535T(S1512L) G3173A (R1058Q) G3140C (C1047S) G2965A (A989T) G2168A (R723Q) G2012T(G671V) G1898A (R633Q) G1299T(R433S) G1057A (V353M) G689A (R230Q) C350T(T117M) C257T(S92F) C218T(T73I) C128C (C43S) (TM1-5) (TM6-11) (TM12-17) 4 5 6 7 8 9101112 1314 151617 1819 20 21 22 23 242526272829 30 31 Location of non-synonymous SNPs in the coding regions of the genes in the MRP1/ABCC1 gene.
ABCC1 p.Ser1512Leu 16006996:148:46
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PMID: 16041243 [PubMed] Letourneau IJ et al: "Functional characterization of non-synonymous single nucleotide polymorphisms in the gene encoding human multidrug resistance protein 1 (MRP1/ABCC1)."
No. Sentence Comment
3 Variants 218C > T (Thr73Ile), 257C > T (Ser92Phe), 350C > T (Thr117Met), 689G > A (Arg230Gln), 1898G > A (Arg633Gln), 2168G > A (Arg723Gln), 2965G > A (Ala989Thr), 3140G > C (Cys1047Ser), 3173G > A (Arg1058Gln) and 4535C > T (Ser1512Leu) were recreated using site-directed mutagenesis and transfected into human embryonic kidney cells.
ABCC1 p.Ser1512Leu 16041243:3:226
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28 Of these mutations, the Fig. 1 128G >C (C43S) 128G >T(T73I) 689G >A (R230Q)1057G >A (V353M) 1299G >T(R433S) 1898G >A (R633Q) 2012G >T(G671V) 2168G >A (R723Q) 3173G >A (R1058Q) 4535C >T(S1512L) 3140G >C (C1047S) 2965G >A (A989T) 350C >T(T117M) 257C >T(S92F) 313029282726252423222120181716151413121110987654321 19 MSD1 MSD1 MSD2 MSD3 MSD2 NBD1 MSD3 NBD2 TM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Val353Met Ala989Thr Cys1047Ser Arg1058Gln NBD2NBD1 Ser1512Leu Arg633Gln Arg433Ser Arg723Gln Thr73lle Thr117Met Arg230Gln Cys43Ser Ser92Phe Gly671Val 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 (a) (b) Location of reported non-synonymous single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in MRP1/ABCC1.
ABCC1 p.Ser1512Leu 16041243:28:185
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ABCC1 p.Ser1512Leu 16041243:28:422
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46 The template for generating Table 1 Frequencies of non-synonymous single nucleotide polymorphisms in MRP1/ABCC1 Variant Amino acid substitution Allelic frequency Population References 128G > C Cys43Ser 0% (0/26) Japanese [16] 1% (1/96) Japanese [17] 218C > T Thr73Ile 0% (0/26) Japanese [16] 1% (1/96) Japanese [17] 3.7% (2/54) Chinese [37] 257C > T Ser92Phe 0% (0/220) Caucasian 0.5% (1/200) African-American 0% (0/60) Japanese 0% (0/14) Pacific-Islander 350C > T Thr117Met 1.6% (1/64) Caucasian [28] 689G > A Arg230Gln 0% (0/220) Caucasian 0.5% (1/200) African-American 0% (0/60) Japanese 0% (0/14) Pacific-Islander 1057G > A Val353Met 0.5% (1/220) Caucasian 0% (0/200) African-American 0% (0/60) Japanese 0% (0/14) Pacific-Islander 1299G > T Arg433Ser 1.4% (1/72) Caucasian [20] 0% (0/110) Caucasian [19] 1898G > A Arg633Gln 0.8% (2/234) Caucasian [29] 2012G > T Gly671Val 2.8% (2/72) Caucasian [20] 2.6% (6/234) Caucasian [29] 2168G > A Arg723Gln 3.8% (1/26) Japanese [16] 1% (1/96) Japanese [30] 7.3% (7/96) Japanese [17] 5.6% (3/54) Chinese [37] 2965G > A Ala989Thr 0.5% (1/220) Caucasian 0% (0/200) African-American 0% (0/60) Japanese 0% (0/14) Pacific-Islander 3140G > C Cys1047Ser 0% (0/220) Caucasian 4.5% (9/200) African-American 0% (0/60) Japanese 0% (0/14) Pacific-Islander 3173G > A Arg1058Gln 0% (0./26) Japanese [16] 1% (1/96) Japanese [17] 4535C > T Ser1512Leu 3.1% (2/24) Caucasian [28] Characterization of MRP1/ABCC1 variants in vitro Le´tourneau et al. 649 the Arg633Gln and Arg723Gln mutants was created by subcloning a HindIII fragment (1329 bp) encoding amino acids 517-959 into pGEM-3z [20].
