ABCG8 p.Tyr641Phe
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PMID: 11668628
Hubacek JA et al: "Mutations in ATP-cassette binding proteins G5 (ABCG5) and G8 (ABCG8) causing sitosterolemia."
Nine nonsynonymous polymorphisms are also reported: I523V, C600Y, Q604E, and M622V in ABCG5; and D19H, Y54C, T400K, A632V, and Y641F in ABCG8.
ABCG8 p.Tyr641Phe 11668628:6:127
status: VERIFIED36 Gene Exon NT change AA change Allele frequency RE ABCG5 ABCG8 ex. 11 ex. 13 ex. 13 ex. 13 ex. 1 ex. 2 ex. 8 ex. 13 ex. 13 c.1567 A>G c.1799 G>A c.1810 C>G c.1864 A>G c.52 G>C c.161 A>G c.1199 C>A c.1895 C>T c.1922 A>T I523V C600Y Q604E M622V D19H Y54C T400K A632V Y641F <1% <1% C=0.80/G=0.20 <1% G=0.94/C=0.06 A=0.61/G=0.39 C=0.80/A=0.20 C=0.83/T=0.17 A=0.99/T=0.01 XmnI TsrpI SexAI MseI NcoI MboII *The polymorphisms were found either in sitosterolemic probands or in genomic DNA from 24 individuals with high plasma cholesterol concentrations. Allele frequencies of the nonsynonymous sequence variants identified were determined in 50 unrelated Caucasians.
ABCG8 p.Tyr641Phe 11668628:36:264
status: VERIFIED