ABCC1 p.Ser1512Leu 16041243:46:1452
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48 The template for the Ser1512Leu mutant was created by subcloning a 778-bp EcoRI/KpnI fragment encoding amino acids 1295-1531 into pBluescript II KS( + ) (Stratagene).
ABCC1 p.Ser1512Leu 16041243:48:21
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50 Mutagenesis was performed according to the manufacturer`s instructions with the following sense primers (substituted nucleotides for amino acid mutation are underlined, introduced or disrupted restriction sites are italicized and other silent substitutions are in lower case letters) as follows: Thr73Ile (50 -G ATG ACA CCT CTC AAC AAA ATC AAAACTGCCTTGGG-30 ); Ser92Phe (50 -GG GCA GAC CTG TTC TAC TTT TTC TGG GAA AG-30 ) (EarI); Thr117Met (50 -CTC TTG GGC ATC ACC ATG CTG CTT GCT ACC-30 ); Arg230Gln (50 -GG TTG ATT GTA CAG GGC TAC CGC C-30 ) (BsrGI); Arg633Gln (50 -GAC AGC ATC GAG CGA CAG CCT GTG AAA GAC GGC GG-30 ) (Eam1105I); Arg723Gln (50 -CAG AAT GAC TCT CTC CAA GAA AAt ATC CTT TTT GGA TGT CAG C-30 ) (PleI); Ala989Thr (50 -C ATG TGT AAC CAC GTG TCC ACG CTG GCT TCC-30 ) (PmlI); Cys1047Ser (50 - GCT TCC CGC TCT CTG CAT GTG GAC CTG C-30 ) (PmlI); Arg1058Gln (50 -CTG CTG CAC AGC ATC CTC CAG TCA CCC ATG AGC-30 ) (BstEII); and Ser1512Leu (50 -CAG GAG TAC GGA GCC CCA TTG GAC CTt CTG CAG CAG-30 ) (NarI).
ABCC1 p.Ser1512Leu 16041243:50:935
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51 Following mutagenesis, the desired fragment was subcloned back into pcDNA3.1(-) MRP1k as a XbaI/BamHI fragment (865 bp) for the Thr73Ile, Ser92Phe, Thr117Met and Arg230Gln mutants; a Bsu36I/Esp3I fragment (721 bp) for the Arg633Gln and Arg723Gln mutants; a Esp3I/EcoRI fragment (1313 bp) for the Ala989Thr, Cys1047Ser, Arg1058Gln mutants; and a EcoRI/KpnI fragment (778 bp) for the Ser1512Leu mutant.
ABCC1 p.Ser1512Leu 16041243:51:382
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83 Expression levels of MRP1 mutants To investigate the effect of the amino acid substitutions resulting from the non-synonymous SNPs on MRP1 protein expression and function, MRP1 expression vectors containing the mutations responsible for the substitutions (Thr73Ile, Ser92Phe, Thr117Met, Arg230Gln, Arg633Gln, Arg723Gln, Thr989Ala, Cys1047Ser, Arg1058Gln, Ser1512Leu) were generated by site-directed mutagenesis and transfected into HEK293T cells.
ABCC1 p.Ser1512Leu 16041243:83:355
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87 The mutants were considered in four groups based on their location in the transporter: (a) MSD1/CL3 mutants Thr73Ile, Ser92Phe, Thr117Met and Arg230Gln; (b) NBD1 mutants Arg633Gln and Arg723Gln; (c) MSD3 mutants Ala989Thr, Cys1047Ser and Arg1058Gln; and (d) COOH-terminus mutant Ser1512Leu.
ABCC1 p.Ser1512Leu 16041243:87:279
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96 However, the three SNPs located in or close to the NBDs (Arg633Gln, Arg723Gln and Ser1512Leu) caused a consistent decrease (approximately 25%) in [3 H]E217bG (Fig. 3b) and [3 H]MTX uptake when activity levels were normalized for variation in expression level (Fig. 3c).
ABCC1 p.Ser1512Leu 16041243:96:82
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97 The Arg723Gln and Ser1512Leu mutations had a similar effect on [3 H]LTC4 uptake, whereas the Arg633Gln mutation did not (Fig. 3a).
ABCC1 p.Ser1512Leu 16041243:97:18
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123 Previous mutagenesis and inhibition studies have Fig. 3 Cys43Ser Thr73lle Ser92Phe Thr117Met Arg230Gln Arg433Ser Arg633Gln Gly671Val Arg723Gln Ala989Thr Cys1047Ser Arg1058Gln Ser1512Leu Cys43Ser Thr73lle Ser92Phe Thr117Met Arg230Gln Arg433Ser Arg633Gln Gly671Val Arg723Gln Ala989Thr Cys1047Ser Arg1058Gln Ser1512Leu Thr73lle Ser92Phe Thr117Met Arg230Gln Arg633Gln Arg723Gln Ala989Thr Cys1047Ser Arg1058Gln Ser1512Leu LTC4 % WT-MRP1 uptake 0 25 50 75 100 125 E217βG % WT-MRP1 uptake 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 MTX % WT-MRP1 uptake 0 25 50 75 100 125 (b) (c) (a) ATP-dependent vesicular transport of organic anions by mutant MRP1 proteins.
ABCC1 p.Ser1512Leu 16041243:123:175
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ABCC1 p.Ser1512Leu 16041243:123:305
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ABCC1 p.Ser1512Leu 16041243:123:406
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158 This observation may be construed as being Table 2 Conservation of the amino acids substituted by non-synonymous SNP of human MRP1/ABCC1a Protein Speciesb C43S T73I S92F T117Mc R230Q V353M R433S R633Qc G671V R723Q A989T C1047S R1058Q S1512L MRP1 Human C T S T R V R R G R A C R S Monkey C T S M R V R R G Q A C R S Dog C T S M R V R R G R A R R S Cow C A S M Q V R R G R A R R S Rat C A S M Q V R W G R A R R S Mouse C T S M H V R R G R A R R S MRP2 Human L A V T K A K R G K A I R E Monkey L A V T K A K R G K A I R E Dog L A V T K A K R G K A I Q Q Rat L A A T K V K R G K A A R E Mouse L A A T K V K V G K A T R E Rabbit L A V T K V K R G K A I R E MRP3 Human C L S M Y I R K G Q A V R A Rat C L S M L L R K G Q A L R V MRP4 Human - - - - I F K R G R Y T K Y MRP5 Human - - - - V T R S G R T R R S MRP6 Human P A A M R I R S G V A L R A CFTR Human - - - - R Y K A G K L I Q Q SUR1 Human V L L A T V Q R G E L R L E SUR2 Human V L H T Q V Q R G E I N L P Pgp Human - - - - - E K S G A G R R Q YCF1 Saccharomyces cervisiae A I L V T V K L G K S Y R G Mrp1 Caenorhabditis elegans T L D F L I R T G R G L R K Mrp2 Caenorhabditis elegans T F D I L I K T G R G I R K AtMRP2 Arabidopsis thaliana Q L R W L M S P G R R K R E AtMRP1 Arabidopsis thaliana H T A V L M S P G R R K R E a Aligned using Clustal W (
ABCC1 p.Ser1512Leu 16041243:158:234
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PMID: 17329911 [PubMed] Fukushima-Uesaka H et al: "Genetic variations and haplotype structures of the ABC transporter gene ABCC1 in a Japanese population."
No. Sentence Comment
26 In Caucasian populations, 1299GÀT (Arg433Ser), 1898GÀA (Arg633Gln), 2012GÀT (Gly671Val), and 4535CÀT (Ser1512Leu) have been reported.7–9) In addition, Arg433Ser decreases the transport activity for LTC4 and estrone sulfate, but not for estradiol 17b-glucuronide, in vitro.10) Ito et al. found 16 genetic polymorphisms, including 4 nonsynonymous and 8 synonymous ones, in 48 Japanese subjects.11) An in vitro functional study showed that one of the non-synonymous variations, 2168GÀA (Arg723Gln), leads to reduced transport activity for LTC4, estradiol 17b-glucuronide and methotrexate.12) However, no haplotype analysis has been reported for the Japanese population.
ABCC1 p.Ser1512Leu 17329911:26:122
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69 We also detected three known nonsynonymous variations, 218CÀT (Thr73Ile), 2168GÀA (Arg723Gln), and 3173GÀA (Arg1058Gln) at frequencies of 0.007, 0.065 and 0.003, respectively. These frequencies were similar to those found in the earlier reports for Japanese11) and Chinese.21) One of the variations, Arg723Gln, leads to reduced transport activities for LTC4, estradiol 17b-glucuronide and methotrexate.12) We did not detect three previously reported variations: 2012GÀT (Gly671Val; found with approximately 0.03 frequency in Caucasians), 3140GÀC (Cys1047Ser; 0.05 in African-Americans), and 4535CÀT (Ser1512Leu; 0.03 in Caucasians).8,9,12) These SNPs might be ethnic- speciˆc.
ABCC1 p.Ser1512Leu 17329911:69:630
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PMID: 20103563 [PubMed] Klaassen CD et al: "Xenobiotic, bile acid, and cholesterol transporters: function and regulation."
No. Sentence Comment
7118 Nucleotide Change Amino Acid Change In Vitro Function Protein Expression/Localization ABCC1 MRP1 G128C C43S 1↔ Intracellular C218T T73I 1↔ Normal C257T S92F 2↔ Normal C350T T117M 2↔ Normal G689A R230Q ↔ Normal G1057A V353M N.D. N.D. G1299T R433S 2↔ Normal G1898A R633Q 2↔ Normal G2012T G671V ↔ Normal G2168A R723Q 2 Normal G2965A A989T 2↔ Normal G3140C C1047S 1↔ Normal G3173A R1058Q ↔ Normal C4535T S1512L ↔ Normal ABCC2 MRP2 C-24T N.D. N.D. G1058A R353H N.D. N.D. G1249A V417I ↔ Normal C2366T S789F 12 Intracellular T2780G L927R N.D. N.D. C3298T R1100C N.D. N.D. G3299A R1100H N.D. N.D. T3563A V1188E N.D. N.D. G4348A A1450T ↔ Normal/Intracellular G4544A C1515Y N.D. N.D. ABCC3 MRP3 G32A G11D ↔ Normal C202T H68Y N.D. N.D. G296A R99Q N.D. Normal C1037T S346F 2 Normal C1537A Q513K N.D. N.D. T1643A L548Q N.D. N.D. G1820A S607N 2 Normal C2221T Gln741STOP N.D. N.D. G2293C V765L ↔ Normal G2395A V799M N.D. N.D. C2758T P920S 1 Normal G2768A R923Q 1 Normal C3657A S1219R N.D. N.D. C3856G R1286G ↔ Normal G3890A R1297H N.D. N.D. C4042T R1348C 1 Normal A4094G Q1365R ↔ Normal C4141A R1381S ↔ Intracellular C4217T T1406M N.D. N.D. G4267A G1423R N.D. N.D. ABCC4 MRP4 C52A L18I N.D. N.D. C232G P78A 2↔ Normal T551C M184T N.D. N.D. G559T G187W 2 Reduced A877G K293E ↔ Normal G912T K304N ↔ Normal C1067T T356M N.D. N.D. C1208T P403L 2↔ Normal G1460A G487E 2 Normal A1492G K498E ↔ Normal A1875G I625M N.D. N.D. C2000T P667L N.D. N.D. A2230G M744V ↔ Normal G2269A E757K N.D. Intracellular G2459T R820I N.D. N.D. G2560T V854F N.D. N.D. G2698T V900L N.D. N.D. G2867C C956S 1↔ Normal G3211A V1071I ↔ Normal C3425T T1142M N.D. N.D. G3659A R1220Q N.D. N.D. A3941G Q1314R N.D. N.D. 2, reduced function; 1, increased function; ↔, no change in function; N.D. not determined.
ABCC1 p.Ser1512Leu 20103563:7118:477
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7115 Nucleotide Change Amino Acid Change In Vitro Function Protein Expression/Localization ABCC1 MRP1 G128C C43S 1࢒ Intracellular C218T T73I 1࢒ Normal C257T S92F 2࢒ Normal C350T T117M 2࢒ Normal G689A R230Q ࢒ Normal G1057A V353M N.D. N.D. G1299T R433S 2࢒ Normal G1898A R633Q 2࢒ Normal G2012T G671V ࢒ Normal G2168A R723Q 2 Normal G2965A A989T 2࢒ Normal G3140C C1047S 1࢒ Normal G3173A R1058Q ࢒ Normal C4535T S1512L ࢒ Normal ABCC2 MRP2 C-24T N.D. N.D. G1058A R353H N.D. N.D. G1249A V417I ࢒ Normal C2366T S789F 12 Intracellular T2780G L927R N.D. N.D. C3298T R1100C N.D. N.D. G3299A R1100H N.D. N.D. T3563A V1188E N.D. N.D. G4348A A1450T ࢒ Normal/Intracellular G4544A C1515Y N.D. N.D. ABCC3 MRP3 G32A G11D ࢒ Normal C202T H68Y N.D. N.D. G296A R99Q N.D. Normal C1037T S346F 2 Normal C1537A Q513K N.D. N.D. T1643A L548Q N.D. N.D. G1820A S607N 2 Normal C2221T Gln741STOP N.D. N.D. G2293C V765L ࢒ Normal G2395A V799M N.D. N.D. C2758T P920S 1 Normal G2768A R923Q 1 Normal C3657A S1219R N.D. N.D. C3856G R1286G ࢒ Normal G3890A R1297H N.D. N.D. C4042T R1348C 1 Normal A4094G Q1365R ࢒ Normal C4141A R1381S ࢒ Intracellular C4217T T1406M N.D. N.D. G4267A G1423R N.D. N.D. ABCC4 MRP4 C52A L18I N.D. N.D. C232G P78A 2࢒ Normal T551C M184T N.D. N.D. G559T G187W 2 Reduced A877G K293E ࢒ Normal G912T K304N ࢒ Normal C1067T T356M N.D. N.D. C1208T P403L 2࢒ Normal G1460A G487E 2 Normal A1492G K498E ࢒ Normal A1875G I625M N.D. N.D. C2000T P667L N.D. N.D. A2230G M744V ࢒ Normal G2269A E757K N.D. Intracellular G2459T R820I N.D. N.D. G2560T V854F N.D. N.D. G2698T V900L N.D. N.D. G2867C C956S 1࢒ Normal G3211A V1071I ࢒ Normal C3425T T1142M N.D. N.D. G3659A R1220Q N.D. N.D. A3941G Q1314R N.D. N.D. 2, reduced function; 1, increased function; ࢒, no change in function; N.D. not determined.
ABCC1 p.Ser1512Leu 20103563:7115:466
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PMID: 11139250 [PubMed] Perdu J et al: "Identification of novel polymorphisms in the pM5 and MRP1 (ABCC1) genes at locus 16p13.1 and exclusion of both genes as responsible for pseudoxanthoma elasticum."
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5 Analysis of the MRP1 transcript lead to the discovery of two polymorphisms (T117M, S1512L).
ABCC1 p.Ser1512Leu 11139250:5:83
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50 Allele designation Codon change Predicted amino acid change Frequency in population* pM5 gene c696C>G GGC > GGG G232G 0.50 c1185A>G CCA > CCG P395P 0.50 c1210G>A GTT > ATT V404I 0.50 c1374C>A AAC > AAA N458K 0.22 c1468G>A GAC > AAC D490N 0.16 c2586G>A GCG > GCA A862A 0.50 c2736A>C GGA > GGC G912G 1 c3318T>C GAT > GAC D1106D ND c3421T>A TTC > ATC F1141I 1 c3583G>C GGC > CGC G1195R 0.50 MRP1 gene c350T>C ACG > ATG T117M 1 c4535C>T TCG > CAG S1512L ND *based on screening of 25 normal control individuals, ND: not determined.
ABCC1 p.Ser1512Leu 11139250:50:443
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62 Another C to T transition was detected at position 4535 in the cDNA sequence, changing the codon (TCG) for serine to the codon (TTG) for leucine (S1512L).
ABCC1 p.Ser1512Leu 11139250:62:146
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PMID: 24670052 [PubMed] Kunicka T et al: "Importance of ABCC1 for cancer therapy and prognosis."
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134 Letourneau et al. (2005) studied the influence of 10 DOI: 10.3109/03602532.2014.901348 ABCC1 and cancer therapy and prognosis non-synonymous SNPs - Cys43Ser (G128C, rs41395947), Thr73Ile (C218T, rs41494447), Ser92Phe (C257T, rs8187844), Thr117Met (C350T, no rs number available), Arg230Gln (G689A, rs8187848), Arg633Gln (G1898A, rs112282109), Arg723Gln (G2168A, rs4148356), Ala989Thr (G2965A, rs35529209), Cys1047Ser (G3140C, rs13337489), Arg1058Gln (G3173A, rs41410450) and Ser1512Leu (C4535T, rs369410659) - on ABCC1 expression using membrane vesicles isolated from transfected cells and assessed transport activity for three known ABCC1 substrates.
ABCC1 p.Ser1512Leu 24670052:134:477
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159 NCBI ID Reference Amino acid exchange Nucleotide exchange Location Function MAFa rs41395947 Cys43Ser G128C Exon 2 Non-synonymous Unknown rs41494447 Thr73Ile C218T Exon 2 Non-synonymous T &#bc; 0.003 rs8187844 Ser92Phe C257T Exon 3 Non-synonymous T &#bc; 0.004 rs8187848 Arg230Gln G689A Exon 7 Non-synonymous A &#bc; 0.009 rs2230669 Pro272Pro G816A Exon 8 Synonymous A &#bc; 0.037 rs246221 Val275Val T825C Exon 8 Synonymous C &#bc; 0.301 rs35592 non-coding T-176C Intron 9 Non-coding C &#bc; 0.257 rs60782127 Arg433Ser G1299T Exon 10 Non-synonymous T &#bc; 0.004 rs35605 Leu562Leu T1684C Exon 13 Synonymous T &#bc; 0.173 rs112282109 Arg633Gln G1898A Exon 14 Non-synonymous A &#bc; 0.004 rs45511401 Gly671Val G2012T Exon 16 Non-synonymous T &#bc; 0.050 rs4148356 Arg723Gln G2168A Exon17 Non-synonymous A &#bc; 0.027 rs35529209 Ala989Thr G2965A Exon 22 Non-synonymous Unknown rs13337489 Cys1047Ser G3140C Exon 23 Non-synonymous C &#bc; 0.000 rs41410450 Arg1058Gln G3173A Exon 23 Non-synonymous Unknown rs2238476 non-coding G-1960A Intron 23 Non-coding T &#bc; 0.062 rs2230671 Ser1334Ser G4002A Exon 28 Synonymous T &#bc; 0.208 rs28364006 Thr1337Ala A4009G Exon 28 Non-synonymous Unknown rs369410659 Ser1512Leu C4535T Exon 31 Non-synonymous Unknown a Minor allele frequencies for Caucasinans in dbSNP based on HapMap-CEU population or 1000 genomes.
ABCC1 p.Ser1512Leu 24670052:159:1196
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PMID: 25078270 [PubMed] Kunicka T et al: "Non-coding polymorphisms in nucleotide binding domain 1 in ABCC1 gene associate with transcript level and survival of patients with breast cancer."
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215 Ten other non-synonymous SNPs leading to amino acid substitutions (Cys43Ser (G128C, rs41395947), Thr73Ile (C218T, rs41494447), Ser92Phe (C257T, rs8187844), Thr117Met (C350T, no rs number available), Arg230Gln (G689A, rs8187848), Arg633Gln (G1898A, rs112282109), Ala989Thr (G2965A, rs35529209), Cys1047Ser (G3140C, rs13337489), Arg1058Gln (G3173A, rs41410450), and Ser1512Leu (C4535T, rs369410659)) followed earlier had no effect on ABCC1 expression either, indicating that single amino acid substitutions may not necessarily influence the activity of the final protein [44].
ABCC1 p.Ser1512Leu 25078270:215:364
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